
The hat is torn Han Xinwu revealed her true face Qin Li and Li Pingan couldn't help but look sideways Calculating carefully, Han Xinwu has been wearing a white gauze hat since they have known each other for a long time Now that the bamboo hat has been torn, revealing a beautiful face, exquisite facial features, and a blush in the milky white skin On the perfect melon-seeded face, the two moon eyes were shining brightly, and the long eyelashes fluttered, exuding a distinctive air of dust Especially with that set of snow-white long skirt, it looks like a flying fairy, suspected to be Guanghan'e "Wow!"

"Big beauty!"

"So you're not ugly."

Lin Ping'an was amazed Han Xinwu glared at him coquettishly, the moonlight in her eyes was threatening: "What time is it, and I'm still in the mood to joke."

Now that the enemy is surrounded, Qin Li made a decisive decision: "I burn my life force, and I should be able to increase the speed explosively, so I can take you out."

Although the second magic can't be used, the blood burning technique is still possible "Need not."

"I still have a big killer."

Li Pingan patted the stone box with a calm expression on his face: "The village head grandfather said that if you encounter a crisis, you can open the stone box to keep me safe and sound."


Heaven and earth riots Dozens of divine beasts were slaughtered They moved swiftly and did not give a single chance Han Xinwu also put in a fight, and sacrificed a group of bright moons, spreading light and mist and moonlight, forming a soft barrier Qin Li stepped forward to help, and Kunpeng spread its wings behind him, covering everyone, like a hen protecting its chicks, resisting an attack "open!"

Li Pingan urged with all his strength This rough stone box trembled slightly As if a mountain had been removed, only a gap was exposed in the stone box Qin Li, Han Xinwu couldn't help but look sideways, they had long been curious about what was in the box, but now they were lucky enough to see it, it was just darkness This is a mysterious power, poured down, like black crude oil, thick and dense, and has super polluting and corrosive power at the same time Even the space will wrinkle waves when it comes into contact with it The darkness poured into the Hunyuan Sea, polluting thousands of miles in an instant, blackening the world, all auras are silent, everything sinks, all creatures will be destroyed, the temperature completely falls below the limit, as if it is the incarnation of death, and there is nothing left in the ruins "What kind of power is this?"

"It's so painful, my spirit body is collapsing!"

"My divine power has been suppressed, as if my lifespan has come to an end!"

Dozens of divine beasts screamed in horror. They knew they had kicked the iron plate and ran away desperately But that mass of darkness was too terrifying, like a black hole, with a strong suction, devouring all the beasts Today's powerful Nirvana-level existence was shrouded in darkness, and within a moment, it was dissolved and melted, leaving a piece of top-level treasure What's more, she has already lost her aura, lost her vitality, and sank into the darkness together, completely becoming a waste "I can't hold it anymore."

Li Pingan was sweating profusely After just a few breaths, he was exhausted The stone box was slowly closed, and the darkness had no source, and soon dissipated But dozens of divine beasts, including the double-headed water and fire man of the fourth level of Nirvana, all died, and the surrounding area was empty "What is in the stone box?" Han Xinwu asked Li Pingan carried the stone box back on his back, and said with a smile: "I don't know, but the village chief grandpa warned me that this thing can bury the ancient era. If it is fully opened, the world will fall, and the world will also rot."

Qin Li was very curious, but now he had something to do, so he said:

"Okay, let's go there!"

call out!

Fly away The three of them came to the door of Xuan Min Qin Li raised his head and looked up, only to clearly feel the mystery and vastness of Shimen Although the portal only opened a gap, it was enough for one person to pass through, and there was still a strong Hunyuan Qi flowing out of it "The Cangqing Stone Gate of the Natural Dao Sect is an imitation of the Xuanmin Gate!" Qin Li felt the Taoist rhyme coming from the gate, and instantly understood something: "The reason why Shoushan is known as the Holy Mountain of Enlightenment is because of this A door of wonders."

Han Xinwu's long hair was fluttering, and there was great desire in her eyes: "I thought that the supreme technique was the most precious treasure of the natural Taoism, but now I understand that sitting in the well and looking at the sky, regardless of what is in the door, in terms of this door alone, it is the only one in the heavens. .”

