It has been a week since I parted from Steel Gu and the others.

Almost all the undead who came to the front line to support from other places also showed up one after another.

These undead are all rushing to hunt and kill living creatures and devour their souls.

No logistics, no preparation required.

Their arrival finally made the surrounding undead lords form an effective line of defense.

Started an orderly confrontation with the troops and the soldiers on Kane's side.

Instead of being targeted one by one as before, there is no order.

However, their arrival did not stop Kane from hunting the undead lord.

It just slowed down the soldiers under Kane's command.

On the side of the living beings, they occupied a defense line formed by a river, a forest, and a small cliff, fighting with these undead.

Because Kane is constantly hunting and killing the undead lords, these undead are still unable to organize a counterattack well.

After Kane hunted a certain number of undead during this period, he began to slow down his movements.

He couldn't take out any more undead lords, which could lead to possible accidents because the defenses around Facundo's body were too weak.

A defensive barrier is linked to every undead.

The more undead died, the weaker the barrier would be.

What he killed now, plus those that Claire killed in the undead forces.

And after that, the undead in the core area will be taken away in one pot.

Counting the undead who will die is 2/3 of the contract, and there may be more.

The remaining 1/3 shouldn't be too weak, maybe it will make the three undead kings spend more power to break it.

So Kane feels that at least 1/3 must be left for final insurance.

Kane, who was thinking about it, felt the spar at his waist shaking slightly.

"Is it finally done?"

Looking at the shaking spar, it was the message from the steel frame.

Hope it will be good news.


"Steel Bones, you called everyone here, presumably you have something important to discuss with us."

"Quack, yes, are you going to decide something, Quack."

"I smell something unusual, is it ambition? Or conspiracy?"

"I didn't expect all of you to come. There are so many of you. The steel-framed one's ambition is not small!"

All kinds of voices came from the mouths of the surrounding undead.

After the steel bones came back in the last week, they actively communicated with every undead.

And deliberately showed his inexplicably enhanced strength, and it's not him alone, but all four of them have gained strength.

And they are all loyalists, and they don't deal with the three undead kings.

It is this kind of performance that attracts almost all the undead who are still in the core area.

Although they obeyed the orders of the three undead kings, they did not completely turn their backs.

If there are better options, why not do it?

Finally, today, the steel skeletons gathered here.

"Okay, Steel Bones, since everyone bought your face and came here, let's talk about what you want to talk about."

This is a huge suture monster with dense sutures stitched all over its body. The mouth tightly shut by sutures does not affect his vocalizations.

He stared at the steel skeleton in front of him with his cloudy and white eyes: "Hope, it's enough important information."

The soul fire in the steel skull's eye sockets was burning, staring at the group of undead in front of him.

Cracked his jaw, and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, don't worry, everyone, the news this time is enough to make you linger."

Hang around, there is no chance to return, hahahaha.

The ghost next to him silently dubbed in his heart.

"What does it have to do with you?"

A voice sounded in the soul again, and Ghost couldn't help shouting in his heart: "I've said it before, don't peep into my thoughts without authorization."

"You are too weak, your heart sounds like howling in my ear, so..."

Before the beholder's soul message was finished, the silk thread linking the ghost was forcibly hung up.

At this time, they gathered above the cliff.

Amidst the layers of dark clouds of evil spirits, a huge disc floats inside.

The remnant souls and evil spirits in the dark clouds howled crazily around the disk, wanting to enter it.

There is something in it that attracts them.

A circle of black and white flames suddenly ignited around the disc, scaring away the evil spirits.

And the ones in the middle of the disc are Kane and others.

In addition to the four members of Kane Claire, there are also the Raphael team, the three of Funa, and the members of the guild whose strength has reached gold.

But there is no Israel. After all, it is too big, and it is not easy to exert its full strength in such a battle.

It was a big melee after all.

Among the golden generals under Kane's command, there are also stronger ones, such as the Guardian Sword Master who joined them a few months ago.

At this time, the picture displayed on the screen in front of them was exactly the scene where they gathered in the steel frame below.

"There are a lot of enemies this time, and they are not weak."

Looking at the undead displayed on the screen, Raphael couldn't help but say.

For several of them, he felt that he might not be an opponent.

You know what he said, it is also the strongest echelon in the Lantern Guild except for Kane and the others.

Hearing Raphael's words, Kane turned around with a smile and comforted him: "Don't think too much, I will enter the Holy Grail state directly after a while, and then apply a very powerful Holy Light buff to you."

Afterwards, Kane's tone became serious, and he said to everyone present: "But remember, there are only 10 seconds, and I hope that your shots will directly be your most powerful attacks. Within 10 seconds, Kill at least half of the enemies."

