When hearing Kane's words, the long-lost red temperature climbed onto Claire's face again.

"Oh!! I want a baby! I want a baby!"

On the contrary, after Lilulu heard Kane's words, a bell stick appeared in her hand, and she frantically jumped beside her while shaking the bell in her hand.

Although she didn't know why, when Lilulu heard that Kane and Claire were going to have a baby, she happily celebrated beside her.

Shaking the bell in his hand, he kept singing songs.

It's like booing, and it's like celebrating.

"Sister Claire! I want a baby!"


Just when she was about to say the second sentence, Li Lulu was struggling in the air with black and white flames wrapped around her mouth.

Except Lilulu.

From the doorways around the hall, several heads poked out.

"Did you hear that just now?" The voice was unusually thin.

"I heard, it seems that His Majesty wants to have a baby."

"If you have a baby, it's so cute."

"How is the baby going to appear? Popping out of a rock?"

"Idiot! How is it possible, I heard that it was born from the condensation of moonlight."

The son of a few months is discussing with his head at the door.


The door of the hall automatically closed without wind, and was automatically closed under Claire's manipulation.

Claire pressed her head against Kane's chest, not wanting Kane to see her face.

Although Claire's expression can't be seen now, Claire's shyness can be seen from her ears and the green smoke coming out.

Kane smiled watching this scene. It's been a long time since I saw Claire's shy expression.

"Why...you said such a thing all of a sudden."

Claire's voice, as thin as a mosquito, reached Kane's ears.

"And... the previous ones, those, don't they count as...children?"

When she said this, Claire's voice had already started to falter.

Hearing this, Kane smiled and lowered his head, leaning closer to Claire's ear.

Said softly: "Of course, it's just not hard enough."

Kane felt Claire's hands pinching the clothes on his chest.

"Then, from now on, you have to work hard."

Hearing this, Kane smiled all over his face. He stretched out his arms to embrace Claire, and then the two disappeared directly in place.

"Hmm! Mmmmm!...!"

In the entire hall, only Lilulu was still sealed, her mouth struggling in the sky.

Lilulu is still here!

Lilulu is still here!

Silent shouts resounded throughout the hall.


early morning.

In the guild hall.

Amys was stretching herself, eating breakfast with her teammates at a dining table in the hall.

His teammate, Chase, looked at the Ring of the World magazine that was suddenly placed on the front desk.

"A new issue of the magazine is out?"

Hearing his words, several people turned their heads away.

Phyllis flew over directly, and then immediately bought a few magazines and flew back.

"Look, everyone! This issue of the magazine has big news."

Phyllis' voice was full of shock, which was also heard by other guild members around.

"Big news? What big news."

"Is something serious going on?"

"Just go and buy a copy nearby."

The members of the guild asked, and some of them had already come to the front desk, ready to read the new issue of the magazine.

"Platinum Country Topic?!"

This remark stirred up waves, and the members who were having breakfast surrounded them one after another.

One of them picked up a magazine and read it from the side.

Fortunately, Entoma had the foresight to let the little crocodile buy more outside this time.

Phyllis has brought her magazine to her teammates.

Several people immediately picked it up and looked through it.

Amy flipped through the latest issue of the magazine, as well as some non-secret introductions to the Platinum Kingdom.

"Strange, I haven't seen any explorers coming to the Platinum Kingdom recently. How do you know such details?"

The above introduction has been very detailed, and roughly explained the area where the Platinum Country is located and the area covered by the Platinum Country.

Then I also introduced several cities in the Platinum Country, and how much influence the Platinum Country has had on its surroundings.

It's like an explorer who came to the Platinum Country to evaluate everything.

They can only meet some explorers in the middle ring of the World Ring when they are on an ocean-going ship.

The outer ring is almost never encountered.

As for the danger of exposing the Platinum Country to explorers, Amys didn't feel it at all.

Because some time ago, I heard from Lombe and the others that Kane and the others had all advanced to color.

They have advanced to a level beyond their reach.

With 5 three-color levels, the country of platinum can be said to be impenetrable.

It is even possible that in the fog parliament that detected the Platinum Country, their Platinum Country has been fixed on the new map.

Rock flipped through the magazine in his hand, and then looked at the lantern mark on his arm.

"It seems that when I go out and meet people later, I will become famous."

After all, due to the function of the lantern imprint, almost all members put the imprint on some bare areas that are easy to touch with both hands.

Hearing what his teammates said, Amy just smiled: "Didn't expect that one day, we would also become powerful people in other people's mouths?"

But for them, this can only be a good thing.

