A new car was dismantled in such a mess that colleagues, friends, and family members could not understand.

  But I think the car is more important than the health of the family and himself. After reading this post, Li Mobai, um! That mood was obviously very uncomfortable! He couldn't help but substitute himself into this incident! Ask yourself, if it is me who encounters this problem, how should I solve this problem? If I encounter this problem, it is me who has not got the system, and how should I solve this problem? To be honest, I am afraid that it is not as good as this poster. After all, people still have a certain amount of hands-on ability! I don't have this ability! Just as Li Mobai read this post, the poster had the latest reply! "Today, my wife saw the story about the owner of the Audi car getting sick. This article just understands me.

  I don't have the time or ability to defend my rights like the owner of an Audi car, so I won't cause trouble to the country, who told me that I was blind when I bought a car!"

  "To be honest, I think it is very difficult for car owners to defend their rights, and it is almost impossible to prove that the illness is caused by the pollution of the car.

  As a car factory, there is no reason to not use asphalt chips. It is so much cheaper, and there are no regulations in the country that it cannot be used. Each car is two hundred yuan cheaper, and one million cars is two hundred million yuan. Pure profit, no use is stupid! Someone has spoken, the hearts of capitalists are all black! For the sake of profit, nothing can be done!"

  "Regulators and automakers

  It is also a complicated relationship, and even many national standards are formulated by car manufacturers.

  The improvement of car pollutants still needs the complaints of many car owners. Without pressure, the car factory will not improve! It’s chilling!”

  After silently shutting down the computer, Bai Chang breathed a sigh of relief! He felt that he couldn't watch it any longer! If he continued to watch it, his lungs would probably explode with anger! Above! Li Mobai is angry! He is really angry! He feels that this matter must have a result for an era, and such a strange thing can happen! It's a shame! It's a shame! This is a shame for the country! This is The misfortune of the people! Li Mobai was so angry that he was about to explode on the spot! This feeling was like when the four major international grain merchants joined forces and wanted to cut meat from the Ming Kingdom in the soybean trade! It made him extremely angry! But that doesn't matter

  How to say, the four major international grain merchants are multinational giants! They are powerful, and, how should I put it, although their methods are a bit despicable, they can be regarded as slaughtering you in an upright manner! It is a way of business competition! Anyway, they are not breaking the law! If you can't fight against others, then you have to obediently admit your fault! How they treat you, you have to endure it! You deserve to be cut by others! On the contrary, if you have the ability to do the opposite If it is harvested, then the four major international grain merchants are unlucky! That's what Li Mobai did! Most of the wealth saved by the four major grain merchants for many years was searched! But in this Audi incident, the actions of the relevant capital parties are really ugly. It's disgusting! It doesn't follow any rules at all! It feels like, I am the best! You car owners are all meat on my chopping board! I can cut it how I want! Are you not bullying? Three Things Favorites, Push

Chapter 863 Come? Fight!

  What the hell is it? It can be so arrogant and can cover the sky with one hand! Aren't you afraid of Wang Fa? In fact, this kind of car interior decoration is not up to standard, and the phenomenon of pollution is not a day or two days! It is an old problem! But it has not been paid attention to! Li Mobai is quite puzzled This is a major event involving human life! How can it be so perfunctory! What the hell are the relevant departments doing? I'm not convinced! I have to poke this hornet's nest! Let's see what's going on! Li Mobai decides to fight! He knows that once he gets involved in this matter, he will face one after another powerful capital! Which auto giants are easy to mess with! When doing business, what they want is to make friends A lot of enemies! A few enemies! Don't make enemies unless you have to! Especially powerful enemies! You can't provoke them! It's not good for you! Yes! That's why Li Mobai thought the same thing before! But now, I'm sorry! He can't bear it! I would rather be attacked by all car companies today, and this matter can't be without explanation! Originally, Li Mobai wanted to call Zhou Yongwu , I want to ask through Lei Jun, what is the situation! What is the opinion on this matter? However, after picking up the phone, Li Mobai thought about it, and then put it down again! Forget it Well, it's better not to disturb the official first, I'll think about how to deal with this matter myself! Li Mobai is not short of money, he is a person, sometimes he has to fight for a breath! In order to fight for this breath, he spends a lot of money A lot of money is no problem! He doesn't know if there is a final answer to this matter! However, he feels that someone must stand up and say something fair! This is about human life! Can't be vague! Today's Li Mobai I have seen too much of the world! Since he decided to intervene in this matter, there will naturally be a set of reasonable and legal procedures! After all, Liu Yuzhou has been accepted by the management of the Wanda Group! She knows how to seize the opportunity for herself! She is also very aware of the importance of fishing reels! Therefore, Qin Shi, developed from Qinzhou Motor, has a very different

