bang bang bang!

"Open the door, is anyone there? Routine inspection!"

Qin Li paused for a routine inspection?

During the day, I haven't heard of any department coming to check?

He opened the door suspiciously, and frowned at the person coming Three people came, a western doctor who met today, and two in black suits with search warrants in their hands!

"After reporting, there are prohibited items in your store!" The black suit stared at Qin Li and said Qin Li narrowed his eyes, and glanced at the western doctor who was sneering aside He probably knows what's going on!

"Comrade, you have to search carefully, this store opened today, and there are many things missing..."

Western medicine doctor Wang Weigong continued to speak "I have all the procedures here. I don't know what prohibited items you want to check." Qin Li interrupted Wang Weigong, "I don't have any prohibited items here."

"It's up to you!" The black suit showed that he was here to find fault, pushed Qin Li away and walked towards the hall When I saw the silver needle on the table, I grabbed it and threw it to the ground!

"Silver needle, dangerous item!"

Qin Li's pupils opened wide, and a cold look flashed in his eyes!

"What is this?" The black suit walked to the hospital bed, where there were various tweezers and other instruments Seeing that the black suit grabbed the thing and was about to throw it away, Qin Li's figure suddenly moved and grabbed the black suit's hand with a snap!

"This is a tool! This is a medical center. The needle bags are for acupuncture, and the tools are for treating patients! I really don't know when the medical center won't even allow such basic facilities to be used!"

Qin Li asked loudly The face of the black suit sank, and another black suit came over and said coldly: "Let go of your hands, do you know who we are!"

"Our words are the truth, if we say we can't use it, we can't use it!"

The words in the black suit fell, and his eyes scanned the surroundings: "There are too many prohibited items, immediately seize them!"

After the words fell, the black suit took out the seal from the briefcase: "Now please leave the medical hall immediately, your medical hall is suspected of having too many prohibited items! It is a crime of intentionally endangering the people, and it is now routinely sealed up!"

After the words in the black suit fell, Wang Weigong, a western doctor, suddenly looked good I thought to myself, Lao Tzu and the section chief of the Contraband Supervision Bureau are old cousins! Today you embarrass me, even when you tear down my signboard, you are majestic!

Didn't expect to get to this point!

"Well done! This kind of storefront should be sealed up! Those who intend to harm the common people and ignore the laws of the higher authorities will be severely punished!" Wang Weigong sneered Qin Li's eyes turned cold: "I don't believe that there are no instruments and syringes in this Western medicine clinic! Then why didn't you seize him!"

The black suit looked at Qin Li like a fool: "Can he be the same as you? What are you? His old cousin is the chief of the section, and you are just an ordinary person who messed with our section chief and wants to mess around here." Get down, just kidding!"

Hua Luohei's face was full of impatience: "If you don't get out, I'll block you too!"

Qin Li laughed out loud when he heard this!

"I am an ordinary person, so I deserve to be suppressed! Another one is different from me! It turns out that you, who are empowered by the people, use your power to benefit your own interests!"

"What did you say? You don't want to live anymore? Believe it or not, I will send you a report letter and send you to jail!" The black suit was furious!

Qin Li nodded: "Good! Good! Good!" He was so angry that he said hello three times "It seems that you are going to seal down my clinic today!"

Qin Li's expression gradually turned cold: "In this case, then draw a path!"

"Haha, you want to break out with me? What are you?" The black suit sneered, winking with another black suit The two people stepped forward and grabbed Qin Li to drive him out. The seal in their hands had already stuck one side of the gate!

Qin Li's eyes were cold, and he was already planning to make a move!

As long as these two people dare to touch him, he will definitely let them go out sideways!

But at this moment, a black Santana stopped on the main road at the door Then a person got out of the car, it was Fang Mao!

He got out of the car just in time to see this scene, and was stunned And after he got out of the car, there was a person who followed closely behind him. His face was a little strange, and Qin Li didn't recognize him "What... what's going on?" Fang Mao looked at the two black suits at the gate in shock The man behind him was stunned for a moment: "Those two people are wearing the work clothes of my bureau, don't they?"

The two approached quickly, and Qin Li also saw Fang Mao's figure, and walked over directly "Director Fang."

The black suit also saw the person coming, but when he saw Fang Mao, he didn't do anything In their view, the food and other supervision bureaus are not at the same level as their contraband inspections And Fang Mao couldn't control them!

But when they saw the people following Fang Mao, they were stunned!

High game?

Why, their chief appears here?

I'm sure this kid just said that he wants to make a deal with them?

Oh shit!

In an instant, the two looked at Wang Weigong!

Wang Weigong looked confused, he didn't know, isn't this kid just an ordinary citizen?

"I made an appointment with you to let you see a doctor for me, do you remember? I heard Secretary Liu said that your medical clinic opened today, so I wanted to come over and let you see it. By the way, I will introduce you to someone."

