Milast looked at Kane and talked about his situation in the Ring of the World.

"My site in the Ring of the World is in Area 22, and it's close to the ocean. I hope to conduct business with the Platinum Country."

For this kind of request, Kane certainly would not refuse, but nodded happily.

"Of course it's no problem. Tell me the coordinates when it's over, and I'll let my subordinates do it then."

Then the few people chatted for a while about Kane's Platinum Country.

After venting her emotions, Lilith sat up straight again and looked at Kane with her head tilted, and said suddenly.

"Kane, your fiancée's strength can hurt me, so that means your fiancée is also at the tricolor level?"

There is nothing to hide about this matter, Kane nodded.

"Then... is she pregnant?"


Hearing Lilith's question, Kane was stunned.

Why did you come up and ask such a private question directly?

And Kane turned his head, not only Lilith, but others also looked curiously.

He shook his head immediately.

"How is it possible, how can it be so fast."

At this time, Oloqi said quietly: "Then you have to hurry up and work harder."

Hearing this, Kane turned his head and asked curiously, "Why do you say that?"

"Oh." Orloch sighed.

"The stronger the power, the lower the possibility of wanting to have offspring. Now that you and your fiancée have reached the three-color level, the chances are even lower, so you have to work harder. Don't you want offspring?"

"Once the strength reaches the five-color stage, there is really no chance, alas."

After speaking, Oloch sighed again, and his whole person kept sinking.

"Don't worry about him." Bogli said with a smile.

"However, you still have to listen to his words, because he has personally experienced the lesson of blood, and he and his partner have not even had a single heir for hundreds of years.

Oh, by the way, her partner is also at the tricolor level. "

Hearing their words, Kane thought grandly.

If you say that, you have to work harder.

"So let's work hard! It's too late for many five-color-level powerhouses to have heirs, so let's work hard at this last moment."

Everyone chatted again, who wants to have an heir, but has no chance.

I heard that there is also a seven-color level king, the same is true.

Wait for this topic to be discussed.

At this time, Kane asked.

"Now that I've been promoted to the tricolor, I would like to ask if you have any suggestions for things outside the mist. After all, I'm still in the ring of the world, and I don't have time to leave here to seek information from the Mist Council."

"And you are all seniors, you must be more experienced than me and those written materials."

Hearing this, everyone laughed.

Orloch thought for a while, then spoke.

"If you are newly promoted to the tricolor, then you need to walk to the wall of fog first, and enter outside the fog through the wall of fog.

After the first time, it is equivalent to making a link between yourself and the outside of the fog. At that time, you no longer need to enter through the wall of fog, but directly transfer in after a short ceremony. "

Hearing what Oloch said, Kane nodded, he didn't even know the most basic information.

Fortunately, the kingdom of platinum is right next to the wall of fog, so it doesn't take much effort.

Then Lilith said from the side: "It's best not to go in alone for the first time, after all, it's not very safe outside the fog.

Alas, it's a pity, the ring of the world is blocking it now, otherwise we would still be able to help you. "

Hearing Lilith's words, Kane was a little puzzled.

Before Kane could ask a question, Bedalin explained from the side: "There is a lot of disorder outside the fog, and the space is chaotic and constantly moving.

If you don't enter through the wall of fog together, unless you are lucky, it is difficult to meet together. "

Hearing this, Kane was even more strange, and he pointed to Archie.

Oloch explained: "The reason why they can still act together at this time is because although there is disorder and chaos outside the fog, there are several places that are fixed nodes, just like the outer ring city I mentioned earlier. Same.

When you reach such an area, you can leave your own coordinates on it. This position will not change, and you can gather here. "

After hearing this explanation, Kane finally understood.

Outside the fog, it is very, very large, and compared with such a large territory, there are too few explorers at the level of three talents.

It's like a few drops of water dripping from a vast ocean.

It is not an order of magnitude at all, and there is no comparability at all.

If it is not in the outer ring city, this kind of fixed node collection, it is difficult to meet together outside the fog.

It's hard to say, but it's like a miracle if this happens.

Unless everyone goes through the wall of fog together, but the problem is that there is now a ring of world between the walls of fog.

The Sancai from the outside world cannot enter the ring of the world, and if they cannot enter, they cannot go in with Kane, so they can only rely on Kane who is in the ring of the world.

At this time, Kane suddenly thought of a tricky question.

"Then what if someone happened to be promoted to the Tri-Cai in the outside world at this time?"

Hearing Kane's words, everyone was full of question marks.

How could any idiot advance to the Tri-Cai in the outside world at this time?

At this time, instead of relying on the strength of being close to the three colors, enter the ring of the world to lay down a territory, and then advance to the three colors to defend perfectly.

