"Come on, let me count to 321, and cut off this energy pathway together."

Such a communication sound came from the huge mechanical building.

Kane, who was dismantling the huge machine, said to Chaco on the other side.

Chaco is the first mechanical life that woke up just now, this is the name he gave himself after his birth.

It seems to have no meaning, just a simple code word.

Besides him, the other two mechanical beings have also woken up, and are also helping to dismantle the machinery.

When the two woke up and saw Chaco's movements, they didn't even ask too many questions, and started to help.

To be honest, such a style is really in Kane's appetite, rational and strong in action.

As the last energy path was cut off, the main body of the entire machine was almost completely dismantled.

All that's left is to brute force disassembly of some unimportant parts, which are welded to it.

At first, it should be used to protect the machine and hide its general appearance.

At this time, Kane heard the movement outside slow down, so he stretched out all his perceptions outside.

In perception, he has also noticed that the battle outside seems to be over.

No one sacrificed on their side, which is fine.

Kane silently calculated that it took about half an hour from the beginning to the end of the battle.

"It took a long time, because the enemy is very powerful?" Kane thought a little strangely.

His perception had already been released by him when the battle started.

Being able to perceive the number and strength of the enemies outside, he thought at first that Claire and the others could resolve the battle within 10 minutes.

After all, the enemy's team is not very strong.

Such an enemy's strength and number should be quickly killed by Claire and the others with an overwhelming advantage.

"Is the battle outside over? What's the result?" Chaco was dismantling, suddenly raised his head and said.

He seemed to have sensed it too, and the noise outside subsided.

Can't help but get excited in the tone.

Kane nodded and said, "The battle outside is over, and of course we won."

"Is it so fast? It seems that you are really good. No wonder the energy master asked for your help." Chuck said with some sighs, then lowered his head and continued to work.

"Master of Power? Do you mean Koboker?"


Kane didn't ask what the energy master meant, there's no need to rush to know these things now.

Instead, he asked, "Is the enemy strong?"

Because Kane didn't know the specific scene when the enemies outside were fighting with Claire and the others, he couldn't clearly know how powerful the enemies were.

But according to the energy reaction and quantity emitted by the enemy, it took Claire and the others half an hour to win, so it shouldn't be weak.

At least it must be much stronger than ogres.

If the ogre troops were to face Claire and the others with this amount, it would be fine.

It will only be destroyed as quickly as chopping melons and vegetables, and it may not even take 10 minutes.

It's not that Kane looks down on ogres, but because of Claire's strength, this should be the result.

At this time, Chaco didn't speak, but another mechanical life that was doing demolition work said: "The enemy is really powerful, in the words of the energy master. The magic technology of the enemy is also weaker than that of our red mechanical race in its heyday." Cut, some places might be even higher than us.”

"Looking at it this way, it really shouldn't be underestimated."

Kane said.

The description of the mechanical lifeform gave him a vague concept of the enemy's strength that was easier to understand.

He knew how developed the red mechanical race was in its heyday.

After all, it was the first mechanical dungeon that Kane encountered, and it was also the first exploration that the guild team gradually played.

Kane explored the Gobi ruins very carefully, plus the content of the chat with Kebo at that time and the information on the USB flash drive.

He roughly understood the technological level of the ruins next door.

The mechanical race in its heyday, even the red one, should be able to fully automate the machinery.

And they also master the superb energy attack technology, which Kane only mastered when he was about to be promoted to the gold level at the end of the silver stage.

Especially in terms of mechanical biological structure, the red mechanical race is definitely strong.

Those mechanical scorpions and giant mechanical spiders are very cheap but good tools of war.

And they can persist for so long, their offensive weapons are much better than Kane thought.

The final work in the chat room has been completed.

The entire huge machine has been completely separated from his shell.

In fact, it is equivalent to this huge machine, which has been dismantled from this building.

Before, they could actually be regarded as a whole.

Kane looked at the huge machine that looked like a crooked, rhombus, and asked, "Is it all right like this?"

This machine does look very high-end, if you ignore the appearance, because of the dismantling work, it has become a bit ugly and ugly.

Chaco stepped forward and said, "It's still the last step."

Then he stretched out his mechanical hand, inserted it into the huge machine, and turned it a few times.