  The wrong propaganda ability! The strength should not be underestimated! We have a very effective PR team! This incident is just a test gold to see the true face of the opponent! Bai feeds you! You have to show your hands quietly! "They bought an Audi car! They got leukemia"! An article published by the official WeChat account of Qinzhou Group first went viral in the circle of friends, and then went for a walk throughout the Internet! A huge storm! The article is full of pictures and texts! It is supported by very deep data! The survey found that there are many cases of health problems caused by the purchase of Audi cars for themselves or their family members. The symptoms are not only leukemia, but also skin diseases, pharyngitis , and even various types of cancer.

  A patient and car owner temporarily formed a rights protection group online. Among them, there are more than [-] good guys in light leukemia patients. All of a sudden, the entire social circle has exploded! The combat effectiveness of the team that has been smashed with real money is indeed very strong! According to the description of the Qinzhou Group's public account, they got in touch with two of the parties who suffered from lung cancer.

  According to the two people, their Audi cars were purchased last year and the year before, and the interval between picking up the car and checking the condition was within three years. The two found that there was an unpleasant smell in the car.

  I have sought a solution many times! But there is no way to go up and no way to go down! There is no way to solve this! Another Ms. Ding said: "If it is God's will, my family recognizes it, if it is man-made, my family will be like this, and I will fight to the end!"

  For a while, an event that was originally not intervened and rarely reported by the news media became a hot search in an instant! Really, if you don't make a move, it's already amazing! Li Mobai now has a certain power to call the wind and call the rain. It can't be underestimated! If he really starts a full-scale war with Odi, he must be in a hard fight! Is Odi strong? Of course he is strong! There is no doubt about this! But is Li Mobai very weak? Yes! To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 864 I just love to kick the iron plate

  If Li Mobai really gets angry, Audi will not die or be disabled! The power he has now is enough to make Audi's vitality hurt! If the two sides really tear their faces, hehe, I'm afraid the situation will be very tragic! Low-key by nature , Li Mobai, who doesn't like to be in the limelight, actually doesn't plan to have an endless fight with Audi! That's Audi! It's a car giant that has entered the Ming market for decades and made huge profits! That's in Ming The influence of all walks of life is huge! The potential users of the target are social elites! Any company or individual, as long as their minds are not filled with water, will not fight against them! However, Li Mobai is an exception! Don't eat this! In Li Mobai's view, fairness and justice are sometimes more important than capital wealth! As long as you dare to fool the people in this matter, then I will dare to let you go! , Even if you are besieged by these giants, you must seek justice for the victims! Under the organization of the Qinzhou Group, a WeChat group of more than [-] people has been established! And the number is still: rapidly increasing.

  Most of the discussions among the group members are whether the harmful substances such as formaldehyde in their cars exceed the standard, and how to find effective means to protect their rights.

  The establishment of this group marks that this battle has reached a new level, a new height! This guy, the auto giants who wanted to pretend to be deaf and dumb can't avoid it now! Many stakeholders, including the auto giant , they all have a kind of self-confidence in it! They think that their strength is here! No one dares to oppose them easily

  What! However, the idea is very beautiful, but the reality is cruel! Li Mobai wants to fight against such giants! He is not the car giants! Even if they are rich and powerful, they can stop the mouths of those traditional media and magazines! But, now is the Internet The times! Traditional paper magazines have become lonely! Modern people are all on the Internet! What news, can’t you find all the news online? Soon, this matter has become a hot search! It’s a big mainstream social platform! It’s all news related to it! Okay! Now people all over the country know it! Although many netizens joked at night: "Oh! Still these luxury cars have conscience! Know that I'm poor! Don't harm us poor people!"

