Chapter 870 Too shameless?

  According to the test of Qinzhou Consumers Association! The air quality in Audi cars is not up to standard! Twenty-three Audi cars were randomly selected, and formaldehyde and total volatile organic compounds were all detected. After the news of car, all data exceeding the standard was reported, it quickly caused a sensation in the whole country! Everyone wanted to see how Audi explained this time! Aren't you very good at defending? You are not very good at defending! It's like a mountain! What else do you say! You can't say that the Consumers Association, this official organization will touch you! You can also say that there is something wrong with the appraisal report of the Qinzhou Consumers Association! It doesn't matter, we can ask The third party will continue to do the appraisal! Anyway, the evidence is overwhelming, and you can't deny it if you want to! Li Mobai even wished that Audi would come out again and say that there is something wrong with the report, so that the matter can be made even bigger. As long as Audi dares to overturn the conclusion of the Qinzhou Consumers Association, that guy, the next thing will be much easier! It means that Audi took the initiative to hand the knife to himself! Li Mobai can easily hammer Kill them! However, both the masses of melon eaters and Li Mobai himself have seriously underestimated the shamelessness of the other party! Faced with such data, Audi still said calmly: "This time the problem of Audi's odor , in fact, it exists all over the country, and we took the lead in raising it because we want to supervise industry issues, not for a certain unit or a certain brand!"

  This reply is very beautiful! I don't deny it! Yes! It does have a peculiar smell! What's the matter? It's not our family's problem! This problem is a national problem, said Li Mobai

  : "!"

  "Fuck! Cowhide! I'm convinced!"

  Li lived, he is the kind of...confidence! The five-body admiration is full of admiration! Talk about shame, talk about shame! Maybe if Odi is the second, no one will dare to recognize the first. How can you be so shameless! You are making fun of the owner's life! No matter what

  What's going on outside, Audi's response still doesn't think there is a problem with its products, Audi's public relations staff replied to the media saying: "There is no factual basis to prove that Audi cars are related to leukemia!"

  How can I say it! That is, dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water! Just admit that there is a problem! But we will not correct it! At the same time, we have also pulled in all the auto companies! You see, it is not our family's problem! This is It's an industry-wide problem! We've done it humanely enough! Li Mobai is convinced! Really! At the same time, Li Mobai's side has also been attacked and retaliated! "Mobai, the domestic car side has been in contact with us more frequently recently! Especially the Geely Group's sincerity is very great! However, their prices are still a little lower! "

  Liu Yuzhou reported to Li Mobaihui that Qinzhou Group is now not only a battery car company! Because of its sufficient technical strength, it has already entered the car battery market! Because this market is bigger! Profits are more abundant! Feilu reminds You: Three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 871 Cooperation with domestic brands

  The car batteries produced by Qinzhou Group can be regarded as first-class technology in China and even in the world! In the case of leading technology, the price is of course leading! Because Li Mobai needs to spend a lot of money to support research and development! The engineering team has to spend a lot of money to support it! If there is no money, who will give you life without money, how can it be possible to support the consumption of that price? It is the same as the Daming chip! Li Mobai is a smart person, but he is very realistic in many cases. Of course, it can also be described as vulgar! Li Mobai's idea is, talent, that is to rely on money to retain! If there is no talent, no matter how much you say, it will be nonsense! Among the major car manufacturers in China, most of the companies that can afford Qinzhou batteries are luxury car companies with high prices and huge profits! Only they have the financial strength to support such purchases! As for domestic cars, because the main route is low price at present! It is the cost-effective route! Because the price is relatively close to the people, of course, many equipment can not afford top product accessories! Therefore, domestic car companies and There is no relevant cooperation on Li Mobai's side. However, the absence of cooperation does not mean that other auto companies do not want to use better accessories! Who doesn't want to use better batteries in their own products, just like making mobile phones! Does Xiaomi just Don't you want to use Apple's chip? Use Samsung's screen? But you can't bear the cost! You can only drool at the high-end accessories! If I give you a machine at this time, for you , The accessories that were originally unattainable can be easily obtained, I believe most people will definitely be excited

  La! So, through this Li Mobai and Audi and other luxury cars turned their faces.

  Geely came to the door, I hope everyone can cooperate! We are very interested in selling your batteries to us! Seeing that everyone is from the Ming Dynasty! For the great rejuvenation of the nation! Although Geely is indeed full of sincerity! Li Bai also felt it ! But in terms of this price! With limited strength, he certainly cannot give the high price of luxury car brands Li Mobai: "!"

