"Second Solution of Soul"!

Profound and profound, it is a precious book Among them are two precious scriptures, one is the insight of breaking through the barrier of six or seven, and the other is the experience of breaking through the barrier of heaven and man. Qin Li can't wait to go back to retreat now and study the follow-up path "We must find out the truth as soon as possible, and we must not fail the Demon King's expectations!"

Qin Li put away the ink jade slips and began to meditate The Battle Atlas was mysteriously stolen The biggest suspect is the Southeast Second Region, they have strength and motivation "By the way, a smuggling caravan!" Qin Li immediately thought of this. Could it be that some of these smugglers were mixed with experts from other places Qin Li didn't hesitate, and went straight to the sales square at this time!

There is a lot of grief here "Masters, it's really none of our business!"

"We are ordinary smugglers, let us go!"

"Don't take my storage bag, here are all my belongings!"

Dozens of smugglers were crying for their father and mother, holding on to the storage bag tightly A group of monks from the Northern Kingdom showed no mercy and snorted coldly: "The treasury's treasure has been stolen. You outsiders are the most suspicious. The Immortal King Beichen has ordered you to be imprisoned and search the storage bags. If you find the treasure, you will naturally be released. A horse, if you can't find it..."

One sentence was so chilling that it frightened the smugglers into silence See here!

Qin Li could not help but smile:

"It seems that Immortal King Beichen and I have thought of something together."

Qin Li once again fell into deep thought. The smugglers can't be investigated. After all, I'm a secret agent and I can't conflict with Beichen Immortal King. I still have to go to the treasury, where is the center of treachery Northern Treasury This is equivalent to the treasury It stores a large amount of grain, sword armor, fairy stones, spells... It is the center of the reward mechanism of the Northern Territory Demon Kingdom. It has been managed by the right-hand fairy king. It has been widely praised for its meticulousness and meticulousness "There are so many people!" Qin Li stood in front of the treasury, and found that it was completely sealed off. Thousands of monks were patrolling back and forth, and not a single fly could fly out "The search is important, idlers are forbidden to enter!"

Several northern monks stopped at the door, driving Qin Li away with a serious face Qin Li revealed his identity, obtained the admission qualification, and went straight all the way into the treasury. The surroundings were full of treasures and piles of treasures, and the deeper they went, the more precious they became. But he didn't care, and went directly to the ninth floor treasure house, which was the last floor, where the battle atlas was stored "Second seat in the wine department, what are you doing here?" Ye Beichen was investigating, when he suddenly saw Qin Li coming over, he was very surprised "I came here to see if there is any need for help." Qin Ligong cupped his hands, looked around, and saw three heavy locks, blue, purple and black, all of which were sixth-grade artifacts hung on the gate of the ninth-story treasure house This is a set of sealed artifacts, carefully designed by the Flame Demon Immortal King, even the ninth rank of the Immortal King, it is difficult to open the seal and take out the battle atlas behind it "The three heavy locks are intact!"

Qin Li narrowed his eyes: "It's not a brute force cracking, it's possible that someone used three keys to open the treasure house."

Ye Beichen shook his head: "It's absolutely impossible, because the three keys are in the hands of my father, the Immortal King of the Left, and the Immortal King of the Right."

Qin Li guessed again: "Even if it's not a key, it must have been cracked with ingenuity. This big lock was made by the Flame Demon Immortal King. He is quite suspicious!"

Ye Beichen still shook his head: "The Flame Demon Immortal King has been staying in the Qi Department for the past few days, and has never come out at all. The disciples of the Qi Department can prove it for him."

Qin Li gritted his teeth for a while, frowned and thought for a while, and said: "When I was in the academy, I encountered a similar case. The "Master's Handbook" was mysteriously stolen, but the seal was intact."

"Later, it was found out that the monks from the Eastern Territory used a Void Shifting Talisman to bypass the seal. It was not until a long time later that I found out that although this kind of talisman was made by Palace Master Yunque, it imitated Master Luo Tian's 'Void Escape technique'!"

Ye Beichen was startled and fell into thought Qin Li turned and left Ye Beichen is here, so he doesn't need to worry about it He originally wanted to go back to the wine department, but on a whim, he wanted to go to the organ department. After all, the Flame Demon Immortal King was too suspicious, and even with an alibi, he couldn't clear up the suspicion Device Department!

