Ding! Ding!

The sound of the hammer hitting the metal sounded orderly and rhythmically in this room.

The voice passed all the way, and disappeared without a trace on the barrier line at the door.

The sound will not be transmitted to the area outside the door, affecting everyone in the guild hall outside.

This is the forge next to the guild hall, the workplace of Steel Armor.

Besides him, there is also a young man whose strength has reached the silver level, working on another forging platform next to him.

Sometimes Steel Armor will also offer forging courses in the training ground, after all, his forging skills have reached the level of a master.

It is already the top existence in the guild.

And the young man in front of him was said to be a good seedling that Steel Armor had found in the Platinum Country, making an exception and entering the guild hall.

He was brought by Steel Armor to teach by precept and example, and he would also help out in the forge.

At this time, a figure appeared at the entrance and exit of the guild hall.

The whole body is covered with thick armor, and some dense patterns are carved on the armor, and a fully wrapped helmet is worn on the head.

Judging from his appearance alone, we don't know his gender appearance at all.

Israel happened to be sitting at a table, chatting and drinking with Raphael and the others. When he saw the man in armor walking in, he tilted his head in doubt.

At this time, Yisrael is no longer in the form of a dragon, but a dragon-man like Holhos.

This is because in the world diamond, the first rule he comprehended was related to life, and it was used to temporarily change the appearance of his life.

It's okay for the dragon shape to be outside, but it's really inconvenient in the guild hall.

He is very satisfied with the rule he has comprehended.

"Who is this person? Why haven't I seen it in the guild hall?"

He has stayed in the guild hall for a long time with his dragon's memory, and there are almost no situations where he doesn't know anyone.

Hearing his words, Rafael turned his head and took a look, then nodded clearly and said.

"He seems to be from within the Platinum Kingdom. As for what he does specifically, I don't know. Anyway, it is very difficult to see him in the guild hall. I only saw him twice a long time ago.

According to those members of the Platinum Country, the strength should be pretty good. "

Peddy came to the door of the forge and took off his helmet, revealing a beautiful appearance.

Walked into the forge.

"Female? Still so pretty."

Kafka next to Raphael said in surprise.

He hadn't seen Peddy take off his helmet yet.

Peddy walked into the forge and knocked on the desk at the front desk.

Hearing the voices outside, Gang Jia poked his head out from the wall and looked outside.

"Peddie? Why did you come here? It's really rare."

Finally thinking of something, he patted his head and made a bang.

"Look at my memory, your shield and lance have already been prepared, and they are in the guild warehouse. I forgot to tell you."

Hearing what the steel armor said, Peddy touched the exposed ground mark, finally opened the entrance of the guild warehouse, flipped through it and saw it.

It also has his name stamped on it.

This is a gold level shield and lance.

Because Peddy successfully advanced to gold in the inner world of Platinum a long time ago, but when the inner world is not connected with the outside world, it can be said to be very safe.

So their weapons are not until now, when almost all members of the Golden Bureau are equipped.

And it was made just for her.

Now that he got his weapon, Peddy silently exited the forge, preparing to leave the guild hall.


Li Lulu's voice suddenly sounded in the guild hall.

After a flash, she appeared on Peddy's shoulder.

"Prince Lilulu, good day."

"Haha, why did Peddy come to the guild hall? Do you know that you can finally leave the inner circle of the Platinum Kingdom?"

"Leaving the inner circle of the Platinum Kingdom? Heard Lin said a few days ago."

"Haha, then I will come to play with Lilulu then, goodbye."

Just as Li Lulu was about to leave, she was grabbed by Kane who appeared beside her.

Facing Kane's gaze, Lilulu giggled, and Kane turned his head to look at Peddy.

"His Majesty."

"Well, you don't have to do that here, just relax."

Kane left here with a smile as he spoke, and sat down at the front desk.

Only then did she let go of Li Lulu in her palm: "I just ran around after I got back, right?"

"Slightly slightly!"

Li Lulu made a grimace and disappeared into the distance.

Kane looked at the place where Lilulu disappeared, and shook his head helplessly.

They had only just come out of the mist.

But just now, Peddy seems to feel a lot of fairy tale atmosphere.

At this time, Lumbe also entered the guild hall and sat down beside Kane.

As soon as Lombey came in, a series of drinking buddies including Rafael Kafka came over one after another.

A group of big men filled the front desk in no time.

Burton served everyone a glass of wine, looked at Kane and said, "I've been promoted to the tri-color, and I feel like my breath has stabilized. Doesn't that mean there will be more rest time later?"

