Even Li Lulu has completely revoked the magic used to hide her figure. Fluttering their wings, they flew back and forth in front of these farmers who were treading the path and preparing to go out to cultivate.

These farmers also seemed to be blind, completely ignoring Lilulu's existence, as if her invisibility magic had never left.

Even if Li Lulu's appearance is so conspicuous, it is still the same.

Li Lulu purposely flew a few times in front of these farmers, and flew back to the village, but still no one saw her.

"They can't see Liluluye? Why?"

After Lilulu flew back, she sat on Kane's shoulder and asked inexplicably.

Even Kane and the others couldn't understand this situation.

Metzke waved his hand at the side, and some undetectable particles flew out of his sleeve along with his waving, and scattered in the surrounding air.

However, after these particles floated around, there was nothing special about them, and they flew back again.

Seeing this situation, Metzker turned his head to stare at the crowd and shook his head.

Seeing this, Kane frowned, and then said.

"I'll give it a try too, to see if they can see me."

After finishing speaking, Kane revoked the invisibility magic on his arm on the spot, completely exposing one of his arms.

He first stood not far from the farmers, but he didn't see any of the farmers passing his gaze.

Seeing this, Kane walked up and waved back and forth in front of these people with his exposed arms.

And they still didn't seem to see it.

In the end, Kane directly blocked his arm from the eyes of a certain farmer, but he still seemed to have not seen it, and his eyes penetrated Kane's arm.

Not only are they invisible, but Kane's people are truly transparent in their eyes.

Seeing this, Kane also imitated Li Lulu and completely revoked the invisibility magic on his body.

"Claire, try each of you to see if they can find your traces."

Claire and the others nodded, and then appeared in front of these villagers respectively, but they were no different from Kane and the others.

Seeing this situation, Kane frowned and nodded his head: "I don't understand, I don't know why they can't see us."

At this time, Claire seemed to have thought of something and came to the gate of the village, then she clenched her fist and hit a nearby wooden stake.


With a very crisp sound, Claire's power was very precise, she didn't break the stake, but created a crack in it.

A bit like disrepair, a natural break.

This crisp sound alarmed a villager passing by.

He spoke incomprehensible words, and looked at the stake with strange eyes.

Then he came over and checked the crack a few times, then walked away indifferently.

"Speaking of which, I don't seem to understand what they are saying? Why is that?"

Lombe stood by and heard what the villager said. It was only after he couldn't understand at all that he remembered it.

Kane didn't answer, but stretched out his hands and condensed a ring-shaped machine in the middle of his arms.

The machine started to condense from scratch, but it only took less than a second.

The eyes of a villager next to him seemed to feel that he had made a mistake when he looked this way, so he didn't care.

What did he seem to notice just now? Kane watched, but seemed unsure.

Then the machine floated up and automatically flew to the village, and began to collect the words of these villagers, as well as their performance and behavior when they spoke.

It seems that not only can't see them, but they can't even see the creations made by Kane.

"I made this machine specifically for language processing and interpretation."

Having said that, Kane turned his head to look at Lombe, and began to explain the other questions just asked.

"This is outside the mist, it's just that the mist has accumulated the world fragments captured by her here.

These world fragments have not been processed in any way, and of course they will not be like the dungeon inside, so that all intelligent life can understand each other's words and understand each other's meaning. "

"Oh, so it is. I thought I was born this way."

Lombe nodded, understanding.

How could it be born like this, Kane rolled his eyes when he heard this.

The problem of language is also a problem that color explorers who explore beyond the fog need to deal with.

However, for people in the color stage, this problem does not make them feel so difficult to deal with.

"Let's wait here for a while. After a while, we should be able to wait for the machine to decipher these languages."

At this time, Claire said from the side: "Although they can't see us, they can see the movement we made."

"That is to say, there must be something special about us, or it means that we conform to certain rules of this world, so that they can't see us."

Metzker pointed around the village and at the strange glowing objects blowing in the wind in the sky.

"Look at these things, and these villagers can't see them either."

Indeed, Kane discovered this problem when they first arrived.

The air and the luminous objects all around are so conspicuous, but these villagers seem to be invisible.

