But Kane suddenly thought of something to say after listening to the steel bone's words.

"You said the three undead kings are trying to occupy Facundo's body?"

Hearing Kane's words, Cyborg nodded.

This made Kane narrow his eyes slightly, and then asked: "So do you know their current progress and information?"

Hearing Kane's question, the soul fire in Steel Bone's skull trembled, and instantly thought of what Kane might want to do.

In other words, the person in front of him came here for a purpose. According to what they knew when they came here, the intelligent creatures here began to counterattack.

He immediately thought that maybe the person in front of him was helping.

In addition, Facundo came over in person just now, and has a cooperative relationship with Kane.

That is, is the object the body?

That’s right, it’s not the body, what else could it be?

If you want to get the body, no matter how you get it, you can't get around the three undead kings.

Thinking of this, Steel Bone immediately replied: "When the ring of the world was just opened, those three idiots had already started to expand outwards. They disregarded the rules of the gods in this place and began to wantonly slaughter lives.

Wanting to use more souls to break through the barrier of Facundo's body, it was not until some time ago that their offense began to slow down when their offense declined, and instead tried to find a way to dismantle the defense. "

After speaking, he pointed to himself and the three undead behind him.

"We, the more powerful undead, are also forced to cooperate with them to attack or crack the barrier."

"However, the barrier finally started to loosen for some reason a month ago, and those three idiots drove us all out. The current situation is unknown, but since it has been loosened, it may be soon."

After listening to Cyborg's narration, Kane nodded.

In other words, these undead don't even know that the defense mechanism of the corpse is linked to themselves.

If they want to forcibly break through the defense, they, the famous undead on the list, almost have to die cleanly.

Now these undead are all rebellious, and the mechanism of guardianship is actually out of order.

Even if Facundo took action himself, he would have to kill these undead who betrayed him, or regain control to unlock the defense.

After all, it is a very important body to him, no matter how strict it is, it cannot be overstated.

As Cyborg said, the defense began to loosen a month ago.

Wasn't it just a month ago when Kane and the others arrived at the front line and started hunting the undead?

As the number of dead undead increases, the defense will naturally appear in a situation similar to loosening.

This situation made the three undead kings feel that their method was starting to work?

Thinking of this, Kane began to frown, thinking carefully, this is their chance.

"Will this continuous cracking of the defense affect the strength of the three undead kings?"

Steel Bone nodded immediately and said: "Yes, if we were together before, the impact would not be great. Now there are only three of them, so it will inevitably cause a loss of strength."


Kane nodded and began to think.

The death of the undead will weaken the defense.

The three undead kings are cracking the defense.

The more loose the defense, will the three undead kings feel that they are about to succeed and work harder.

Certainly, but it is also possible that mutual containment will fail.

But the looseness is getting bigger and bigger, and no matter how you stop it, you will work harder.

In this case, in order to prevent accidents, Kane can't really put the three undead kings in the end to solve them.

Thinking of this, Kane turned his head and said to Yoyo: "Based on the current information, Yoyo marked those undead who have not yet appeared."

According to the current intelligence system, almost most of the undead Kane on the list knew some information.

Most of them are rushing to the front line at this time, fighting with Kane and the others.

And the part that stays in her own territory is marked by Claire.

But there are still some who have no information at all, and even the ghost maids who have penetrated into the forces of the undead have not been detected.

Just stunned for a moment, Yoyo projected all the undead who had not checked any information.

"There are 26 golden undead without any information, and 93 silver undead without any information."

These images of the undead all come from the book of contract.

Switching slowly in front of the undead in front of him.

Then Kane asked: "Do you know where these undead are now?"

"These seem to be in the core area."

"These three ghosts were eaten by me, and this bone was also broken by me."

"These few defenses that are still in the core area are the defensive forces in the core area."


For these undead, I told them everything about the undead they had seen, the undead they knew, and the undead who knew where they were.

Either defend in the core area, or stay in the core area.

Some were killed by themselves.

In other words, there are still a few undead who don't know where they are going, and it is very likely that they were killed by other undead at some time.

Forget it, the strength of those who don't know where they are going is not very good.

As long as most of the names on the list are dead.

It is mainly these undead who stay in the core area and are unwilling to come out.

"So do you have the ability to gather these undead together?"

Hearing what Kane said, no matter how stupid these undead were, they knew what he wanted to do.

They looked at each other, and after thinking for a while, they said, "It will be difficult, but give us a little time, and we can bring them together."

