Under the scorching sun, the sea surface reflects the sunlight of the sky, shining with the undulating waves.

A huge ship came through the waves from afar.

A clear mark can be seen on the blade-like slope of the bow, which reflects a crystal luster against the sun.

This is just a simple lantern pattern.

This pattern also marks why the ship came here.

And this huge ship is the Rescuer, and two sea beasts can be seen escorting the cruise ship.

How big is the sea beast? I don't know, but the part exposed to the sea is close to seven or eight meters, just its ferocious head.

Sure enough, it is a creature in the ocean, and its size is always so exaggerated.

In Kane's eyes, these two sea beasts still shone with a faint golden luster.

I have to say that the Bihai Kingdom is really magnificent.

Watching the approaching shore. The two invisible figures riding on the sea beast beckoned to the people on board,

Then the sea beast submerged into the sea, which represented the official completion of the escort.

As the huge Rescuer got closer and closer, the huge ship shocked everyone around.

At this time, the size of the ship is really too big, like a large fortress sailing on the sea.

Even bigger than that.

As they docked at the seaside, even the sunlight in the sky was covered by more than half, and a huge shadow covered everyone.

Except for Kane and the others, everyone stared blankly, watching the huge monster getting closer and closer to them.

However, Kane still looked highly at this place. Although this is a natural port, the surrounding area is still not suitable for such a huge ship to dock.

After all, it is formed naturally, and it needs to be improved artificially, so that this natural coast can perfectly become a port.

That's why Kane is here.

The boat docked slowly, but it was still some distance away from the coast.

At this time, Kane waved his hand directly, and the huge building module extended over, and a simple fictional harbor took shape in an instant.

Although it is still not suitable, it is no problem to simply dock the ship.

With Kane's help, the Rescuer was finally able to start working normally.

Otherwise, they may have to rely on the small ships carried by the cruise ship to slowly transport the goods.

Then the first to get off the ship were the soldiers on the Rescuer who were about to participate in this battle against the undead.

The total number reached about 5,000, more than 3,000 professional soldiers, and the remaining members of the Lantern Knights.

Naturally, the Knights of the Lantern walked in the forefront, and they marched slowly with the flags of the Knights and the Kingdom.

Following behind are all kinds of elite soldiers in the lantern collar.

The strength of these soldiers has all reached the silver level. Except for some necessary arms, all other arms are equipped with advanced launchers designed by Kane and manufactured by omnics.

Compared with ordinary copper-colored launchers, these weapons are more powerful and more diverse.

It is more suitable for a variety of battlefields, and for this battle with the undead, omnics have also designed various targeted modules.

After Kane gave some ideas, Kobo made a variety of individual weapons suitable for them.

Many of these weapons are still experimental products that have never been officially used on the battlefield.

But this time there are countless undead, and these undead are the best test subjects.

The bishop and the officials behind him looked at the Lantern Knights approaching and felt the deterrent force brought by this team.

They had all seen the 100 Lantern Knights in the fortress.

But I never thought that the number of the Knights of the Lantern would be so large, close to 2,000.

The number of members of such a powerful knight order has reached 2,000.

2000 people may not be many, but the quality of these 2000 people is extremely exaggerated.

If they were in the Holy Light Alliance, each member of these knights could become a centurion of an elite unit.

At this moment, whether it is the bishop or these officials, there is no longer any doubt about whether Kane and the others are powerful.

Neither this huge ship nor these powerful knights can be owned by an ordinary force.

Anyway, they couldn't make such a ship, nor could they train such a knight order.

Even if they form the Holy Light Alliance together, they may not be able to pull out such a team.

The refugees spontaneously retreated to the two sides to make way for the team to pass.

The Lantern Knights led the soldiers behind them to the platform where Kane was standing.


All the knights moved in unison, dismounted neatly, and made a consistent sound.

Then they knelt down on one knee beside the war horse, lowered their heads, and saluted Kane.

All the soldiers in the back also made the same movements in unison.

The entire military formation is like a whole.

I saw them shouting loudly at Kane above.

"His Majesty!"

Hearing their address, Bishop and the others had expected it, and were not surprised.

The refugees around were all amazed, and the refugees who spoke rudely covered their mouths in horror.

Didn't expect that the one standing in front of them just now was actually a king?

"Arise, my warriors, the journey has made you tired."

"For His Majesty's glory!"

Kane nodded with a smile, and gave a false lift to everyone below.

Then they stood up in unison.

Silently came to stand behind Kane.

Then came the various government staff who came down from the boat.

All kinds of small vehicles and machinery began to move goods from the ship non-stop.

