After leaving the Apothecary Association, Kane was not in a hurry to go back, but wandered around.

Because he found that this area on the map is where various professional associations are located.

Among them, he also discovered that there is an association called the Magic Power Machinery Association.

This is what he came out for, and when he found that his skills were extremely suitable for these mechanical creations, his interest in these things soared.

The man didn't like it, the steel that moved, the sound of the metal crashing, the vibration of the gears turning.

Not to mention that you can create the mechanical creation you want according to your own mind and aesthetics.

It's just a man's romance.

Follow the road signs, circle around to the other side, the Machinery Association should be here.

look around

The building of this association is even more peculiar. The appearance is made of various steel-made machines stacked together. It looks a bit messy, but it is inexplicable.

There are all kinds of unknown mechanical devices operating at the door.

This robot, which should be responsible for sweeping the floor, has two rotating brooms in its arms and a suction port under it.

There are also various mechanical sculptures with different shapes, or where are the mechanical devices without electricity directly placed?

There are a lot of people in and out.

After entering the association, Kane was a little confused, and he felt as if he had traveled through again.

From the age of steam directly into the age of the Iron Wasteland.

There are all kinds of mechanical bodies in the entire association, like random splicing, all kinds of mechanical bodies.

Some mechanical devices have exquisite casings, and some directly expose the mechanical parts in their bodies. Gears and shimmering objects are intertwined and operate inside.

People in the association have more or less mechanical devices on their bodies, such as the hands on their backs, the mechanical backpacks on their backs, and so on.

Kane also saw an old man with a mechanical prosthetic leg.

Very inconsistent style

Kane came to the front desk, and the table at the front desk seemed to be made of various scrap irons.

There was an old man sitting in the front desk, his hair was a little messy and a little gray. With a cigarette stick in his mouth, he looked at the newspaper in his hand comfortably.

He turned his head and glanced at Kane and asked, "Is something wrong?"

After asking, without waiting for Kane to answer, he turned his head and continued to look at the newspaper in his hand.

Looking at the old man in front of him, Kane said helplessly: "I want to know about the association and learn how to make these mechanical devices."

After the old man heard it, he picked up a bundle of books from his feet and handed it to Kane, then said, "Read these books first, and then you are qualified to learn them."

Kane looked at the pile of books at his feet. It seemed that there were quite a few people who asked these questions just like him.

"That's right, 30 gold in Cheng'e"

Pick up the book above, flip it a few times, and make sure that the content inside is what you want.

He happily paid the money and threw the bundle of books handed over into the space equipment.

Turned around and left the association with Metzker.

The purpose of coming here has been achieved. Now I will go back and study these books to find out whether the structure of these machines is the same as what I think.

After returning to the villa, Kane couldn't wait to return to his room and took out the bundle of books he just bought from the space.

Look through them one by one and see which one is more suitable for you to understand first.

"Mechanical Knowledge in the Dungeon" is this book. After reading the introduction, it is the origin of this mechanical knowledge.

Change [Quick Reading] into the skill grid, and then read, and sure enough, my brain is much clearer.

I quickly read the book in my hand, and the information recorded on it is quickly integrated into my brain. This knowledge is classified into different categories and put into my memory.

Since this book is only an introduction to the origin of machinery, and there is not much expansion knowledge, it was quickly read by Kane.

He closed the book, closed his eyes, and began to sort out the information in his brain.

The knowledge of mechanical manufacturing in this world comes from some dungeons with mechanical relics.

After all, dungeons are made up of fragments of worlds, as well as historical silhouettes of other worlds. The buildings on which these worlds are left, as well as the books inside or various equipment for recording information, all stay relatively intact inside.

The explorer only needs to go in and destroy the monsters that may pose a danger inside. Be careful not to damage the surrounding environment, and you can record these precious knowledge with confidence.

If it is unsuccessful once, then change to another team of explorers and continue to enter and record.

This is simply a gift from the world to them, and this precious knowledge is so readily available.

Of course, not all knowledge can be perfectly digested and absorbed.

Due to the different races of each world, the different body structures and various application habits, or the required materials and various energies are different.

These problems can make this knowledge difficult or useless.

And this requires the scholars of the association to distinguish, study, and decipher, and finally absorb the useful ones that can be applied and perfectly absorbed.

This is how the knowledge of the Magic Power Machinery Association came from.

After all, there are many dungeons, and the various monsters or buildings in it are made of steel and various metal products.

The scholars of the earliest Mechanical Association used the knowledge inside and combined with the magic knowledge already in their own world to integrate. Finally, the Magic Power Machinery Association was created.

With more dungeons like this, more knowledge is gained by the Mechanics.

The various mechanical products that were finally created, as well as various magic-powered mechanical weapons, were recognized by the mist.

Although this association has a history of nearly 800 years, it is still a nascent organization for the world.

And the current mechanical creations are generally driven by the magic core.

A lot of knowledge acquired in the dungeon world has various energy drives.

However, after the dungeon disappeared, such energy acquisition channels were also broken.

Therefore, all kinds of machinery that require materials in specific dungeons to make have been abandoned.

Only some powerful or special mechanical devices have been preserved and become orphans.

There is also a smart device like Yoyo, I don't know why.

In this world, it is extremely difficult for people to create objects with souls or extremely high intelligence.

Kane exhaled, and he almost understood the mechanical structure and origin of this world.

The skill [launcher] in his hand stops him, and it is also the magic structure in the middle.

For some reason, even if he created the exact same structure, as long as the skill stone is removed, such a structure will lose the possibility of being driven by magic.

Now that I know that the mechanical creations of the Magic Power Machinery Association are also driven by magic, then they must have such a manufacturing technology.

This will be of great help for Kane to use his original skills in the future.

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