These undead who knew the truth once again witnessed the evilness of Facundo.

Angry, yet helpless.

This is indeed something that Facundo can do. After knowing it, he will not be surprised at all when he calms down.

If Facundo is not bad, it is impossible that no undead will be loyal to him once he disconnects.

The undead who are loyal to him just have no better place to go, no better way.

"Idiots are idiots, even if they are powerful, they are just stronger idiots."

After understanding, the zombie couldn't help laughing.

He laughed like the three undead kings, thinking that he had a chance to reach the sky.

The result is still under the control of Facundo, not only will there be no gains, but also hate the gods here.

Compared with these idiots, their experience can be said to be very good.

Sure enough, it doesn't matter whether it is a person or an undead.

Happiness is ultimately based on the pain of others.

Thinking of this, the anger of these undead disappeared.

They even couldn't wait to know the anger of the three undead kings after knowing the truth.

"Let's go, it's time to get down to business."

Saying that, Steel Bone stretched out a sharp finger and cut through the space.

A crack in space appeared in front of them, the steel bone pulled it apart, and then drilled in.

The rest of the undead followed.


Kane separated from the undead and returned to the camp with the information he had harvested.

A meeting was opened directly in the guild hall.

Whether it's Claire or Kane, they must speed up the pace of attack during this period.

But there must be a certain speed. After the undead on the list have been annihilated to a certain extent, they need to slow down.

A certain amount of undead is needed to maintain the strength of the defense.

The three undead kings should feel the loosening of the defense, but they can't really let them take advantage of the loopholes and break through the defense.

Everything is waiting for the news from the steel bone.

As long as the group of undead in the core area dies, Kane is ready to lead the elite team to confront the three undead kings directly.

If Kane and the others want to complete the task of obtaining Fa Kunduo's body, they must face these three undead kings head-on.

It cannot escape.

Since it is necessary, you must take the situation into your own hands.

Only when the initiative is in your own hands can you better grasp the situation!

At a suitable time, Kane and the others choose to attack.

Only in this way can the casualties be reduced, and these undead can be killed at a lower cost.

And the period in between is the best time for Claire and Lumbe to master their own strength.

The strength of the two people who have been improved again, it is no problem for one person to deal with an undead king.

Kane still believes in his teammates very much.

Been here for more than a month, and finally got a chance to resolve the fight quickly.

Of course you have to hold on tight.

After the meeting, the undead on the front line felt that the attacks of these humans had become more aggressive.

Especially the liquidator, who frantically wiped out all kinds of powerful undead lords at a rate of almost two a day.

Even many timid undead have begun to retreat.

And far away in other undead forces that have not been affected, Claire also caused an uproar.

Relying on strong strength and crazy war behavior.

There are also black and white flames that attack the undead.

Claire pulled up a large team, and her most powerful undead was even ranked seventh among the famous undead on the list.

This undead was also a fanatical fighter, and he voluntarily belonged to Claire's command.

This caused the entire power of the undead to become turbulent.

The forces of intelligent creatures in the snowfield area on the other side found an opportunity and also started to counterattack.

In just over a month, because of Kane and their arrival and targeting.

The forces of the undead have changed from being invincible before, to local natural disasters, to invincible existence. It has become a war-torn area.

It feels like God is not on their side.

...It seems that the sky will not be on their side.

Not only did they not stand on their side, but they were also blocked.

Being an enemy of the world, death is doomed after all.

Even without Kane and the others, they would be destroyed due to other circumstances.

Naturally, the fog won't allow them to become truly rampant.


At this time, at the core of the undead area.

The place where Facundo once prepared the Kingdom of God.

This is the real place of death, and the elements and aura of the undead fill this area.

In addition to the undead walking on the ground, there are countless bones and shells buried under the earth.

The whole area is filled with biting coldness, which is a chill that can make the soul tremble and the will collapse.

It is impossible for any sun's rays to penetrate through the layers of evil spirit clouds.

The whole area was dark, there was not even a breeze, it was completely dead.

In the center of this area, there is a huge skull.

From the huge size and shape of the skull, it can be seen that it is not humanoid.

It was some kind of unusually exaggerated huge animal skull.

Bones from other areas of the beast were spliced ​​together to form a tall tower.