  This kind of witty stubbornness really attracted a lot of likes! Many people said, um, luxury cars are too conscientious! I'd better buy my Wuling Hongguang. This wit is actually a fake wit.

  Although it's a good joke, there is a big problem with the logic of this joke! Who said that only the owners of luxury cars suffer? Many cars with hundreds of thousands or more than [-] have such a phenomenon! In this piece In fact, there is no such thing as the rich and the poor! Everyone is a victim! Everyone is equal. If you are really resourceful, you should think about it at a deeper level! Just ask, if someone can afford a luxury car, then Surely the social resources are richer than you! You must know more people than you! If people encounter such a thing, if they all complain and have no way to go to heaven, think about it, if it were you, what would it be like? Don't think about it! It will only get worse! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 865 Persuade You To Be Kind? Do Some Personnel

  You don't speak up for others now. When everyone else is killed, and the matter falls to you, you will find that no one has spoken for you. All consumers are one family! The world's car owners are one family! We are facing a huge The automobile industry group! Capital only has numbers in the eyes, but no conscience. Here, Li Mobai is preparing to enter Jinling University to participate in military training. In the face of strong public pressure, various exposures came out soon! Some insiders came out to reveal that the dampers used in some luxury cars all contain No. [-] asphalt, and it is speculated that such models may release toxic substances. Harmful gas is almost a stone hammer! The vast majority of people who eat melons are rushing to get to the bottom of the spirit, forcing luxury cars to give an explanation! We spend money to buy good cars for enjoyment, not for suicide! You This is killing us! "Are all your military training items ready?"

  In the morning, Wen Changxi in white home clothes poured milk while caring for Li Mobai! Li Mobai: "Well! There is nothing to prepare! Anyway, I go early and return late! I don't have accommodation! Besides, military training! Hey, it's to train us Military will!"

  Wen Changying nodded appreciatively, then patted Li Mobai's shoulder and said, "Well! Come on! Work hard!"

  Work hard!!! Li Mobai was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay! I know!"

  Chang Jing was admitted to Jinling Foreign Language Institute! Without words, she should also follow the route of a diplomat in the future! Li Mobai wanted to invite her to live in his own home.

  However, people wish that the School of Foreign Affairs is far away.

  If you always stay at home

  If you come here, you will definitely not be able to go to school across half a city! Therefore, in the end, Chang Jing has no choice but to choose accommodation! In fact, calm down and think about it. If there is another class flower, um, Li Mobai is a little big when he thinks about it! So, if the distance creates beauty, let Chang Jing live in the school! "Recently, you have been in trouble with Odi"

  Wen Changxi said with concern! Li Mobai: "!"

  "Well! It can't be regarded as a bar! That is, I am dissatisfied with some of their actions! I can't watch it anymore, I just want to ask for an explanation! What's the matter? Are you dissatisfied with what I did?"

  Li Mobai was a little nervous when he heard Wen Changxi's words! After all, Wen Changxi's identity is very sensitive! She said so, I'm afraid there is a deep meaning behind it! Wen Changxi: "!"

  "No! No! No! No, don't think about it.

  I'm just asking two questions out of curiosity in my personal capacity! There's no other meaning! Don't think about it too much!"

  Wen Changxi saw that Li Mobai's face was so nervous, and hurriedly waved her hand to explain! Li Mobai nodded reassuringly, as long as the official had no opinion! If the official objected to this, it would be a little troublesome and tricky! "Audi's response this time is indeed very There is a problem! This matter needs an explanation!"

  Wen Changxi said! Hearing this, Li Mobai nodded again and again! That's right.

  Isn't that the truth? If you do some personnel affairs, I won't be so troublesome to fight against you! It's not because you are so ugly. Please download Fei Lu's novel.

