"The situation was urgent, at that time I turned into a bolt of lightning and snapped.

That Skeleton King still wants to run! Hmph, I was pushed to the ground in one fell swoop. "

"You haven't seen the frightened expression on his face, it's really unforgettable."

Lombe was sitting on the bar, holding a mug of beer in one hand and gesturing in the sky with the other. Spit at the person in front of you.

"But, where does the skeleton have that expression?"

When Mi Lu heard Lumbe's words, she asked with some doubts.

This question was immediately stopped by Lombe.

The little Gem in front of Lumbe immediately explained: "Uncle Lumbe must be lying, and the Skeleton King may have been killed by my elder brother."

Hearing Little Graham's words, Lombe immediately retorted: "How is it possible, Kane was still fighting with other people at that time, okay, okay, I'm exaggerating, you brats."

Lilulu, who was sitting on Mina's head, folded her hands on her chest, and said disdainfully: "Lumbe must be lying, you said that the Skeleton King is quick and agile, like a thief. How could you possibly catch up with him?" , you must be played around by him."

As Lumbe's teammate, Li Lulu knew best, and immediately exposed the flaws in Lumbe's words.

Although the previous battle was indeed played around, but after that I was very proud.

Lumbe said inwardly, then stared at Lilulu and said arrogantly: "Oh, I forgot that Lilulu was back then, I must not know."

"Metzker has configured a very powerful potion."

Hearing Long Bei's words, Li Lulu's eyes were full of curiosity, and she immediately appeared in front of Long Bei.

With both hands, he pulled his blue-gray beard vigorously.

"Quickly tell me what it is, don't play riddles for Li Lulu."

Lumbe pulled his beard with both hands, trying to pull it back, but he didn't tell Li Lulu anyway.

Ready to kill her.


I saw a slap on the back of Lumbe's head, knocking him down directly.

"Okay, you brat, it's nothing to say here to lie to children."

There were almost no people in the guild hall at this time, except for a few sporadic members who were drinking and chatting.

Only Lumbe at the bar and the 4 little ones from the guild in front of him were left.

The boring Lumbe can only brag to these children here.

At this time, one hand lifted Lilulu up and put it on her shoulder.

Then he took out a potion and handed it to Li Lulu to hold.

The liquid in the potion is in a two-color spiral upwards.

"Okay, Lilulu, this is Metzker's new potion."

Little Gemu looked at the person, and immediately walked over happily, hugging his thigh.

"Brother Kane!"

Kane touched his head with a smile, and then said to the children: "I have something to do with Lumbe, you go and play first."

"Well, goodbye, big brother!"

"Bye!" Kane smiled and shook his hands, and Li Lulu on his shoulders also shook his hands.

Li Lulu looked at the potion bottle in her arms, and examined it carefully for a while.

"Kane, is what Lombe just said true?"

"What did he just say?"

Kane just came in and didn't know the specific situation, so he asked curiously.

Lilulu repeated it, and got Kane's affirmative nod.


"Ah, Lilulu didn't participate in such an interesting battle, so angry!"

The angry Lilulu began to hit Kane's head with the top of her head regardless of her image.

Once again, she felt that surpassing the strength of her teammates would make her miss too much.

Kane flicked her head helplessly and said comfortingly, "Okay, okay, we're coming back soon, and we're almost ready to be promoted to the third color."

Hearing this, Li Lulu immediately said pleasantly: "Really?"


He said to Lumbe, "Let's go, the protective cover is about to be broken."

Hearing Kane's words, Lombe nodded, and then disappeared in place.

Kane also lifted Lilulu up and put it on the bar.

"I'm leaving first too."

After a while, the two appeared in the Tower of the Dead.

"You are here."

Claire turned her head to look at the two and said, then continued to stare at the translucent sphere in the sky.

They have been waiting for a long time.

Cyborg and the others were also watching from the side.

Kane came to Claire and looked up at the translucent sphere in the sky.

The translucent sphere is covered with dense cracks, and the depth of these cracks has even affected the observation of the interior from the outside.

Just like the glass that has been completely shattered, it has been pieced together firmly, and it seems that it can be completely broken with a slight force.

The reason why Kane and the others knew that they were about to break up was because all the marked contract undead on the map were about to be wiped out.

Only the last one left.

And not long ago, Rafael had summoned him.

They have surrounded the last one, and it won't be long before they can kill it.

Get Kane them here, get ready.

Beep! Beep!

The bb machine at the waist has already started to ring.


The ear-piercing sound of breaking also came from above.

The sphere shield covered with cracks was finally completely shattered, turning into crystal clear debris all over the sky.

Seeing this situation, Kane immediately took out a crystal skull from the space equipment, and then directly projected it over.

