
The sky knife fell The power of returning to the ruins poured out like a stream The sky was instantly blackened, and the space decayed accordingly Many people fell into the darkness, lost their lives in an instant, and turned into corpses "not good!"

Qin Li was startled Unexpectedly, the evil Buddha Buddha came towards him Even if all the means are used, the power of mediating the world will not be able to stop this move "Don't even think about it!" The Buddha Emperor of Lingshan turned pale with fright, he pushed out his palms horizontally, and the power from the other side was surging, trying to sweep Qin Li away and avoid the knife "Stay aside!" The Bronze Lord of the Underworld grabbed the chaotic stone box, poured Taotao's power of heaven, disintegrated the power of the other side, and blocked the Buddha Emperor's supernatural power "careful!"

Chu Qingyin couldn't suppress it She couldn't bear to lose Qin Li again "Lawless Umbrella, Absolute Defense!"

The green oil paper umbrella was pushed to the extreme, turning into a blue sky Hundreds of chains of laws were intertwined on it, turning into a skynet, which firmly blocked the blade of returning to the ruins, fighting for a moment of respite "Walk!"

Shi Wuming shot He grabbed Qin Li "We must leave the Buddhist world!"

The Emperor of Heaven controls the physical body, his eyes are full of coldness:

"Qin Li, don't be self-willed, why bother to be dragged down by the weak."

"I have summoned Qinglian from the fairy kingdom, let's tear the void and leave here."

The situation is extremely critical "Emperor weapon!"

"Another odd number!"

The evil Buddha Buddha couldn't see the Heavenly Emperor clearly Instantly realized the incredibleness of the other party "The Great Seal of Vacuum Annihilation!"

"Don't even think about leaving!"


Cover it with one palm Million miles of void seal Countless darkness filled all directions of space Even distorting matter, turning air into black jade Imprisoning all the living beings inside also completely sealed off Qin Li's escape route "die!"

The evil Buddha exploded The Blade of Return to the Ruins swept across the universe Not only to kill Qin Li, but also to destroy Chu Qingyin "Stop!" The Buddha Emperor finally got rid of the harassment of the Bronze Underworld Lord, and shouted: "Get out of the sea of ​​suffering, the road to the other side, all living beings are safe, free and auspicious!"


Landa Temple shook The door on the other side exploded with great power Immediately tear the seal and expel the darkness Immediately after a roll, the unparalleled suction hit, and it rolled suddenly in the blink of an eye Qin Li and Chu Qingyin And even all Bodhisattvas and Bodhisattvas Even tens of billions of living beings disappeared instantly without a trace "Buddha blesses them, may they find a way of life, and may the inheritance of the Western Paradise continue!"

With the determination to die, the Buddha Emperor of Lingshan closed the gate of the other shore and guarded the Landa Temple, wanting to fight to the death and delaying time at the same time "ah!"


"My eyes are so blurred!"

Hundreds of millions of creatures fell into a gorgeous world There is no sky, land, rivers and clouds, only a void It was like colorful splashing ink, like an aurora rainbow, and like a dream, everyone was confused "This is Xiaobian, it's easy to get here!"

The Emperor of Heaven smiled and looked around Bizarre and Inexplicable A large number of nine-color bubbles popped up One person has one bubble, and tens of billions of creatures are an ocean of bubbles Everyone fell into it, and immediately fell into a peaceful sleep, like a baby returning to the mother's womb, entering a sweet dreamland "All conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like dew and electricity!"

"So this is Xiaobian."

Qin Lifei came Unaffected by Dream Bubbles Other than that, Shi Wuming was also safe and sound "Why did Emperor Buddha send us in, is there a way out here?"

The Emperor of Heaven guessed: "It is said that the end of Xiaobian is an unknowable land with endless possibilities."

"over there!"

Shi Wuming pointed to the sky There is a gorgeous nine-color sun on the top Suspended high in the sky, one can see that it is pregnant with mystery "Walk!"

The three of them flew high Encounter a lot of bubbles along the way All living beings sleep in it, peaceful and happy On the dream bubble, the content of the dream will appear Some are family happiness, some have many children and many blessings, some are spring-like all the year round, some are joyful harvests, and some are breakthrough realms.. Chu Qingyin said: "The little other shore has an alias, called the Ganges River Sand Count, and there are countless illusions up and down in it, allowing any living being to find the other shore that they have always dreamed of and pursued."

Qin Li couldn't help feeling: "Everyone's heart is different from the other side."