"Gao Qiliang, the director of the Contraband Supervision Bureau, is an old friend of mine. He has always had arthritis. I'll bring him to see you."

After Fang Mao finished speaking, he looked around "This is……"

The corners of Qin Li's mouth were cold, and he didn't even look at the two black suits who were already shaking "Oh, suddenly two people who claimed to be from the Contraband Supervision Bureau came to check, saying that silver needles are contraband, surgical equipment is contraband, and that I intend to endanger the public, and my shop will be closed down."

Qin Li said it lightly, but the two men in suits felt chills in their hearts Damn you have a background, you should have said it earlier, you know our director, you should have said it earlier!

We want to know about your relationship, are you blind and sick? Let's seal your shop!

The intestines of both of them are green with regret!

This time I was really screwed by the section chief!

"Oh?" Fang Mao raised his eyebrows and looked at Gao Qiliang behind him, "It just so happens that this is the director of the Contraband Supervision Bureau. Lao Gao, did you send someone to come?"

Those two people were already shaking like dice Gao Qiliang's eyes were cold, and he wanted to meet his old friend to see the person Secretary Liu liked, but this kind of thing happened!

It will really block him!

"Don't tell me what's going on!"

Gao Qiliang roared loudly!

"It's Section Chief Wang. This doctor is Section Chief Wang's brother. He was treated badly by this little brother during the day, so he wants to get him back now."

The black suit was so frightened that he hurriedly confessed the truth!

Two people know that this position is not guaranteed!

"Director, we were wrong, we shouldn't..."

Qin Li sneered silently Gao Qiliang's eyes were gloomy: "Go back and get the money and get out, let that bastard Wang Yuliang get out too!"

The two of them didn't dare to stay any longer, and ran out of the gate quickly!

Wang Weigong didn't dare to stay any longer. How could he have thought that a little guy from a Chinese medicine clinic would have such great energy!

Qin Li's eyes were cold, even if Fang Mao didn't come today, he could still make these two people go around But when Fang Mao came, the matter was resolved more easily "Little brother, I'm sorry, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen in the bureau." Gao Qiliang said Qin Li quickly waved his hands to let the two come in, and then picked up the needle bag and the thrown things on the ground "Director Fang, Director Gao, you two are flattering you." Qin Li said, stretching out his hand, "Let's show Director Fang first?"

Fang Mao nodded immediately: "No problem, I heard people say that you brought a little boy back to life in front of Secretary Liu today."

"It's not that mysterious." Qin Li smiled and checked his pulse calmly. During this diagnosis, Qin Li's eyes could not help but narrowed, and he looked at Fang Mao in astonishment "What?" Fang Mao couldn't help feeling a little nervous when he found that Qin Li's eyes were wrong Qin Li was really a bit evil by Liu Zheng's words. People like them, in high positions, are most worried about their health "Has Director Fang been waking up every night lately, sweating and talking in his sleep?"

As soon as Qin Li's words came out, Fang Mao's eyes widened and his mouth opened Gao Qiliang, who was just watching the fun, couldn't help but thump in his heart when he saw Fang Mao like this Could it be that you are right?

He knew that his old friend's illness had been present since he moved to Yangcheng!

I have visited more than a dozen hospitals, and no matter how many Chinese medicine practitioners I have invited, it is of no avail!

"That's right!" Fang Mao replied immediately, "What else do you see?"

"Not only you, but also your family members. It's basically the same. You can't sleep because you eat too little every day, and you are in a trance." Qin Li continued, "Not only that, but when you go to the hospital, the doctor will usually say that it is mental weakness."

"I will give you some medicines such as calming the nerves and tonifying the brain."

Qin Liyue said that Fang Mao nodded more quickly "It's amazing, you can see it as soon as you check the pulse?" Fang Mao was shocked "Diagnosing the pulse revealed the cause of the disease, and I guessed it later. To tell you the truth, Director Fang, your cause of the disease is not on your body."

Not with you?

Gao Qiliang was also stunned, what do you mean?

"The cause of the disease, I guess, is in your home." Qin Li narrowed his eyes, "Has Director Fang been ill for a long time? About two years?"

"Yes! It has been since I moved to Yangcheng! I moved here two years ago!" Fang Mao couldn't help feeling cold all over The cause of the disease is in his house, so could it be that there is something in his house?

"If it's convenient, I can go to your home with you right now to ensure that the medicine will cure you!"

After Qin Li finished speaking, Fang Mao and Gao Qiliang couldn't help but look at each other At that moment, Mao nodded fiercely: "Okay, let's go now!"

Immediately, Qin Li closed the door, and the three of them drove straight to Fang Mao's house!

Gao Qiliang couldn't stop glancing at Qin Li all the way, thinking in his heart that he hoped this little sentence was true, so he wouldn't stumble at that time!

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