Leaning against a big tree is good for enjoying the shade.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, I'll go and take a look at today's commission."

As Amis spoke, she came to the notice board next to the guild.

Looking at the notice board in front of him, 2/3 of the notice board is densely packed and neat, with one order after another order attached.

These are all commissions from the Platinum Country.

Of course, this kind of task is of course not for outsiders, so the first thing to do is to publish it in the lantern guild.

After all, although the Platinum Country has a large population, there are no explorers, and most of the powerful people are all kinds of soldiers.

A new batch of capable children has yet to be cultivated.

As a result, there are many vacancies in the middle of this period of time.

So ever since they returned from annihilating the undead and the founding of the Platinum Kingdom, they have been busy instead.

These commissions are either framed by a golden frame or a silver frame, which represents the goal and difficulty of the commission.

Although the members of the guild are all gold-level, after all, sometimes everyone wants to take a break and will accept some silver commissions as travel.

Amys and the others had rested for a long time this time, and they were ready to resume their activities, so they tore off two notice boards after checking them and returned to their positions.

Then, he took out one of the two orders in his hand and handed it to Chase next to him.

"Divided into two teams, I and Roque are in a team, and you are in a team of three."

For Amy's arrangement, everyone had no meaning, and they all nodded in agreement.

After all, all members of their current team are gold-level, and the difficulty of these two commissions is not very high, so in order to improve efficiency and not waste vitality.

So splitting into two teams is the most correct choice.

Not only are they doing this now, most of the people in the guild are doing this.

What's more, they will take turns to go out to pick up tasks.

After the distribution, Amys ate the breakfast on his plate in a few mouthfuls, and then disappeared in place with his teammates.

The location where they disappeared after they disappeared was exactly their small villa in the outer capital of the Platinum Country, the City of Two Realms.

This is the member's residence specially allocated by Kane for guild members.

after coming out.

Amys took out the order, and then took out the magic mirror from his space equipment, and the two touched each other.

The gold border on the order form disappeared, and the content on the order form became blank.

As for the magic mirror, there was a beeping sound.

"The task has been accepted, and the employer has received the information."

Looking at the message from the magic mirror, Amys nodded her head.

Then he operated the magic mirror, and a holographic map appeared on it.

Chess next to him was doing the same operation with the order in his hand.

"Almost, let's go out."

After speaking, the team opened the door of the villa and walked out.

Say hello to neighbors along the way.

Those who live here are almost all the founding team of Platinum Kingdom, so everyone is already very familiar with each other.

came out of the street.

A vehicle like the body of a dragonfly stopped by the side of the road.

It is marked with a golden V logo.

Amis and the others walked in directly.

The front seat is very spacious, not a single seat, but a sofa-like seat on both sides.

There is no driver's seat, just the passenger's seat.

It should be able to carry at least 8 people at one time.

After Amys and others entered, a burst of mechanical synthesis sounded.

"Passengers, please state your destination."

Hearing this, Amis turned to look at Chez and the others: "How are you going to get there?"

"Our commissioning time is in the afternoon. It's still early, so prepare to take the train. I heard that a new train has been made recently, and I want to experience it."

Hearing this, Amys nodded, and then said through the air: "Go to the nearest teleportation point first, and then go to the station."

"The goal has been set, please fasten your seat belts."

The voice fell, and after a pause.

The vehicle, which resembled a dragonfly body, ejected from its back two relatively thin steel wings.

The glow of magic above flickered, and the vehicle flew into the sky.

After staying at a height of 50 meters, the thin wings flapped quickly, and then flew towards the destination.

Those who drive these public vehicles are all intelligent cores made by Kane.

For this kind of automatic driving, they can take on the task very well and reduce the chance of accidents.

At an altitude of 50 meters, there are not many dragonfly flying vehicles like this, and these vehicles can be seen flying by from time to time.

Amy looked at the city below through the window next to her.

"How long has it been? It feels like the city of two worlds has expanded again."

"It's normal, let alone the city of two worlds, the entire platinum country is developing like crazy."

A few people were chatting, killing the time on their way.

The speed of the vehicle was very fast, and after only a few minutes, everyone felt that the vehicle stopped and began to descend.

Below is a small teleportation site.

Amis and Rock bid farewell to the teammates above after going down.

The teleportation station in front of him is still a portal style composed of crushed stones.

And the smart core next to them explained where they were going, and the gravel opened into a portal.

Afterwards, they went directly to the rescuer's harbor through the teleportation site.

Their task this time is to escort the ship, and the journey along the way will take about 10 days.

Due to the need to pass through some dangerous sea areas, I entrusted the strong members of the guild.

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