Kane, who was dismantling the huge machine in the mechanical building, heard the sound of gunfire outside and the loud noise of the battle.

"It seems that there is already a fight outside, and I have to speed up."

In fact, in addition to Kane, there are more than a dozen machines controlled by the intelligent core, which are also dismantling the entire huge machine.

With these intelligent core machines, the entire dismantling work began to proceed smoothly.

This machine is really too big, and the whole building is completely made of adhering, so it will take some time to dismantle it.

Fortunately, except for some key parts, the tedious work of other parts can be handed over to intelligent machines.

At this time, one of the three mechanical life forms that fell on the ground suddenly had a blue light in its eyes, and then slowly got up.

His movements were somewhat mechanical and twitching, as if his body was short-circuited and stuck, and he looked abnormally stiff.

Then it slowly began to smooth out until it completely returned to normal.

The moment he woke up, he analyzed that there was no danger around him, and then began to check his body to see if there was any problem.

After confirming that there was no problem, he turned his head and looked at Kane who was dismantling the machinery.

His brain chip generated fear in an instant, and quickly ran over with his legs, for fear that Kane would not understand it at all, and would disassemble the problem of this too precious machine.

There was no information in his brain database about Kane's mechanical knowledge.

However, when he really got close, he found that Kane's demolition process was very formal, even perfect, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

Kane turned his head to look at him, then ignored his words and said, "Since you're awake, please help quickly. The sooner you remove this thing, the safer it will be."


He didn't ask or grind too much, and the mechanical brain and body of the data allowed him to distinguish the optimal strategy at the stage of emergence.

He's very, very sensible.

The mechanical life nodded, and immediately began to assist Kane in dismantling it.

"Why did you wake up alone, why are the other two still lying down? Is there any difference between you?"

Kane asked curiously, and removed some parts and connection points in front of him while speaking.

Hearing Kane's question, the mechanical life that woke up said: "Maybe our responsibilities are different, I am responsible for maintenance, repair and manufacturing of machinery, and I have a certain self-healing ability in my body.

Creation is what I am, and in human terms I should be something like a logistician. "

"Oh, so is that the case? When you made it, you have already assigned jobs for you."

"The structure and program of the mother machine are a bit complicated. I will tell you about it later. I have just been born, and I can't allocate too much computing power to talk to you." In the blunt tone of the mechanical lifeform, unexpectedly appeared There was a hint of embarrassment.

"Oh, sorry." Kane closed his mouth after saying that, and began to concentrate on dismantling.

Interesting, the growth of these mechanical lifeforms will also increase the computing power?

Can growth also improve the automatic evolution of external hardware?

Kane learned about this interesting thing through what he said just now.

It has to be said that mechanical life does have a fatal attraction for mechanics.

On the battlefield outside, Raphael turned into a large group of metal feathers, specially sticking to the bottom of the enemy's quadruped mech to attack.

"What the hell are these feathers, it's disgusting!"

No. 4's tone was a bit broken, the enemy's feathers were too fast and flexible, and they could scatter their attacks, chasing his chassis to attack.

This makes him unusually passive, almost dodging jumps.

That mecha will be built with the thought that the crotch will be attacked and set the counterattack ability.

At most it just makes it harder to resist more attacks.

Instead of being hit by a blow.

Raphael's insignificant and insidious behavior made No. 4's shield bottom out, and it will be completely broken in a while.

Just finished speaking, the shield that had been preventing Raphael from attacking the main body shattered like glass.

Seeing such a situation, all the feathers immediately gathered together and turned into the same electric drill as before, spinning crazily.

The rotating drill bit even made the surrounding sand and stones start to gather towards the middle.

A great buzzing sound started.

Through the observation at the bottom, No. 4 saw such behavior, and his eyes almost popped out from the frightened expression.

If he was hit, the mecha he was driving would definitely be paralyzed directly, and his strength would be greatly reduced by then.

He immediately controlled the four legs of the machine to bend downwards, and then ruthlessly jumped into the sky.

The electric feather drill that Raphael turned into followed closely.

However, the enemy immediately spun in the air, and the vents of various parts sprayed out fiery flames.

The flame-breathing muzzle turned into a ball of fire as it rotated, preventing Raphael from attacking.

Raphael, who had lost his chance to attack, turned into a human form, and looked at the fireball and threw a ball of magic directly.

However, the condensed magic ball could not enter the fireball at all and was completely burned.

It seems that the temperature is quite high.

At this time, the surrounding machines were still free, and they fired beams of light directly at Raphael.

Prevent him from continuing to attack his own commander.

On the battlefield at this time, Claire's offensive actually didn't gain an overwhelming advantage.

After Raphael confronted the enemy commander, the other two enemies had a golden reaction.

While driving other machines that were more than 7 meters high, they were attacked by Lumbe and Yoyo.

Since the two of them are teammates with Kane, they are often tortured by Kane driving various mechs on the training ground.

So it is very handy to deal with this kind of large machinery.

Appears to be quite experienced.

The two huge machines attacked by them were already in dilapidated condition and looked like they were about to fall down at any moment.

The other war machines were attacked by the few remaining people.

Each is responsible for several war machines, and these drivers have reached the silver bottleneck or peak strength.

However, these war machines will cooperate with each other. Although they are still retreating steadily and are constantly being destroyed with various joints and modules, at least they have not been destroyed one-sidedly.

As a result, although Claire and the others had an advantage, they were temporarily held back by the enemy's armored forces in a disguised form for a short period of time.

The undead troops summoned by Claire did not gain an advantage in the face of the enemy's troops.

