With the arrival of the Rescuer, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

A large camp was set up, and all kinds of food were transported and placed directly in front of these refugees.

The huge amount of food made these refugees believe in Kane and the others even more.

Then there are all kinds of preparations, preserved food, and looking at the weapons and equipment that have been designed.

These are items that will be traded with the people of the Holy Light Alliance later.

And with the arrival of the ship, all kinds of information began to be reported to the leaders everywhere.

Half a day later, the entire Holy Light Alliance received first-hand information about the arrival of the Rescuer.

The cooperation that had been discussed long ago, refugees from various countries and forces began to be arranged to be transported to the port according to the previously negotiated conditions.

The city lords of various cities couldn't wait long ago, and began to transport in a hurry.

Even in order to keep these refugees from walking halfway, they were fed before leaving.

It's the last time anyway.

That huge ship also truly demonstrated the national strength of the Lantern Kingdom to the Alliance of Holy Light.

Efficient government and extremely efficient civil servants.

A powerful army, as well as gold-level powerhouses, has reached a dozen to support this time alone.

These are the gold-level generals under Kane, and they also followed.

After all, the power of the undead is much stronger than what Kane and the others knew in advance.

Then more support is needed. It is completely, impossible for you to let the soldiers of the Holy Light Alliance be the main force.

And these participating soldiers can also get rewards from the mist afterwards.

All the forces of the Holy Light Alliance tacitly canceled all the plans they had prepared before, and treated the Lantern Kingdom's affairs and various people with the highest standards.

This is not an existence they can provoke, and the only way to maximize their benefits is to make friends with the Lantern Kingdom.

After all, the Lantern Kingdom has always behaved very friendly, and many kingdom forces have begun to quietly change some policies that are not friendly to civilians.

These changes made because of Kane and the others will eventually turn into contributions and fall on them.

Not much, but better than nothing.

Mist is such a fair existence, she will never forget any contribution a person has made to the world.

And there is another most important reason why Kane let so many soldiers come.

That is, infinite magic power plus resurrection can guarantee the safety of almost all soldiers.

This means that as long as they survive this time, they will persist until the undead are wiped out.

Then, among Kane's forces, a large number of gold-level powerhouses will spring up like mushrooms after rain.

And those generals who have already reached the gold level will truly gain a foothold in this level.

At least one rule can be mastered.

Only by mastering the rules can one gain a firm foothold at the gold level and have the opportunity to continue climbing.

Of course, the premise of everything is to survive.

As long as they can survive the battle, the contributions of countless undead will definitely allow them to gain enough.

Near noon of the second day.

Bai Jiao and the negotiating team led by him finally negotiated some specific cooperation items with those officials.

Looking at the tauren next to him, Kane asked and answered: "How is it? What's the result of this negotiation."

"Returning to Your Majesty, the results of this negotiation are better than what we expected before. It seems that Your Majesty has given them a very good first impression."

Hearing Bai Jiao's words and her gaze, Kane smiled.

This means that their performance during this period was not in vain, but completely exploded at the moment the ship arrived.

Let Kane and the others become the Holy Light Alliance, an existence that cannot be provoked at all.

Not to mention, Kane's purpose is to wipe out the entire undead force.

Before the undead forces are eliminated, the Holy Light Alliance will not have any conflicts with Kane and the others. Instead, they will rely on them to make a lot of retreats.

But Kane and the others will naturally not bully others and take advantage of others.

It should be a long flow of water, and it is not advisable to kill the chicken to get the eggs.

Then Bai Jiao reported to Kai, and they spent a whole day negotiating the results this time.

Whether it's accepting refugees or resisting undead forces.

They all belong to the disadvantaged party, so they need to obtain compensation from other places.

Afterwards, they have the priority to purchase all kinds of products and materials owned by the Holy Light Alliance and its subordinate forces.

And the former port and a small area around it will become their territory.

Their soldiers were not allowed to approach or enter without permission.

The transactions generated in it must pay Kane the transaction tax they deserve.

These are also within the tolerance range of the Holy Light Alliance, it might be better to say that they think this is a little bit of profit.

As for more regulations that have not yet been negotiated, after preparation, we need to continue to negotiate if necessary.

After learning about the situation, Kane prepared to leave, and took the soldiers who had come to support them to the frontline fortress.

In addition to Baijiao, two gold-level members and 500 soldiers stayed behind, and all the rest must follow to the front line.

Because there were too many people following this time, Kane and the others could only go to the fortress at a normal speed.


in a few days.

20 kilometers outside the fortress.

"Everyone, speed up and move forward at full speed. The Knights of the Lantern will go first with me."

"The remaining soldiers arrived later."

After Kane finished speaking, he led the members of the Knights and the gold-ranked generals to ride towards the fort quickly on their horses.

Because he had just received the news, the undead launched another attack.

This is the front line.

It is still composed of a large number of skeletons, and the vanguard has become a death squad, marching towards the wall of the fortress.

But the undead who followed were not to be underestimated. All ghouls and various undead beasts had been transformed into powerful hind limbs.

