"It's strange, I didn't see any traces? Lumbe, you also look for it, and Yoyo scans the surrounding area."

Kane compared the map, in this area only a few hundred meters, stop and go.

They searched for anything with an energy response, but apart from seeing some corpses and many undead still sleeping in the soil, they didn't see any items related to the soul box.

Hearing Kane's words, Lombe also began to look around.

Although he doesn't have much detection skills and skills, he is analyzing the soil composition here.

Use the knowledge of finding mineral veins to judge whether there is something wrong.

Yoyo directly scanned the red rays.

Kane first opened his eagle eyes and scanned this small area, but he didn't see any energy sources that were not undead.

In the end, he opened the God's Vision again, and he didn't see anything wrong.

It seems that the surrounding area is a very ordinary land, and there is nothing special about it.

This made Kane a little distressed.

"Could it be that Lilulu's divination has been blocked? It shouldn't be, Lilulu already has colorful abilities."

In the case of a full level difference in strength and Li Lulu, there should be no misleading Li Lulu.

Could it be that there are other strong men of the three-color level, or that this lich is actually a sixth child whose strength has reached the level of three talents?

That's unlikely, if there are three-color undead, why should they be Facundo's subordinates?

It has long been a school of its own, rather than waiting for the world to shatter.

And if there are three-color-level existences among the undead forces, there will be no missions at all.

At that time, the shot may be fog.

After another blanket search, nothing was found, and neither did Lumbe and Yoyo.

In other words, it is really just an ordinary mud field.

Assuming that Li Lulu's divination is really all right, then what is the reason for this situation?

As for assuming that Li Lulu's divination was wrong, why are you still here? I have already returned to the battlefield of the fortress.

Thinking of this, Kane turned his head to look at Lumbe.

Looking at Kane's gaze, Lumbe shrugged, spreading his hands with helplessness.

"Don't look at me, I'm the worst at this kind of thing you know, I'm sure I don't know why."

Hearing what Lumbe said, Kane sighed, indeed this is not something that Lumbe would think about.

Or just think for yourself.

Make sure there are no traps and protective measures around here, and you don't see any objects with energy reactions.

So Kane's first thought was whether there might be a space opened up here.

The entrance to the opened space is here, so Lilulu's divination will reveal the location here.

Think of the lich as a mage.

It is quite normal to use some space-related spells at the gold level.

Using this method to hide one's own soul box is indeed not a problem, it is a very good way.

Thinking of this, Kane sat down cross-legged.

Then he opened his hands, facing the sky.

Magic power began to flow out of the palm.

A piece of machinery with a precise structure began to slowly condense in front of Kane.

With Kane's current rules and strength, such a slowly manufactured machine must be very precise.

After about two or three minutes, a 4-meter columnar mechanical body like a tower was created by Kane.

The reason why it takes such a long time to develop such a small size is mainly because this thing is very precise.

The second is that this thing is Kane, which is designed according to the current situation.

The magical mechanical parts of the core space detection are naturally from the sealed arm of the God of Myriad Machines.

However, although Kane has such technology and support, he has never encountered a situation that requires such equipment.

Therefore, there is no plan at all, and we can only design a mechanical device that can be operated off-the-shelf.

Fortunately, it was designed with original skills, because the characteristics of original skills can be monitored, modified and maintained at any time, so it can still barely operate.

So this is a very unstable beta version in the early stage, but at least it works.

Then Kane nodded to Yoyo next to him.

Yoyo stood up and flew up, and came to a groove of this machine.

And Kane is constantly maintaining and repairing this machine, so that it can barely run.

Under Yoyo's control, this machine continuously detects the differences in the surrounding spatial data, and to find out where there are problems is mainly to analyze whether there are errors in the fluctuations.

With the operation of the machine, one after another light gray energy light spots began to float in the surrounding air and flicker.

In this way, it took about an hour or so to rely on this broken machine to barely calculate the parameters of the surrounding space.

Looking at the report issued by Yoyo.

Kane frowned, guessing wrong, there wasn't any space around him that was separated, or there were any traces of space fluctuations.

Any operation related to space will leave traces, and such traces will remain for a long time.

At least one or two years can still be completely found.

This shows that there is really no gap in space as Kane Kane thought.

And at this time on the battlefield of the fortress.

The cannon fodder was consumed in large quantities, and the lich also began to change its strategy, using various undead capable of long-range attacks, and various bone creations that threw carrion and pieces of flesh.

The entire fortress is being attacked and harassed remotely.

There is no need to organize undead for tough siege operations anymore.

