Extraordinary coach

Chapter 471 Another Champion


"I lost again!"

When the whistle of the end of the game sounded, Guardiola lowered his head in frustration.

He is a legend who has achieved six championships. He has won countless games, but never felt it was so difficult to win as today.

He has also lost games, but never lost so desperately. That feeling of powerlessness filled his whole body.

After Southampton took a 3-0 lead, Sun Yi actually made the entire Southampton team retreat. Many people felt inexplicable about this, but it completely made Guardiola desperate.

And the final result proved this point.

"I lost completely!"

Looking at Sun Yi who was celebrating happily, Guardiola felt that the opponent in front of him was a demon. And he was his nemesis.


Mansour, the owner of Manchester City, who was in the VIP box, angrily smashed all the high-end champagne prepared.

"All of them are trash!"

"I spent so much money, but I only have a bunch of trash!"

"Really trash! I offered such a high bonus, but I still lost, and lost so badly!"


Mansour's anger kept echoing in the VIP box.

He is a rich man in the Middle East who has money and can solve any problem with money, but this game made him realize that money can't solve all problems. This really made him very unhappy.

"I don't believe it. I spent so much money and I can't win a championship!"


Just like that, the 18-19 League Cup ended.

Southampton lifted the championship trophy and successfully defended the title.

This is the fifth championship since Sun Yi took over Southampton. It is also the second championship won by Southampton this season. Now they are only one away from the treble of last season.

"We are one step closer to our goal!"

"Come on! We will soon become the treble champions again."

"And this time, we will not only become the treble champions, but also move towards higher honors! Become the quadruple champions, or even the quintuple champions!"


Winning the League Cup made the Southampton team crazy.

That night, countless Southampton fans poured into the streets and started a night of revelry.

Fireworks and cheers, beer and singing, made all the places where Southampton fans gathered a sea of ​​joy.

"Southampton is the real king!"

After this battle, countless media used such words to describe Southampton, who won the League Cup again.

In fact, the weight of the League Cup is still not comparable to the Premier League or even the Champions League. The key is that the dominance shown by Southampton in this game made countless people shudder.

Even Manchester City was kicked like this by Southampton, who else in the Premier League can stop their iron hoof?

From this game on, this is the thought that keeps lingering in everyone's mind.

As for Sun Yi, he is used to the outside world using any amazing words to describe him and the Southampton team. He does not care too much about the outside world's evaluation.

However, Sun Yi is indeed very happy to win the League Cup.

On the night of winning the championship, Sun Yi and the entire Southampton team returned to the hotel where they stayed and had a carnival. In order to let everyone enjoy the joy of winning the championship, he also let the team have a holiday the next day.

It is really very happy to win the championship, and Sun Yi is happier than others.

He successfully completed the task of "Do Whatever You Want" with this game.

And he also got a very good reward: "Resurrection".

This is exactly what Sun Yi wants most.

In fact, after seeing the severe punishment for failing the task, Sun Yi had a hunch that it might be this reward. This is also the reason why he tried his best to win more than three goals in the game.

Now it is really this reward, and Sun Yi is happier than winning the championship.

Champions are common, but things that can change a player's fate are not common.

This is really an extremely precious thing.

After receiving the reward, Sun Yi immediately thought of Bale.

However, he quickly suppressed the urge to contact Bale.

Not to mention that it is not the transfer period now, whether Bale is really willing to come to Southampton is another matter.

So, Sun Yi will keep this reward first. Wait until next season when he can transfer.

At that time, he does not have to choose Bale, maybe there will be better choices.

Now let's continue to cheer for the championship.

In any case, winning the championship is worth being happy for several days. And Sun Yi is even happier that now he can share this joy with his family.

This time Juanjuan and her parents came to watch the game together. Together they witnessed Sun Yi lead the team to win the championship again.

After the game, Sun Yi gave the medal he won for winning the championship to Juanjuan, and then they kissed in front of the camera.

All this really made Sun Yi feel very happy.

But happiness is often short-lived.

After witnessing Sun Yi win the championship again, Juanjuan had to return to China, and school was about to start in China.

So, Sun Yi had to become a lonely man right after winning a championship.

Sun Yi couldn't help but feel sad about this. However, thinking that the next time they met would be when they held their wedding, Sun Yi began to look forward to it.

After reluctantly seeing Juanjuan and her parents off, Sun Yi received a mysterious invitation on the way back.

Originally Sun Yi wanted to refuse, but the other party's sincerity made him unable to refuse.

When Sun Yi accepted the invitation and rushed to the agreed meeting place, he met a person he didn't know at all. A Middle Eastern man wearing an Arab robe.

After introducing himself, Sun Yi realized that the person who invited him to meet was Mansur.

Although Sun Yi had never met Mansur, he still knew that the owner of Manchester City was a Middle Eastern tycoon named Mansur.

Such a person invited me to meet, which was not simple.

Could it be that he wanted to invite me to be the head coach of Manchester City?

Unexpectedly, Mansur really meant this.

After watching this game in the English League Cup, Mansur lost his patience with Guardiola.

He thought that most of the championships in the past two seasons were taken by Sun Yi's team, so he just needed to invite Sun Yi to Manchester City. With his financial resources, he believed that as long as Sun Yi went to Manchester City, Manchester City would definitely be the Premier League overlord from now on.

Mansour also offered Sun Yi a treatment that he could not refuse.

There is no upper limit on the team's recruitment funds, and the individual salary is twice that of Southampton.

Sun Yi could not help but be tempted by such conditions.

To be honest, with the conditions of Manchester City, Sun Yi can easily build a team comparable to the "Dream Team" Barcelona team by buying players.

Sun Yi really wanted to nod and agree.

But thinking of the players of Southampton and the unconditional support given to him by the team, Sun Yi still shook his head.

"Sorry, I can't leave this team!"

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