And the skull became the door into the tower.

In this area, the dark clouds in the sky gathered downward in a spiral shape and poured into the top of the tower.

Various clouds and mist breaths of black, white and dark green are entangled around this high tower.

These vapors turned into loathsome and terrifying faces, into grotesque evil spirits.

Screaming and flying around.

These screams follow the rhythm, which is jarring and yet trembling at the same time.

People who are not strong enough in strength and will will fall into a coma and chaos just by getting close to this sound.

Died in a daze.

There is not even a single undead within a dozen miles around this giant tower, not even a skeleton without self-consciousness.

In this tower.

One floats in the center of a pale white translucent sphere.

It was Facundo's body.

The whole body was wrapped in a white cloth robe, and the exposed face did not have any facial features.

The face is actually a piece of smooth skin like the back.

He floated quietly in the sphere like this, and he could even see the blood vessels under the skin still glowing red.

This is a living corpse.

The body of a god.

And below the sphere are three powerful undead, sitting in different corners in a triangle shape.

These three undead are the three kings of the undead force.

They gathered the magic power in their bodies into strength and attacked the sphere above.

Three dark green beams of light hit the shield directly.

The weakening of the defense can be felt every once in a while.

It was this weakening of defense that gave the three undead confidence.

These three undead have different images, but they can all see their powerful strength.

An undead looks like a dry bone, wearing a thick and sophisticated giant armor, with an exquisite golden crown on its head.

On his left is a completely invisible figure wrapping himself under a delicate off-white cloak.

On the right is an elegant man dressed in an exquisite robe, just like a nobleman.

If it weren't for the thin scar on his forehead and the pale, bloodless skin, no one would think he was a ghost.

I saw the soul fire in the Skeleton King's skull suddenly flourished, and he said, "Madio, I heard that your site has become a mess, so don't worry about it?"

Although they have been in this tower, they are not ignorant of the outside world.

Hearing the Skeleton King's words, the pale man opened his eyes, and a red light flashed from his blood-red pupils.

The sound is elegant and magnetic.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I get this body, no matter how big the territory is, no matter how many lives there are, they will surrender under my feet."

"On the contrary, it's you Harder. Civil strife has been set off in your territory. I heard that there is a ghost knight fighting in your territory. Can't even control the undead under him? What a waste.

It's better to quit early, give me this body, and surrender at my feet. "

Madio replied, and then turned his lips back, provoking Skeleton King severely.

For his words, Skeleton King also did not have the slightest anger.

For the three of them, the so-called territory and subordinates are just a means to achieve their goals.

The purpose is to accumulate enough soul and power to break through the defense of Facundo's body.

Now, under the combined efforts of the three of them, the defense has been slowly weakening.

The so-called territory is naturally not important.

What matters is the body above it.

And the two competitors in front of them.

"You got this body? Stop dreaming, you know your own strength."


Madeo snorted and didn't say much.

Although the strength of the three of them is not much different, there is still a certain gap.

And he is the weakest among them.

The reason why the three of them can be as peaceful as they are now is mainly because no matter who is against anyone, the other will be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

After all, even if he is the weakest, if he really tries his best, he can at least seriously injure the one who wants to kill him.

It is impossible to take him down easily.

It is precisely because of this that these three undead formed a delicate balance.

And because you want to break through the defense, if you are alone, you may not be able to do it for too long.

So this delicate balance has been maintained until now.

As the defense becomes weaker and weaker, the balance between them becomes more and more fragile, and it may collapse at any time.

"Your strength has weakened."

The figure who hid his figure under the gray robe suddenly said.

Hearing this, both of them closed their eyes, and resumed maintaining the power they conveyed.

In any case, the first task now is to break through this defense.

Even if the defense is loose now, it is not an existence that they can break through alone.


A faint crisp crackle.

Hearing this movement, the three of them immediately opened their eyes and turned their attention to the translucent sphere above.

I saw a very small crack almost invisible to the naked eye appeared on the translucent sphere.

"Don't stop! Increase power."

Hearing the words of the figure in gray robe, the other two stopped moaning, and increased their strength to crack.

The sudden appearance of cracks indicated that there was a real problem with the defense, and success was not far away from them.

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