It's as if you can't see them.

Even the glowing creatures landed on their faces, stopped on top of their heads, and passed through their bodies.

Kane squatted down and looked at a glowing object like a tadpole standing on a blade of grass under his feet.

"Do we have anything in common with this object?"

As he spoke, he touched the blade of grass.

The tadpole standing on it began to shake from side to side with the shaking, and then fell to the ground.

Then, as if he had discovered something, Kane said directly: "Are these objects also magical?"

"They are also formed by magic power, but you can't find it if you look carefully, but after all, magic power is involved in their formation."

Metzker seems to have been studying these small objects for a while, and has come to some interesting conclusions.

"Magic power? Magical power..."

Kane seemed to think of something, magic power gushed out from his hand, and two small square iron pieces gathered.

Turn one of the square iron blocks into reality by spending mana.

The other square iron block remained as it was assembled, and no magic power was spent to change it.

Claire and the others next to him watched Kane's movements like this.

It looks like Kane may have found something.

Afterwards, Kane threw two small square pieces of iron towards the feet of a villager not far away.

The iron block drew a beautiful arc in the air, and precisely hit the villager's foot.

The villager shrank his right foot sharply, then looked down at his feet.

Kane's strength was very accurate, and the two iron blocks were close to each other and leaned against each other.

The villager squatted down with some doubts, then stretched out his hand and picked up the square iron block that Kane had turned into a real one.

And the iron block that was condensed by Kane and did not turn into a real square, was obviously beside it, and it rolled a few times with his movements.

But he just didn't see it, he just picked up one of them.

"These villagers can only see any non-magical objects?" Looking at this scene, Claire seemed to understand something, and turned her head to stare at Kane and asked.

Kane nodded: "Maybe that's the case. When I was condensing the mechanical object just now, a villager seemed to notice it, but he might feel dazzled."

"It's too strange to only see questions without magic power. Don't they have magic power in their bodies?" Lumbe didn't understand this very much.

These villagers also have magic power in their bodies, which can be easily perceived by their perception.

Then why can they see each other?

Unable to understand, Lumbe shook his head and stopped thinking about this issue.

Leave these things to Kane and the others.

"Maybe it's the structure of their eyeballs?" Kane said of the possibility.

"It's also possible that the rules of their world are like this."

There are too many possibilities. If you want to know whether it is an individual problem or a different world rule, it will take a certain amount of time to understand.

Just like this, several people stood at the entrance of the village, chatting.

Then they saw several children standing around them, listening to something.

Then he yelled frantically, and continued to listen.

"Oh, I forgot, they just can't see it, they can still hear our voice."

"What about this? Can they hear me? Ahhhhh..."

Li Lulu yelled suddenly, but those children didn't hear her voice.

Claire heard Lilulu's voice, and learned how to make her own voice disappear from these people's ears.

"Not a bad way."

Very simple and useful little trick.

Everyone poured a trace of magic power into their voices.

In this way, there is magic in their voices, and then the villagers can't hear their conversation.

Looking at the gathered villagers, they moved a little and went to the other side of the village entrance to continue communicating.

Not long after, the circular machine released by Kane flew back.

Kane condensed a device that looked like a headphone mic, and then connected it to the circular machine.

The data in it are exchanged.

After that, he turned the headset into reality, and handed the condensed headset to Claire and the others.

I also brought one and wore it in my ear.

A freshly made simultaneous interpreter is ready.

At this time, the words of the villagers beside him were passed on, and they could be heard very clearly.

"I don't know what happened to the food grown by your family?"

"Thanks to the method you gave, I went to see it a lot better yesterday."

"Is there anyone who wants to enter the city? The food delivery convoy will leave in a while. If anyone wants to enter the city, hurry up and prepare!"

"Are you going into town today?"

"No, let's go again in a few days."

"It's not safe on the road."

"I just heard a voice there, as if someone was talking."

"You are a liar, a dead boy. See if I don't give you a good beating today."


All kinds of voices were transmitted to everyone's ears through the headset's translator.

Lombe tapped his headset.

"This thing is a bit interesting, it can actually translate these incomprehensible words."

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