After listening to Kane's words, Rafael gestured that there was no problem, and everyone nodded.

A powerful buff that requires infinite magic power to add, just think about how powerful it is.

"The signal is here, let's go down."

The spar on Kane's waist began to sway, and the steel frame in the picture also made a gesture.

It means now is the time.

Hearing Kane's words, everyone immediately got ready, holding their weapons firmly in their hands, and the strength has begun to gather in the weapons.

"Go down!"

After speaking, the platform under his feet began to deform, and then everyone was wrapped in it, turning into a conical bullet-loaded huge vehicle, and began to land rapidly downward.

The tail of this bullet-like creation ejected a slender tail flame.

The impact force caused this strange vehicle to fall downward at a faster speed.

At this time, Kane inside had already used the magic Holy Grail.

A huge cup appeared above Kane's head again, pouring down like a waterfall of blue liquid.

When he felt that the magic power was too much to see the end, Kane immediately entered the divine power state of the glowing scale.

"The strength is coming, pay attention to it."

After Kane's words fell, a huge amount of holy light magic power turned into several long rivers and poured into the bodies of everyone present.

Only the buff obtained by Claire is not holy light, but the most essential blue magic radiance.

After all, when Claire entered the combat state, her nature was not much different from that of an undead.

Applying holy light to Claire cannot be said to be a buff, but only a curse.

"Good brother, when will you do this?"

At this time, Lumbe had been filled with the energy of the holy light into a statuette, and his whole body exuded a dazzling golden light.

At this moment, Lumbe felt that his strength had skyrocketed, and even the magic power in his body had been improved to a certain extent.

Not to mention that every attack of his own will add powerful damage from the holy light, and the enemy will have to endure the rebound of the holy light when he attacks him.

This rebound may not be a big problem for normal life, but it is not good for undead.

"Stop talking, we're about to land!"

At this time, the undead below had already felt the tremendous pressure from above.

The rich holy light can be clearly felt even if it is hundreds of meters away from the sky below.

That's what makes the undead sick.

"Something is coming down, pay attention!"

The undead who was the first to discover immediately roared loudly at the other undead around.

remind them.

These undead all felt the powerful holy light response from above.

Instinctively began to back away and dodge around.

Although they don't know why this happens, the instinct engraved in their souls will allow them to avoid this deadly attack.

However, before they dodged far, they were immediately covered firmly by a translucent golden mask.

A golden cage surrounded them and trapped them.

The undead such as Steel Bone who had enjoyed this kind of treatment once could not help being happy.

Hey, feel bad.

But beside them is not a golden cage, but a translucent protective cover similar to a light mask.

And deliberately kept a certain distance from them, lest the Holy Light stab them.

At the same time, the bullet-like vehicle fell to the ground, exploded and disappeared in an instant.

I saw a series of golden lights flashing from inside, each rushing towards the goal that had been set earlier.

Then came the holy light energy that flooded in like a tide, frantically crowding all the places in the entire space.

It's like the sea water flowing backwards.

The dazzling light for a moment made all the undead unable to distinguish the current situation, and the energy of the holy light filled the surroundings, even causing problems in their souls.

Not to mention letting go of the spirit and telepathy.

These undead really entered the state of the blind.

"I didn't expect Lord Kane to be quite considerate."

Specter looked at the shield that protected him, and said in fear in the dazzling light.

The holy light energy pouring in like a tide just now scared him half to death, and he wanted to run out instinctively.

He almost thought that Kane was going to catch them all in one go.

Fortunately, these holy light energies were blocked outside when they touched the shield.

Even if they were so close to him, only more than one meter away, it still wouldn't cause any stinging pain to his soul.

After he endured it, he couldn't help but praise Kane's behavior.

"What's the situation outside now? It's full of holy light energy, and my perception protection can't let it out."

The zombie asked the undead beside him.

Although he also couldn't see the other undead around him, at least he heard the voice of the ghost just now.

"I don't know, I can only listen carefully."

Now the entire protective cover is filled with dazzling holy light, and the perception cannot be released even if it is invisible. It can only be distinguished by the sounds of fighting and screams from time to time.

Most of these screams were hoarse, unwilling, and revealed a familiar smell.

It should all belong to these undead, and Kane and the others have the upper hand.

It seems that Kane and the others dare to face so many powerful undead directly at once, and they really have this strength.

"By the way, why didn't I hear the beholder's voice... Yes, I can't even release the perception of the soul, let alone the soul thread."

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect you to have today!"

The ghost's mocking sound was so harsh around.

"Idiot, although I don't have a vocal organ, I have the magic of vocalization."

The beholder's voice suddenly sounded.

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