
Qin Li slowly opened his eyes "Where is this, not my room!"

Qin Li was startled and got up in an instant, only to find that he was clean and clean, and was still lying on a big red tent boat "Yesterday, I came to the Princess Mansion to discuss the Dao. I was drunk with immortals, and then something happened..." Qin Li recalled carefully, his whole body was shocked, and his face was ugly: "I really want to have a dream. The protagonist is me, and the heroine is Ye Qingyu..."

"Don't do that to me!"

Qin Li was flustered and felt like he was untying the Qiluo quilt Fortunately, there was no one in the bedding, and the huge red tent boat was alone "It seems to be just a charming dream. How can an honest person like me do such a mess after drinking."

Qin Li heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly got up to get dressed squeak--

The door opened suddenly A maid is holding a bowl of hot soup:

"Second seat in the wine department, you were drunk last night. The eldest princess asked me to bring you a bowl of hangover soup to sober you up."

"It's time to work."

Qin Li straightened his collar and asked, "Where is the eldest princess now?"

The maid replied: "I am trimming flowers and plants in the back garden."

back yard!

Green branches and green leaves, safflower and red sandalwood Ye Qingyu changed into clean clothes and was carefully trimming the flowers and plants Qin Li walked over, feeling a little flustered in his heart, every time he saw Ye Qingyu's cheeks, the scene from the previous dream appeared in his mind unconsciously, and he was not calm "You have a strange face!" Ye Qingyu said softly Qin Li smiled awkwardly, still not sure if last night was a dream or real, so he tentatively asked: "Qingyu, did you sleep well last night?"

Ye Qingyu smiled sweetly: "It's the first time in my life that I follow such fragrance."

Qin Li's heart skipped a beat Sudden!

clang clang clang clang.. A series of rapid bells echoed in Eternal Night City Ye Qingyu's expression changed drastically: "It's the highest alert bell, so it's possible that there are foreign enemies invading the Northern Territory!"

"Let's go to the Aurora Hall to have a look." Qin Li realized that something serious happened The two flew away,

Aurora Hall Above the Nine Layers of Jade Steps Eternal Night Demon Lord's face was as gloomy as frost Surrounded by visions, thunder in the void, frost on the ground, raging wind and raging sea, and white snow falling in the palace, all these reflected the mood of the demon king In the main hall, Immortal King Right Phase knelt on the ground, trembling, sweating profusely, eyes full of fear All the fairy kings of the Northern Kingdom are due to expire one after another Qin Li and Ye Qingyu also arrived, standing aside, not daring to speak Soon, all the Immortal Kings of the Northern Kingdom arrived, but the Demon Lord did not speak, and the atmosphere was still oppressive, making everyone breathless "Father, what's the point of striking nine bells in a row?" Ye Beichen asked proactively Eternal Ye Mojun said coldly: "Let the Prime Minister speak for himself!"

"The old minister is guilty!"

The Immortal King of the Right Phase kept kowtowing and said:

"The humble minister is in charge of the treasury of the Northern Kingdom. He has committed the crime of negligence in supervision, so that the "Atlas of the Twenty-Four Wars" was stolen. Please punish him."

As soon as this word comes out!

The entire Aurora Hall exploded "What, the battle atlas is stolen, and the entire northern kingdom will be shaken!"

"The advantage of our northern kingdom is the battle formation, and the twenty-four battle formations are the most maturely recorded in the atlas!"

"This is troublesome. If people from the Eastern Region and the Southern Region steal the atlas and learn to fight, we will have no advantage in the Northern Region."

"Immortal King Right, what's the matter with you, the atlas is stored in the deepest part of the treasury, and there are three big locks to seal it, did you steal it from yourself!"

All the fairy kings were filled with righteous indignation, and the atlas was related to the life and death of the Northern Territory Right Xiang Immortal King cried out anxiously: "Everyone, I am loyal to the Northern Kingdom, how could I guard myself and steal, and if I steal myself, why stay here, I should have gone away long ago."

Ye Beichen asked coldly, "Tell us, what happened before the atlas was stolen?"

The Immortal King Right Xiang tremblingly said: "Last night, the Immortal King Drunken sent a batch of wine. I couldn't help but secretly drank a little, but I fainted on the ground. When I woke up, the atlas was stolen."


Everyone looked at the Drunken Immortal King The Drunken Immortal King hastened to explain: "Yesterday, I delivered wine as a routine. Not only the treasury, but also the equipment department, the sword department... all received this month's quota of medicinal wine."

