
The Fire Dragon roared On the Hunyuan Sea, the waves are vast The Nirvana-level flames fell, vaporized the sea, boiled resentment, turned into a series of chaotic thunderbolts, and blasted down "The jade toad hangs in the moon!"

Han Xinwu's eyes froze, and a vision appeared The jade toad leaped out from behind, bursting out moonlight, silver and white, bright and clean, pressed in the void, like a bright moon hanging in the galaxy, holding the ground, fire, water and wind, and even the Vulcan dragon restrained it immediately A cold glow flickered Han Xinwu's sword is extremely sharp Taking advantage of the opportunity, he slashed across the Vulcan Dragon's neck, swiftly and swiftly With just one breath, a Nirvana-level fire dragon was shattered and collapsed, leaving only a piece of top-level treasure "Yan Luo Steel, with its weak divinity, is capable of refining spirit treasures, but it's a pity that there are too few of them." Han Xinwu felt a little pity as she fiddled with a thumb-sized scarlet crystal treasure "Human race, how dare you kill my husband!"


There was another bang The surface of the water exploded, and the mist spread for hundreds of miles A blue dragon came out, with a body length of thousands of feet. From a distance, it looked like a work of art carved from blue crystal, shining with dreamy luster Opening the mouth is a torrent of black water, mixed with thunder and eddies, rushing all the way "I'll deal with it!"

Li Pingan stepped out Endless black mist emerged from his sickly body, covering thousands of miles This is a strange power, and it is also a vision of Nirvana, pure black and colorless, deep and mysterious, empty and silent, as if it is the ultimate return to ruins, the destination of everything after it has fallen The water god dragon was extremely powerful, but when all its attacks fell into darkness, it was completely disintegrated and silent, without any threat And the creatures fall into the darkness, they will fall into the cold and freeze Li Pingan took the opportunity and took a picture of a stone box boom!

There was a crisp sound The water dragon shattered like an ice sculpture Only one blue crystal diamond remained Han Xinwu said in amazement: "What kind of vision is this, I have never heard of it."

"Returning to the ruins and sinking into the realm, this was specially taught by the village chief's grandfather. It seems that only I can practice." Li Pingan was very honest and did not hide it "I've never heard of it, but it's definitely extraordinary." Qin Li became more and more curious "Let's go to that door!"


The three speed up Along the way, I encountered many elves and beasts However, Qin Li and the others were too powerful, and the three visions crushed them all the way The reason why the vision of Nirvana sweeps across the same level is because it is naturally oppressive. Kunpeng, Yuchan, and Guixu are superimposed, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas "That door is so big!"

"Tall towering, chaotic stone gate."

"Look, there seem to be words on that door, which are Taoist texts from the ancient times."

Qin Li looked far away, and in the far distance, on the sea and in the void, stood a towering portal of chaotic color Simple and vicissitudes, wild and vigorous, revealing an ancient will, stretching between heaven and earth, as if it exists forever This portal is too majestic, exuding a mysterious and mysterious aura, tightly closed, but revealing a gap, bursting out chaotic light Evolved from the earth, fire, water, wind, yin and yang, and the five elements, they are poured into the Hunyuan Sea like a waterfall, so the sea is not exhausted, and the tide is rising day by day "What kind of portal is this, and where does it lead to?" Li Pingan was shocked, his eyes fixed on Shimen, unable to move away Qin Li was full of thoughts, his eyes burning brightly: "The source of the mutation is this stone gate. It should have flowed the Hunyuan Waterfall since the era of the natural sage king. The change of the mountain also makes the natural Taoism extremely happy."

"Prime Ancient Taoism!"

Han Xinwu looked at the writing on both sides of the stone gate Those are not words, but dao marks, like flowing water, like mountains, like dragons like snakes, like thunder like waves, exuding mysterious dao rhymes, and you can understand the way by watching them "Mysterious and mysterious, the gate of all wonders, the god of the valley is immortal, it is called Xuan Min."

Qin Li barely recognized the Daoist text on the door "The door of the mysterious female!"

Han Xinwu let out a cry and said in amazement:

"I've heard that this supreme treasure is an imperial weapon that surpasses holy weapons!"

"It is said that this thing is the portal in the hands of the Emperor of Heaven. When the hole is opened, it can swallow the sun, moon, and stars, and it can also flow the chapters of the Dao, making all living beings enlightened. If it is pushed to the extreme, it can suppress a big world. But since the eternal fairy dynasty fell, This door disappeared without a trace, and it was obtained by the natural sage king."