Chapter 866 Supporting Attitudes of Senior Management

  "I'm not a person who likes to provoke trouble! However, I really can't stand these inhumane practices!"

  Li Mobai complained to Wen Changxi! The implication is, I don't want to make trouble! But the car companies' attitude is too ugly! I can't swallow this breath! I need a reasonable explanation! It's all for the sake of safeguarding the interests of the people of the Ming Kingdom! We have to be careful with the above! Wen Changxi: "!"

  "Well! You did the right thing! As long as you think your choice is okay, face it bravely! Stick to your choice! You have to fight for your ideals and beliefs once in your life!"

  Wen Changxi encouraged! Li Mobai: "!"

  After going through so many ups and downs, Li Mobai, who has seen some of the world, understands the meaning of Wen Changxi's words! Gao Lengyu's words mean inside and outside the words, let go and do it! I support you Wen Changxi is a high-level in the system, Naturally, her attitude can more or less represent the official attitude! This gave Li Mobai a reassurance! As long as the government supports it, then many things will be easy to handle! Li Mobai also has to continue to follow up with him. The confidence of the Auddy fighting method! "Asphalt damping board"

  When the incident became famous all over the country, the three major luxury car brands responded awkwardly! Mercedes-Benz said that it used "compound-modified asphalt"

  , while Audi calls it "modified petroleum asphalt".

  BMW Brilliance claims that the dampers it uses and imports

  BMW In short, we didn't ask any questions! Don't think too much about it! Don't worry, our car is very safe! Just buy it with confidence! It'll be fine! It's such an old brand, can you still trust us? It is synonymous with luxury! Our customers are all social elites, the upper class, don't worry! There is no problem! It's just some people who are making trouble! Deliberately smear us! In addition, various car companies are also They are secretly putting pressure on them! Some are hard, some are soft! I just hope to be able to divide and disintegrate. The best thing is to shut up Li Mobai! Qinzhou Group can not ask about this! Just keep silent like this , then this matter won't be able to turn a big wave! But it's a pity, Li Mobai doesn't take this one! Whoever plays with you, I'm just asking for an explanation this time! I just want justice! I just want you to come up with one The attitude to solve the problem is coming! Li Mobai is actually not afraid of luxury car companies! He has the cards to fight against it! What he is most worried about is the official attitude! If the official attitude is ambiguous, he does not want to make this matter too much Then he is a little embarrassed! Fortunately, the official also supports him! At least, there is no objection to his series of actions! In this case, Li Mobai can naturally let go of his hands and feet! The pressure of public opinion is increasing. , Seeing that there is no way to cover up this incident, Audi can't bear it anymore! If they don't express their position, Li Mobai still has a way to deal with them! Enough to destroy their reputation! How much did they earn from the Ming country market? Money, in the end, all have to be spit out obediently! Black money, not so easy to earn, Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 867 Very Coping Announcement

  The previous battle to harvest leeks from the four major international grain merchants has already given Li Mobai some combat experience! This time, he feels that he should be able to win! As long as there is no intervention from foreign forces.

  Haha! I'll kill you all slowly! A company that makes battery cars is fighting against a luxury car company with a history of hundreds of years! This guy, this scene.

  It seems like an ordinary and thin person who took the initiative to provoke the heavyweight boxing champion! However, the boxing champion was forced to a dead end step by step by this ordinary person! He was forced to a dead end, and there was no way out! In the end, some breakthroughs were made in this issue. Audi issued an announcement admitting that a small part of the Audi cars it produced had odor problems, and initiated a recall action. After the announcement was issued, the majority of consumers The drivers ran to tell each other and were overjoyed! I think this is a historic moment! It is a very great victory! After persisting for so long, I finally saw the dawn of victory! However, compared with the majority of optimistic car owners, Li Mobai felt that this It's not that simple! It's not time to celebrate! Will these luxury car companies admit defeat so obediently? Will they fail willingly and will they organize a counterattack? These are all questions! Li Mobai is modest and cautious In terms of his personality, he thinks that he can't be too optimistic! We have to see the actual actions of car companies before making judgments! Several students fainted and were hurriedly sent to the school infirmary! It can be seen that the physical fitness of the younger generation of Ming Dynasty is still in all aspects.