It looks like they are going to play a war of attrition with everyone in the fortress.

At this time, Kane was thinking hard on the spot again, what other reasons would cause the current situation.

At this time, Lumbe next to Kane was idly observing the surrounding situation.

Another walking corpse was attracted by the breath of living things here, and walked towards them staggeringly.

Looking at the walking corpse, Lumbe was a little irritated and threw a lightning spear towards it, blowing it to pieces.

Surrounded by broken bones and charred pieces of meat, it was known that this walking corpse was not the first victim in this hour.

And looking at the corpse that had just been blown into pieces by Lumbe.

Kane seemed to think of something and said.

"You said that it is possible that the thing containing the soul box is not a fixed place, but is constantly moving."

Following this line of thought, Kane felt suddenly enlightened.

"That's right, the container containing the soul box is an object that keeps moving, and when Li Lulu was divination, this object happened to stop here, so the current situation occurred."

Hearing Kane's words, Lombe nodded beside him.

"Well, what you said makes sense."

Hearing Lumbe's words, Kane said to him: "You wait for me here for a while, I will go to the sky to observe."

After speaking, Kane flew directly to the high altitude and reached a certain height. Kane took out a few smart cores from the space equipment, installed energy detection tools for them, and dispersed them.

Afterwards, he also opened his eagle eye and God's vision at high altitude, superimposed and observed downwards.

During this period, Yoyo kept receiving the intelligence detected by these intelligent cores.

Objects resembling possible Kane targets were marked.

After waiting for the detection to be completed, it will be up to Kane to personally identify whether it is their target one by one.

Time passed slowly.

After about a few hours, Kane was already screening targets.

Controlling the aircraft, he kept walking quickly between various targets to see if it was what he was looking for.

However, half of the investigation has been done now, and there is still nothing. These targets are not still to be found.

This had to make Kane wonder if he was thinking too much.

Perhaps there is a problem with divination.

But it's all done halfway, and it would be too stupid to give up halfway.

So we have to keep looking.

At this time, Kane also received information from the fortress.

The undead have already begun to compete with the fortress for long-range consumption.

From time to time, some troops are sent to attack the city.

After several hours of non-stop fighting, many soldiers were a little tired.

After receiving such information, Kane also began to speed up his speed.

Hard work pays off.

Finally, Kane smiled when he saw an ordinary skeleton soldier.

The reason why he showed such a smile was because the skeleton shone with a little bit of golden light.

Although there are a lot of concealment magic on his body to cover up, but in front of Kane's God's Vision, there is nothing to hide.

The gold-ranked skeleton pretended to be an ordinary skeleton, walking aimlessly, no matter how I thought about it, I felt that there was something wrong.

After getting closer, I saw this skeleton. One of the vertebrae on the back had a light gray aura that didn't match it very well.

When it arrived, it was somewhat similar to the regular aura exuded by the lich that Kane had seen before.

The goal is determined.

Kane quickly let an intelligent core lock it, and then drove the aircraft back to the previous location quickly, and then took Lumbe over.

Then, through the bb machine, the information was transmitted to the hands of Mezik who was in the fortress.

The members of the Knights of the Lantern and the Mermaid's Deep Sea Singing Troop, who had been waiting for a long time, directly opened the gate of the fortress and rushed out.

The rest of the troops rushed out after them.

The gold-ranked generals under Kane and the 6 gold-ranked mermaid generals brought by Milarina rushed to the forefront.

Seeing the troops rushing out suddenly, the Lich let out a piercing and hoarse laugh.

"Hoo Ka Ka Ka Ka, I knew that these flesh and blood creatures are always affected by the emotions in their hearts, so all the troops surrounded me."

The banshee's screams resounded throughout the battlefield again, and the lich's bone chariot also began to move. This time, he was ready to personally deal with Kane's attack.


"It's almost time, Lumbe, let's go!"

After speaking, Kane and Lumbe rushed directly to the gold-ranked skeleton.

When they were about to attack the skeleton, a solid shield like an eggshell protected the skeleton.

And the skeleton immediately huddled into a ball, surrounded the spine exuding a gray-black aura, and protected it.

Layer upon layer of runes emerged from the bone that protected it.

"Sure enough, there are so many protective runes and magic circles, I'm really afraid of death."



The lich, who was driving the chariot towards the battlefield, roared frantically.

Then just ignore the undead on the battlefield.

Bringing the two immortal so-called guardians by his side directly soared into the sky, turning into a gray streamer.

This scene was clearly seen by the gold-ranked generals of the fortress.

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