This modified beast, as well as the ghouls, can see those city walls and nothing, and can climb over the city walls very easily.

It seems that the undead came prepared this time.

Moreover, there are much more gold-level undead in the undead team than in the previous attack.

At this time, Yoyo, who was left in the fortress by Kane, was reporting information to everyone.

There are three cruise monitors floating in the sky, which can see the entire battlefield and its periphery very clearly.

But this can only be limited to this area.

If you go further in, your sight will be blocked by the dark clouds of souls that often float above the forces of the undead.

Coupled with all kinds of strange things all over it, disturbing the complicated fluctuations, and almost losing the detection ability.

"According to calculations, the troops in front of the fortress belonged to the tentative attack of the undead, and there are still many undead in the forward camp at the rear that have not acted."

Hearing Yoyo's words, everyone frowned solemnly.

Because this time the undead attacking the fortress were much more than before.

Didn't you expect it to be just the vanguard?

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared on the spot. It was Funa who was riding a vehicle and arrived in the fortress a few days before Kane and the others.

Funa had just exited the guild hall.

"According to the information brought by the ghost maid, it was the lich who was unwilling to endure failure and summoned more undead to attack this fortress."

"However, it is said that this time he will not attack with the whole army, but to test the current defense strength of the fortress."

After hearing Funa's words, everyone nodded.

After all, the last time Kane and the others suddenly appeared on the stage, the lich suffered a big loss.

It also let him know that Kane and others joined, coupled with the hunting during this period, let them know the strength of Kane and others.

So the first wave of temptation is normal behavior.

"The president is right behind. He has brought all the members of the knight order and more troops."

After knowing the news, everyone came to the city wall without waiting.

Relying on a variety of long-range attacks, they began to consume the enemy's vitality crazily.

Although there is no addition of Kane, there is no shortage of various large-scale skills.

After all, there are Finalis, Angel, and the mages of each team.

Still very easily wiped out the group of skeletons ahead.

It hasn't been long since the two sides fought, and the undead haven't even attacked the city gate yet.

I saw the rear of the fortress, and a soaring signal sounded.

This is exactly the hint that Kane and the others are about to arrive.

Seeing this prompt, the guild members who had been preparing for a long time jumped off the city wall.

Prepare to go hand in hand with those undead.

After a while, Kane came across from the side with nearly 2,000 knights.

Abby and the others who had been interspersed among the undead group immediately returned to the team.

Then a real and complete order of knights was formed.

With their participation, the entire battlefield has directly changed from a defensive battle to a blocking war.

Looking at the soldiers who joined suddenly, it was the powerful Knights of the Holy Grail.

The morale of the generals and soldiers on the top of the city wall increased greatly when they saw it.

"Open the city gate, brothers, follow me!"

These generals roared and rushed out from the city gate with their soldiers.

A knight who has been suffocated for a long time is like a wild horse running wild.

These knights of the Holy Light Alliance who came to support them hardly participated in the battle after arriving at the fortress.

Because they have been forced to defend against the city wall, and since they are all knight defense stations, they have almost nothing to do with them.

Can you finally fight these undead under the city wall this time?

It didn't take long for more soldiers to join the battlefield from the side. These were more lantern-collared soldiers who came at full speed.

These soldiers are all the elite of the Lantern Collar, and almost all of them are the former soldiers who joined and joined together.

Born for war, they excel at fighting the undead.

Relying on tacit cooperation and strong combat effectiveness.

Let the ordinary soldiers in the rear, their blood boil, their morale soar, and they can't wait to join them.

Since the undead don't feel pain, these flesh-and-blood races are always at a disadvantage in fighting them.

And the behavior shown by these soldiers of Kane is almost the same as that of the undead.

Even though there were countless wounds on his body, he still looked like a normal person, without making a sound, and slashing mercilessly with the weapon in his hand.

After losing several gold-level members.

There was a scream in the sky.

This is the sound of retreat.

Then these undead began to retreat in full regardless of casualties.

Most of the undead had no intelligence at all, and ignored the soldiers after hearing the order to retreat, and crawled backwards even if they were cut down to the ground.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

The ordinary soldiers who rushed out cheered as they watched the retreating undead.

For the first time they actually repelled the undead, rather than relying on defense.

was repulsed from the front.

This is a situation that the undead forces have never had when they expanded outward from the beginning.

It was the first time that these soldiers, who had been pressed and beaten and defended against various city walls and fortresses, won such a victory.

They vented their emotions in cheers, which made them truly see the hope of annihilating the undead.

And Kane also began to resurrect his sacrificed soldiers.

Fortunately, these soldiers under him have undergone certain training, and they all know how to protect themselves, those dead bodies.

Even in fierce battles, these soldiers in battle will intentionally protect their dead comrades.

After all, they know that these comrades who have left them still have a chance to be resurrected.

Fortunately, the battle this time was not too intense, and the enemy did not intend to attack aggressively.

Therefore, the fatal injuries of each corpse can still be accepted, without causing a large area of ​​missing parts.

It's a pity that due to the late arrival of the soldiers behind, not many long-range weapons were brought into play.

You know this is the best place to sell.

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