New Era, December 30, 4.

The last day is still left, and the opening of the Ring of the World will soon be 4 years old.

Since the inner ring of the World Ring is directly bordered by the mist, it has fully accepted the existence of explorers in the past 4 years.

Although there are still various large and small conflicts here.

But at least some powerful explorer forces have established themselves here.

Either establish a country alone, or form an alliance with each other, or join directly.

Some forces that can't see any hope have already started to develop towards the Central Ring, looking for opportunities in it.

Because of the last issue of the magazine, the existence of Kane and the others was exposed.

As a result, more explorers are flocking towards the outer ring.

Perhaps they feel that they can also become existences like Kane and the others.

Since the last issue of the magazine only roughly announced, Kane and his Platinum Country's territory power and where the tentacles extend.

It did not specify the strength of Kane and the others at this time.

Therefore, many explorers in District 1 and its surrounding areas want to touch their brows.

After all, many explorers have learned about Kane's previous strength during this period, and the lantern guild under his command is just a new guild that has just been formed within half a year when the ring of the world is about to open.

Even if their guild was formed by a group of very talented young people, it was nothing more than a group of young people.

Many more explorers felt they were simply lucky.

They don't pay much attention to Kane.

as it is now.

A district 2 Central, in a tavern in a harbor of a certain force.

At this time, the entire tavern was in a mess, with stumps and blood all over the floor and wooden walls.

The owner of the tavern was already huddled in the corner of the bar, his face full of horror.

The outside street can be seen through some holes in the wall, and many people are hiding and watching the situation here.

With a pair of wolf ears and dark gray hair, Walter pulled his sharp palm out from the chest of the human being under his feet.

Wiping the exposed lantern mark on his chest, some blood was slightly stained on it.

"Tui!" He spat at the corpse under him.

"How dare you challenge us with such little strength? What's the matter with these explorers, don't you know if you can provoke yourself before doing anything?"

One of his teammates, with the ears and tail of a fox, controlled the staff and condensed a ball of water to clean the blood from his captain.

Said in a charming tone: "You can't say that, Captain, what if someone has investigated it? It's just that the information is a bit too old, maybe it was 4 years ago."

After speaking, he covered his mouth and smiled secretly.

There were three other teammates, all half-orcs, sitting in various positions in the tavern, looking at their captain.

Every naked part of their bodies has the mark of a lantern, marking that they are all members of the Lantern Guild.

Walter stepped out of the tavern in a few steps, then pulled up the wounded but not dead enemy who had been smashed out of the door by himself before, and put it on the steps of the tavern.

He sat next to him.

The people who were eating melons outside immediately took a few steps back to avoid being hurt by the fish in the pond.

He picked up a long and thick cigar from the space equipment, lit it and bit it on his own mouth.

"Suck... breathe!"

He took a deep breath and exhaled a puff of white smoke.

Then he hooked his hands towards the tavern.

A group of pink bubble balls flew out and hit the face of the nearby enemy.

It was the teammate with fox ears who cast this spell.

"Why are you attacking us? Attacking the merchant ships of the Platinum Kingdom?"

The unconscious enemy next to him, with pink bubbles on his head, began to answer unconsciously.

"It was an order from our team leader. We heard that this is a login point of the Chamber of Commerce in the Platinum Kingdom, so we set up an ambush here."

"Ambush us? Just you silver seekers?"

For a cargo ship that can travel so far to go oceangoing, the protective power is several gold, and hundreds of silver.

Why do these little trash dare to be so arrogant?

"We didn't know in advance that your strength is so strong. Our intelligence still stays at the Lantern Guild four years ago."

"Damn, I was really guessed right."

Walter stood up, spit out the cigar in his mouth, and stomped it out.

"Look, President, I'll just say it."

Turning around helplessly, he took out two silver magic stones from his waist and handed them to his teammates.

"Okay, okay, I lost."

At this time, there was a sound of horseshoes in the distance.

A group of knights with lanterns in bright silver armor came from a distance on their horses.

There was also a dead body dragging on their horses.

The captain of the group of lantern knights came over and threw the corpse on the ground.

Walter stood up and kicked the unconscious enemy on the next step.

"Is this person your team leader?"


Now that even the mastermind has been caught, this person is useless.

The leg was raised, and it was gently drawn across the throat, and blood gushed out.

After doing all this, Walter and his team walked towards the harbor with the Lantern Knights.

"If they always think that our strength is still the same as it was four years ago, won't we be harassed wherever we go?"