In full swing, in order Qin Li revealed his identity and swaggered in on the grounds of visiting There are many craftsmen here, and most of the materials used are bones, dragon scales, animal horns, feathers and other monster materials. This is because the Flame Demon Immortal King inherited the Dark Artifact Refining Technique. Although it has been greatly improved, it still does not break away from the fundamentals, and even retains the habit of quenching with blood "Spiritual pupil technique!"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Qin Li's eyes, piercing through layers of obstacles to peep into the secrets of the device department. He saw many hidden dark compartments, piled up many bird feathers, and many sets of wing armor, the structure was extremely ingenious.. "Cough cough cough!"

The Flame Demon Immortal King fake coughed a few times:

"It's not a polite thing to use the see-through pupil technique indiscriminately."

Qin Li was not afraid, but instead asked: "Immortal Flame Demon King, you have hidden a lot of feathers, and you don't know what to do?"

The Flame Demon Immortal King smiled proudly: "Just let you see my masterpiece!"

Say it!

He turned and left Qin Li naturally followed Soon, the two stopped in front of a secret room "Open!" The Flame Demon Immortal King waved his hand, and the door of the secret room slowly opened Immediately!

Dazzling precious light shoots out Qin Li felt a scorching breath, so he quickly took a closer look In the secret room, there are only a set of armor hanging, a gilt helmet with phoenix wings, a hundred birds bright armor, and Buyun purple gold boots "What a beautiful set of armor. The main material is the feathers of a hundred birds, supplemented by various precious metals. It is definitely a seventh-grade armor. It can be called the king of armor in the world." Qin Li exclaimed again and again. As a refiner, he He deeply understands the horror of this set of armor. If the immortal is wearing the feather armor, he can easily kill the third rank of the immortal king The Flame Demon Immortal King laughed loudly: "People in the world are the most prejudiced. Just because I inherited the Dark Artifact Refining Technique, they think I am a low-level one. In fact, I am second only to Palace Master Yunque among the five seventh-rank Artifact Refiners in the world."

Qin Li's eyes flickered: "The refining of armor is extremely difficult, which is equivalent to the second weapon of the cauldron. If you can refine seventh-grade armor, there should be other inheritance."

"Boy, your eyes are poisonous!"

The Flame Demon Immortal King explained: "In the past, the Wuqi Immortal left Sifangyu and left behind many inheritances. Among them, I obtained a volume of artifact refining scriptures "Book of Jia". If you are willing to give me the white jade hand, I will let you Watch the treasure book."

"Not interested in!"

Qin Li shook his head and refused on the spot The power of the white jade hand is far beyond the seventh rank, it is his life-saving magic weapon, how could it be given to the Flame Demon Immortal King. What's more, he has the inheritance of three major seventh-grade craftsmen, so it's not rare to have a volume of "Book of Jia" "So farewell!"

Qin Ligong cupped his hands, turned and left The Flame Demon Immortal King's eyes showed murderous intent: "Toast, don't eat things that are punished."

In the dark, You Dadao came out: "It's just one hand, why are you so deliberate?"

"You don't understand, I've never seen the spirit pattern on that hand, maybe it can help me see the realm of the eighth-grade weapon refining." The Flame Demon Immortal King's face was full of longing You Dadao said directly: "If that's the case, let's kill people and seize the treasure."

The Flame Demon Immortal King shook his head: "He is highly valued by the Demon Lord, and I can't find a chance to attack him at all."

You Dadao smiled and said, "Don't worry, we have plenty of opportunities."

Get out of the organ department!

Qin Li still had no clue The Mo Yujian in his arms became hotter and hotter, and it would be embarrassing if he couldn't find out the truth suddenly!

A familiar voice sounded "Qin Li, what are you doing here?"

Ye Qingyu smiled Qin Li was a little surprised, and explained: "The war atlas was stolen, I don't want to just sit around, and I volunteered to help the inspection."

Ye Qingyu smiled and said: "Coincidentally, I am also investigating this matter. After all, ten days is too urgent. I am afraid that Beichen will make a fool of himself, so I secretly investigate?"

Qin Li was pleasantly surprised: "How about it, do you have any clues?"

Ye Qingyu laughed and said: "My father is above the Immortal King, and he can perceive all the wind and grass within a hundred miles. Since the black hands behind the scenes can steal the battle atlas without anyone noticing, they must have special means. I happen to know a The place is born to avoid the induction between heaven and man."

"Where?" Qin Li asked curiously Ye Qingyu replied: "Dumb City!"

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