With a bang.

The acquired skills made Lilulu emit a light pink halo mixed with other colors from the center to the surroundings.

This halo, like a circle of light waves, instantly spread around.

Extremely fast.

Kane who was around was the first to be shrouded in halo.

Then they felt a strong sense of falling.

As if the entire ground suddenly collapsed, they fell directly towards the bottom.

However, their bodies were still standing on the ground, and nothing happened on the ground. The feeling of falling came from a perception of the soul.

rather than a real experience.

Similar to a tug of the soul.

The reason for all this comes from the halo that Li Lulu spread outwards before.

"Did you fall asleep?"

Claire murmured to herself that when she was still copper-colored, she had a dream once, and relied on the experience of dreaming at that time to solve the fatal serious injury.

So after the feeling of falling appeared, she realized why this happened.

Hearing Claire's words, Kane and the others also looked around.

They are now in a pure white space, and there is nothing around them except pure white.

The whole space looked extremely desolate.

But it seems that some buildings can be seen from a long distance away, and groups like this can be seen scattered in the distance.

It contrasts sharply with the white surroundings.

In the space, such groups would appear from time to time.

At this time, a rainbow-colored aura emerges from the ground.

The white space seems to be rendered and begins to change its own structure.

The sky rose upwards and turned into an endless blue sky, without the existence of the sun but still bright.

All kinds of flowers, trees and plants emerge from the ground, none of which seem like objects that can exist in the outside world.

It seems to be conjectural from the illusion.

But I can feel that even with this plant dream, it is still rigid and lifeless.

What does this space seem to be missing?

At this time, Kane suddenly felt the vibration.

The perception source of this vibration is not the soul currently in the dream space. This is not the vibration of the dream, but the movement perceived by the external body.

Kane and the others fell into a dream with the feeling of falling, but they didn't completely fall into a dream.

It's like a consciousness is divided into two halves, and can feel the outside world and the dream at the same time.

As the ruler of the Platinum Country, Kane felt the shock of the entire country.

Such a vibration caused great movement.

Is there something to separate?

Feeling such a movement, the figures of everyone disappeared into the dream in an instant.

Back to the reality of the outside world.

After fully withdrawing his attention, the vibration became more and more violent.

"It's Lilulu's fairy tale world, and it's time to leave the Platinum Kingdom."

Feeling the source of the vibration, Kane said.

And Lilulu, who was floating in the center of them before, also disappeared with the vibration. In Kane's perception, Lilulu appeared in the fairy tale world.

"We'll go too."

After speaking, the figures of Kane and Claire also disappeared in place, and appeared outside the gate of the fairy tale world in an instant.

This is the source of the shock. When Kane and the others came here, the shock had calmed down, and the whole world fell into peace.

But the fairy tale world has been completely separated from the Platinum Kingdom, and has become a separate entity, which is drifting outward.

Whether it is Kane who is the master of the dungeon, or Claire who has authority, they all feel the departure of the fairy tale kingdom.

Standing where he was, Kane closed his eyes.

Due to the separation of the fairy tale world, Kane and the others could not feel the existence of Lilulu in the fairy tale world.

They don't know what Lilulu's situation is now, and why did the Fairy Tale Kingdom break away from the Platinum Kingdom?

This couldn't help but make Kane and the others feel a little worried.

Although they didn't think that Li Lulu would encounter any danger at this time, worry was always inevitable.

A cloud of mist poured out from the badge on his chest.

Sensing the gushing out of the mist, Kane immediately opened his eyes, stretched out his finger and tapped the badge.

The badge of the Mist Warrior sent a word along Kane's fingers.

It was a soft and feminine voice.

"Don't worry, Lilulu succeeded, it just takes a little time."

This is the sound of the mist.

After hearing the voice of the mist, Kane was relieved, and then turned to Claire and the others next to him and said, "Don't worry, Lilulu is at a critical moment now, and her life is not in danger. The mist is watching." .”

After hearing Kane's words, everyone's expressions finally eased down.

Now that the mist is watching, there is naturally no danger.

In other words, even if there is danger, the mist will make a move.

At this time, Kane looked at Lilulu's status bar.

He can only check Lilulu's status in this way now.

In the column representing strength, the characters of gold are changing and twisting.

Seems to be morphing.

Lilulu is going to become a tricolor?

Such thoughts welled up in his mind, but this alone was not certain.

"Lilulu probably won't be fine for a while, Mezik, put away your skills first."

Hearing Kane's words, Mezke next to him nodded and walked over.

Then the last golden skill in Kane's hand drew an arc and entered Metzker's body.

This time everyone is ready to see if there will be any surprising motives.

However, they were greatly disappointed, just like that, Metzker closed his eyes and waited for a while before opening them again.

"That's... it's over?"

Kane asked with some doubts. The exaggerated movements of Claire and the others made Kane feel abnormal after seeing the normal reaction.

