Extraordinary coach

Chapter 415 Return Home Safely

After thinking for a while, Sun Yi decided to leave first.

In the hotel, who knows where there are bombs. It is too unsafe.

So, he quickly got off the car to communicate with the police.

After asking the police to help give a passage, Sun Yi asked the driver to drive the bus full of Southampton team members away from the hotel where they were staying.

As soon as they left the dangerous hotel, the players were relieved.

And Sun Yi asked the bus to leave, but he did not walk around randomly, but went directly to the police station.

Now because there is a bomb in the hotel, the police station must have mobilized all its strength. It should be a safer place. At least, others can't go to the police station to place bombs.

After arriving at the police station, Sun Yi originally wanted the police to arrange some rooms for the players to rest.

However, first, there are more people in the Southampton team, the coaching staff and players, there are dozens of people. Second, the police station does not have extra rooms for people to rest.

Of course, it is not completely absent. The detention room can accommodate so many people from the Southampton team.

But they are not prisoners, how can they enter such a place?

So, there is no way. Sun Yi had no choice but to let the team members rest on the bus.

At the same time, he also tried to comfort the players, let them feel at ease, and let them close their eyes and rest.

Maybe it was because they arrived at the yard of the police station that everyone really felt more at ease. They were originally awakened in their sleep, and many people were very sleepy, so they really fell asleep with their eyes closed.

Sun Yi asked everyone to close their eyes and rest. Don't call or anything. Everything will be dealt with after dawn and the police have dealt with it.

Under the attack of sleepiness, many people fell asleep. Those who were not asleep also closed their eyes and rested.

But Sun Yi didn't. He didn't dare to slack off.

He is the head coach of the Southampton team. He must ensure that all the members who came to Turkey with him leave safely. Before that, he will never relax even for a second.

In the high tension, time passed very slowly.

But Sun Yi kept holding on and didn't rest. Wait until dawn.

Then he arranged for someone to make breakfast for the players, and then went to the police to find out about the situation in the hotel.

What made Sun Yi relieved was that after several hours of intense investigation, the hotel they originally stayed in was finally confirmed to be safe. All dangerous items had been eliminated by the police.

Such news made Sun Yi feel a little relieved.

But he did not let the team return to the hotel.

Instead, he arranged for Dio to stay with the players, and he took some accompanying staff back to the hotel to pack up the luggage left by the players in the hotel.

After a few hours of busy work, Sun Yi finally brought back all the luggage of the team with the help of the hired people.

After everyone claimed their own luggage, Sun Yi took people to communicate with the police and let the Southampton team go straight to the airport.

With the staff and the British Embassy staff who were urgently contacted, they quickly handled the return tickets for all the team members at the airport.

After everyone boarded the plane and the plane began to fly away from Turkey, Sun Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sun, you haven't eaten yet." Dio said next to him after the plane entered a stable flight.

"Oh, yes." At this time, Sun Yi remembered that he had been busy and had not eaten anything until now. His stomach began to growl.

Later, Sun Yi asked the flight attendant for an airplane meal.

After swallowing the airplane meal, Sun Yi couldn't help burping.

After eating, he felt very sleepy and fell asleep.

Just as Sun Yi fell asleep, the plane carrying all the expedition members of the Southampton team was on the way back to the UK, and fans all over the world were shocked by the hotel incident.

"Oh my god! Is this a terrorist attack!"

"Damn, there really was an explosion. Someone must be trying to make a big news! You know, the famous World Cup champion coach Sun Zheng is staying in this hotel with the Southampton team!"

"I heard that there were casualties in the explosion. Could someone from the Southampton team have had an accident?"

"Oh my god! God bless! Please don't let anything happen to the Southampton team!"

People who heard the news, especially when they heard that the Southampton team was in this hotel, many fans became anxious.

"Where is the Southampton team? Why haven't we seen any of them?"

"Why haven't we seen any Southampton team members on the news? Could something have happened?"

"It's over. It's over. Something must have happened."

"Don't scare me. If something happens to Southampton, what will we fans do?"

"God bless, please bless Southampton team!"


Due to the sudden incident, Sun Yi arranged for the Southampton team to leave the hotel early. In addition, he took the Southampton team on the plane to leave early. So, for a while, everyone only heard that they were staying in this hotel, but there was no follow-up news. This made the fans of the Southampton team very anxious.

Countless fans who were unaware of the situation began to pray for the Southampton team.

However, not everyone would pray for the Southampton team. Some people began to show the evil side of human nature.

"Wow! Great bombing! If the bomb hit the Southampton team, then haha..."

"Look at yesterday's game, Southampton's humiliating attitude, it would be best if it was bombed."

"These pagans should be blown to death. Other teams have many of our followers. Southampton has almost none. Especially their main players, none of them."

These are people who gloat over other people's misfortunes. And these are basically Turkish fans. In yesterday's game, Galatasaray was indeed beaten badly by Southampton. It is not unthinkable that such extreme fans appear in extreme countries.

And some people even directly said on the Internet that they did this specifically to retaliate against Southampton.

After all, this incident has a huge impact. The person who said so was quickly taken away by the police.

However, it is said that the police later found out that these people were just overly excited mild fans, not the real black hands of the bomb.

As for who planted the bomb in the hotel and what the purpose was, there was no accurate information in the short term. Everyone can only speculate.

Of course, more people are still worried about the safety of Southampton.

Tired Sun Yi slept very deeply, and when he woke up again, the plane had landed at the British airport.

At this time, the outside world discovered that the Southampton team had returned to the UK safely.

After getting off the plane, many players kissed the ground excitedly. They were glad that they came back alive and well.

And Sun Yi was completely relieved.

"Huh~ Finally brought everyone back safely."

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