"Sir, the first interception force has been destroyed."

Said a soldier with a headset.

The commander nodded, indicating that he understood.

Although he was not at the scene, nor did he see the detailed pictures of the scene, but he judged it through the light spots on the detector.

The two hadn't fought for more than a minute before their aircraft was destroyed.

What does this mean? This shows that the enemy's technology in flying may be overwhelming.

Whether it is the flying speed or the attack weapons that can be carried on the aircraft, they are much stronger than their own.

It seems that No. 2 and their pursuit effects should not have much effect. I hope they survive.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome to cultivate.

It is no longer necessary to ask them to play any role.

Thinking of this, the commander said to his subordinates.

"Switch the signal focus to No. 2 and its flying troops, can they rush to fight the enemy?"

After a while, one of the soldiers said: "After analysis, they should be able to fight successfully near the edge of the detection range."

"Well, that's good, keep an eye on me."

On the other side, Kane on the aircraft watched the enemy's aircraft being destroyed one by one under the attack of mechanical life forms.

Israel was not surprised that he could destroy the enemy including the shield and the machine.

After all, Israel is also a gold-level dragon, so it is impossible for this energy shield and machinery to withstand his attack.

The plasma cannon-like weapon engraved by Kebo, although the principle is unknown, it does have extremely exaggerated penetration.

But this is more in line with his strength.

I just don't know how the technology of this weapon is, if the power consumption is acceptable.

Thinking of this, Kane couldn't help rubbing his hands.

He has only been researching energy weapons for almost a year, and all of them are technologies stolen from the sealed limbs of the God of Myriad Machines.

It is not a purely offensive technology, so its energy weapons are not very strong.

Seeing the plasma cannon engraved by Kobo, he couldn't help drooling.

And the attack technique Kane that shoots a silver object on the other side and melts the enemy's energy shield also wants it.

With this thing, the energy shield might no longer be a difficulty that bothers Kane.

After all, so far, Kane has no good way to deal with all energy activities. He can only rely on strong penetration, or strong energy to force others to break.

Now with this exotic technology he wanted it too.

No hurry no rush.

People are mine now, can technology be far behind? Kane comforted his slightly impatient heart in his heart.

But it has to be said that it is indeed an absolutely cost-effective deal to rescue them all the way.

Cobo engraved their original technology is worth Kane's visit.


More than a dozen aircraft, which were similar to the triangular flat aircraft that Kane and the others fought before, formed a flying formation, and were quickly chasing towards Kane's aircraft.

At this time, although the appearance of several aircraft was similar to those of the aircraft just now, the difference between the two could still be detected from some subtle points.

It's kind of like an upgraded version of the former, but to a limited extent.

And the paint on their bodies is also more free.

Leading the front are three blue and white aircraft, and the range of change is the largest.

Compared with the previous triangular aircraft, it is much weirder.

No. 2 in the cutting-edge aircraft said to the pager in his cabin: "The interception force has been completely wiped out. The strength of the enemy cannot be underestimated, and their speed is too fast."

He also already knew the news from Kane and the others, and was telling his comrades about the news.

At this time, a message came from another aircraft beside him.

"Then what should we do? Sir, just watch them leave the detection range like this?"

After a few seconds of silence, No. 2's voice sounded again.

"Except for the three of us, let the other aircraft stand by."


Then three aircraft with blue and white paint left the flying team.

Flying forward, they continued to chase Kane and the others, while the other aircraft stayed in place, suspended in the air.

"The enemy's strength is very strong, and they used to hold back and increase unnecessary casualties.

You also have to be careful, the attack is mainly based on temptation, don't try your best, once there is a problem with the body, escape immediately, protecting yourself is the most important thing. "

"Yes, sir!" ×2.

The pilots of the other two aircraft loudly agreed with the commander's words.

"Turn on overload! Full speed ahead!"

As No. 2 spoke, he operated his aircraft.

With his own gold-level strength, the magic power in his body began to spread out to the surroundings.

The use of special magic power made his own appearance like a layer of red light on the package.

The same scene happened to the pilots of the other two aircraft.

Then the blue lines on the surface of the aircraft suddenly began to glow red.

The three nozzles at the tail sprayed out more powerful flames, and the edge parts of the triangular aircraft also started to spray out energy side by side.

The sudden extra energy jet brought a strong thrust to the aircraft, causing it to rush out at double the speed.

The same is true for the other two aircraft.

The sudden acceleration of the three aircraft made them directly turn into three streamers, chasing Kane and the others at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, their speed has far surpassed Kane and others.


"Master, three more enemy aircraft are chasing up from behind. Their speed is extremely fast, 1.5 times that of ours, and they will soon catch up."

Yoyo's voice reappeared in the lobby of the ride.

Kane, who was sitting at the front, opened his eyes.

Koboke, who just came in and took a rest for a while, stood up and was ready to go out to attack again.

"You guys take a break and leave it to me this time."

Said Kane stood up.

Then the entire aircraft instantly turned into a transparent color.

Some of the guild members who were sitting on the seats were taken aback by the sudden scene, and almost thought they were going to fall.

It was later discovered that they were still in the aircraft, but it seemed to be some kind of invisible structure.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

After slowing down, he couldn't help but observe the aircraft from another angle.

