The teleportation door, which is like tearing open the space forcefully, gave Kane their teleportation experience, which was not good.

They walked in the cracks of this space, and the whole person seemed to be compressed, being pulled along with the twisting of the space.

It's like a ball of human-shaped plasticine, flattened and long.

No, the body was really pulled like this.

It is a bodily illusion created by the twisting of space.

Although it is an illusion, the feeling is real, which makes people extremely uncomfortable.

Just like an unstable teleportation platform, just such a small distance feels more uncomfortable than long-distance teleportation.

There are indeed certain standards for physical fitness requirements.

Kane felt for a while that it was simply unbearable for a space like this to be teleported without a gold level.

And it certainly cannot be sent multiple times in a short period of time.

And Steel Bones and the others are undead, and they don't even feel uncomfortable.

Unless it is aimed at their souls, it has little effect on their bodies at all.

Because their sensitivity to themselves has long been reduced to the lowest level, and they have always relied on their souls to be keenly aware.

No wonder Steel Bone used teleportation so rudely. It turned out that he couldn't experience bad feelings.

In this shaking and twisted space, it took about a minute to walk.

The steel frame in front disappeared after passing through a white gap.

It seems to be the place.

Kane and the others followed closely through the light slit.

"This feeling is somewhat uncomfortable."

After standing on the ground, Lumbe stretched his body, and then rubbed his head.

He felt groggy now.

Regarding Lumbe's words, Kane and the others also drowsily agreed.

It's really not good for intelligent creatures.

Looked at the surrounding environment.

Now they are in a courtyard, next to a house made of pure white stone.

The top of the house is a roof made of orange-red bricks.

A flag with a lantern was planted on the roof, indicating the ownership of this site.

The sound of the waves can be heard clearly in the ears, and the salty sea breeze blows on their faces.

Kane walked to the courtyard and looked out.

You can directly look at the port not far from here. The port here is still the same as the one made by Kane before, and it hasn't changed much.

It can only be seen that the expansion is obviously carried out outwards, and some places are still being reinforced and trimmed.

After all, the temporary port made by Kane before is indeed a bit crude.

Just a framework that can be used easily.

They are still being built according to Kane's previous port framework.

This is the former refugee camp where ocean-going ships landed.

At this time, the refugee camps are no longer supported by various tents like before.

In a short period of time, it has become a large town.

Various low-rise houses are arranged neatly from the port.

Compared with the former refugee camp, at this time, in addition to being an important town, it is also an important trading place.

Caravans from various forces of the Holy Light Alliance and merchants of all sizes gathered here.

They came here only for Kane's goods at first, but now it's a very good platform.

The large machinery and equipment at the port are constantly transporting all kinds of containerized goods from the largest ship warehouse.

Next to it are all kinds of workers, some of these workers are residents of the surrounding cities, and some are refugees who stayed here.

The volume of goods handled by the terminal makes it too many jobs here.


In the future, this place will become bigger and bigger, because as the front line advances, their demand for Kane's goods will become larger and larger.

Almost every time a ship returns, the cargo it carries is almost full.

"In just over a month, such a huge area and port have just sprung up."

Claire came to Kane's side, looked at the city and said with a sigh.

Since Claire was already deep behind enemy lines at that time, she did not come here with Kane to witness the arrival of the first ocean-going ship.

"Go into the room and rest for a while. After the ship unloads, we will go back together."

Kane stared at the distant port, and the huge ocean-going cruise ship on the sea said to everyone.

Everyone had no objection to this, and walked into the white hut next to them to rest temporarily.

And the officials who had been waiting for a long time, immediately began to arrange for Kane and the others to return.

Kane walked over and looked at Steel Bones and the others, thought for a while and said, "I don't suggest that I temporarily change your appearance. The returning ship is almost full of refugees. They don't have a good impression of the undead."

Kane's words were somewhat euphemistic.

If these refugees see the undead, they will only have two extreme emotions, one is fear, and the other is anger.

After all, their current situation is entirely caused by these undead. It is difficult for them to accept the fact that a few undead are their own.

They can only wait for time to slowly heal the wounds in their hearts, and slowly accept this rapidly changing world.

"No problem, we know some things too."

Cyborg doesn't have any opinion on Kande's request.

Hearing his answer, Kane nodded, then reached out and waved.

The solid body armor surrounded the steel bones and zombies.

In just an instant, the two became elite knights in full body armor.

The simple patterns on it can effectively block the undead breath emanating from them.

Not to mention anything else, it is very easy to deceive ordinary civilians.

Then Kane looked at the evil spirit and beholder next to him, and couldn't help frowning and thinking.

