"Kane, come out to eat"

Hearing Claire's cry from outside the door, Kane came back to his senses and looked at the books he had already read on his right.

There were already three or four thick books there. He closed the book he was reading in his hand, stretched out, and came to the window.

Seeing the sky, a cold full moon is hanging on it.

It's been a while since I realized it.

Unknown knowledge, as well as all kinds of novel mechanical creations in the book, and those dungeons that have dissipated.

All these make Kane addicted to it.

He pushed open the door of his room and entered the living room.

Claire was wearing an apron and walked out of the kitchen with a plate of stew in her hand.

"Worthy to come out"

After hearing Claire's ridicule, Kane replied with a smile: "No way, that knowledge is too useful to me."

Seeing Kane's current appearance, Claire smiled and walked to the dining table.

At the dinner table, Lombe and Metzker were already waiting for the two of them.

Claire took off her apron after placing the last dish in her hand on the table.

Kane also found a seat beside her, then turned his head and asked, "How is it going to be in this city?"

Claire took care of the red hair beside her ear and replied, "I haven't shopped much, but I just found a mailing station and told my family to be safe."

After hearing her answer, Kane remembered that he should report the safety of Uncle Gem's family.

At this time, Lombe handed Kane a bottle of wine with a volcano icon painted on the bottle.

"What is this?"

Longbe took out a few identical bottles from his space equipment and distributed them to the rest.

He then raised his own and said to the crowd, "I bought this from a tavern owner today. That owner is my hometown. I didn't expect to be able to drink hometown wine at this place."

Then the wine bottles in front of everyone were opened one by one, and a mellow wheat scent wafted out.

"Don't worry, this is beer, the local specialty 'lava mountain'."

After hearing Longbei's answer, everyone also took a sip of the beer in front of them.

I have to say that this taste is very good. It can be regarded as the best beer Kane has ever drunk.

Although he doesn't drink much beer.

"This wine is really good"

"Yeah! Hahaha"

Hearing that everyone praised the products of his hometown, Lombe seemed very happy.

Then Kane began to eliminate the food on the table.

Cut a lamb chop and put it in your mouth.

Well, this tastes good.

Turning his head and complimenting Claire: "These dishes taste good! It's a step closer than before."

Hearing Kane's praise, Claire narrowed her eyes with a smile.

"Not bad, this is what I learned from Uncle Burton during this period of time."

After eating this delicious meal, Kane returned to his room and continued to study the knowledge he had just gained.

The more I understand, the more I feel that the mechanical manufacturing technology in this world is too mixed, but after all, it is pieced together from various dungeons.

Kane looked at the drawing in his hand. This was a drawing that came with an introductory book. It was drawn in detail, the parameters of the various parts of this mechanical equipment and the assembly process.

And people who read this book only need to make these parts and put them together.

It is a toy for lovers to practice hands.

Using magic, pinch out the various parts inside, directly following the final sample perspective.

After a while, the toys on the drawings were made.

As for why it is a toy, because this is a flying ball that can be two meters above the ground.

There is an extremely simple, magic core inside.

These magic cores are basically made of magic materials that burst out of the dungeon.

You can even buy magic cores of various specifications in the Machinery Association. Of course, these magic cores are only applicable to the equipment and drawings from the association.

Most mechanics have their own magic core specifications. Of course, if the equipment is sold, it must be manufactured according to the specifications of the association.

Kane began to pour his own magic into the core of the mechanical creation.

Feeling the magic in his body, which was rushing into the core frantically, Kane finally felt something was wrong.

This mechanical device is simply not suitable for its own skills, these devices are powered by externally made magic batteries.

And the equipment created by Kane using core skills must be poured into magic by himself.

Even if all the magic in his body poured into his core, he would not be able to activate such a device a few times. This equipment is only the most basic toy, let alone those more advanced mechanical equipment.

However, it is not that there is no solution at all. Kane learned from the books he read before that the technology currently used by the Machinery Association is only the technology that is most suitable for them and for the public.

There are all sorts of less applicable technologies that are archived in the library of mechanical equipment.

There are runes, magic circles, and some pure mechanical power recorded in the light book as energy manufacturing technology.

He swept away the creation in his hand, and sorted the pile of books on the ground into some simple categories.

Picking out the books on the introduction and application of magic core technology, these books are not very useful to him.

All that's left is some mechanics, as well as various exterior metal options, and books on device construction.

Then he squeezed out the original launcher and put it in his hand for observation. Although it was a transparent material, Kane could still perceive it himself.

Follow the information obtained from Kane's previous disassembly process, as well as the renovation process.

The power of this launcher comes from a rune, which is placed on the tail of the launcher.

When Kane is about to fire, most of the magic power will pour into the rune, and then the rune will emit an energy that shoots the object out of the launch port.

But Kane couldn't figure out the rune at all. This rune was like something that came with the skill. Once the skill stone was removed, the rune would disappear.

He could only feel the existence of this rune. As for what the rune looked like and what the symbols on it were like, he didn't know anything.

And whether the technology that uses runes as energy recorded in the book is the same as the runes used in the launcher in Kane's hand is still unknown.

It seems that the only way to find out is to go to the library of the Mechanical Association to find out if there is anything similar.

Let's rest first, come to the bed, look at the marshmallows on the bed, and are sleeping soundly.

Kane shook his head and laughed, reached out and gently held the marshmallow aside, laying on the bed and turning off the magic lamp.

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