Kane nodded, as long as it can be done.

This can save them a lot of time.

"Then your only task now is to gather them together. Even if there are some big movements in the chosen place, the three undead kings will not be disturbed."

After hearing what Kane said, they nodded to express their understanding.

"Then I'll go first, I hope I can get your good news as soon as possible."

With that said, Kane created an aircraft, boarded it and disappeared in front of these undead.

Watching the aircraft completely disappear from their field of vision.

The undead were silent, not knowing what they were thinking about.

"My bones have been detected and returned. Do you want to know about this Kane? And the current situation on the front line?"

At this time, a message from the beholder came from their skulls.

"Stop talking, just say it."

The zombie said impatiently.

"Don't get excited, you're on the front line now, but it's a mess."

As he spoke, he began to tell the undead present what he knew.

This information is known by the skeletons controlled by him, that is, some silver skeleton undead who went to the front line.

Originally, they planned to investigate in person, but who knew that Kane would come so quickly.

After listening to the beholder's narration, Ghost was the first to speak: "That is to say, the lich died in his hands, and he didn't even keep the soul box? It's really scary."

The strength of that Lich can be said to be in the same echelon as them, and it is a very staunch opposition.

To be precise, it is not of the same nature as them.

Among the hundreds of golden undead, not all of them are unnaturally transformed undead.

As a lich, it is naturally impossible for the former mage to transform himself into an unnatural undead.

Otherwise, why would this mage still want to be a lich.

Liches have always been voluntary, using special techniques to transform themselves.

Relying on knowledge and abilities, liches have always transformed themselves into natural undead.

So it doesn't have the same bottleneck as the undead in front of it.

Undead like liches themselves were designed by mages themselves in order to avoid death.

On the contrary, it was Facundo who once suppressed his strength, preventing him from improving his strength well.

Among all the undead under Facundo's command, the strength of this powerful lich is also among the best, and it can be ranked in the top ten existences, and its strength is almost in the same position as the metal skeleton.

Coupled with the lich's characteristic that it can't be killed without knowing the soul box.

Life-saving ability can be described as absolutely first-class.

It turned out that he did not expect to die in the hands of Kane.

Sure enough, when Kane rushed towards them, he had the idea of ​​killing them all.

It's different from Ghost's focus.

After thinking about it for a while, Cyborg said: "This Kane, the subsequent shots are all aimed at the undead lords... Are these targeted undead lords our former colleagues?"

The beholder heard Cyborg's question and nodded.

Indeed, those undead spirit masters who were hacked and killed were almost all their former colleagues.

That is, the undead recorded in the contract.

At this moment, Cyborg seemed to have figured out something.

"I see."

"What did you think of? Tell me." The zombie asked beside him.

Hearing what the zombie said, Cyborg said directly: "If their goal is to get Facundo's body, why should they target these undead? They just need to kill those three idiots directly."

Whether it's Kane's behavior, or the action he just wanted to gather those undead together.

They all express that he wants to kill these undead, and it just so happens that these undead are all the main force under Facundo's command.

"Perhaps it was Facundo's request. He wants to punish these traitors. You know, he is the one who can do this kind of thing."

The zombie said next to him, he thought maybe it was what he said.

"No, even if that's the case, shouldn't we get the body first? That's safer, isn't it?"

The beholder's voice spread into the skulls of the undead.

"Besides, Cyborg just said that the actions of those three idiots have progressed.

But Lord Kane is still not in a hurry, and let us gather the goals he said first.

If it was an attack against those three idiots, these guys would not take action, but would stand by and watch, so they were not necessarily obstacles to be removed. "

The beholder's explanation made the zombies and ghosts' not so bright heads understand a little bit.

"Then why would he do it?"

Ghost asked with some incomprehension.

Having said so much, let's talk about the key points, to show the sense of superiority, right? He couldn't help but complain in his soul.

"After all, you are too stupid!"

"I said don't spy on my soul casually, and I won't let you connect next time."

The ghost who heard his inner voice yelled at the beholder.

Cyborg ignored the two undead, but explained directly.

"Kane and the others had just fought against the Lich's troops a month ago, and what you thought of a month ago was when the defense was loose."

After listening to Cyborg's explanation, the zombie punched the dead wood next to it.

The dead tree collapsed.

"Damn Facundo, actually linked the core of the defense to us, and we were kept in the dark."

Looking at the angry zombie, Steel Bone said quietly: "What's there to be angry about, isn't he such a bad person?"

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