"Perhaps there is a cure for hidden diseases in the door." Li Pingan promised After the three of them marveled, they entered one by one Qin Li was at the front Li Ping'an, followed by Han Xinwu The gate of Xuanmu is towering, the two door panels are like two ancient sacred mountains, with only one gap left, it can be called a ray of sky In a ray of sky, Hunyuan Spiritual Qi poured out When the three of Qin Li entered it, they felt that they were deep in the river, and walking against the river, there was great resistance, basically three steps forward and one step back The further forward, the greater the resistance after a long time The three are still in the crack of the door The torrent of Hunyuan spiritual energy in front of him rushes down, which can overwhelm the physical body "Have you not arrived yet? The pressure here is too great, and I can't hold it anymore!" Cracks appeared on Han Xinwu's dress "It's far away, I can't see the way forward at all." Qin Li was shocked by the spiritual flow, and couldn't open his eyes. The black prison cloak was tightly attached to his body, leaving rib marks "Cough, cough, cough. Otherwise, I won't be able to hold on if I open the stone box." Li Pingan began to have nosebleeds. He was originally weak, but now that he was so excited, the pain in his body deepened, and he coughed up blood continuously "Okay, the three of us work together to open the stone box together!"

Qin Li made a decisive decision immediately The three of them injected innate qi together A gap slowly flowed out of the stone box, revealing darkness and eliminating Hunyuan However!

Sudden mutation The door of Xuan Min trembled slightly It seemed to be angry and displeased with the provocative actions of the three A misty ray of light fell, covering the three of them without a sound, and they didn't even notice it Immediately, the years stopped passing, and time and space were frozen Qin Li, Li Pingan, and Han Xinwu froze for an instant, without a heartbeat, let alone thinking, and even their souls stopped However, as long as they are solidified, the stone box is not affected, and it is slowly closed But Tao Tao's Hunyuan Spiritual Qi still washed down, and the three of them seemed to be corpses at the bottom of the river. Their skin was cracked and blood oozes out. It will take only a few moments for them to disappear into pieces crucial moment Qin Li's dantian changed The second supernatural rune seems to be stimulated, accelerating the construction and derivation It may be because this invisible power of time has the same origin as Setsuna Utama, but in the end it was absorbed part of it and turned into a mysterious pattern In just a few breaths, the second supernatural power was conceived, and it was still a dreamy epiphyllum, shaped like a crystal, with a clear divinity Suddenly it blooms like snow, stunning all beings in the six realms, and then withers into dust, mourning the decline of things and mourning. Immediately, another round of flowers bloomed, and the cycle was endless, repeating itself to resist the erosion of time "ah!"

Qin Li's eyes were clear "You two, why aren't you moving?"

Qin Li was stunned for a moment, not understanding the situation.. Sudden A voice came "Your Majesty, Your Majesty will welcome you for a long time!"

The sound is faint, like a natural muffled sound, from far to near The door of Xuanmin trembled slightly, the Hunyuan Spiritual Qi stopped abruptly, and no longer poured out, the line of sky was instantly quiet, and Li Pingan's Han Xinwu was still frozen "who?"

Qin Li gave a loud shout In the distance, a little blue light suddenly appeared Qin Li felt the pure breath of nature "Brother Wuming, is that you?" Qin Li called out He had always suspected that Brother Wuming had hid inside Shoushan, but unfortunately he didn't reply Qin Li hesitated again and again, finally made up his mind, and approached slowly Soon, I saw the origin of Qingguang It was a solitary bronze lamp, burning slowly with flames, holy and unstained, with a faint glow and scorching splendor It is fixed in the air, and it seems to have been waiting for millions of years to guide the returning people call out!

The fire flickered Reflect a blurred figure I can't make out his appearance at all, but it's definitely not the nameless brother "Your subordinate is guilty, failed to fight for the emperor, and failed to complete His Majesty's arrangement, leaving only the nail of Natural Daozong." Qingying knelt on the ground There was a storm in Qin Li's heart, and the undead emperor's heart beat even more rapidly, as if it had triggered some backhand: "Failure to fight for the emperor? This can't be the legacy of the holy king of nature!"

Qin Li looked at Qingying carefully, asked a few more questions, but did not reply It can be generally determined that this is just a photo, following the steps preset by the Holy King, revealing the truth step by step soon!

Qingying added:

"Subordinate, the sin is greed."

"I shouldn't have completed the supreme technique, so I was calculated by the heavens, and then I lost to the King of Vientiane, and I will be hated forever if I make a mistake."

Qin Li was even more astonished that there was such a secret history According to legend, the supreme technique is too evil, taking advantage of God's loopholes Therefore, only incomplete versions are circulated in the world. Once it is completed, the sky will be jealous and unexpected The natural sage king is really the supreme art of success, and the supreme art of failure At this moment Qingying spoke again:

"Your Majesty, this is the incomplete version of "The Holy Law of Deceiving Heaven" that you want."

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