Extraordinary coach

Chapter 126 My name is Yang Chaoyue

It was impossible to get Wu Lei to Nice. Sun Yi just contacted the management of Shanghai SIPG through Mr. Xu, and he completely gave up the idea.

And Sun Yi's trip to Chongming ended here. In general, apart from understanding the youth training situation of Chongming Base, there was not much to gain.

After visiting Chongming Base, Sun Yi did not plan to go to other places. In his opinion, the most representative Chongming Base did not satisfy him, and other places were terrible and difficult to surprise him.

And Sun Yi's vacation was not much left, so he simply planned to play in Shanghai and then fly directly from Shanghai to France.

Shanghai is recognized as the most international city in China and is quite charming.

In fact, Sun Yi came here once several years ago. But that time he had something to do and did not have a good tour.

After not seeing it for a few years, Shanghai has changed a lot now. Its urban appearance is really changing with each passing day. Some of the places Sun Yi has been to are unrecognizable.

After leaving Chongming, Sun Yi first strolled around for a night, and then planned to spend a day the next day to end his return home vacation.

Sun Yi, who was used to getting up early, got up early the next day. After breakfast, he began to wander around, wherever he went.

As he walked, Sun Yi happened to see many people squeezing into the bus, so he stopped.

Looking at those hurried young people desperately squeezing into the bus, Sun Yi remembered a period of time when he was in Shenzhen.

The scene of dozens of people squeezing into a bus and everyone stepping on each other's feet seemed to be just yesterday.

Sun Yi couldn't help but sigh. Then he turned around and prepared to continue shopping.

Who knew that when he turned around, he bumped into a girl who was in a hurry.

"Ah!" The girl screamed and fell to the side.

Fortunately, Sun Yi reacted quickly and grabbed her by the waist with one hand.

"I'm sorry! Are you okay, lady?"

"The bus won't go, wait for me. Alas~" The girl didn't answer, but stretched out her hand and cried to the bus that was going away.

After Sun Yi helped her up, he said, "They've already left. You should wait for the next bus. Besides, there are too many people on that bus."

"The next bus will be in ten minutes. If there's another traffic jam on the road, I'll be late. It's all your fault. If you hadn't hit me, I would have caught up." The girl turned her head and pouted and complained.

"I'm sorry. This is indeed my fault." Sun Yi apologized again. It was indeed because he didn't pay attention to the surroundings and bumped into someone.

After Sun Yi apologized, he found that the girl was actually very beautiful. He couldn't help thinking that there are more and more beautiful girls in China now. Every one you meet is so beautiful.

Seeing Sun Yi apologize, the girl waved her hand and said, "Forget it. This can't be entirely your fault."

"Wait a minute, uncle, you seemed to call me ma'am just now, right? Am I that old?" The girl suddenly lowered her head to examine her clothes.

"No. I'm just used to calling you that abroad. You're not old at all. You look at most 17 or 18 years old." Sun Yi told the truth.

"Oh. That's good. I'm relieved." The girl patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she gave Sun Yi a sweet smile. After nodding, she walked towards the bus stop.

But she took only two steps and slapped her pockets and screamed.

"Where's my phone? Where's my phone?"

"Phone?" Sun Yi glanced at the ground next to him and soon found a black phone lying on the ground.

"Here. It's on the ground." Sun Yi picked up the phone after shouting.

"Oh. Fortunately, it's not lost. This is the phone I just bought after saving for two months." The girl hurriedly and nervously took the phone from Sun Yi's hand.

"Ah!!! It's spent!!" But as soon as she took the phone and opened it, her face became bitter.

Sun Yi stretched his head and saw that there were several cracks on the screen of her phone, making the God of Wealth screen saver on it look like a broken New Year picture.

"It's over! I haven't had time to apply the screen protector yet! The tempered glass I bought online hasn't arrived yet!" The girl was about to cry when she saw the cracked image of the God of Wealth.

"Well, don't cry. This is all my fault. Let me give you a new one." Sun Yi said when he saw that the other party was about to cry.

"Are you serious? Uncle, my phone is very expensive." The girl asked pitifully when she heard Sun Yi's words.

"Of course. It was me who broke your phone. Of course I have to compensate you for your phone. I remember there is an Apple store over there. Let's go there and buy a new one to compensate you."

"Wait a minute, uncle. This is OPPO, not Apple."

"Oh. Can't I buy Apple to compensate you?"

"No. Apple is too expensive. This is just OPPO. I know there is an OPPO mobile phone store over there. Let's go there."

"Okay then." Sun Yi nodded. In fact, the difference in money between the two phones is no longer a big deal for him now. Seeing that the other party insisted on buying OPPO, let her do whatever she wants.

Soon, Sun Yi and the girl went to a nearby OPPO mobile phone store.

The girl quickly asked for a phone that was exactly the same as her broken one. Sun Yi asked her to put on a protective film to prevent it from breaking again. But she still insisted not to put on a protective film, saying that the protective film she bought online would arrive in a day or two.

This girl is really~ She is so beautiful, but she is so simple.

This made Sun Yi have a great liking for her.

In fact, when they first entered the store, Sun Yi asked the clerk to get the latest model of mobile phone, but she insisted on the one she had.

Sun Yi looked at the price and found that her model was half the price.

After leaving the mobile phone store, the girl was very happy and kept tinkering with it with a smile.

Sun Yi couldn't help but think she was very cute when he saw her. She seemed to be no less beautiful than Juanjuan.

"Ah! Damn it!" She suddenly screamed.

"What's wrong?" Sun Yi asked hurriedly.

"The bus time is over again. I have to wait for the next shift. It's over. I will definitely be late." The girl said anxiously.

"Then you take a taxi. It's faster."

"It's too expensive to take a taxi. The bus is only two yuan." She made a bitter face again, and her beautiful eyebrows twisted up. She looked very entangled.

"Let's do this. You should take a taxi. I'll pay for the fare." Sun Yi said.

"No. I can't let you pay for no reason." Unexpectedly, the girl shook her head and refused.

Later, as if she had made up her mind, she said resolutely: "I have my own money."

Sun Yi smiled and shook his head. This is a girl with principles. But she definitely doesn't have much money.

"Let's go together. I see that the bus you want to take is on my way. I'll give you a ride."

"Really? Then then~" The girl looked at Sun Yi with a pair of big eyes, surprised and suspicious.

Sun Yi didn't say anything, but smiled and ran to stop a car. After sitting in the passenger seat, he waved to the girl.

"Come on, or you'll be late."

The girl hesitated for a moment and got on the car.

Sun Yi asked her the destination and asked the driver to drive.

"Uncle, thank you."

"You're welcome. It's just on the way."

"Well~Uncle, you're such a good person! My name is Yang Chaoyue, can I add you on WeChat?"

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