early morning

The warm sun shines on the dining table through the floor-to-ceiling windows in the backyard of the living room.

A rectangular dining table made of unknown wood, the wood also exudes a hint of aroma.

Kane and Claire were face to face, eating breakfast on the table.

A soft red hair, ready to be smooth under the sunlight, a white and delicate jade hand, pulling one side of the hair behind the ear, the teardrop-shaped earrings on the ears are very bright.

The white and tender ear tips turned reddish visibly to the naked eye.

Claire blushed slightly, trying to divert Kane's attention, and asked shyly, "Kane, do you have any plans for today?"

After hearing Claire's words, Kane retracted his gaze.

"Prepare to wait for a while and go to the Machinery Association to find information."

Then he looked at Claire and asked, "How about you?"

"I heard that there is a food house in this city yesterday, and I wanted to see if there are any recipes I haven't seen before, or some ingredients I haven't seen before."

Claire, who has been martial arts since childhood, did not have many hobbies, but her biggest hobby is all kinds of cooking and food, and she has a huge interest in it.

The House of Gourmet, a worldwide organization, is headquartered in the Capital of Gastronomy.

Due to the existence of the dungeon, the cooking skills of various worlds and various rare ingredients are gathered here.

Coupled with many dungeons, it is extremely huge.

Some teams go in for 10 days and a half months, which leads to a logistics responsibility among many teams.

Coupled with some ingredients, you can obtain attributes and some gain effects, which leads to the growing of food capitals. Now basically all big cities have food houses, such organizations.

After hearing Claire's words, Kane thought for a while and said, "Since we have to go out, let's go together later."

For Kane's invitation, Claire did not refuse.

As for Metzker and Lombe, they both left early in the morning.

After breakfast, Kane waited in the living room with a marshmallow.

Besides, Claire is also a girl, so of course she has to dress up when she goes out.

Kane rubbed the marshmallow in his arms, experienced the smooth feel on it, and raised it to look.


"Have you grown up again?"

Looking at the marshmallow in his arms, it is now several times bigger than Kane's head.

I felt like I was feeding water every day, but the marshmallows were inflating like a balloon.

But this is also a good thing. Kane has always wanted to try to see if he can fly into the sky on his body.

After playing with the marshmallows for a while, Claire finally opened the door of her room and walked out.

He was wearing a black, silk top, with openings on either side of the shoulders, revealing milk-like skin. The bottom is a white supple dress.

He also wears a white sun hat on his head, and a ruby ​​necklace hangs on his slender white neck.

It has to be said that this outfit was matched with Claire, which made Kane unable to move his eyes.

"You are so beautiful now" Kane exclaimed sincerely.

"Really?" Hearing Kane's admiration, Claire's reddish face flashed with joy.

Serge murmured even the marshmallows and floated into her arms.

Picking up the floating marshmallow, Claire buried her face in its body and affixed the sticker.

Yunyou was flying beside her, holding a book in her hand while watching.

The name of the book is "Human Communication".

It has been studying recently, the way people communicate with each other, trying to learn.

After coming to the door to change his shoes, Kane opened the door and signaled to Claire.

"This way, my beautiful lady."

Claire covered her mouth and snickered, and stretched her jade hand towards Kane.

Kane also laughed, took Claire's hand, and led her out the door.

The two walked slowly on the street.

The streets were crowded with traffic, and there were dense crowds of pedestrians. Some pedestrians were in a hurry with their leather bags in between.

"Ding Ding Ding"

On the street, some workers riding bicycle-like vehicles made noises, signaling passers-by ahead to give up their way.

A newsboy ran past Kane holding a newspaper, shouting today's headlines.

"The council has decided that all workers should be paid no less than 6 silver per month."

"Bring me one"

"I want one too"

"These bald men have finally done a good deed."

Kane and the others listened to the discussions next to them. This news seems to be extremely important good news for the residents here.

It's a pity that these have no meaning for Kane and the others.

The two walked quietly on the street like this, surrounded by noise and curious glances from passers-by. It can't affect the atmosphere around them now.

Kane suddenly felt his pants being pulled.

Looking down, it was a little girl with a little red hat, wearing some tattered clothes, with round eyes, looking at him timidly.

The little girl asked in a subtle voice, "Do you need to buy a bunch of flowers, sir?"

Kane looked at a cloth bag on her back, which contained all kinds of flowers.

He squatted down and asked the little girl, "How much does one cost?"

Hearing Kane's intention to buy, the little girl's voice was a little excited, and she quickly replied: "Mr. 1 copper coin, only 1 copper coin is needed."

Kane smiled, took out a gold coin and said, "Then I will have it all."

"Really?" The sudden surprise made the little girl's voice a little excited.

Kane wrapped the gold coin in a transparent creation and placed it in the little girl's hand.

He whispered in her ear: "Take it well. After a while, the magic power will disappear, and the gold coins inside will be exposed, so be careful to keep it."

The little girl watched with her own eyes, and Kane hid the gold coins and put them in her hands.

Instantly understood what he meant, and nodded gratefully to Kane.


Then he immediately handed the flowers in the cloth bag to Kane.

And blessed: "With a kind-hearted gentleman like you, you will definitely be happy."

"Hahaha" Kane touched her head: "Let's go, you can only hide for a minute."

Claire's face was slightly red.

After hearing Kane's words, the little girl immediately turned her head and ran out. She also turned her head and waved at them: "Thank you, big brother."

Kane was holding the flowers, and Claire also smiled and waved at her.

Looking at the little girl, she disappeared safely on the street corner

Kane turned to look at Claire.

He handed her the flowers in his hand.

"You can't refuse the kindness of the little girl."

Claire blushed and took the flowers into her arms.

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