  As an unswerving patriot, Li Mobai has no problem with cooperating with Geely from a personal emotional point of view! But now, the problem before him is that if he helps Geely, he will have to pay for the loss. Come and bear it! If you don't have enough profit support, how can you give your employees first-class benefits in the industry? These are all rigid cost support! There is no way to reduce it! "Well, let's make some concessions as appropriate! This time point is still relatively critical! We can provide some special products to Geely and all our domestic car brands! However, this is time-limited!"

  Li Mobai thought about it carefully, and then continued: "For example, two months, for example, three months! As for the specific details, you can talk about it later! In short, we can do this business! But we can't do it for a long time! We You can't smash your own sign!"

  Liu Yuzhou: "!"

  "I understand what you mean! Don't worry, let's talk!"

  The beautiful young woman understands the truth! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 872 Boycotted by Auto Giants

  Li Mobai nodded slightly, and then heaved a sigh of relief! It's difficult! It's really difficult, I really offended a lot of people this time! Hey! I can't help it.

  Life is alive, how can it be possible to be comprehensive, and no one will be offended! That is impossible! Anyway, I believe that my choice will not be wrong! He is in full swing with Audi, and naturally he can't hide the eyes from above. Yes! Zhou Yongwu actually knew about this a long time ago! He also asked his superiors for instructions as soon as possible! How to deal with this matter, do you want to intervene! The official attitude is that this little ancestor is a big customer.

  Although I don't know why he will slap with Odi this time! However, there is nothing wrong with his approach! So, let's wait and see what happens! If he can't stand it all of a sudden, let's come forward and coordinate! From an official point of view.

  What a jerk Odi did! However, because of this, Odi can't be slapped to death! This is impossible! It is not in the national interest! Therefore, Zhou Yongwu did not take the initiative to contact Li Mobai! However, As long as Li Mobai comes to contact him, there must be an explanation for this matter! Zhou Yongwu will help! However, it seems that Li Mobai has no intention of asking for help! It is estimated that many people cannot understand it! You are good, Why do you want to fight with such a giant? No one knows that Li Mobai's persistent pursuit of justice! No one knows that Li Mobai has never put his interests first in his life and work! If it is In that case, he felt that he was blind to such a powerful system! It would be too sad if the Son of Heaven's Chosen became money.

  Somewhat! The war between him and the giant car companies is in full swing! It must be impossible to solve it easily! Both sides are already the kind of people who are red-eyed! Li Mobai is protecting justice! Naturally, he is fearless. He also has to fight to the end! Get a public opinion for all the victims! From the point of view of a car company, I feel that Li Mobai is looking for trouble! He is really looking for trouble on purpose! It has something to do with you. What are you doing! You are so worried about eating radishes when salty.

  Can't we all work together to make a fortune? At the same time, some gossip broke out. Audi has given a verbal order to all employees to prohibit the use of all Qinzhou Group products! Cut off all cooperative relations! Unless Li Mobai bows his head and admits defeat! The rumors that Audi has interrupted the cooperation agreement between the two companies! A large number of car batteries produced by Qinzhou Group will lose customers! Then, major car companies have followed up! They are an industry! Naturally One is prosperous, and one is lost! Li Mobai's challenge to Audi, in the eyes of many luxury car brands, is a challenge to himself! Today you go to Audi, who knows if the next target is us! Therefore , We must join forces to eliminate this guy who dared to challenge the old order! Only in this way can our position be stabilized! For Li Mobai, he is now half of the public enemy of the auto industry! To be honest, this will still affect his business. It’s not small:! Because Qinzhou Group’s business is relatively extensive now, it is entering the automotive battery industry! Major luxury car customers have suspended orders one after another. For Qinzhou Group, the loss is not small! Feilu reminds you: reading three things collection, push

Chapter 873 I Have Persecution Delusions

  But it doesn't matter, both parties have signed a supply agreement! Li Mobai will be compensated for not delivering on time! Car companies will also pay a price for refusing to receive the goods for no reason! If there is no problem with the quality of my products, you have no reason not to. Otherwise, am I not producing in vain? The two sides have completely torn their faces! Qinzhou Group is going to use legal means to solve the problem! The two sides are going to file a lawsuit to solve their differences! This is undoubtedly the best solution! But the problem is , If you take the legal route, it will take too long! It takes a long time to produce evidence! Then the court will hear it! Even if the first instance is won, there will be a second instance, and if the other party appeals, there will be a third instance! You spend it! There are people in the luxury car group, rich and free.

  The huge legal team they raised is reserved for this time! But what they don't know is that Li Mobai is also a ruthless man! He is also rich, has people, and has free time! Bring gold from the system to fight with you to the death! If you don't believe it, you can't kill you! Your uncle, fight with me, okay.

