noon the next day.

Kane has not waited for the actions and news of the undead's attack, but he has waited for the army and the crown prince of the Bihai Empire.

They rushed all the way from the port to the fortress.

According to the previous agreement with Kane, come and deal with these undead forces together.

This is also one of the previous cooperation projects.

Since they also showed their faces in the port before, the Holy Light Alliance also knew that there was such a huge force.

Therefore, the members of the Holy Light Alliance and the cities along the way did not embarrass these races whose lower bodies are all kinds of fishtails.

These high-level members of the Holy Light Alliance are forcing themselves to adapt to the rules of the foggy world.

The first thing to adapt to is all kinds of alien races that look very dangerous but are harmless.

For example, that one, the devil walking around in the fortress.

The bishop hasn't adapted until now. This devil is a comrade in arms fighting with us.

In this regard, Kafka made a strong criticism, complaining how ignorant these people of the ring of the world are.

But fortunately, since he entered the Ring of the World, he has gotten used to it.

Although it is forced to get used to.

Look back.

Looking at the ground, just like the waves rolling forward on the sea, the sea water is constantly rolling forward.

A whole large area, carrying Milarina and her troops on it.

A total of 1,000 people came from the troops behind, all of whom were of top silver strength.

The whole body is covered with equipment that exudes silver brilliance.

These equipment must not be exploded in the dungeon, so they can only be made by themselves.

This army is neatly lined up, and the weapons and equipment used are uniform, indicating that they are a unified army.

At least suitable for a level of Lantern Knights, the top elite troops.

It was the first time for Kane to see a unit that could stand shoulder to shoulder with the Lantern Knights in other forces.

How much attracted his attention.

And he also saw behind Milarina, there were 6 mermaids with gold rank.

These mermaids in the ocean are handsome men and beautiful women.

No wonder it is called the elf of the sea.

Almost attracted the attention of all the soldiers on the fortress wall.

Kane jumped directly from the city wall, and then went up to meet him.

"Milarina, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The bishop who came with Kane also nodded at Miralina.

"Miss Miralina."

He didn't know that the person of this strange race in front of him was the princess of a clan, so he learned to address him the same as Kane.

However, Milarina, who seemed to be enraged, was followed by a female mermaid general in aqua blue armor.

"Presumptuous, Her Royal Highness Princess Miralina, is it also something you can directly address?"

You must know that she is the future Empress of the Empire.

Hearing what the female general said, the bishop realized that he had made a slip of the tongue.

I hurriedly bowed, and apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't know that Milarina was a princess beforehand. I'm sorry for my previous slip of the tongue."

As for why Kane can call it casually.

That is of course because Kane is His Majesty the King of Lantern Collar, whether in the eyes of Miralina or others, he is an equal existence.

Even the proud female general who just played the role of reprimanding the bishop had to bow respectfully when she saw Kane.

After all, they are allies now.

"No need to be too polite." Milarina said with a wave of her hand.

Then he turned his head and looked at Kane: "Your Majesty Kane, I should not be late."

"Of course not, it's better to say it just right."

"Tonight is the time when the undead are preparing to attack. You came at just the right time."

Hearing Kane's words, Milarina covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "It seems that my luck is not bad."

Finally, everyone walked into the fortress.

Kane wandered around the entire fortress with Miralina and the strong mermaids with golden strength behind him.

By the way, tell them about the current battle situation.

After listening to Kane's explanation of the current situation.

Miralina nodded, and then said seriously: "When we counterattack the undead, I hope we can give priority to attacking in this direction."

As he spoke, he gestured to a direction on a map next to him.

Kane looked at the map next to him, and the direction Miralina pointed was diagonally east from the fortress.

The end there is in a bay of the undead forces, the only place near the sea in the undead forces.

After all, they are the race of the sea, so they must rest and live in the sea from time to time.

Although these troops have great strength, relying on some magical effects, they can live on land for a long time.

But without the ocean to rest them, their strength will be greatly reduced with the passage of time.

Looking at this situation, Kane can certainly understand.

Then he nodded and said: "Of course this request is acceptable, after all, it is to preserve your combat effectiveness."

"Then I would like to thank His Majesty Kane."

After everyone wandered around for a while, they began to prepare for the night battle.

The sun in the sky is gradually setting.

Then it completely fell into the horizon from dusk, and it didn't take long for the cold night to usher in.


"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of horns and the sound of war drums have sounded.

It means that the undead forces are attacking them.

According to the news from Rafael and the others.

At dusk, the defenses elsewhere were already under attack.

Stand on the fort.

Kane looked at all kinds of low-level undead coming densely in front of him like a tide.

Dense white bone tides, followed by those various walking corpses and ogres behind them.

Almost no high-level undead were seen, not even the more powerful zombies and stitch monsters.