It is not easy for these two undead to have a simple disguise.

The evil spirit is okay, it is a kind of spirit body.

Kane made him a mechanical puppet and let him drill into it for temporary boarding operations.

But this beholder made Kane difficult.

The beholder himself knew that his appearance was a bit exaggerated, and he was already completely inhuman.

Faint silk threads floated beside Kane, and the voice of the beholder rang in Kane's ears.

"Don't embarrass Lord Kane, I can have a simple deep sleep for more than 10 days."

Hearing what the beholder said, Kane could only nod his head: "Then I will wrong you."

After speaking, a cylindrical container was created.

As a temporary residence for the beholders while waiting to board the ship.

And the beholder just used his huge eyeballs to stare at the ghost who was familiar with the mechanical body, then donated it into the container, and slowly fell asleep.

"Why do you have to ask me to carry you away? It's really annoying."

Ghost manipulated the mechanical body and said grumblingly.

Then he came over and picked up the container and put it outside the house.

Everyone was also in the room, resting for a while.

Wait until the cargo on the ocean cruise ship has been completely loaded and unloaded.

An officer with a lantern collar knocked on the door and entered.

"Your Majesty, my lords, the boat is ready."

Hearing this, Kane stood up.

"Well, lead the way."

In the end, the official took everyone all the way to the port, and then the operator of the ship brought them onto the cruise ship.

Set up Kane and the others in the best rooms.

And the machinery operated by the ghost has been carrying a huge cylindrical container.

"This period of time is really non-stop, and finally I can take a good rest."

Kane lay on the bed and said to Claire next to him.

Then the two entered the guild hall directly.

Although the accommodation on the cruise ship is very good, it is still a lot worse than the guild hall, let alone better personal space.


When the sun rises, the cruise ship starts slowly.

Refugees full of hope, and the core of the entire force.

Lead to this lantern and make a return flight.

And at this time.

In the conference room on the second floor of the guild hall.

All those important members who are still in the Holy Light Alliance area gather here.

They still need to continue to annihilate the remaining undead. These are all contributions and cannot be wasted at will.

Kane and the others who left are also here.

Kane's departure required some simple arrangements for the members who remained in the Holy Light Alliance.

"First of all, almost all the threatening units in the undead have died, and the rest can't pose any life threat to everyone present."

"After I left, there will be no resurrection technique to cover you behind your back. Both you and the soldiers you lead must be vigilant."

Then he said in a serious tone: "If I die, I won't have my resurrection technique, and there is only one chance for the Fountain of Rebirth."

"And if there are too many deaths of soldiers because of your actions, I will also hold you accountable for this matter."

It is impossible for Kane to give these people the bottom line forever. The threatening target has almost been killed.

Now as long as a certain degree of vigilance is maintained, there will hardly be too many casualties.

If you accidentally die at this time, you really can only blame yourself.

It is also impossible for him to be by these people's side all the time like a nanny.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Hearing their answers, Kane just nodded.

"Although we have left, we cannot let go of the benefits we deserve. Which ones must be held in our own hands, and which ones need to be fought for are up to you to judge."

"I will not interfere with these things, I hope you will not disappoint me."

Speaking of this, Kane looked at Baijiao and the people behind her.

Seeing Kane's eyes, they immediately nodded and replied: "I will not disappoint Your Majesty's expectations."

Although they accepted Facundo's mission this time, they also fulfilled the annihilation order issued by the mist by the way.

But it is true that a lot of manpower and material resources have been spent to help the Holy Light Alliance, and to help them, they will not suffer heavy losses.

Help them retake their lost territories.

These help can be real, even if the original purpose is not in this.

Naturally, they will not let go of the benefits they deserve.

After all, they are also a large force now, and many places need material and financial support.

He can't do whatever he wants like before, when he was still exploring the dungeon during the exploration team.

Fortunately, Kane doesn't understand this aspect, but he is willing to delegate power.

As a leader, he just needs to learn how to use people and let the right people go to the right place.

He wasn't too worried about the betrayal of his subordinates.

Because of their betrayal, it will certainly not be a big loss for themselves.

Betrayal will only cause the loss of their own interests, which is much greater than Kane's loss.

Then there are some details, which need to be discussed with everyone present to decide.

There is also the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Bihai Empire, all of which need to be properly communicated and confirmed.

After everything has been discussed.

"That's it. When you come back, I will hold a grand celebration for you and end the meeting."

With the dissolution of the meeting, everyone disappeared in place one after another.

And Kane also returned to the boat.

Looking at the deck, those refugees who have never seen the sea.

Eyes filled with hope and fear.

to this front.

The destination of the ship.

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