  Go ahead! Am I afraid of you? In the days of military training, Li Mobai always has a dark face! He exudes a strong aura that no strangers should enter! Wen Changying, who has always liked to play with him It has all restrained a lot! I think he has become colder now! Li Mobai: "!"

  "I don't think Master is cold.

  He must have cultivated martial arts.

  The cultivation has reached a whole new level! In the martial arts of the Ming Dynasty, this is called "Dou Qi transforming into a horse!"

  Melissa is serious

  Nonsense! But she still thinks what she said is very scientifically based...! It's completely irrefutable! Wen Changying: "!"

  "Dou Qi Hua Ma Melissa! You are serious"

  Wen Changying blinked her big watery eyes and said with a confused look! Melissa: "Yes! I read it on an online novel!"

  Wen Changying rolled her eyes and almost didn't fall! Li Mobai wiped the cold sweat on his forehead! Forget it, ignore these cuties! They obviously don't know the cruelty of war! The reality is far more than they imagined Even more pessimistic! Li Mobai is under a lot of pressure! He lost a lot, but at the same time he gained a lot! The advertising effect brought by this wave of public opinion war is huge! At least now Qinzhou Group has become a conscientious enterprise! A wave of good reviews.

  This is much more effective than spending hundreds of millions on advertising! Both sides are launching a public opinion war! Audi firmly stated that they are fine! You are all spreading rumors. The legal responsibility is all kinds of barbara! Anyway, it is to deduct the feces from the Qinzhou Group! It is necessary to create a feeling that the Qinzhou Group is unreasonable! You are touching porcelain, you are touching porcelain marketing! Our fame, advertise for ourselves! Your behavior is very shameful and despicable! Barabara! Li Mobai said hehe! Do I need to touch porcelain marketing? Do I need to take a step back, even if I need touch porcelain , it's impossible to touch you! Don't think too much! You, you are suffering from persecution paranoia.

Chapter 874 Never dream of covering the sky with one hand

  Not only is he delusional about being persecuted, but he is also a little self-reliant, feeling that the world is big, and I am the greatest! This is wrong! However, black is black! No matter how much you wash it, it will not become white! Di is indeed very cow! You are powerful, and your hands and eyes can reach the sky! It can even be said that you can have a profound impact on the economy of many regions to a certain extent, but this does not mean that you can cover the sky with only one hand. You can disregard the reality and change the truth! If you are wrong, you are wrong! No amount of rhetoric can change the essence of your mistake! Now someone comes out to correct your mistake, but you actually say that others are rubbing off on your popularity. ! This shows that fundamentally, you did not realize your own mistakes! Even, treating such a bad and serious incident as a dispensable thing! This attitude is not correct! It is very problematic Li Mobai is going to fight to the end anyway! It doesn't matter if you have the ability to reach the sky or not! This matter is not over! I want to make you splatter three feet of blood! "This boy is really bloody! Tsk tsk.


  In an official office building in Yanjing, a middle-aged man with a face with Chinese characters commented while smoking! This matter had nothing to do with him at first, but he has meddled in it! This is a kind of chivalrous spirit. Lu Jianbu draws his sword to help, when it's time to take action! It seems that many young people today don't have such a spirit! People! When facing the reality of society, it is difficult to keep your original intentions in mind! Li Mobai It's done! It's not easy at this point! Including the Qinzhou Group, many people are somewhat satisfied with this, does it have anything to do with us? Why should we take such a big risk, risk: offending one It's a bit of a loss to manage the risk of big customers! "Remember! We consider human nature! Not money! If a company only has money in its eyes, it doesn't even have the most basic morality! Then this company It's coming to an end! We can close tomorrow! However, we can never lose our inner conscience and ideals!"

  Li Mobai made a ruthless remark within the Qinzhou Group! This speech was highly supported by Liu Yuzhou! She had a bad relationship with the Wanda Group because of this! In the face of justice and principles, money

  It is the most worthless! On the Internet, there are still more and louder voices supporting the Qinzhou Group! Someone posted a complaint online: "Will I tell you that I am the owner of the Audi! I will tell you the version of the Australian for several years. Di's sound insulation cotton is poisonous and harmful, and the manufacturer doesn't know what to do? Then if you complain, the local [-] will not accept your complaint, so you can call the manufacturer's location to complain, and then the user will call like a fool Local consumer associations and other associations have a bad attitude and then hang you up, their attitude is reasonable! But they won't do anything for you! Who will make trouble for big taxpayers"

  "Auddy's way of handling it is to silently tell all the stores.