But the first thing to be moved down were all kinds of wood and various metal materials that had been prepared in advance.

These things will be used in a while.

And Kane still maintains the existence of a simple port, with the help of rules.

Now Kane, the magic power spent to maintain his creation has been greatly reduced, almost to a negligible level.

As countless materials were brought down, they piled up behind a pile forming a hill.

Bai Jiao came to Kane in a hurry.

Kane looked at the tauren shaman in front of him, who was also the captain of the Rescuer.

"Your Majesty, all the materials have been prepared."

Kane nodded, and then used the once-a-day magic Holy Grail without hesitation.

A huge phantom of the Holy Grail appeared above Kane's head.

Everyone saw the appearance of this sacred object and felt the infinite magic power emanating from it.

Then the mountains of materials were dismantled and began to be integrated into various fictional port buildings.

With their integration into the entire port, the forming speed began to accelerate rapidly.

Plus Kane's infinite magic power.

A simple port can be turned from virtual to real in 10 seconds.

Kane's golden crucible can make the objects constructed by Kane's original skills come true.

But it takes maximum magic and time.

If raw materials are added in real-time, the mana and time required can be greatly reduced.

The more materials you have, the more mana and time you reduce.

Although it is only a simple port, its huge area cannot be transformed into reality within 10 seconds.

But if most of the raw materials are added, the process can be greatly shortened.

The entire simple port can be formed by infinite magic within 10 seconds.

After all, with such a large range, even Kane's own magic power is not enough to turn fiction into reality when he has the materials.

The addition of the two revealed this miracle to everyone.

However, whether it is the guild members around Kane or the subjects who followed the ship, they are not surprised.

Many of them were in the country of platinum, and even saw Kane build a city out of thin air.

It's just a port, and it's not worth their fuss.

But the eyes of the refugees around, as well as the bishops and officials in the rear almost fell out of their sockets.

In their eyes, this is no different from a miracle.

It also made them more afraid of Kane's strength.

No matter whether he came here in the previous world or later, he has never seen anyone with the same strength as Kane.

But with the official construction of the port.

The deck of the entire ship was in operation, and countless staff members began to move out the goods that had been prepared long ago from the warehouse.

Some staff members who came with the Rescuer began to work together.

Finalis, who came with Kane, also began to appease the refugees.

There are also many medical personnel following the ship, and most of them are only at the bronze level.

Very few have the strength of silver

Although most of them are copper-colored strengths, they rely on some simple healing magic and medical knowledge in their brains.

It is still very easy to deal with some non-serious wounds.

Those important patients will naturally be handed over to doctors with silver strength.

They quickly set up a medical tent nearby and began to treat the injured among the refugees.

Although the burst of magic just now had already treated most of the refugees with simple treatment.

But some seriously injured still haven't fully recovered under this burst of magic.

And this behavior quickly narrowed the distance between them and the refugees, and gained the favorability of these refugees.

Now the refugees finally believed what the soldiers who had driven them here had said.

Although the degree of belief is not deep, it is at least a good start.

With all the behaviors after a good start, it is natural to slowly gain the favorability of these refugees, making it easier for him to have a sense of belonging to Kane and their country.

After all, isn’t Kane and his country’s current main body formed by all kinds of people who have suffered?

As the goods were moved down, all kinds of tents were neatly set up around.

Some refugees also started to join in to help, because they knew that these tents would be their temporary resting places in the future.

"Your Majesty Kane, the efficiency of your people's work is really enviable, it is as pleasing to the eye as a waterfall rushing down."

An official applauded Kane behind him.

These words are not to flatter Kane, but to praise him sincerely.

These officials all have certain strengths on their bodies.

Among the staff who came down from the ship, there were no less than 6 races in what they saw.

This means that Kane's country is extremely large, and it is not composed of a single race.

Many of these staff members have copper-colored strength.

But it is some ordinary things.

This shows that people with bronze strength are not scarce in Kane's territory.

The work efficiency of these people is also extremely high.

All kinds of tent materials were transported like running water.

It took less than an hour for the boat to dock.

But it has started to cook for the refugees.

Hearing his praise, Kane smiled and said: "Of course, they are all my subjects, and they are also the existence I want to protect."

At this time, Bai Jiao came over with some officials.

He came to Kane and bowed: "Your Majesty, the camp has been arranged."

Kane nodded, and then said to the bishop and the officials behind him: "All kinds of cooperation treaties and business transactions, let them bring me to discuss with you."

Hearing Kane's words, everyone nodded.

Then Bai Jiao said to them: "Then everyone, come with me, we have already set up the tent."

Then he led these officials towards a large camp.

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