"What's going on, why did that damn corpse run away?"

A gold-ranked zombie who was rushing toward the Lantern Knights with his subordinates asked loudly to the surrounding undead.

The glow of the Lich soaring into the sky attracted the attention of almost all the intelligent undead around.

Due to the departure of the lich, the banshee who was giving orders with her own screams in the sky had confusion visible to the naked eye on her terrifying face.

At this time, some undead subordinates who really belonged to the Lich were questioned by many other undead.

However, very few accurate answers were received. Those undead who belonged entirely to liches had no idea who their masters were.

However, none of these undead thought that the Lich was running away, but something happened that they didn't know.

At this time, I saw a huge roar coming from the troops of the creatures.

"The generals of the undead have already run away. Brothers, we will repel them this time, and win this first victory for ourselves and for those who are suffering!"

This sound spread throughout the battlefield, reaching the walls of the fortress, and the ears of the soldiers who were attacking.

The news reached the ears of the soldiers who rushed out from the city gate and were about to die with these undead.

"Brothers! Kill!"

"Get rid of these damned corpses and take our home back!"

"eye for eye!"

Shouting various slogans, these soldiers followed behind the Knights of the Lantern and rushed towards the camp of undead soldiers ahead.

And the Knights of the Lantern rushing to the forefront has formed a triangular charge formation.

The banner with the lantern imprint raised in the team radiated silvery light towards the surroundings.

All those who are illuminated by the radiance are strengthened all over their bodies, and the courage in their hearts is infinitely high.

At this moment.

Metzker's figure appeared above the battlefield.

I saw that his four hands were raised forward, and pale golden light particles were falling down like a galaxy.

Four pale golden rivers of light slid down from the sky and divided into light spots one after another, floating towards all the creatures on the battlefield.

The soldiers who were stained with the light spots felt that they had a thin layer of golden shield on their bodies.

The weapon stained with light spots shone with a faint golden light.

The buffs for the undead are enjoyed by almost all soldiers.

"Oh oh oh! Go!"

This kind of gain made all the soldiers more excited, and infinite fighting spirit surged in their hearts.

Milarina, now she is dressed like a warrior.

With a wave of the dazzling trident in his hand, water blades flew out one after another, cutting down a large piece of the undead in front of him.

Looking at the knights with lanterns who had rushed into the pile of undead at the forefront of the camp.

"The strength of these knights can be compared to the singing voice of the sea demon." A golden mermaid warrior guarding Milarina said.

As he spoke, he looked towards the mermaid warriors not far from the Knights of the Lantern.

The tridents in his hands can blow a large area of ​​the surrounding undead away with every swing.

All kinds of currents guarded them, engulfing all the undead who wanted to get close to them, and then turned into a pool of black water.

The total number of Lantern Knights and Siren Singing Troops of the Blue Sea Empire reached 3,000.

In this way, the 3,000-man army caused exaggerated damage to tens of thousands of undead. If you want to resist them, you must have gold-level undead to stop them.

But Kane's gold-level members are no less than those undead.

In the case of catching and fighting, no one can stop them.

These 3,000 troops raged across the entire battlefield of the undead, almost invincible, and everywhere they passed was broken flesh and bones.

This almost raised the aura of all the soldiers present, and the soldiers following these brave knights had witnessed their power with their own eyes.

The weapons in their hands also allow them to cause more exaggerated damage to the undead.

A variety of launchers and combat weapons can easily protect their safety and allow them to cause effective damage.

Due to the lack of command of the Lich.

All the undead on the entire battlefield are following his order before leaving to surround and kill the living beings.

But there are no rules, and they even push each other.


At this time, Kane and the two who were in the distance were constantly attacking the soul box in the skeleton's body.

A piercing hum resounded throughout the field.

Because the bone ball that this golden skull turned into is beyond imagination, Kane is now making a huge electric drill that keeps turning.

Want to break a part of this bone ball to cause damage to the soul box guarded in it.

The crazy rotation drove sparks, turning the bone chips on it into powder and flying out.

And Lumbe had already turned into a 5-meter titan. At this time, he was no longer a lime-like body.

The blood in his body is constantly changing towards the blood of the Titan, allowing him to keep his flesh and blood into the size of a Titan.

In addition to the fact that his body is no longer gray stone, the lightning on his body is even denser, and it is very obvious that the muscles on Lumbe's body have become more bulging.

The scattered lightning seemed to make Lumbe wear a layer of blue-yellow armor.

At this time, a breach suddenly opened above them.

Sensing the arrival of an enemy.

Lumbe directly shot a flying hammer made of lightning towards the breach.

A figure that had just emerged directly raised its shield to block the flying hammer, and the lightning that exploded from the flying hammer spread densely on its shield.

Let the dull arms emit wisps of smoke.

At this time, it suddenly appeared at the breach, and the figure that came out completely revealed its original shape.

It was the lich, accompanied by the two immortal guards who were inseparable from him, one of which had just blocked Lumbe's flying hammer.