  If there are users who think it smells too bad, you can replace them silently! Yes, replace them silently. All car owners, you can try it out. Just go to the auto shop and say that there is a peculiar smell in the car, and they will go silently. Check it out for you! This is their tacit understanding! Yes, no recall, no official letter, no apology, nothing, and then you have to remove the central control, the seat, and the sound insulation foam!"

  How stinky is this thing? Let me describe it to everyone! Friends, if you put this thing on your shoulders, I guess you won't be bitten by mosquitoes that summer!! The stench, a rotten plastic burnt Taste! There are four pieces in total, which are in your central control, under the seat, and above the tires.

  This stench, I think children and pregnant women will definitely have an impact!"

  The popularity of this post is very high! All of a sudden, it became a hot search! There are also a lot of discussions on the Internet! Netizen A: "What is this! Using such inferior materials for this piece, the savings will not exceed [-] yuan .

  Yes! Just because of one hundred yuan! Just to save one hundred yuan! They dare to do it! They dare to fool like this!"

  Netizen B: "Hopefully one day, there will be a March [-] based on each other's conscience, to torture the conscience of practitioners! Instead of March every year, it is the pay month for companies to the media and the public relations of industry supervision agencies! "

  Netizen C: "!"

Chapter 875 Where is the conscience?Where is the morality

  The waves of fishing reels are wave after wave, and Odi is being judged by everyone now! They can be high, but the price is what everyone says! Li Mobai is under a lot of pressure! His stubbornness and stubbornness have brought him great prestige At the same time, it also brought a lot of trouble and negative effects! The luxury car companies have been working hard for decades! The strength and the influence of capital are far beyond the imagination of ordinary people! Their influence in the country It is huge! It can even be said to be able to influence the relevant decision-making of the state to a certain extent! This is not a joke, but a fact because they bring too many jobs! They bring too many taxes, bring There is too much prosperity! This is also the reason why many places cannot move them! Yes, they clearly know that their products are substandard! It is harmful! But you can't do anything about it! It's the same as housing prices! Housing prices are unreasonable and unhealthy! It has seriously affected the lives of ordinary people! But he has tied up too many jobs. Compared with real estate, the auto industry is definitely not that serious! But the proportion is also Not low! Think about how many people are supported by the automobile industry from production to sales. In addition, other industries attached to automobiles? Technical workers who do maintenance and workers who repair cars are still direct employment! There are still many indirect jobs that are not counted! Do gas stations rely on cars to support some cars? Some cars need to be equipped with reversing cameras and parking sensors! They have also supported a number of related manufacturers. In addition, some girls also like to put perfume and scent fresheners on the car seat cushion and the small pendant on the car, which adds up to a huge industrial chain! You can do whatever you want. Go to Taobao and search for it, just a word! There are millions of products that pop up! This is especially true for luxury cars!

  , the related profits will only be more! This is why no one is willing to go to the luxury car company. The main thing is to lead the whole body! Not kidding you! Li Mobai actually knows these deeper reasons. ! Therefore, he does not want to make things so unmanageable! His ideal state is that Audi can recognize his mistakes! Actively make remedial measures! In addition, he is trying to solve the problem! Compensation The loss of the victims! This is the conscience of a big company! You really made a lot of money in the Ming Dynasty! Don't you have no responsibility for this? It's still a human being? It turns out that Li Mobai is still a little idealistic, He is still too naive! The greed and ugliness of capital is far beyond his imagination! In the face of money and interests, human nature is often vulnerable! In order to save the cost of one hundred yuan, the life of the car owner can be saved Going to gamble, this kind of thing is a bit too scary in Li Mobai's view! This shows that in the eyes of capital, human life has a price! And this price is actually one hundred yuan, which is why Li Mobai would rather make enemies everywhere, and also I need to find out the reason for this incident! I have nothing to fear! I just want to complete my historical mission! Everything I have now is because of the system! The big deal, just go back to the ordinary days before! No Can I still live and not starve to death! I have nothing to be afraid of, even if I am torn to pieces, I still have an explanation! There is nothing to worry about! Let it go! There must be an explanation! There must be an explanation for the people! "Australia Di's attitude is a little loose! They entrusted China Shipping Automobile Group to come over as a middleman! I hope we can stop this! They must be very grateful!"

  On Li Mobai's side, when the military training was about to end, he received a call from Liu Yuzhou! Li Mobai: "!"

Chapter 876 I will build a car if I am in a hurry

  "What does loose attitude mean? I don't want them to loose their attitude! I want them to admit their mistakes! I want them to pay for their actions!"

  Li Mobai said angrily! Liu Yuzhou: "!"