Claire and the others all know that Kane has the ability to turn his original skills into transparency, but they haven't used them for a long time.

Watching this scene, I suddenly felt a little warmer.

Transparent aircraft.

The circuit of energy can be seen, flowing at the top and bottom, like a line that then gathers at the conspicuous magic spout at the tail, and then spews out.

Since the entire aircraft has become transparent, the accumulation and conversion of energy are very conspicuous.

Such a scene is somewhat novel to explorers like them.

Kane just looked at the tail of the craft.

With his eagle eyes open, he could already see three black spots flying towards them from a distance.

In just the blink of an eye, the three aircraft have almost revealed their figures

After a while, they completely approached the aircraft of Kane and others.

It formed an inverted triangle at the tail to surround Kane and the others.

The weapon ejected from the bottom of the triangular aircraft, firing a dense barrage of energy that hit the magic barrier of the Kane aircraft.

The non-stop attacks from three directions caused ripples in the magic shield.

"Is it so close? Then I'm not polite." Kane couldn't help laughing evilly when he saw the attack methods of the three aircraft and the distance that was too close for the attacks to hit all of them.

With the aircraft so close, you think they are not easy to attack, right?

Really looking for a dead end, it seems that this wave can be resolved quickly.

Stretching out a hand and spreading the palm, magic power poured into the air from the palm.

Then, around the enemy aircraft, a streamer suddenly appeared, and within a second or two, three huge mechanical hands appeared in the air.

In a very short period of time, they built from a little mechanical core to such a huge volume.

The palm is even bigger than the enemy's triangular aircraft.

Although the enemy's aircraft is extremely fast, it is not as flexible in the air as the mechanical palm condensed from Kane's original skills.

It's like catching a bird, holding the shield and the body directly in the palm of your hand.

They were caught in the air!

Even if it is a veteran, the driver has never seen such a scene.

Except for No. 2, the other two panicked.

But their attacks didn't work at all.

Like a bird in a cage.

No. 2 knew that he couldn't escape, and quickly began to gather the information he already knew.

Just wait for the last moment to release the information.

Then Kane clenched his open palm with a smile on his face.

Kane and the others in the cabin could feel more magical power bursting out from Kane's body.

Then the harsh creaking sound even penetrated the outer shell of the aircraft, entered the cabin, and passed to everyone's ears, making everyone frown.

Some people couldn't stand the sound, and even shivered inexplicably.

And those three machine bodies were crushed directly, and with the disappearance of the palms, they turned into a pile of debris and flew down.

It was possible to see three gold-level drivers with golden shields on their bodies, which caused the attack just now to not cause fatal damage to them.

Looking at the falling driver, Kane did not continue to attack.

Because in just an instant, they opened a huge distance, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After all, their aircraft was still in motion, without the support of their palms, they opened an exaggerated distance in an instant.

At such a distance, even if Kane immediately condenses a weapon to attack the past, the magic power in his body will not support it.

The reason why such an attack was able to be used just now is that the enemy's attack method is too close.

Although relying on the formation of the ballistic triangle and relying on this piece of speed that exceeds one's own side, there is no problem in enclosing Kane's aircraft in the middle and attacking frantically.

But they don't know that Kane's original skills are somewhat sloppy.

The triangular aircraft just now kept flying at the same speed as the Kane aircraft, and the longest distance was no more than 300 meters.

This allows Kane to fully display his strength. Such a good scene does not use original skills. If you give them a good look, you will be too sorry for yourself.

If the enemy has been firing beams from a distance, it is really impossible for Kane to shoot them down as quickly as this.

If you want to blame, blame the enemy for being unlucky.

Afterwards, Kane heard Yoyo's voice.

"Master, we are out of the enemy's detection range."

Hearing Yoyo's words, Kane nodded, leaving the enemy's detection range means that he has completely left the enemy's territory.

Coupled with the enemy's air force, the two waves were easily dealt with by them, so the enemy would basically not send people to pursue them, and even if they wanted to, they would not have the strength and opportunity.

They have officially escaped, the rescue mission has been successfully completed, and the biggest crisis of the escort mission has also been eliminated.

Now I can finally relax.

After thinking about it, he canceled the transparency effect of the aircraft, and then sat back in his seat.

Leaning back tightly on the seat, he let out a breath.


"Sir, they failed on the 2nd, the enemy has left the detection range."

Hearing what his subordinates said, the commander quickly stared at him and asked, "Defeated? Didn't we just fight together?"

It took him a few seconds to see the signals of the two colliding together. Before the signal displayed on the image disappeared, you told me it failed?

This made the commander somewhat unacceptable.

He knew that No. 2 only brought two people who were not far behind him in pursuit of him.

These three are all gold-level strengths, and the aircraft they drive can play a greater role.

As a result, it was shot down face to face.

It died faster than the interceptor he sent out just now.

Although he knew that the result would be a failure, he didn't expect the result to come so quickly, shouldn't he persist for a few more minutes?

This is actually worthless at all.

I don't know if there is any information.

"Then No. 2, are they still alive?"

"There is a signal, an inquiry is being made, but no answer has been received, perhaps the enemy has just left, and the interference has not yet fully recovered."

"Well, keep calling."

After speaking, the commander began to meditate alone.

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