The Immortal Guard is a kind of zombie, the armor all over his body is like gold, even if his body is turned into a mummy, it still looks abnormally thick.

The shield in his hand reflected a bright metallic luster, and in his other hand he held a bottle of desert scimitar.

It is said that they used to be the guards of a certain royal family, which made them become undead after death, and they can still do a good job as guards.

With the appearance of the Lich, the bone ball that was being controlled in front of Kane disappeared instantly.

It directly broke through the space and appeared in the hands of the Lich above.

Looking at this scene, Kane did not stop it.

"Is that you? Shouldn't you be defending your fortress?"

He recognized Kane, and recognized the soul breath exuding from him.

In the previous battlefield, he was almost able to break through the fortress, and the victory that was close at hand was ruined by the man in front of him.

The Lich broke open the bone ball, and melted the gray-brown bone into its own body.

"How did you know that my soul box is here?"

After getting his soul box, he could clearly see that the Lich breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why do you ask so many questions? Now your soul box is inside your body. It seems that you can't be reborn."

"Hmph, you two just want to kill me? Kill the great skeleton maker?"

The Lich landed on the ground, kept a distance from Kane and the others, raised the huge bone scepter in his hand, and said loudly.

"Skeleton maker? Make those cowardly skeleton soldiers?" Lombe taunted.

After that, without saying much, he directly projected a lightning flying hammer again.

Watching Lumbe's movements, Kane directly entered the divine power state of the glow scale, and the dazzling golden holy light radiated from his body.

Then waved.

A 500-meter-wide semi-circular hood covered all the people on the field.

Afterwards, Kane didn't make another shot, but floated in mid-air.

"What arrogance! Human beings, you will pay for your arrogance."

Kane didn't pay any attention to what the Lich said.

Instead, he waved to Lumbe.

A huge mechanical backpack appeared on Lumbe's back, ejecting huge energy, lifting him up and flying towards the location of the lich.

"Thanks, good brother!"

Afterwards, Lumbe directly smashed in front of the Lich, and as he fell, the ground directly produced a huge vibration, and cracks spread from his landing point to the surrounding area.

Blue light shone from the cracks, and a huge amount of lightning emerged from the cracks in the ground, covering the entire surrounding area.

The two immortal guards who fell on the ground were immediately covered with lightning, and a burning smell and green smoke came out of them.

The lich had already prepared its spell the moment Lumbe flew over, and countless skulls dragging black smoke rammed towards Lumbe.

The flight was accompanied by piercing screams and screams of pain.

The shield in Lumbe's hand was wrapped with a thin layer of electric light, and all the attacking skulls were scattered with a single slap.

Then a lightning flying hammer was projected again. This time, the flying hammer condensed more electric light, shining dazzling light on the way of flight.

The bloodlines are constantly moving closer to Titan, which also makes Lumbe's grasp of lightning more and more handy, just like instinct.

It also allowed him to finally master a little damage that could be caused remotely, so that he would not appear very powerless every time he met an enemy who could fly a kite with him remotely.

Faced with such a situation, the Lich had no choice but to put several layers of magic shields on himself.

And Lumbe also fought with the two immortal guards who had rushed over.

The suddenly enlarged arms swept past with exaggerated strength and lightning.

The two immortal guards were directly smashed away by a huge force before they had time to make a judgment.

The gap between their strength and size compared to Lumbe is too great.

In melee combat, Lumbe's size and limbs that can grow suddenly can cause serious damage to the enemy by surprise every time.

Not to mention that now the blood in Lumbe's body has begun to change towards the blood of the Titans.

The bloodline is still continuously enhancing Lumbe's physique and his strength.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a dark green ray precisely hit Lumbe's body.

After seeing his attack hit, the lich opened his ugly mouth.

The expression on his face, the excitement visible to the naked eye.

He couldn't wait to see Lumbe rotten under the rays of death.

It turned out, however, that he couldn't understand at all.


His magic attack hit Lumbe like the infrared rays from an infrared flashlight shining on the steel plate.

There was no reaction at all.

Lombe touched the spot where he had been attacked.

"I have to say, your attack hurts quite a bit, almost made me red."

He said that his backhand was a lightning hammer, and he chattered endlessly: "You have to know, there are not many who can penetrate my Lumbe defense, and you are one of the few who can make me feel pain. I should be delighted by the compliment."

For such a good opportunity to ridicule, Lumbe will definitely not give up.

"Shut your mouth, you bloody dwarf."

The Lich dodged Lumbe's flying hammer and yelled at Lumbe.

He felt his emotional anger, but he suppressed it with his calm thinking and the mage's high will.

"But you're much shorter than a dwarf now, little mage."

As he said that, Lumbe laughed loudly, stomped the ground vigorously, raised his hammer in a leap, and smashed it towards the place where the Lich was.

The two immortal guards who were swept aside before suddenly appeared in front of the Lich, raised their shields, and blocked Lumbe's attack.

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