All kinds of low-level undead who don't need money are carrying out the first step of the attack.

Kane and the others did not let the soldiers on the city wall launch long-range attacks to clean up the undead.

Instead, Kane directly entered the divine power state of the glowing scale, and then a huge magic ball condensed in his hand was thrown into the sky by him.

A dark cloud began to take advantage of the night, covering the entire battlefield.

The Lich, who was watching from the rear of the battlefield, saw this.

"Warning? What a naive creature, let me see how much magic power you have, let me see how long you can last."

Looking at the dark clouds in the sky, they suffered a lot last time.

This time, the two sides used this trick as soon as the battle started, presumably as a warning to them to attack.

As time goes by.

Before the skeleton at the front had time to reach the front of the fortress.

The energy of the dark cloud has been absorbed to a certain extent.

The dazzling light fell, instantly illuminating the darkness of the entire battlefield.

Almost the entire battlefield is illuminated like daylight.

As the light flickered, there was a deafening bang.

One after another, the divine punishment formed by the melee of the holy light and the lightning kept chopping down on the ranks of the undead.

Because these low-level undead are gathered too densely, the punishment attribute in this holy light lightning is too strong.

Every fall of Heaven's Punishment can smash a large area of ​​undead around into powder.

Even the undead in the outermost periphery will be affected, the soul fire in the skull falters, and the weak ones even fall apart on the spot.

When the dark clouds dissipated and the attack of Heaven's Punishment was completed.

The first wave of low-level cannon fodder on the entire battlefield was almost wiped out, only a small group of sporadic skeletons were still rushing towards the fortress.

Then he was killed by the soldiers in the fortress who had just got new weapons, one after another, with holy light bullets.

But at this time, there was no trace of Kane on the fortress, and even Lumbe disappeared.

Only Mezke is still sitting in the fortress.

With the performance of the first time, Metzker alone can provide huge combat power and morale to the entire fortress.

Because as long as these soldiers don't die, they still feel that Metzke can save them.

Not afraid of getting hurt at all.

Besides the warning, the most important thing about the previous divine punishment was to tell the Lich Kane that he was still in the fortress.

Let it not generate the slightest doubt, and realize that the situation is not right.

At this time, the two of Kane, through the aircraft manufactured by Kane, began to circle a huge arc in the sky to reach the rear of the undead's attack camp.

They are going to find the place where the lich hides the soul box.

At this time, at the rear of the battlefield, where the Lich's bone chariot was located.

At this moment, the lich looked at the undead cannon fodder that had been wiped out in an instant, without any surprise.

When he knew that Kane and the others were still in the fortress, he was not prepared to capture the fortress in a short time.

Be prepared to run slowly, take your time, and seek breakthroughs from other places.

Then here he raised his withered arm and waved it: "Go on, let the second unit go on, don't let the creatures in these fortresses stop."

Following his order, a piercing banshee screamed across the battlefield.

The second undead team that had already been prepared began to march towards the fortress.

This time, the main force of the army is still those skeletons who don't have much combat value, and the various low-level undead who are not strong behind them.

But this time, many strange undead with silver strength can be seen in it.

They are still a kind of cannon fodder.

But this time it wasn't Kane who shot directly. After the undead reached a certain range, shells fell from the sky one after another.

The holy light produced by each explosion can cause death and injury to a large number of undead.

These holy light shells are long-range weapons carried by the soldiers under Kane's command.

Over the past few months, various individual equipment has been developed and arranged.

Some simple ones have already been included in Kane's troops.

Coupled with the specially prepared holy light attribute for the undead, we strive to kill more undead this time.

And the undead who passed through the artillery array were greeted by the soldiers of the Holy Light Alliance who had defended the fortress.

What they held in their hands were all the weapons that Kane and the others had transported by ship a few days ago.

Boxes of holy light energy cores were placed next to them to be used as ammunition for weapons.

Regardless of the price of the weapon or the energy core, in the eyes of these forces of the Holy Light Alliance, they are all good weapons with high quality and low price.

After all, the money they spend on making a few cold weapons and long swords can catch up with a magic launcher.

A large barrage of golden firepower prevented all the fish that slipped through the net from being out of range.

The entire undead force has hardly performed decently so far.

With the end of the first round of shelling, the second wave of cannon fodder undead on the entire battlefield is still less than half.

At this time, the soldiers on the fortress began to attack freely, harvesting the lives of these fragile undead.

On the other side, Kane and the others have also successfully reached the area where the target location is located.

I was looking at the sky against the map, planning to find a better and hidden landing place.

After all, they can be said to be assassinating this time, and it is better not to be seen without being seen.

After a while, Kane found a good position and controlled the aircraft to fly downward.

The aircraft was not dispersed until it landed.

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