Qin Li frowned, thinking of the Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan, they all learned battle formation. Now that the battle atlas has been stolen, is there any connection? Moreover, Willy, who has always been coveted in the Eastern and Southern Regions, will it be them "okay!"

Lord Eternal Night said:

"The Immortal King of the Right Prime Minister, the guardian is unfavorable, and he is put on death row. When will he be cleared of suspicion and when will he come out?"

"Immortal King Zuoxiang listened to the order to seal off Eternal Night City, and no one can go out. He also notified Immortal King Zhendong and Immortal King Zhenxi to seal the ice wall."

"Beichen listens to the order. I order you to organize an investigation team. Within ten days, find the lost "Atlas of the Twenty-Four Battles" Say it!

A divine sword came out of nowhere The sword body is simple, three feet three feet long, and black without a front. At first glance, it is just a rotten black sword, but when you look closely, you can clearly feel the power of destroying heaven and earth. It should be the eighth-grade Northern Territory Sword, also known as Eternal Night Sword "My child will find out the truth in ten days!"

Ye Beichen took the sword solemnly "Retire!"

Eternal Night Demon Lord waved his hand All the fairy kings took their leave and left the stage one after another Qin Li was about to leave, but suddenly the voice of the demon lord sounded in his ears: "Qin Li, stay here!"

What does the devil want me to do?

Qin Li was taken aback for a moment, deliberately staying for a while Soon, only Qin Li and Mo Jun were left in the Aurora Hall "Senior, what do you want me to do?" Qin Li cupped his hands Eternal Ye Mojun said: "I hope you will also investigate the theft case."

Qin Li was even more puzzled: "Immortal King Beichen has already gone, if I go there again, it will be redundant!"

The Eternal Night Demon Lord stood with his hands behind his back, and said, "This incident is strange. As a celestial being, I sensed all the wind and sounds around me, but I didn't realize that the battle atlas was stolen. The thief is definitely not simple."

"Ten days to solve the case is still a bit of a mystery, so I want to send you there. Beichen is the bright line, and you are the dark line. If we work together, we should be able to find the mastermind behind the scenes."


Qin Li cupped his fists Eternal Ye Mojun asked with a smile: "I heard that you are stuck at the six-seven barrier."

Qin Li smiled awkwardly: "That's right, I'm stuck, and I haven't had a clue to break through so far."

"This "Second Solution to the Soul" is for you!" Yongye Mojun threw out a scroll of black jade slips, and said: "This is my life's insight, and I will treat it as a reward for investigating the case. I will pay you in advance. If the truth cannot be found out within ten days, remember to return the jade slip."

"Thank you senior!"

Qin Li hugged the jade slip, overjoyed This is the supreme book equivalent to "Master's Handbook" and "Encyclopedia of Artifact Refining", and the Eternal Night Demon Lord is a heretic celestial being, this "Second Solution to Soul" is of great significance to him "Senior, I'm going to investigate the case!"

Qin Li excused himself, and hurriedly left the Aurora Hall On the way, he couldn't suppress his curiosity. He opened the jade slip and peeked at its contents. After just one glance, he couldn't stop at all The path that the Eternal Night Demon Lord took is really treacherous and mysterious. It is actually a means of studying souls. This is a mysterious field that few people have set foot in. There are many records of soul dao and fairy arts, soul searching, and soul locking. , Gossamer Sending Soul Art, Thousand Miles Chasing Soul Art... There are so many things, it is eye-opening "You're blocking my way!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded Qin Li looked up, and saw that half-demon Yu Dao again "Senior Brother Qin, what a coincidence, we meet again!" You Dadao smiled calmly "Senior brother?" Qin Li was slightly stunned, and said, "You're mistaken, I'm not from the Equipment Department!"

You Dadao said indifferently: "I'm not wrong, my weapon refining qualification is too bad, yesterday the Balrog Immortal King has arranged for me to join the wine department, to learn wine brewing skills, and see if I can achieve something."

"What, you joined the wine department!" Qin Li was even more surprised As a half-demon, being discriminated against by others, it's really strange to live in the city of Eternal Night, going to and from the wine department, and why does the Balrog Immortal King try his best to help a half-demon?

"Could it be..."

Qin Li had an idea, could it be that You Dadao's father is the Flame Demon Immortal King? In this way, he has really strong tastes, and even a female dragon can do it. Thinking about it, I feel a chill "Senior Brother Qin, do you want to go to the wine department with me?" You Dadao invited "No, if I'm here." Qin Li left with the jade slip in his arms But You Dadao showed a playful smile, and secretly said: "The Devil Lord's "Second Solution to Soul", it seems that the immortal kings of heretics are highly valued!"

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