Looking at Li Lulu who came out in front of her with her hands on her waist and her head held high with a proud face.

Everyone laughed.

"Congratulations, Lilulu."

"The crazy hard work during this period has finally yielded a lot of gains, congratulations."

"Congratulations, are you going to be called Lilulu Fairy Tale Queen from now on?"


"Hey hey hey!"

Hearing everyone's laughter and praise, Li Lulu also smirked.

Then it turned into a colorful streamer, flew in front of Kane and hugged his neck fiercely.

Kissed him hard on the face.

"Kane, you are the best!"

If it weren't for Kane's skill stone, Li Lulu didn't know how many years she would have to wait to complete this step.

The main reason is that Li Lulu never thought that there is such a best shortcut to take, and it is also the best straight line.

After completing most of the comprehension of the rules, what Li Lulu has learned and comprehended during this time is actually a detour.

After all, as the first person on this path is also a pioneer, she has absolutely no experience or any precedents to learn from.

You can only move forward step by step with your own ideas.

Cross the river by feeling the stones.

Under such circumstances, taking detours is an inevitable problem.

And Kane's skill stone is equivalent to lighting the way for Lilulu, becoming a bright light.

Follow this high-lit famous lamp.

So very smoothly, Li Lulu was directly raised to the height of Sancai with the shortest distance.

This skill stone sent Li Lulu to the gate, and Li Lulu naturally crossed the last threshold.

The happy Lilulu hugged everyone hard.

Then she floated in front of everyone, telling why she suddenly became a tricolor with this skill stone.

After all, even she herself felt a little unbelievable.

"The link in the dream allows Li Lulu to directly connect with all those children who have read the fairy tale books written by Li Lulu and who like to identify with fairy tales.

The dreams of these children have produced countless fantasies, which are the most essential fairy tales, filling the fairy tale world in an instant, and completely perfecting it.

Naturally, Li Lulu also filled the last gap, taking advantage of the trend to break through the gold level. "

Hearing what Lilulu said, Kane nodded understandingly.

"It seems that we did the right thing by releasing Lilulu's fairy tale book through the guild."

Claire said beside her.

Lilulu's earliest fairy tale book is a fairy tale based on the exploration experience with Kane and the others.

It was first issued in the country of platinum.

Then, during the 10-year time acceleration of the Platinum Kingdom, almost all children watched it.

When the guild was established later, Kane and the others cooperated with the Mist Council and the Mechanical Council through the guild, and sold fairy tale books all over the world.

This in itself is just laying the groundwork and foundation for Lilulu's fairy tale world.

It is equivalent to collecting children's fantasy and yearning to build a fairy tale world.

As a result, I didn't expect to be directly linked to the dreams of these children through the dream link.

Even in the Platinum Country, a world where everyone has read this fairy tale book, a layer of dream space is directly created.

It was the space that Kane and the others saw just now when they sank.

Lots of fantasy and childlike thinking.

Filled in the last gap.


Li Lulu suddenly remembered something and screamed.

"I'm so excited, I forgot that Mist Misty has been calling me."

"I'm going out first, and I'll take you to the fairy tale world when I come back."

With that said, Lilulu left the Platinum Kingdom in a flash, and returned to the fortress through the guild hall.

After arriving at the Ring of the World, he went straight into the mist and disappeared.

Seeing the disappearing Lilulu, Kane and the others looked at each other and could only shrug helplessly.

At this time, Claire suddenly remembered something and said: "Since Lilulu has been promoted to the third color, does that mean...she can't make a move now?"

Hearing Claire's words, Kane was shocked. That's right, how did you forget this one just now?

In the ring of the world, there is also a rule that three colors cannot be shot.

Kane doesn't think that such a basic rule can be offended just because Lilulu must abide by it.

Isn't this equivalent to reducing one's own combat effectiveness in disguise?

You must know that Li Lulu's strength is very strong, especially when she is still fighting against the forces of the undead.

Whether it's a wide range of skill damage, various assistance, and negative debuffs to the enemy.

They are all very good existences.

The top gold level like Li Lulu's combat power is very precious, but because of the upgrade, the strength has become stronger, but it can't be shot.

was fatally restricted.


Kane scratched his head irritably.

At this moment, I don't know whether to be happy or sad.

Extreme joy begets sorrow.

It was obviously a good thing, but somehow it changed from being happy to feeling uncomfortable.

Mainly in a relatively critical period.

At this moment Lombe came over and patted Kane's leg.

"Brother, don't be discouraged. With this skill, our strength has greatly increased. Those undead may not be as strong as us."

Lombe said beside him.

Hearing Lumbe's words, Claire and Metzke nodded vigorously.

There is nothing wrong with saying this.

Before getting the blessing of this wave of skills, their strength was about the same as the top handful of undead forces.

Now with the blessing of this wave of skills, his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

On the contrary, those undead may not become any threatening existence.