  There is a lot of room for improvement! Patronizing the study, it is impossible to have a sound body! Li Mobai's physical fitness, now a military training is completely no problem! It can be done easily! After a day of military training, a lot of The classmates are exhausted and exhausted! But Li Mobai is still alive and kicking, so he is so cool and calm! After returning home, Li Mobai called Liu Yuzhou and asked her about the progress of the Audi incident! Didn't they make a statement? This is an admission Is it wrong? Liu Yuzhou: "!"

  "How can it be so simple, what do you think!"

  Liu Yuzhou couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard Li Mobai's words! Li Mobai: "!"

  "Didn't they make an announcement?"

  Li Mobai frowned and said! "Haha! I asked the legal counsel of our group to read this so-called announcement from Audi, and the conclusion I came to is: what a shit! I have been: avoiding key issues! This is a statement, It's not an announcement! And this official seal is wrong! In general, it doesn't have much legal effect!"

  After listening to Liu Yuzhou's report, Li Mobai was stunned! He looked unbelievable! I really have a lot of knowledge about what to do and how to operate this show! "This does not mean that Audi has admitted its mistakes! At most, it is a response to the hot topic at the moment!"

  Liu Yuzhou added! Li Mobai: "!"

Chapter 868 Being ridiculed is touching porcelain

  "I see! This wave of Audi's operations is really a show! Tsk tsk tsk! I admire it!"

  Li Mobai almost didn't applaud AUDI! It's amazing! It's amazing! The old trickster is working hard! In general, although AUDI has issued a recall statement! But their way of dealing with the problem is simple and rude! Even It can be said that it is almost useless! According to the feedback of relevant car owners, the so-called recall is to drive the car to the car shop, and then change the sound insulation cotton. As for whether the car contains other sources of toxic gas, the car shop has not dealt with it. This Nima is undoubtedly very funny! You bought a food item with me, like a carton of milk, and found it expired after buying it! Then go to the supermarket! The supermarket said, okay, come here, we Recycling! Then how to recycle it is to block the production date! Then let you take it back so that it is not expired! Perfect! The problem is solved neatly! Isn't it perfect? How to deal with it! It's super simple! Li Mobai is very convinced about such a riotous operation! Really! Ordinary people must not be able to do such a level thing! Only you, Audi, can think of using such a method to solve the problem ! Xiuer! Tianxiu! You must be full of phoenixes for this wave of showy operations! Such flickering and coping, no doubt poured a large pot of cold water on the car owners who have just ignited the fire of hope! Li Mobai, who thought he had pulled back a round and successfully controlled the situation, felt that he had been beaten in the face! Three hundred and sixty degrees, a crazy fan without dead ends! What Li Mobai wanted to say was, Since I have the system, I have never suffered from such uselessness! It is so deceiving! Am I too good at talking! So I think I am so bullying. If you want to think so, then it will be big! Your uncle, I am not So easy to bully! You want to fool me and blind your dog! In fact, Audi has never had a large-scale recall action from beginning to end! The recall announcement issued by the company's official website called it "jointly carry out service actions to protect cars" inner comfort


  Moreover, in the face of the reporter's questioning, the staff said that the action was not a recall notice from Audi, but an after-sales service activity of Audi, and the batch of sound insulation cotton would emit peculiar smell when it was extremely hot or humid. This move is only to eliminate hidden dangers and improve consumer experience. It's true! Li Mobai couldn't help but applaud him when he heard it! You are too cow! Where did you find it! This annual salary must be calculated according to: [-] million! Otherwise, you will definitely not be able to do such a beautiful job! Really, why don't you go to heaven, but it doesn't matter, if I don't have the means to clean up you , what's the fuss about! Li Mobai is rich, and if he has money, he can push the grind! He asked Qinzhou Group to publicly state that we will never take a step back when it comes to safeguarding the interests of our compatriots! There is no retreat. It can be said! Anyone, any company! No matter how stupid you are! If you dare to harm the consumers of the Ming Dynasty, I will never stop with you! Audi also publicly responded to this! He mocked Qinzhou Group! There is an executive of the so-called Audi company, who replied in a public situation: "The so-called Qinzhou Group is touching the porcelain of our Audi brand! One of them is a broken five, battery car! They hope to use our popularity to give Advertise for free! This kind of behavior is really disgusting! It is a very bad business competition method! I hope they do it for themselves!"