  "At present, the plan they have given here is to actively compensate for losses! They will communicate with each victim individually! Until the owner is satisfied!"

  Liu Yuzhou reports! Li Mobai: "!"

  "Will you admit to being wrong?"

  Li Mobai asked! Liu Yuzhou: "!"

  "Hey! To be honest, I don't think this possibility is too great!"

  The beautiful young woman smiled bitterly! They have been deadlocked on this matter until now, and the biggest point of disagreement is that Audida did not apologize.

  However, judging from the current situation, the other party should not have this plan! And Li Mobai's side obviously does not have the strength to force the other party to apologize! Well, no one can convince anyone! Know that your 100-year reputation is the greatest wealth! If the reputation is gone, then the corporate value and image will disappear! Therefore, unless the sky falls, otherwise, it is very difficult for them to formally apologize! After the tragic war of attrition, Li Mobai also suddenly realized clearly that it must be unrealistic to use his own strength to defeat Audi! He has a 100-year heritage, and his waist is very thick! It is not so easy to do so. It's defeated! Just accept it when you see it, and if you fight to the end, it seems that you will join yourself in it! After realizing the reality, Li Mobai is a little decadent! just like

  Yes, I once became a dragon slayer, but in the end I found that my opponent was not a dragon, but a group of dragons! This feeling of powerlessness is the most frustrating! No matter how hard you try, there is nothing in this world. All the sins! "As long as the majority of car owners can be satisfied, let's do this first! If it really doesn't work, we'll go back and build our own cars!"

  Li Mobai gritted his teeth and said! Liu Yuzhou: "!"

  "Uh! Isn't your idea a bit too cruel? We build our own cars. Are you serious?"

  The beautiful young woman couldn't help scratching her head, and she felt a big head! This young boss is obviously too imaginative! It's wild! Thinking about it is one! He even wants to build a car again "Can you stop tossing it?" Have you forgotten LeTV's lessons learned? Build a car, build a car! The boss has gone to America! Tiantian will return to China next week, do you know how many people want to dig it out?"

  Liu Yuzhou is not in a good mood! Li Mobai: "!"

  "Look at what you said! Can Boss Jia compare with us? We have accumulated enough technology! We have come one step at a time! From battery cars to cars, this is accumulating technology! What does LeTV have? There is nothing, the car is purely for making money! We have essential differences!"

  Li Mobai said with a serious face! Liu Yuzhou compared himself to Boss Jia, which made him very upset! This is an insult to our personality! I am not... that kind of person! Beautiful young woman: "!"

  "Okay, okay! You are amazing! You are the best in heaven and earth! Come on!"

  Liu Yuzhou reluctantly compromised! Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 877

  Li Mobai: "Don't act so reluctantly! I'm serious! I tell you, I never do anything unprepared! Trust me, this thing must be reliable!"

  Liu Yuzhou shrugged helplessly! What can she say! She can't say anything.

  The boss is so capricious! After hanging up the phone, Li Mobai took a deep breath! Calm down his mood! Build a car! Well! On the Ming Dynasty side, since the lesson from LeTV, it seems that domestic capital is not interested in building a car. These two words have cast a layer of psychological shadow! Whoever dares to say that he is a car manufacturer! The strange eyes of the people around you can make you pierce your heart! It feels like you have an engraving on your head. "fraud"

  These two words are like swindling! Li Mobai also knows that there is a mouse poop in front of it, which ruins a pot of porridge! But he really wants to do things! He wants to build a bigger company than Tesla! We have money and people Don't be afraid! At night, Li Mobai entered the system again! I've been busy with Audi recently! Many things have been delayed! In "Langya Bang"! A lot of big things are happening! Princess Jingning's side, marrying Nan Chu is obviously It's unstoppable! With Princess Nihuang sitting in the southern border, Liang and Chu are at a stalemate, and they have not fought for years.

  At this time, the marriage has been repaired, and although the purpose of Chu is to free up his hands to pacify the Burmese, Daliang can also take the opportunity to rest! It is also a good method.

  Therefore, Emperor Liang will definitely not refuse, and will even try his best to facilitate the marriage! In addition to Princess Jingning, there is also the princess of the prince's family who has reached the age of marriage! Lord Chen, the left foot is lame! Ming Rui.

  half shaved

  Year! The Lord of Mingying County, seems to have madness, these golden branches and jade leaves are obviously inappropriate! After listening to Xia Dong's words, Li Mobai was immediately stunned! What are you doing? What! I feel that these princesses, princesses, etc., all have problems! This probability is too high! "It's really a caged bird! It's too pitiful!"

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