The men on the road were like headless chickens, and Qin Li's shout made him immediately find a straw Without further ado, he went straight to Qin Li's clinic!

"Save my son, please..."

"I will save him, let him lie on the bed first." Qin Li took the boy, put him on the treatment bed, and immediately raised his hand to check his pulse The members of the Chu family held their breath and did not dare to speak, for fear of delaying Qin Li's treatment, and what was even more fearful was that if they made a noise, Qin Li would be distracted and put him to death!

Several relatives looked at each other, their eyes were full of contempt and indifference "Your son has been poisoned!" Qin Li suddenly turned his head to look at the man, "What did you feed him?"

The man is dumbfounded, poisoned?

"No, I'm not at home at noon today, so he went to eat at the neighbor's house... Later, the neighbor found out at home, so I hurried back!"

Qin Li frowned, this father is too irresponsible!

"Your son, you actually asked your neighbor to watch it for you." Han Ying couldn't stand it!

"I... my wife died a long time ago, I have to go out to earn money, how can I send my son to school without money!" The man cried as he said, "Doctor, doctor, can my son be saved?"

Everyone was silent, and no one could refute this reason The man was crying and shouting, and there was a lot of movement. There was a western medicine clinic not far from next door. Someone saw the man running here just now, so he called for someone at the western medicine clinic Just as Qin Li was about to say that he could be cured, a man with a medicine box walked in at the door!

"Where's that kid just now!"

"Where did you hide him, why don't you rush to the hospital!"

Qin Li frowned: "Who are you?"

As soon as he stood up, the man saw the child immediately, and shouted when he saw the boy's appearance "He's already dead, why don't you send him to the hospital! Is his father yours? You're confused!" the man pointed at the boy's father and shouted The father was startled, and suddenly looked at Qin Li: "You can't tell me earlier!"

Qin Li frowned, his eyes turned cold!

Who the hell are you? You went to my clinic, called my patients, and didn't let me treat them!

"Who are you!" Chu Qingyin couldn't bear to watch anymore, she stood up and shouted coquettishly The man frowned: "I'm a western doctor next door! Someone told me that a child was sent to a newly opened Chinese medicine clinic, and I knew something was wrong! Who doesn't know that Chinese medicine is a lie!"

The boy's father also panicked, and raised his hand to pick up the boy At this time, a group of people had gathered around the door, and the person who had just reported to the Western Medicine was also inside "Doctor Zhou, it's that kid. I think this store is a newly opened Chinese medicine shop. Aren't Chinese medicine doctors all liars? I'll let you come here immediately!" the man was still shouting "Liar, hurry up and send the child to the hospital!"

When the people outside heard what the man said, they immediately made a fuss!

The father raised his hand to take the child away!

"You can call an ambulance, but I guarantee that if your child is sent to the hospital in an ambulance within a few minutes, it will be hopeless. There is still a glimmer of hope!" Qin Li said, looking at the father "Bullshit! No matter how you treat it, I can't help but you can do it?" The western doctor yelled, "I think you just want to make money!"

Qin Li's eyes turned cold. Hearing the yelling outside, he looked at the boy coldly: "If I'm cured, what about you?"

The western doctor stopped talking, and said after a while: "Impossible!"

The father may have heard what Qin Li said, so he didn't dare to touch the child now, but kept crying and blaming himself Qin Li snorted coldly: "As a Chinese, I keep saying that Chinese medicine is a lie. I don't deny the power of Western medicine, but I will definitely not slander what my ancestors passed down!"

After Qin Li finished speaking, he was already holding more than a dozen silver needles in his hand "Today, I will show you how acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine can bring people back to life!"

Liu Zheng just watched from the sidelines with anger in his eyes. He knew that the market for western medicine in China has been getting bigger and bigger over the years, and traditional Chinese medicine has been hit and sluggish What Qin Li said just now made his impression of Qin Li even more friendly!

That's right, Chinese medicine was handed down from the Chinese ancestors. No matter how powerful Western medicine is, it can't destroy the ambition of one's own people!

The Western doctor's face turned red: "You bastard brought back to life, if you can't be cured, I'll see how you die!"

Someone outside has called an ambulance, but it will take some time to get here from the hospital Many people at this stall looked inside They heard the conversation between Qin Li and the western doctor clearly, and they couldn't help but want to see if Qin Li can be cured!