  Barabara said a lot! Anyway, it means that you are not at ease! You are marketing maliciously! We don't have the same knowledge as you! This guy has really depressed Li Mobai! In the end, it's my problem. It's because I'm idle, so I can't say what you say when I touch porcelain! Can we still have a face! "I heard that you are touching porcelain, Odi!"

  Wen Changying appeared out of nowhere and gloated to Li Mobai! Li Mobai: "!"

Chapter 869 This boy is really kind

  "Go, go! You just touched porcelain! Stop watching the fun here!"

  Li Mobai is not in a good mood! I'm in a very depressed mood now! Stop provoking me! Be careful I'll take care of you! Wen Changying: "!"

  "Oh! Calm down! You are so shameless anyway! What's the point of panic!"

  Wen Changying patted Li Mobai's shoulder with a bad smile! Li Mobai: "!"

  "You! I, I don't want to talk to you!"

  Li Mobai rolled his eyes helplessly! Uncle! I'm funny when I touch the porcelain! Who am I! I need to touch the porcelain and their grandma! , don't think too much! Do what you need to do! Don't mess around! Do you know that the reason why Audi said this proves that they are actually afraid of you! They are worried about your countermeasures Don't panic! Don't follow others' advice! I will go my own way unswervingly.

  Don't care what others say!"

  Wen Changxi came over and patted Li Mobai's shoulder to comfort him! Li Mobai: "!"

  What Sister Yu said made Li Mobai feel a lot better! It seems that there are still people who understand and support us! The attitude of Audi is that this is an after-sales service activity! There is no problem with the quality! Now someone comes out to correct you Your mistake, you actually said that others are touching porcelain marketing and smashing your popularity! This shows that you are fundamentally unaware of your own mistakes! Even, such a bad and serious incident is regarded as an optional event. This is the attitude! Li Mobai, who is very problematic, is going to fight to the end anyway! It doesn't matter if you have a pedigree or not.

  This thing is not over yet! I want you to splatter three feet of blood! "This kid, he is really bloody! Tsk tsk.


  In an official office building in Yanjing, a middle-aged man with a face with a Chinese character smoked and said price! This matter had nothing to do with him at first, but he has meddled in it! This is a kind of chivalrous spirit! Lu Jianbu draws his sword to help, when it's time to do it! It seems that many young people today don't have such a spirit! People! When facing the reality of society, it is difficult to keep your original intentions in mind! Li Mobai did It's here! It's not easy at this point! Including the Qinzhou Group, many people are a little puzzled.

  Does this matter have anything to do with us? Why do we take: such a big risk, risk: offending a big customer to meddle with this kind of business? It's a bit of a loss! "Remember! We consider It's human nature and principles! Not money! If a company only has money in its eyes, it doesn't even have the most basic morality! Then this company will come to an end! We can close tomorrow! However, we absolutely cannot Lose your inner conscience and ideals!"

  Li Mobai made a ruthless remark within the Qinzhou Group! This speech was highly supported by Liu Yuzhou! She had a bad relationship with the Wanda Group because of this! In the face of justice and principles, money is the least valuable! Online, support Qinzhou Group There are still more and louder voices! Officials in most regions have not made a statement, but the Qinzhou Consumers Association has a good relationship with the Qinzhou Group, so it is under the entrustment of the Qinzhou Group.

  Qinzhou Consumers Association conducted an in-depth investigation and evidence collection! Then an announcement was issued! Please download Feilu Novel to see the underlined version of the novel

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