call out!

A sharp voice appeared above the fortress.

The soldiers who were patrolling the city wall were awakened instantly.

They looked around their heads, seeming to find out the source of the sound, and then looked up into the air.

I saw a huge object descending from the sky.

"What it is?"

"I don't know, how did it fly? I didn't see any wings."

"You are stupid, it must be magic, go and inform the captain."

The soldiers reacted quickly, and then prepared to notify their captain of the situation.

"no need."

At this time, the general who organized the night defense came over.

He saw the bright lantern mark on the aircraft.

"A magic spaceship?"

In his former world, some countries where magic prevailed had such things.

"Okay, let's all relax, it's not the enemy."

Then the aircraft landed in front of the fortress in front of everyone, and then disappeared, turning into a faint light spot and disappearing into the air.

And it was Kane and others who left a few hours ago.

Didn't expect to come back so soon today?

Usually, Kane and the others, who were hunting the undead outside, would come back when the sky lightened slightly.

But after seeing Kane and the others, these soldiers no longer paid attention to them.

Although I don't know what the object that flew there just now is, but since it was made by Kane, there is nothing to care about.

In the past few days, when they saw Kane more than once, they often made some incomprehensible and weird things.

Then Kane and the others walked into the fortress, heading towards the area at the corner of the fortress.

It was the area temporarily designated for them to rest and live in, and it was also the place with the best living environment around them.

The residences of various generals are all around it.

When Kane and the others came back, everyone was a little surprised, why did they come back so soon today?

The team disbanded, and Kane came directly to Metzker's house.

Seeing Kane's arrival, Metzker was a little puzzled.

Then the attention was directly focused on Kane's index finger: "Are you injured? The enemy you met this time is very strong?"

Facing Mezik's curious question, Kane shook his head: "It's not very strong, but his attack and the accompanying rules are a bit strange."

Coming in front of Metzker, he put his hands on the table next to him.

Metzker put on special glasses and observed carefully.

"Interesting, a compound type of regular residual energy."

"In essence, your finger is not injured. This crack is only an external manifestation. The specific embodiment of this rule should be regarded as a block."

That is to say, the part downward from Kane's crack is blocked, so naturally it can't feel the existence here.

You can't feel the pain from above, because there is no injury in essence, it just disappears.

Thinking of this, Metzker stretched out his finger and flicked the index finger on the other side of the crack.

"How is it, do you feel it?"

Kane shook his head.

Even if the blocked parts were chopped off and turned into powder, Kane would not feel anything.

After studying for a while, Metzker stretched out his index finger and pointed it.

A faint spot of light whose color cannot be seen clearly poured into the crack.

With the influx of light spots, Kane could already feel the existence of his index finger, but it appeared and disappeared intermittently.

"This rule is not simple, so when it is eliminated, it will feel strange that the two rules cancel each other out."

Hearing Metzker's explanation, Kane nodded clearly.

The rules are like this, Metzker's elimination rules may be stronger than the blocking rules, but it will cost a lot more to dispel them.

It is like a shield that can defend against everything and a spear that can penetrate everything.

This kind of rule that the two are opposed to each other will attack each other once they are on both sides.

There will be a phenomenon.

If the degree of comprehension of the two exists at the same level, then the shield can defend against the spear.

This is the restraint of the shield against the spear.

The same is true for various rules.

Metzker's rule of elimination is essentially the power to eliminate the rest of the rules.

To achieve the elimination of the rest of the rules, Metzker's elimination rules must be stronger than the opponent's to be able to do so.

If everyone is the same, naturally it cannot be eliminated.

After a while, the crack on Kane's finger disappeared.

I moved my index finger, feeling the feeling of coming back again.


At this time, on the other side, the Lich who was sitting on a large pile of bones opened his eyes, and he felt that the remaining regular aura disappeared.

The place where he disappeared is also the place where he failed.

"It was eliminated in such a short period of time? Is there a specific rule?"

He thought about it.

At this moment, Kane came out of Metzker's room.

The sky was lightening slightly, and at this moment, the BB camera attached to Kane's waist vibrated.

He picked it up and saw that it was Bai Jiao who sent the message.

Why are you sending a message at this time?

After calculating the time, it may be that the Rescuer is about to log in.

Kane quickly checked its information.

Sure enough.

The Rescuer is expected to arrive at the designated area at noon.

And the so-called designated area is a natural port, which is also around the place where Kane and the others landed.

Also that bay.

That area has been temporarily leased by Kane and the others.

After thinking about it, Kane decided to go there himself.

According to Bai Jiao, Elalina is also on board, and the officials sent by various forces are still in the fortress.