The size of the Platinum Kingdom is so large now, and if those explorers are still naive, they think that their strength is still the same as it was 4 years ago.

It can't be annoying to keep touching them to get a piece of the action.

Although they don't think they can't fight, they still want to avoid battles that can be avoided.

"It's okay, captain, take a look at this morning's new World Ring magazine, I just got it in the guild. There are also surprises on it."

Walter took the new issue of the magazine, opened it and checked it.

This time the magazine is no longer like the previous issue, the whole article is about the country of platinum.

But also half of the page is still introducing some situations in the country of platinum.

The most important information above is.

【The birth of the mist team, a miracle along the way】

The story of Kane and the others introduced above has been promoted to the tricolor all the way from the team formation to the present.

The first case from ancient times to the present, the team formed from the bronze level was promoted all the way to the three-color team.

Seeing this message, Walter showed a happy smile.

Finally, they were no longer surprised, but the whole world followed suit.

You must know that they were surprised when they knew that Kane and the others had all advanced to the tri-color.

And just this piece of information is enough for all the forces in the ring of the world to be wary and not dare to touch the country of platinum.

These are the 5 three-color level powerhouses, who have been promoted together along the way, and can cooperate with each other tacitly.

When touching the country of platinum, think about whether you have that ability.

Walter continued to turn the pages of the magazine.

[4 years, a journey of rising from scratch! 】

The above has introduced in detail the overall strength of the Lantern Guild at this time.

Hundreds of members whose strength has reached the gold level.

This time, all the forces are completely afraid to move.

"Hahahaha! Cool!"

Walter waved twice in the air vigorously, praising the Platinum Kingdom and the Lantern Guild, not just praising them, of course it is very happy.

These two pieces of information will spread around like a virus.

It will make the Platinum Kingdom and the Lantern Guild truly famous and become a real big force.

And Kane and the others will also leave their own strong mark in history.

The reason why the Mist Council obtained this information and made it public was of course with the consent of Kane and the others.

Before, when Kane and the others hadn't entered the fog.

The Mist Council sent people over and discussed with them whether they are willing to publish this information to stimulate the vitality of all explorers.

Kane and the others agreed to such behavior after discussion.

This will save them a lot of trouble, and this information will be spread out even if the Mist Council does not announce it after a while.

After all, Kane and the others never thought of hiding it.

"Compared to this, there was new news in the guild yesterday. I heard that the inner world of the Platinum Kingdom can be passed through." The guild member with fox ears said as he walked.

Hearing this, Walter turned his head abruptly: "Really? I didn't enter the guild hall on the boat yesterday?"

"Of course it is true."

"That's a pity. We have to wait for a week to go back this time. Oh, I knew I wouldn't pick it up this time."

"Who said it wasn't?"

Hear their conversation.

The captain walking at the forefront, with black lines all over his head, couldn't help but calm down, and came to their side.

"You mean to blame me, shouldn't you blame the president? Let him say it now, shouldn't he say it earlier?"

Hearing this, Walter waved his hand quickly: "I didn't say that, you said it, I still respect the president."

"Tch, what are you afraid of? I'll go down and post an anonymous letter and put it in the suggestion box."

They just talked and laughed all the way.

Leave in the horrified eyes of those present.


At this time in the guild hall.

Steel Armor came out of his forge, and was bragging to the guild members in front of him while drinking a strange liquid in front of the bar in the guild hall.

Everyone is curious about what the interior of the Platinum Country looks like, or how it differs from the outside world of the Platinum Country.

And the member who is most familiar with them, who has been in the inner world, is the steel armor.

After all, his duty is to run the forge, so he can be seen in the forge almost every day, and everyone is of course familiar with it.

It will be opened in a day, and the guild members in the Platinum Country are thinking about being the first to enter.

To see the inner world that has always been very mysterious.

There are still many guild members who are rushing back from other places.

Claire looked at the bustling guild hall below through the window on the second floor.

"Aren't you really going to have a grand festival or banquet to celebrate two days?"

Hearing Claire's words, Kane next to him smiled and shook his head.

"No, just let the news arrive, and let everything take its course. Aren't we all members of the same country? Naturally, there is nothing to celebrate."

"Maybe it's a better choice to let them blend in a calm manner."

This is what Kane came up with after talking with Bonona and Haidilin yesterday, and it is the final decision.

For ordinary citizens, they may not even feel the changes.

After all, the Platinum Country is different every day, and they may have only been to a few places in the Platinum Country.

Everything is waiting for January 1st.

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