Qin Li was speechless secretly This is actually his wife's treasure "Go and have a look!"

Qin Li narrowed his eyes and leaned over Han Xinwu, Li Pingan was excited and followed carefully suddenly The surface of the water was choppy Immediately, several deep voices came "How many years have passed, and there will be a human race coming in."

"It seems that the Holy King of Nature has succeeded in his calculation, and the entrance has been opened."

"Kill them, or if the situation here leaks out, it will definitely lead to endless killings, and we will all die."

The Hunyuan Sea burst into waves, and dozens of vortices manifested around the Xuanmin Gate Dozens of Nirvana-level beasts float in the air There are Thunder Suanni, Platinum Flood Dragon, Red Flame Rooster, Multicolored Centipede, Snow-fur Roaring Beast, Earth-colored Giant Ape, and Green Feathered Peng.. The breath is all deep and mixed, obviously he has been enlightened for many years Moreover, several of them existed in ancient times, equal to the second level of Nirvana, shrouded in brilliance, and powerful Dozens of gods and gods showed their coercion together, and they became one piece, turning into a miraculous kingdom, arousing the rainbow light of Ruixia, covering thirty thousand miles "not good!"

Han Xinwu's expression changed dramatically Li Pingan was speechless: "There are so many beasts, it's impossible to stop them."

"Let's retreat quickly." Qin Li's face changed slightly. If it was the past, he still has the strength to fight But now that the first supernatural power and the second supernatural power are no longer there, if they are attacked by a group, they are looking for death "Can you get away?"

A thousand-foot fire unicorn burst out from behind The two pupils were as big as a pool of water, emitting brilliant fire, burning the void "Let's encircle and fight a bloody path." Qin Li drew his sword, and immediately slashed out a torrent of sword power, splitting twelve strands, engulfing twelve major forces, and flowing in all directions, blocking the unicorn fire "The jade toad hangs in the moon."

Han Xin made an emergency move and sacrificed the vision A jade toad leaped out, with a huge body, bursting out with moonlight and cold mist, almost turning into a full moon, suppressing the sky, and absolutely defending "The vision of Nirvana is well-deserved, but it's a pity that you are too weak." A silver-haired divine wolf with triple Nirvana sneered, his breath rising steadily, and he bit it fiercely. The huge wolf mouth covered with silver blades devoured the jade toad. , Swallow Yuehua "Look at me!"

Li Pingan made a bold move Turning into darkness, to bury all living things "Small tricks should be shown off." A golden crow bird said coldly He is one of the strongest gods. He has nirvana three times. His whole body is radiant and dazzling. Hundreds of thousands of sharp golden lights burst out, tearing apart the darkness and turning this area into a golden kingdom "kill!"

The rest of the divine beasts were culled and killed Endless divine power poured out like a stream, mixing into a tide of destruction The situation changed for thousands of miles, and large swaths of sea water were evaporated, forming a scene of thunder across the sky, waves high and smoke countercurrent "Let's go, don't go head-to-head!" Qin Li revealed the vision of the Kunpeng, which combined with the skin and turned into a pair of blue wings, flashing golden lightning arcs, at an extremely fast speed Raising his hand to catch it, he grabbed Li Pingan and walked away with Han Xinwu "Compared to my speed, you are too slow!"

A blue light hit It is a roc bird with a wingspan of three thousand feet The triple strength of Nirvana endowed it with the speed of chasing the wind and chasing the sun Within three breaths, he was approaching Qin Li, and the mountain-like sharp claws slashed down fiercely, lightning and flint, and thunder in an instant boom!

There was a muffled sound Li Pingan blocked this move with a stone box "What is it that can absorb strength, and the divine power dissipates at the touch of it."

"Who cares about him, kill him!"

"Surround them!"

Dozens of divine beasts came to cull them Qin Li and the others fell into a dangerous situation, looking around, they saw all kinds of viciousness "Damn it, you actually fell into a few little mountain gods." Han Xinwu's eyes burst into moonlight, and the sword energy surged out "sucker Punch."

Among the beasts, a person stepped out He is also a god, with the strength of the Nirvana quadruple, he is the master here Although the body is not tall, there are two heads on the shoulders, one with a worried face and one red with anger As soon as the four eyes stared, red and blue killing lights burst out, mixing together, there was a charm of fusion of water and fire, thousands of sharp, and a soft chirp sounded, spanning ten miles, intending to cut off Han Xinwu's head Tear!

Han Xinwu dodged a trick But the white gauze bamboo hat was torn apart, revealing its true face

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