Kane told the news to everyone in the fortress, asking who would follow along to see it.

Among them, Funa and her team had to follow temporarily.

Just rely on the image of the two angels and Finalis.

It is very easy to appease those refugees.

Besides them, only Lilulu was interested.

After deciding who would accompany him, Kane led everyone to the rear of the fortress.

The bishop will also follow.

However, there is still a very long distance between the fortress and the login location.

Even driving at full speed in a vehicle takes a day or two.

So Kane built the aircraft directly.

Said to the officials and bishops of various forces who need to go together.

"Okay, everyone, let's go up, we can quickly reach the landing site with this aircraft."

Upon hearing Kane's words, these officials immediately nodded and saluted: "Thank you, Your Majesty Kane."

Then everyone got on the aircraft and put on their seat belts under the guidance.

Feel the sudden acceleration of the aircraft in the air.

"This thing flies so fast."

An official looked down through the glass next to it, and various clouds passed by quickly.

In a short while, they had passed through all the lines of defense.

Feeling the speed of the aircraft, these officials are already thinking in their minds, can this thing be purchased?

Or whether this thing can be manufactured.

It was near noon.

They were finally getting close to their destination.

The arrival of Kane and the others attracted the attention of countless refugees below.

Some towns near here can no longer tolerate the presence of refugees.

After receiving the news a few days ago, refugees have been sent here one after another.

There are quite a few soldiers around who are patrolling, of course they are not patrolling with good intentions to avoid undead attacks.

It is to prevent these refugees from rioting, or to prevent them from running back around those towns.

These refugees were all pale, thin and thin, exuding a foul smell.

They were forced to be driven here by these guards, after the initial panic.

They also took some things they carried with them and built a simple camp around them.

Fortunately, it seems that these hot potatoes are finally being taken away. The nobles of those towns gave these refugees some food.

At first, these refugees thought that these nobles would finally be unable to bear them anymore, and thought that they were going to be brought here to kill them.

However, these soldiers did not. Many refugees also knew that some rules of the fog existed in their own forces.

This is also the reason why they didn't launch riots directly. Of course, it is also possible that the riots they launched were not of much use.

Because among the refugees, those who are capable and physically strong have long been carried into the frontline army.

They were driven here to listen to the constant lobbying of the tax collectors.

Said someone would come and save them.

But no one believed these words.

They also don't know what these soldiers drove them here for.

Much dissatisfaction and rumors of all kinds circulated throughout the ranks of refugees.

When Kane and the others appeared, they attracted the attention of all the refugees present.

"Kane, their emotions are very unstable, and their souls are about to be filled with all kinds of negative emotions."

Lilulu who was sitting on Kane's shoulder reminded.

In her eyes, the souls of these refugees have been filled with anger, sorrow and various negative emotions, like a powder keg that is about to explode.

Hearing Lilulu's reminder, Kane nodded.

These forces really are, can't wait for a little time. Kane cursed inwardly.

But this is a bit unfair.

The reason why those refugees were driven here was entirely because of the spontaneous actions of the city owners of the various towns after hearing the news.

Especially the ones closest to here.

Didn't you see behind Kane, the face of the official of the power here turned green?

He clearly knows that such behavior will definitely make Kane dissatisfied, but the matter has come to this point, and he can only swallow the bitter fruit.

But Kane didn't care about these, and gestured to Finalis and others next to him.

Then a high platform rose directly under Kane's feet.

Standing on the high platform, he looked at the densely packed refugees in front of him.

And these refugees were instantly attracted by the suddenly raised platform, and almost everyone focused their attention on Kane.

"Everyone, you have lost your homeland, endured hunger, and are in fear of death at any time. I understand you, and I am here for this."

"who are you?"

"It's so nice to say, why don't you give me something to eat."

All kinds of noisy voices emerged from the refugee group below.

Kane waved his hand, and the voice quickly disappeared, and all the refugees who spoke found it. His mouth was blocked by an object that suddenly appeared.

This hand was directly suppressed.

Then a huge magic circle suddenly appeared in the sky, and golden raindrops fell.

All the refugees felt weak and their dying bodies were recovering.

These refugees more or less had all kinds of injuries, large and small, and they began to receive treatment at this moment.

Even hunger seems to have changed.

"I'm the one these officials said, the one who came to save you and feed you.

And the reason why you came here is also because of me, now the person who saves you has come. "

Having said that, Kane looked at the sea in the distance.

The refugee below was in the joy of recovering his body, watching the man above him suddenly stop talking.

Then he followed Kane's line of sight and looked behind him.

As more and more refugees turned their heads, everyone turned their attention to the sea.

Facing the light, a huge object is coming through the waves.

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