The crystal skull shining with faint green light drew an arc and landed straight on the corpse.

The skull dissipated and turned back into a solid dark green coffin to seal the corpse in it.

When he completely wrapped the corpse, it turned into a crystal skull again and fell down.

It's just that the crystal skull has turned into a dark green jade skull.

Kane, who came below, caught it accurately, and then put it away.

This thing was given to him by Facundo early in the morning, and it was a prop to crack the defense mechanism on the last corpse itself.

If the skull is not touched, the corpse will be randomly teleported when touched by outsiders.

Turning his head to Claire and the others, he said, "Okay, now that we have the mission objective this time, we can start our return journey."

"Okay, let's go out."

With that said, Kane led the crowd out of the Tower of the Dead and outside the tower.

Claire looked at the towering bone tower behind her and asked, "What should we do with this tower, should we keep it like this?"

Kane turned around and shook his head, then stretched out his right hand and made a twisting motion.

A dense magic circle appeared in the palm of his hand and began to rotate along with his movements.

An unknown spell was spoken from Kane's mouth.


The towering bone tower began to loosen, collapsing as if the bottom had been blasted.

Kane waved his hand immediately, and a transparent shield enveloped everyone.

The collapse of the huge bone tower brought thick smoke and bone residues flying around.

It slammed into the shield with a clanging sound.

After the smoke and dust dissipated completely, Kane removed the protective cover.

Look at the huge pile of bones in front of you.

The soul fire in Steel Bone's eyes seemed calm: "Finally, has it collapsed? This is an eyesore building."

"Okay, it's over, let's go."

Kane turned around and waved forward.

It is still a superimposed extension when constructing mechanical creations.

An aircraft was quickly constructed in front of everyone.

Lumbe and the others climbed up skillfully and found a suitable place to sit down.

Seeing some undead such as steel bones in a hurry, Kane smiled helplessly and said: "Go in first, and I will teach you after going in."

With that said, everyone boarded the aircraft.

After a brief introduction, everyone sat down.


Cyborg suddenly shouted.

"what's wrong?"

Kane turned to look at him, and the others also turned their attention.

"Um, are you planning to drive this thing back?"

"Yeah, that's fast."

Hearing Kane's words, Cyborg stretched out his claws in embarrassment, and scratched his head.

Then he stretched out a finger with the other hand, and scratched the air slightly.

A breach appeared in the air.

Looking at the crack in the air, Kane slapped himself on the forehead.

Yeah, why did you forget this?

The first time he met Cyborg and the others, they appeared directly in front of him.

It also directly broke the space.

Kane knew at that time that the rules of the steel frame should be related to space.

Even after that, whether it's fighting or other things, you can see the steel frame's manipulation of space.

It's just that Kane didn't ask carefully, after all, it was too impolite.

Cyborg has not teleported in front of him since then.

So Kane simply forgot about it.

If you think about it carefully now, the space rules of the steel frame should be quite familiar with the teleportation array.

"So, you can open a portal directly to our destination?"

Hearing Kane's words, Cyborg shook his head.

"You can't go directly to where you want to go, but you can go to the location we met last time. I have the coordinates there."

Then he thought of something, and the steel bone said: "You can also ask other people to provide me with a coordinate, then I can drive there directly."

"How to provide it?"

Hearing what Steel Bone said, Kane asked directly.

It is of course much more comfortable to be able to reach the destination directly than to go through a distance.

"It's very simple, just read a secret spell with magic power, and you can send me the coordinate information."

Hearing this, Kane nodded: "Then you leave it to me, and I'll let them send you the coordinates."

After speaking, he waved his hand to disperse the aircraft under their feet, and everyone stood on the ground again.

Then Cyborg handed the secret spell to Kane, and Kane contacted directly through the bb machine, and then went to wait in the guild hall.

After a while, Kane returned.

"Wait a minute, the coordinates should be transmitted in a while."

Hearing this, Cyborg nodded.

Sure enough, after a while, he received a coordinate secret spell.

"Okay, I have received it, so let's go now?"

"Of course, let's go now."

Hearing Kane's words, Steel Bone stretched out a bony finger and slashed at the air in front of him.

A fine crack appeared in the air, and then Steel Bone stretched out his hands and tore it apart abruptly.

How should I put it, this way of opening the portal looks really violent.

What stands out is a kind of instability.

"Okay, we will reach our destination after passing through."

After speaking, Cyborg walked in first.

Then the zombies followed closely, and ghosts and beholders waited for Kane and the others to enter.

Kane and the others looked at each other, and also walked in.

After the ghosts and beholders also entered, the cracks closed quietly without a single trace.

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