Kane shook his head.

Lumbe said beside him, "No, no, we have to go beyond the mist, where we can't even enter the guild hall."

"Beyond the mist? Tell me what it's like there." Kafka asked curiously as he patted Lumbe.

The rest of the people also listened attentively.

Hearing this, Long Bei immediately became interested.

Kane glanced at everyone present.

Here maybe only Kafka, Raphael, and Israel, maybe only the three of them are qualified to advance to the tri-color.

Perhaps the emergence of world diamonds may give other people the opportunity to advance to the three colors, but I don't know how long it will take.

Kafka and Raphael seem to feel it too, they are already widening the gap with their teammates.

They seemed to be slowing down their pace, and their strength didn't seem to have improved at all compared to the last time I saw them for so long.

Kane shook his head silently.

This will in turn put pressure on their teammates.

But it's not that they don't know about this kind of thing, it's just that they haven't figured it out yet.

Thinking of this, Kane picked up the wine glass in front of him and poured the liquid inside into his mouth.

camaraderie among squads

Listening to Lumbe standing on the bench, telling everyone about their exploration experience outside the fog.

Kane smiled, and silently pulled away from the crowd and came to the front desk.

"Kane? What are you doing here?"

Entoma was lowering her head, as if she was writing something, raised her head after seeing Kane and asked.

"It's nothing, I just have something to prepare, let me know."

"Notify something? Wait a minute, I'll prepare."

After speaking, Entoma took out a new form from under the counter, and took out a note. Then he signaled Kane to speak.

"On January 1, 5th year of the new era, that is, two days later, the restrictions on the internal and external boundaries of the Platinum Kingdom will be completely lifted, and they can freely pass between each other."

After hearing this, Entoma stared at Kane with wide-eyed eyes after recording it.

"You mean that after that, people from the inner world can come to the ring of the world, and people from the ring of the world can also go to the real inside?"

Kane nodded: "Yes, that's what you think."

Although Entoma doesn't know much about the current overall situation of the Platinum Country, what is the specific strength.

But after all, she is the front desk of the guild. It can be said that she has been in the guild for a long time, and she also knows some of the current situation in the platinum country.

Know the members of the platinum inner circle, the strength of those people, and the various resources and technologies inside.

These will bring their overall vitality to another level.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Kane said.

After hearing Kane say that, then Entoma didn't worry anymore.

"Okay, I'll leave the situation here to you, and I have to go talk to Polona and the others."

After speaking, Kane smiled and went to the second floor, where he waited for the arrival of Bonona and Haidilin.

For such an important matter, of course the two people who have been presiding over the order inside and outside have to be invited to have a good discussion together.

Entoma re-transcribed what Kane said just now on the list, and used the list with gold borders to represent more important things.

Then came out and posted it on the notice board.

The members who were still in the guild hall were immediately attracted to the sign with the more important notice in Phnom Penh.

Lumbe probably knew what was going on, and he didn't even bother to move his butt.

"You seem to know what's going on?" Burton asked next to him, wiping his wine glass.

Raphael and the others hadn't had time to check it out yet.

"I know, it should be the news that the inner world will be connected to the outer world two days later, and they will be able to move around each other."

"The inner world is connected to the outer world?"

Raphael answered in surprise.

Lumbe nodded, after all, they came back this time to prepare for this matter.

"Doesn't that mean that I can also go to the inner world for a good stroll, instead of wandering in the city at the door."

"What's going on, it is indeed possible to go to the inner world for a stroll."

Lumbe himself didn't think there was much to do in the endoscope, after all, this restriction was not on him.

The country of platinum was also what they explored all the way, and finally turned into their own.

So for them, it couldn't be more familiar there, and they often go back to the Platinum Palace in their free time.

Kafka said curiously at the side: "I heard from Steel Armor that there are many incredible scenery in the inner world, and there are all kinds of magnificent buildings. Anyway, what he said is hype. I don't know if he is bragging .”

Hearing Kafka's words, Lombe raised his head and recalled a little.

"It shouldn't be considered bragging."

After all, Kane and the others relied on their own abilities to repair things in the Land of Platinum in an exaggerated way.

All kinds of powers have been played by them, coupled with the accelerated changes in the next 10 years, and the departure of the fairy tale world, but they are more closely connected.

The current platinum land is indeed beautiful enough, if it is sightseeing, it should bring them a good experience.

"Really? Since you have said so, it will really open up in a few days, so you really need to go in and have a good tour."

"Haha, then to the country of platinum, cheers!"


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