If it weren't for the fact that the enemy has too many undead now, they might be pushing flat by now.

The strengthened strength now only needs to spend a little more time to absorb it.

It will be able to exert a strong suppression effect on the battlefield.

Hearing Lumbe's words, Kane also nodded.

"That's right, and I haven't had time to familiarize myself with my new skills yet."

"Is that skill useless for you?"

Claire next to her asked in surprise.

Kane shook his head.

Yesterday, I saw Kane's excited expression when he pulled out that skill. I thought Kane couldn't help but experimented a long time ago, but it turned out that he hadn't used it yet.

Thinking about this time, how suitable each skill is for each person.

Plus what Kane said yesterday.

Claire couldn't help but asked worriedly: "You won't be able to resist going straight to the tri-color after installing skills, right?"

If Kane wins the tri-color again, their strength here will really be compromised.

After all, Kane's original skills and his mechanical knowledge.

It is almost a harvester on the battlefield. It can even be said that it is born for the battlefield.

The more people engaged, the more damage Kane can do.

Not to mention the endless sea of ​​undead.

Hearing Claire's words, Kane waved his hand: "Of course not, but I know a little bit about this skill stone.

It is still too far away from my rule chain, and I don't feel that there is any match between the two. "

This skill may be the road to the top, which is why Kane was excited before.

To put it simply, the greatest use of this skill may be to prepare for the future, not to strengthen the present.

It may also be able to bring Kane some strength improvement now, but Kane thinks the possibility is not high.

The specifics depend on the specific effect that the gift of God can bring.

Because no matter how you look at it, this skill is something that makes others stronger.

Although this skill description is relatively detailed, you still have to use it yourself and use each gift to feel the difference.

Thinking of this, Kane directly took out this golden skill stone and placed it on his skill grid.

If you install the skills yourself, there shouldn't be any exaggerated movements, right?

With the placement of the skill stone, Kane felt it.

Not knowledge, not experience.

It's an instinct.

Instincts were stimulated from his body, and he began to enter the state of divine power uncontrollably.

Because the place where Kane is at this time is the country of platinum.

Here he is a god, and here he is the creator god of this country.

So he didn't use the power of God to attract any other power, and the existence of the power of God itself couldn't bring any change in Kane's strength.

But the power of God did make Kane's body transform into a god's body.

This is the change that will occur every time the power of God is used.

The crown representing the authority of the Platinum Kingdom appeared on Kane's head.

Kane's attire began to change into that of the Platinum King.

The throne that appeared when Kane ascended to the throne once again appeared behind Kane.

Kane sat on it slowly.

Other than that, there was no other movement.

Kane finally opened his eyes.

Standing up from the throne, the throne also disappeared.


At this time, above the fog.

Mist, who was talking with Li Lulu, suddenly froze for a moment.

"Another kid who found his way to the end? What a relief."

"Mom Misty, why didn't you talk all of a sudden?"

Hearing Li Lulu's voice, Misty nodded at her: "Your captain, it's really amazing."

"Of course, Lilulu was able to become a color so quickly because of Kane's help, if it wasn't for..."

Only the conversation between mother and daughter came from the mist.


Turn your gaze back.

"Is the new skill related to your Platinum King status? Why did you become like this?"

Claire looked at Kane who was approaching and asked.

Kane shook his head: "Passively stimulated, if it is outside, it may be the state of the holy light or the state of the robot."

Because in the outside world, these two states of gods, Kane often uses them.

After speaking, Kane waved his arm directly, and a table appeared in front of him.

Then I took out the space equipment, three colors of copper, silver and gold, one piece of equipment for each color.

Claire and the others gathered around curiously, watching Kane use his new skills.

Since there are three kinds of gifts, Kane decided to take out three magic stones of different colors to test.

First take out magic stones of different colors, copper, silver and gold.

Just for each piece of equipment, let's see what effect the blessings of the same level can bring.

First, he took out the copper-colored magic stone and held it in his hand.

With the use of the blessing, the magic stone dissipated directly, turned into a mass of energy, and poured into Kane's palm.

Kane put his hand on the copper shield.

With the first use of a new skill.

At this time he finally felt, so this is the so-called blessing?

There are too many things that can be bestowed on others, and there is no need to strip away your own.

It's kind of like a duplication of ability.

It feels akin to a divine initiation.

After thinking about it, Kane moved his original skills slightly.

The light in his hand began to converge towards the copper shield in front of him.

Like a jade bead, it dripped on the surface of the shield.

As the energy fell, brand new patterns appeared on the shield.

A symbol like a lantern appeared on the shield.

I don't know when, the simple lantern pattern has become the representative of Kane.

Even if he blesses the equipment, he will leave such a mark on it.

This is the expression of receiving the gift.

Not just objects, even people who accept Kane's gift will leave such a mark.

This may become Kane's seal in the future.

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