"Of course, I have already mastered it, it is very suitable for me." Metzker nodded and said.

A stiff smile appeared on his indifferent face, it seemed that he was really satisfied with this skill.

"Maybe, I will take the potion to another level."

Metzker's eyes sparkled, he held his hand tightly, and muttered to himself.

This skill and the rules that came with it made him extremely excited.

However, he still suppressed the emotions in his heart, now is not the time to go to the laboratory to prepare medicine.

It seems that although this skill did not bring any exaggerated movement to Metzker, nor did it bring any improvement to his strength, but it was indeed very in line with Metzker's wishes, making his potion preparation the last piece Like a puzzle.

Let mezik, who has always been low-key and quiet, say such high-profile words.

Perhaps in terms of medicine, this skill stone is like improving other people's strength.

Kane, who is not a pharmacist, cannot understand the importance of this skill to Metzker.

Draw your attention back to Lilulu's fairy tale kingdom, drifting farther and farther with the space of the kingdom.

Kane and the others can't even feel the existence of the fairy tale kingdom now.

I also don't know what Lilulu's situation is now.

Only Kane can analyze Lilulu's current state from the changes on the status bar through the status bar.

Check to see if she is in danger now.

Li Lulu's current status bar has not changed except that the gold representing strength has disappeared, and a distortion is taking place.

It seems that we can only wait quietly.


Kane suddenly made a suspicious sound.

Because Lilulu's entire page was suddenly refurbished, it was just an ordinary interface box.

At this moment, everything has been transformed into a frame woven with various candies and beautiful flowers.

There are even special effects similar to butterflies flying on it.

Why did you suddenly change your skin? Is there such a special effect?

The above data has also completely changed.


[Mystic Mage, Dream Manipulator, Queen of Fairy Tales, Lord of Elements]

【Level: Tricolor】

[Martial Arts: Close-up Fighting]

[Magic Skills: Power of Specialization-Secret Technique, Strange Language, Elemental Contract, Transformation into Wolf, Elemental Control, Dream Link...]

[Skills: Fairy Tale, Space Creation, Teleportation Transformation, Basic Spells, Fairy Tale Spells, Spell Array...]

【Bloodline: Fairy Tale Concept】

[Skill grid: Empty]

[Original Skill: Fairytale] (Successfully created the first fairytale element plane, a collection of fairytale concepts, the source of fairytales, and the master of all fairytale elements.)

Just as Kane was still watching Lilulu's detailed meeting.

In the Mist Palace in the Mist World.

On the throne surrounded by clouds of fog, the sound of fog came.

"My child lived up to expectations."

At this time, Kane, who had just watched the interface of Lilulu, was very surprised.

It's just a skill to actually be promoted to the tricolor, why is there such an exaggerated performance?

To be honest, Kane really didn't understand.

Is this skill really the last piece of the puzzle?

Is it really such a coincidence?

To be honest, when Kane got this dream-related skill stone, no matter whether he read the introduction or description of the skill, he didn't feel how outrageous it was.

For people like them, it may be just an ordinary skill, and it may not be of great effect.

But for Li Lulu at this moment, that is the best gift.

Just what she was missing.

It really became the last piece of her entire chain of rules, and even directly let Li Lulu polish everything in the golden stage, and was promoted directly.

Whether it's Kane or Claire, they all have the same strength as Li Lulu before, and they have the strength to become the three-color stage.

However, because the respective rules were not perfect enough, they did not continue to advance upwards.

Instead, it is waiting to polish the rules into a perfect gem, and then set it on the brightest crown.

And now Lilulu has successfully polished it to perfection.

Boarded the last step of the tricolor.

In terms of other worlds.

Lilulu, you are amazing.

Correspondingly, the elemental plane bound to her also successfully separated from the kingdom of platinum and became an independent individual.

It became the first and only fairy tale element plane in the entire vast void at this time.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and looked at the eyes cast by Claire and the others beside him.

Kane said slowly: "Lilulu has succeeded, she has now successfully ascended the throne of three colors."

After listening to Kane's words, Claire and the others all showed shock.

"Didn't you think that Li Lulu would be the first one? She has perfected her own rules, and she will definitely show off again later."

"It surpassed all of us and became the first one. It seems that we have to work hard!"

Claire said with a smile.

They were all sincerely happy for Li Lulu.

Because Lilulu's promotion to the third color represents the completion of her first mission.

Her position as the master of fairy tale elements is firmly established.

After becoming a real high-level existence, there is no need to worry anymore, because for various reasons, the position of the elemental world master was not imprisoned as soon as possible.

Instead, it was replaced by fairy tale elements from other worlds.

Just when several people sighed.

At the entrance of the previous fairy tale world, a colorful portal was raised again.

Li Lulu's figure flew over quickly from inside.

"Haha! Meet Queen Lilulu!"

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