More than a dozen silver needles, drawing a trace of spiritual power, Qin Li inserted the needles with lightning speed!

Baihui, Tianchi, Lingxu, Wuyi, etc., the acupuncture points were stabbed one after another!

This hand is called the Nine Turns Back to Life Needle!

As long as the person is not dead, no matter what the disease is, the Nine Turns Back to Life Needle can cure it!

Everyone in the room watched Qin Li's actions, and everyone's mouths grew wide at the moment Especially the Chu family and relatives of the Chu family They all thought that Qin Li could really only treat a minor ailment like a fever and a cold, but they didn't expect that he could also do acupuncture and moxibustion, and he was so proficient!

The western doctor was also taken aback. This technique is faster than some elderly Chinese medicine techniques!

Could it be that this kid is really capable?

Sweat dripped down his forehead unconsciously!

Hmph, whether he can be saved is another matter, if not, he can still report this kid!

Ever since Qin Li opened his business here, Western medicine knew that the business would definitely be impacted. In today's situation, if something happened, it would be equivalent to pulling out a stumbling block for himself!

Everyone watched quietly Pooh!

At this moment, the boy on the bed suddenly spurted out a mouthful of black blood, followed by mouthfuls of extremely irritating liquid It smells like a pesticide that is often used at home!

This time, the truth became clear, the child actually drank pesticides at home!

The child's father was also frightened: "My this, is this alive?"

The western medicine was stunned, but did it really save him?

People outside were also stunned, isn't Chinese medicine a liar?

Qin Li quickly pulled out the silver needle: "Okay."

As soon as he finished speaking, the ambulance came outside "Take the child to the hospital for an examination. It's best to have a gastric lavage." Qin Li didn't want to continue to get involved in this troublesome matter. He could see that the child's father didn't want to be treated here Naturally, he wouldn't put a hot face on a cold butt The dark group of people dispersed slowly, but there was still a large group of people standing outside the door looking at Qin Li in surprise "The opening of Qiankun Hall is auspicious today, with free consultation and 30% discount on medicinal materials." Qin Li shouted towards the door, and began to attend the consultation The medical center where there was no one just now was full of queues in an instant!

"This clinic is reliable. Didn't you listen to what the western doctor said? The child died, but this man was brought back to life!"

"That's right, I will never go to a western doctor to see a doctor again. I could have saved my life, but he said I was dead!"

The western doctor stood at the door of the outpatient clinic with a livid face, looking at Qin Li with extremely gloomy eyes "Boy, when it comes to Chinese medicine in Yangcheng, who the hell are you? If you want to get mixed up in Yangcheng, you are not qualified! Since you smashed my signboard, don't think about it!"

Gritting his teeth and saying these words in a low voice, the western doctor turned and left!

Qin Li didn't know what he was thinking, and even if he knew, he wouldn't explain it. Originally, Qin Li only received patients and saw a doctor from the beginning to the end It was the western doctor who came to look for trouble!

After Liu Zheng and the others saw that Qin Li was busy, they felt embarrassed to stay Chu Qingyin didn't leave, she stood behind Qin Li and watched Qin Li see a doctor "Drink some water." The sky was getting dark, Chu Qingyin brought a glass of water to Qin Li "It'll be over soon, go eat after watching." Qin Li moved his arms Han Ying and Chu Jing went home to cook Chu Qingyin has been helping him settle accounts and collect money The sky was getting dark, after seeing the last patient, Qin Li stood up and moved around, and when he turned his head, he saw that Chu Qingyin had placed the food from Han Ying on the table "I will trouble you to help me today." Qin Li sat down and said "It's good to know! Who told you to open a medical clinic all of a sudden, and still be so busy!" Chu Qingyin muttered, although she said so, there was no trace of impatience on her face After seeing off Chu Qingyin after the meal, Qin Li remembered that there was someone in the backyard that he had forgotten!

But to his surprise, when he opened the door, Liang Qing, who was lying inside, disappeared!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly, "bang bang bang". The knock was very impolite, as if it was going to smash the door of the medical hall!

Qin Li suddenly looked at the gate and strode over!

It's so late, who's knocking at the door?

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