Extraordinary coach

Chapter 273: Upgrade of

"The only thing I can say is that the weather was good today, and the fans were great, but the result was shit!"

"If I have to evaluate this game, I can only describe it in one word, that is shit! Yes, shit! This is the shittiest game I have ever coached!"

"The players' performance was shit! The process of the game was shit, and the result of the game was even more shit! It was like eating shit, which made people feel sick!"

At the press conference after the game, Klopp, who always has a hot temper, burst out several shits from his mouth in succession.

This screen full of shit shows how dissatisfied and angry Klopp is with this game.

Losing to Sun Yi in such a maddening situation made Klopp never mention Sun Yi after the game. He just expressed his dissatisfaction with the players and the game situation.

In fact, if any coach was replaced in this game, facing the weird situation in the second half, he would feel like eating shit.

But Sun Yi, who won the game, was very different. After the game, he accepted the interview with a cheerful face and praised all the players of Southampton. He even praised the players of Liverpool, but of course he only praised their performance in the first half.

After the victory, Sun Yi's generous praise of the opposing players attracted praise from the media, who said that he was a broad-minded person.

But Klopp was even more depressed. He criticized the players severely after the game, but Sun Yi praised his players. This comparison will make many people think that Klopp is shirking responsibility by criticizing the players.

This really annoyed Klopp.

"We will meet again someday, and the next time we meet is the time for me to wash away the shame! I swear!"

Since the end of this game, it is said that the training volume and intensity of the Liverpool team have increased a lot, and many people have vomited.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Sun Yi. After he finished the game thoroughly, he put his mind into preparing for the next game and strengthening the team's tactical training.

Especially pay attention to the team's tactical training.

Although Southampton won the match against Liverpool, it was because Sun Yi activated the cheat code. If Sun Yi hadn't activated the cheat code "Powerful Eight Faces" in the second half, it would be hard to say who would win the match.

The "Bypassing the Defense Zone" tactic, which Sun Yi had high hopes for, did not achieve very good results.

Facing unprepared or weak teams, this tactic is extremely dominant. However, facing a strong team like Liverpool with both good offense and defense, it exposed the problem of not being handy enough and not operating fast enough.

So, next, for Sun Yi, the top priority is to let Southampton practice the "Bypassing the Defense Zone" tactic so that they can kick it out with their eyes closed.

And Southampton's opponent in the next round also gave Sun Yi the opportunity to continue to polish his tactics.

Southampton's opponent in the next round, which is the 13th round of the Premier League, is Everton.

Everton has performed well since the start of this season. It is currently ranked seventh in the Premier League standings.

Being able to achieve such a ranking shows that Everton's strength and competitive state this season are excellent.

It is the best whetstone for Southampton. That is, it is not as strong as Liverpool, nor as weak as West Brom.

In addition, in this game, Southampton will return to their home court. This is even more advantageous.

Soon, the game was held at St. Mary's.

In order to hone the team's tactical maturity, Sun Yi sent out the lineup in the last game against Liverpool in this game. At the same time, throughout the game, he insisted on letting Southampton play the "bypass the defense zone" tactic. No matter what the situation, he insisted on doing so.

Everton also seemed to be prepared for this. They did perform well in the early stage of the game with targeted arrangements. They didn't give Southampton any chance.

But today is Southampton's home court after all. With the addition of home advantage and the overall strength that was already superior, Southampton still broke Everton's goal in the first half. And took the lead.

After taking the lead, Southampton completely let go of the field. This better played the effect of "Bypassing the Defense Zone".

This allowed Southampton to completely occupy the advantage on the field since taking the lead.

Even after the adjustment in the second half, Everton tried to counterattack, but it was suppressed by Southampton again in a few minutes.

If the counterattack fails, the end will often be even worse. And Everton is like this. Naturally, after the counterattack was easily suppressed, they completely lost the ability to resist.

In the second half, Southampton, who was playing better and better, scored again and again. When the game was less than 80 minutes, Everton scored three goals in a row.

This made the score of the game become 4 to 0.

If it weren't for the fact that the players of the Southampton team failed to seize the opportunity later. The score would probably be 5 to 0, or even 6 to 0.

Although they didn't win more than five or six goals, the score of 4 to 0 was already a massacre.

In this way, Southampton won another big victory after defeating Liverpool.

The victory achieved with such a massacre naturally made the people of Southampton very happy.

Sun Yi didn't care much about the score. For him, the game was only about winning or losing, and winning three or one was no different.

What he cared about was how much the Southampton players had mastered the tactic of "Bypassing the Defense Zone".

What made him happy was that the players implemented his requirements well in this game.

What made him even happier was that after playing this game, the tactical ability of "Bypassing the Defense Zone" was upgraded. It was upgraded from the previous primary state to the intermediate state.

After "Bypassing the Defense Zone" was promoted to the intermediate state, the original power effect was also increased from 120% to 130%.

Don't underestimate the increase of only 10%, but seeing the effect shown in training, Sun Yi felt that it might be the difference of a goal.

Therefore, Sun Yi was really happy. For this reason, he also went out to eat and drink with Dio after get off work to celebrate.

Although he was happy, after the celebration, Sun Yi quickly returned to training and preparation. And he invested in it with unprecedented attention.

In fact, it is not just Sun Yi. It can be said that the entire Southampton team has been preparing for the game with an unprecedented attitude.

The reason is that they will face the strongest opponent in the Premier League next. It is also their most direct championship competitor: Manchester City, the Premier League leader led by the famous coach Guardiola.

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