It's like entering some program password.

The entire mechanical casing began to change, and layers of curved casings extended from the inside and fit together.

These shells fit each other flat, and then firmly combined.

The machinery inside it is even beginning to shrink towards the middle.

In just a moment, the whole machine turned into a square block, like a whole, with no gaps visible from the outside.

And the size has been reduced by about half, which is already very remarkable.

You must know that this is a very important building, not some other indifferent buildings.

Correspondingly, the space and technology are carefully constructed.

It can be reduced in half when transporting, which is indeed very remarkable.

It seems that their large-scale mechanical extension and contraction technology is also very strong, at least Kane has hardly done much research in this area.

I really want this technology.

Then he put this huge mechanical cube into the guild's warehouse.

It's not a living body, but a cold machine that can be stored normally.

That's good, saving Kane a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Okay, I've put it away for you guys, he's in a safe space now, let's go out now."

After speaking, Kane walked outside and three mechanical life forms immediately followed.

When Kane walked out of the huge mechanical building, he saw huge craters everywhere outside, and the surrounding woods were broken off in pieces.

Those tree trunks and branches that fell on the ground still had dark marks, and many of them even emitted sparks, as if they had just been extinguished.

Some trees that were still standing stubbornly were full of dense bullet holes and burning holes left after being pierced by beam attacks.

Fire smoke and dust float in the air.

The outside is already a complete mess, all kinds of mechanical fragments and twisted and broken corpses are lying here and there.

The smell of gunpowder, the smell of burning trees, and the smell of blood are mixed together, floating in this area.

Koboke has also recovered, and is using strange spells that Kane can't understand to gather those corpses together.

The energy circle shown by the spells used is unusually orderly and regular, as if it was drawn precisely with a ruler and measuring tools.

It has a sense of order.

After these corpses were gathered together, he wrapped them into a square with the broken steel pieces around him, and then threw them into a black hole-like hole he created that twisted and twisted.

A ball of squares goes in, and then a square energy sphere comes out, about the size of a palm.

Use the dead body to extract the last energy?

Kane thought silently.

Not far away, Metzker was simply treating some injured guild members.

After all, everyone is a member of the gold level, and the injuries suffered are very slight.

If Metzke is not treated, he may heal on his own.

And Yoyo in the distance is following Claire and the others to recover some mechas that were not completely destroyed, and put them into space equipment.

Among them, Xinghao, Funa, and Yoyo are judging which ones are valuable and which ones have completely become scrap iron, and transporting them is a waste of time.

For mechanics, these mechanical wrecks are things that can gain knowledge.

No matter how bad you are, you can get some ideas for construction techniques.

Generally speaking, as long as it is related to magic machinery, it is valuable if it is not damaged too much.

The three mechanical life forms that followed Kane immediately came to Keboke's side and said, "Master Energy, we have already dismantled and packaged all the matrix, and it is being placed in the space equipment of the Great God Kane."

Kobo nodded, and after taking out the last energy cube next to him from the black hole, he walked towards Kane.

"Kane, thank you for your willingness to rescue us. Without your arrival, we may have lost our freedom completely."

"Where, we met once, and it is right to help you.

Let's not talk about this, let's evacuate quickly, the enemy will continue to fight at some point. "

Hearing Kane's words, Koboke did not refuse, but nodded.

Kane didn't hesitate, and immediately spent mana to quickly create a new aircraft by the side through his original skills.

The new mechanical aircraft is constructed from the inside to the outside. This layered extension effect has a strange beauty.

Such aesthetics and effects have a different appeal to some people.

For example, the three newborn mechanical life forms behind Kane were stunned.

I don't know if they are looking at Kane's original skills, or the appearance of it.

Koboke also admired it with admiring and researching eyes, after all, he knew Kane's original skills.

More is looking at the internal structure and design ideas of the aircraft constructed by Kane.

From this, he was able to judge how far Kane's current knowledge of magic mechanics has reached.

Even if Kane may have mastered more mechanical knowledge of other worlds, he can at least get a rough idea.

This allows him to know how much value he and his people can provide Kane.

After all, because of the rescue of Kane and others, he can basically be said to have joined Kane's forces.

This is a question he has to think about.

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