If you look closely Can see the dreams of many old acquaintances In the dream of King Nuzha Ming, he became the Buddha Emperor, suppressing Xitian and killing all evil spirits In Mofo's dream, there was a burning peach blossom forest. He, Sanxiong, Qin Li and others gathered together, drinking and discussing Taoism, forgetting to fight The most interesting thing is the dream of Moonlight Bodhisattva, who turns into a mortal woman, meets the devil Buddha, gets to know each other, gets married, and raises children, which is ordinary and warm. It can be said to be "the law of peace and prosperity in the world, and it will not fail the Tathagata and not fail the Qing" "It seems to know some great secret."

Qin Li shook his head and left with the wind soon!

The three approached the sun It turned out that this was a huge dream bubble Among them is a small world with luxuriant grass and verdant trees "Nothing magical."

Three people enter Found it unremarkable Just walking in it, the mind is extraordinarily peaceful "There's a cliff there, it's really out of place!"

This world is not big, the mountains are covered with emerald colors, the ground is covered with grass carpets, and there is a gray and bare cliff in the distance Lean over and take a closer look "Wait a moment."

Qin Li was startled suddenly It feels like taking out the ancient seal of Buddha It is exactly the same color and texture as the cliff "Could it be that the seal of Buddha was broken from here?"

Shi Wuming's eyes shone brightly: "It is said that the Buddha sat on the cliff with his back against the holy Bodhi tree for three thousand years, and finally enlightened in an instant, uttered the six-character mantra, created the way of Buddhism, and even broke off a cliff stone as a seal of Buddha."

The Emperor of Heaven smiled and said: "I can't see through this cliff, it's a peerless thing, move it away!"


Fairy light flows Turned into a space-time mahamudra Suddenly grabbed it, trying to pull out the Buddha Cliff It's a pity that when the fairy light meets Buddha Cliff, it instantly turns into a soft wind "This gust of fresh wind comes comfortably, blows out the dust, and cuts off distracting thoughts!"

Sudden After Buddha Cliff An old monk walked out His body is stooped and his face is wrinkled Wearing a set of tattered cassock, full of dust Those with white eyebrows drooping to their shoulders and a slender gray beard were all dragged to the ground "There are three guests here, I'm neglecting you!" The old monk staggered and even stepped on his own beard and fell down The Emperor of Heaven was shocked There are people here Shi Wuming understood that he had met a big shot "Old man, are you okay!" Qin Li stepped forward to help "Young man, thank you!" The old monk stood up and tied his beard Qin Li asked: "Don't you know the senior's name?"


"It's just a cliff guard monk."

The old monk smiled, showing his broken teeth Shi Wuming also smiled, no name, definitely a big story "Is this the place where the Buddha enlightened?" Qin Li wanted to confirm this place "Ha ha!"

The old monk smiled:

"He is the Buddha."

"Just a thief, deceiving the heavens."

The three of them were terrified, they dared to insult the Buddha, they were too courageous Even if it is an immortal emperor, he still has to be courteous. If you ask for advice, future generations will respect him very much, without any stains "What did the Buddha steal?"

"Buddha way!"

The old monk said slowly:

"Foya is the origin of Buddhism and Taoism."

"He is just a preacher of Buddhism."

Qin Li was shocked. The Buddha did not create Buddhism, but comprehended it The Emperor of Heaven looked at the Buddha Cliff with deep eyes: "Why is there such a way of reaching the sky in a cliff, which is unheard of."

"The cliffs do not belong to the heavens."

The old monk groped the cliff and said longingly:

"I suspect that Foya belongs to another unknown country."

Qin Li blurted out:

"the other side!"

immediately There was silence The more I think about it, the more possible it becomes Buddha Cliff is a treasure that fell from the other shore Therefore, it contains the Buddha way, as long as you can comprehend it, you can become a true Buddha "Impossible!" The Emperor of Heaven shook his head: "There must be no other shore in this world. This is just the Buddha's wishful thinking. Presumably Buddha Cliff has another origin."

Everyone nodded at this time Clearly control the physical body:

"Stop procrastinating."

"I just asked the old man if there is an exit here."

She doesn't care about the other side, she just wants to escape the danger with Qin Li The old monk pointed to the Buddha Cliff: "This is the exit. As long as you can resonate with the Buddha Cliff, you can transcend time and space and reach any place you want to go in an instant."

"Furthermore, all Buddhist and Taoist scriptures are contained in the Buddha Cliff, the best of which are "Six-Character Mantra" and "Great Zen Purdue Technique". You may gain something."

Qin Li was surprised, Foya was too miraculous, more powerful than any teleportation array

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