But he was promoted to Sancai outside.

Isn't this stupid?

There are even many people who are close to Sancai knowing the news that the World Ring is about to open, and they will deliberately suppress their own strength in order to achieve the purpose of entering the World Ring.

Kane also knew that he asked a stupid question, so he silently closed his mouth.

"Ahem, let's talk about business."

Lilith smiled and said, "Although it is dangerous for a person to go outside the fog, it is not a life-threatening danger.

So you don't need to pay too much attention to it, and you have a fiancée, and your fiancée should also be a tricolor, so there is no big problem at all. "

"Beyond the fog, the space is disordered and chaotic, so don't act in accordance with the action standards outside, and keep your synaesthesia sharp at all times."

When Oloqi said this, he suddenly asked: "You know the synaesthesia, it is the new organ that is added after being promoted to the three-colored color, just like the extra organ that comprehended the rules."

"It turns out that the extra thing is called synaesthesia."

Kane nodded knowingly.

He always thought that the extra feeling of this thing was to make their perception more sensitive.

Because this new organ has never been found, what is the specific function, it feels like it just makes their perception more sharp and accurate.

"Synaesthesia is an extra existence specially created for outside the fog, which can allow us to maintain direction in a disordered space without going crazy in circles in place.

If the synesthesia feels tired, it means that the time to explore beyond the fog has come, and it is time to return. "

At this time, Archie said with lingering fear: "You must return, don't feel tired of synaesthesia, and you have to explore compulsively. You will definitely lose your way by then, so you can only wait for rescue.

Rescue basically only searches outside the mist every year. If you are unlucky, you may be lost inside for a year. If you just escaped the search at that time, you may be lost for a longer time. "

It was rare that Archie could remember such a long list of things.

Bogli said silently: "He was lost in the mist for 6 years..."

"..." Kane was silent.

Sure enough, it was a bloody lesson, no wonder it was deeply imprinted in my mind.

"Then what exactly is exploring beyond the fog?" Kane asked curiously.

To explore beyond the fog, there must be some goal, it is impossible to just wander around inside.

"The fragments of the world, we are outside the fog to explore the fragments of the world." Bedalin said.

Orochi explained: "Besides the fog, you can be the first line of defense to enter the fog world as world fragments. Countless useful and useless world fragments will all accumulate here."

Got it, beyond the fog is the dump.

Useful, recyclable "garbage" will become part of the fog world.

"The world fragments like those dungeons in the outside world actually account for a small number of all world fragments, and most of them are useless fragments.

And some world fragments still have some dangerous events that are very difficult to deal with.

These dangerous events are extremely destructive to life, and our task is to discover these dangerous events. Get rid of them, if you can't get rid of them, just let the mist throw them out with the fragments. "

It turns out that after reaching the three-color stage, did the explorer become a garbage sorter directly from a decomposer?

"But don't be nervous." Lilith said beside her.

"The specific standard for dangerous incidents is that they are extremely lethal to weak lives and ordinary people.

But maybe for an existence like us, it is just something that can be solved easily, and this is the case for most of the dangerous incidents encountered. "

Hearing this, Kane nodded in understanding.

It is similar to if some kind of weird creature appears, it is extremely lethal to ordinary people and can reproduce rapidly.

But for three-color powerhouses like Kane and the others, that was nothing compared to a group of ants.

This danger can be eliminated even without the power of fly ash.

After all, they exist in a different dimension from ordinary people.

Although they come from ordinary people.

But these huge numbers of ordinary people are the most basic things in the foggy world, and no accidents can happen.

At this time, Archie said: "But some dangerous incidents are not dangerous, but they are extremely cumbersome and troublesome.

After all, they also run away and outwit you, and sometimes it might take a long time to get rid of them. "

What can be said from Archie's mouth is definitely a lesson that has left a deep impression on him.

Obviously, Archie must have encountered such dangerous incidents.

This thing has to be written down.

Afterwards, everyone gave a general introduction to Kane, aiming at the various situations of the novice entering the fog.

In the end, Oloqi concluded: "The situation outside the fog is roughly like this. You have to explore it yourself to have a deeper understanding of how it is."

"Today's party is over here, goodbye everyone."

Oloch got up and waved to everyone, then left the hall through the portal.

Seeing such a situation, everyone bid farewell to each other.

After Kane obtained the coordinates from Milast, he also returned to the Platinum Palace through the portal.

I just saw Claire eating dessert with Lilulu in the hall.

"Kane, you are back, do you want to eat?"

Claire looked at Kane, shaking the pastry in her hand.

Thinking of what happened at the party before, Kane walked over and stared at Claire grandly.

"Claire, let's have a baby!"


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