The various soldiers cooperated with each other, and various firearms and weapons caused these undead soldiers to be beaten like targets.

Even those undead knights who rushed out later were also blown up by various beams and rockets.

Only Claire galloped through the enemy's lines with her undead cavalry.

It can cause a lot of casualties to the enemy, and open some breakthroughs from time to time.

However, these breakthroughs were filled in by orderly soldiers in an instant, preventing Claire's victory from continuing to expand.

The enemy seems to be very experienced with undead bone sea warfare.

In the face of Claire's attack, some soldiers would even hold back bravely, creating conditions for other comrades in arms to contain Claire.

Don't let Claire's overclocked combat power change the direction of the battlefield.

At this moment, Claire observed the entire battlefield.

At this speed of stalemate, it will take at least a while before they can annihilate the enemy.

The current situation does not give them a huge advantage for the time being.

You must know that they now have a total of 9 gold-level combat powers.

It was unexpectedly held back by the enemy's three gold-level combat forces plus a large number of silver-level soldiers.

When she knew the composition of the enemy's troops for the first time, Claire thought that relying on their hard power would destroy the enemy's troops in an instant.

After all, there is still a big difference between the strength of the gold level and the strength of the silver level.

It turned out that the enemy soldiers' training skills and tactical cooperation made it impossible for them to easily harvest the enemy's life for a while.

At this time, someone must come to make the final decision.

Fortunately, she was already prepared.

Claire immediately shouted into the sky: "Israel, it's time for you to appear."

Israel hovered at high altitude from the beginning to the end, because Claire hid an ambush in order to prevent a stalemate.

On the battlefield, with Israel's huge size and extremely fast speed, coupled with his attack methods, he is simply a humanoid bulldozer with absolute combat power.

Hearing Claire's call, Israel immediately turned into a red comet and descended from the sky.

"Hahaha, the red comet is coming!"

Accompanied by Israel's laughter, the red comet smashed straight into the enemy's grenadier troops.

Israel has been observing the battlefield from the air, and he found that this should be the key position.

If the enemies in this area are wiped out.

Then they can gain a huge advantage on the frontal battlefield.

Here are dragon creatures, born with wisdom.

Seeing the landing point of Comet Dragon, Claire couldn't help admiring: "This blow is beautiful!"

The comet dragon that fell down, with its huge size and the scarlet flames sprayed from the huge wings that opened, directly cut down a large area of ​​the surrounding soldiers.

The soldiers around here are all heavy firepower soldiers. After being wiped out by the Yisler regiment in an instant, the enemy's firepower was reduced by more than half in an instant.

The original stalemate was instantly broken, and the advantage quickly fell to Claire's side.

Enemy firepower is not strong enough to kill undead quickly.

The army of skeletons and undead knights pouring out of the gate of the dead rushed over in an instant.

The array of soldiers on the enemy's front line has been completely destroyed.

Victory is already set.

At this time, several huge penetrating bullets flew over and hit Israel's body.

The bullet quickly pierced through his silver scale armor and pierced into the flesh.

The huge size of the comet dragon was instantly blown away.

"It hurts! What is it?"

Yisrael yelled in pain, and then directly sprayed energy into the sky.

A large cloud of blood-red dust had already flown up his body.

This is Metzker's Mote of Healing.

And the ones who attacked him were the few mechas that were restraining the members of the guild. They took the time to shoot a few cold shots at Israel, who was raging in the formation of soldiers.

The weapons fired are still penetrating bullets specially aimed at large monsters.

Comet Dragon, which flew into the sky, took out the warheads on its body, and then the breach began to quickly recover and gather under the treatment of the red particles.

Looking at the battlefield below with scarlet eyeballs.

With the blow he just made, the situation has been opened for Claire's battlefield ahead.

Among the heavy mechs behind, he glanced at them and decided to help Lumbe first.

Because Lombe's huge size can bring a huge advantage, and the enemy's mecha that he fights has been shattered.

The enemy was avoiding Lumbe's attack by relying on his flexible figure, and the attack from time to time hit Lumbe's body, but it had no effect at all.

With all the abilities at their full potential, it seemed a little difficult for the defensive Lumbe to face the overly flexible enemy.

After aiming, Israel turned into a red meteor and flew down again.

And Lumbe had already seen the arrival of the friendly army, and quickly stomped on the ground, the impact force rising in front forced the enemy to move to the side.

Coupled with the attack of Lumbe's doubling arm at the back, the enemy's evasion range is limited and their attention is diverted.

A red light flashed.

Then it was hit head-on by the extremely fast comet dragon.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the comet dragon's spread wings condensed a scarlet air blade, cutting it off in the middle.

Comet Dragon, who killed the enemy at once, was suddenly a little confused. If he read it correctly, the enemy should be at the gold level, how could it be so fragile.

Forget it, never mind.

Lumbe and Comet Dragon, who had freed their hands, joined the other battlefields in an instant.

The joining of the two caused the entire battlefield to quickly begin to collapse, and the breakthrough has been torn apart.

In an instant, the enemy was directly beaten to pieces.

Raphael also took this opportunity to shatter the enemy's armor, and then flew out dense feather blades, nailing the enemy to the ground directly.

Looking at the dead enemy on the ground, he couldn't help frowning.

This is too fragile. After losing the mecha, the strength seems to be without the gold level.

At this time, Funa, who had already killed the enemy, walked by, looked at Raphael's puzzled expression and answered.

"They should be occupations similar to mechanics or drivers. They can use the machinery in their hands exceptionally, but without the machinery, their strength will naturally be greatly reduced."

With Funa's explanation, Raphael nodded in understanding.

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