Extraordinary coach

Chapter 274 The King's Team is Here

To be honest, in recent years, the only team in the Premier League that can make people feel like a king is probably Manchester City.

Although Manchester City missed the Premier League title in the previous two seasons, they are the team that looks like a champion in the entire Premier League.

Not to mention that Manchester City has won the Premier League title twice in the 11/12 and 13/14 seasons, their head coach is Guardiola alone, which can be called the team of kings.

Because Manchester City's head coach Guardiola is the king of the world's coaching world.

This is what Sun Yi thinks.

He thinks that Guardiola, who once created the miracle of six championships and created an era for Barcelona, ​​is definitely the best and greatest coach in the world. He is the strongest opponent he must yearn for and surpass.

No matter which team he is in, as long as Guardiola is there, it is a team of kings that will always have the most championship potential.

Because he regards Guardiola as his strongest opponent in his life, Sun Yi knows that Manchester City will be his biggest challenge to reach the peak of his career in the Premier League.

Can he defeat Manchester City?

To be honest, Sun Yi was unsure. Before the game, he exhausted his energy to simulate many games. The result was that Southampton lost more than they won.

No matter what tactics and strategies he used, the simulation process and results were very disappointing.

Therefore, Sun Yi tried his best to motivate the team in training. Only by motivating the team's morale to the highest state can there be hope of victory when challenging Manchester City.

"Next, we will face the strongest opponent in the Premier League. We must have 100% performance and play. In training, we must put in 200% investment!"

"This game is very critical. It may determine whether we have a chance to win the championship this season. So, I want to say that no matter what, we must strive for victory in this game!"

"This is a battle of kings. I hope to see that you are the king!"

Sun Yi's motivation is still effective, and the morale of the Southampton team is still howling.

In fact, the players also know that Manchester City will be the hurdle they must overcome if they want to win the championship, so they are all holding back their anger and waiting to see who will be the champion of the Premier League in the game.

Sun Yi tried to be as generous as possible when encouraging the players. However, when he was interviewed by the media, he was very apologetic.

"For Manchester City, I want to say that they are one of the best teams in the Premier League at present. They are the strongest contenders for the championship. They have one of the best players in the league, such as De Bruyne."

"For my opponent Guardiola, I want to say that he is the best coach in the world. He is my role model. I hope I can surpass him one day. However, although he is really good, I still hope to beat him in the next game."

"For the game, I want to say that every coach hopes to win every game. But the game against Manchester City is not easy. However, no matter what, our players will try their best to win."

Sun Yi's words are really humble. There is even some suspicion of Guardiola's boasting. Many people think that these are not his style.

But these words are his true words. If he was not afraid of boosting his ambition and destroying his prestige, he would have said that his goal for this game was just to get out of it unscathed.

Guardiola was also very humble at the press conference held before the game.

"Southampton is a very good team. They have the strength to compete for the championship. They are opponents that we need to go all out for. Fortunately, we have the home advantage in this game. Therefore, we will work hard to bring a victory to the Blue Moon fans."

"And Sun is also a very good coach. Although he is very young now, I think he should be a top coach in the world. And seeing him achieve such results at such a young age, I seem to see myself when I debuted."

"I am looking forward to the competition with Sun. I believe he will definitely be a good opponent."

After Guardiola's words came out, many people thought that he was bragging with Sun Yi.

Although Guardiola's words were suspected of flattery, they also showed how much he valued Sun Yi.

Guardiola's status is there after all. Regardless of whether he is praising each other for business, his words have also raised Sun Yi's status in people's hearts.

You see, even the greatest coach regards Sun as an opponent. Sun's ability must be incredible.

Guardiola rarely praises an opponent like this, let alone a Chinese coach like Sun Yi. This makes some coaches jealous. Some sour words come out.

"Sun's ability is definitely not comparable to Guardiola's. It's too early to say that he is an opponent. Guardiola said this because he was inspired by Sun's age."

No matter how sour others are, Sun Yi was indeed praised by Guardiola. The happiest people are the Southampton team and Chinese fans. They are all very proud of Sun Yi.

However, such harmonious speeches by the two head coaches are not ideal for the media.

What they hope most is that Sun Yi can talk back to Guardiola like he did with Klopp. In that case, newspaper sales will definitely soar again.

Therefore, the media were really disappointed.

The fact that Sun Yi and Guardiola spoke so kindly also made the media lose the opportunity to try to stir up trouble.

In desperation, the media had to start focusing on the upcoming game itself.

Southampton has won eight consecutive Premier League games after defeating Everton, which has made them firmly in second place in the Premier League. The current points gap between them and Manchester City is only two points.

With such a points gap, they can overtake in just one game.

It can be said that the game between Southampton and Manchester City is a six-point game.

This is a game that is worth discussing and predicting.

"There is no doubt that this is a battle for the top spot. It will determine who will be the next Premier League leader. It is of great significance."

"It must be said that Southampton has made amazing progress this season. It has won eight consecutive league games. This is a very amazing result."

"As for Manchester City, although they did not achieve eight consecutive wins, they have also won six consecutive games. Moreover, the most amazing thing about Manchester City is that they have never lost since this season. This is what Southampton cannot compare with."

"What is more important is that many of Manchester City's unbeaten records are against teams like Chelsea and Manchester United. The gold content is extremely high."

"From the record, the gap between the two teams is not big at present. But from the perspective of the real strength of the two teams, the gap is still not small. Manchester City is definitely stronger than Southampton. Whether it is players or head coaches, Manchester City is stronger."

"With one advantage in strength, plus the advantage of home court, Manchester City should have no problem winning this game."

"If you want to predict the score, 2-0. Manchester City wins!"

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