
Everyone looked at Foya Feeling more and more extraordinary and miraculous "Okay, I'm going to make a final decision on "Great Zen Purdue Technique."

The Emperor of Heaven was full of confidence, and sat on the cliff of Buddha, wanting to realize the supreme technique "I didn't expect to meet such an opportunity." Shi Wuming was surprised, soared away, and also sat on the Buddha Cliff, closing his eyes and realizing suddenly Qin Li didn't pass by Instead, he bowed to the old monk:

"Senior, I don't know how the outside world is going?"

"Pretty bad!" The old monk waved his hand, and a dream bubble flew out Reflect the outside world The world is dark The Buddhist world has completely sunk After dark, there is endless silence Even the Law of the Great Dao was obliterated by the vacuum In the void, goose feather black snow fell, burying all living creatures There is only a little candle light, struggling to support, blooming and warm, unwilling to go out, this is Lingshan Buddha Emperor The spiritual mountain of his body was shattered, full of potholes, and could only be connected by chains of laws, otherwise it would fall apart on the spot. The bright vajra in his hand was now broken, dull and stained with copper rust "I won't let you enter the little other shore."

The Buddha Emperor guards the Landa Temple "ridiculous!"

The Bronze Underworld Lord sneered:

"The mud bodhisattva crosses the river, and he cannot protect himself."

The Buddha Buddha held the Blade of Returning to the Ruins: "You are getting weaker and weaker."

"After all, it is a borrowed power. We have polluted the Buddha's world, and the power you can borrow is getting weaker and weaker!"

The Buddha Emperor solemnly said: "So what, my heart is bright, and I will not fall!"


The evil Buddha Buddha swung his saber obliquely The power is endless, enough to split the sky Lingshan Buddha waved the Vajra Pestle and tried his best to block it boom!

The two devices are handed over The world exploded with a bang It shattered the void for millions of miles, bursting out the chaotic air "Death!" Bronze Kunpeng took the opportunity to come out, carrying a stone box, pouring darkness The Buddha Emperor was caught off guard, and was hit by the power of heaven on the corner of the mountain. The law disintegrated and the matter was annihilated. Only a strong man cut off his wrist and cut off a corner of the mountain See here!

Qin Li turned pale with shock "Oops, Buddha Emperor can't hold it anymore."

The old monk sighed and said: "The Buddhist world has been going on for years, and it seems that it will end here."

Qin Li pleaded: "Senior, you can live on the other side, you are definitely an expert in the Buddhist world, why don't you take action and save all living beings?"

The old monk shook his head: "No, if I take action, it will only cause more trouble."


Qin Li asked puzzledly "Actually, I've already run out of breath."

The old monk smiled bitterly and said, "I just hid on the Buddha Cliff and escaped unharmed."

"If I am born, the heavens will shake, and even an incarnation will come down to harvest my life, and the disaster in the Buddhist world will only be more serious."

Qin Li's heart sank, is there really a catastrophe in the Buddhist world?

I am sad boom!

On the cliff Wisdom Buddha light surges Like the tide, intertwined with thousands of mysteries It contains the great supernatural powers of Buddhism, which dazzles the eyes and makes people unable to see clearly "It seems that the three benefactors are all people of great wisdom." The old monk's eyes were sharp, and he could see that Chu Qingyin had one body and two souls "I'm very dull!"

Shi Wuming shook his head and said with a smile:

"I wasted a lot of effort, and I only realized one volume of "Shut-Mouth Chan"!"

The Emperor of Heaven looked ugly, and snorted coldly: "What the hell, just give me a volume of "Great Mercy and Great Compassion Golden Light Mantra", and I won't save all sentient beings."

Chu Qingyin said in amazement: "I got a volume of "Glass Wugou Pagoda View", which can train the soul, just like a glazed pagoda, without dirt and immortality."

The old monk clasped his hands together and said with a smile: "A person has only one chance in a lifetime to realize Buddha Cliff suddenly, a few benefactors, you can leave now."


The Emperor of Heaven snorted coldly It's a pity that I didn't get the Supreme Art "We should go!" Chu Qingyin thought immediately The void trembled Recreate a round door To the deep, dark nothingness Among them is a huge green lotus, full of immortality This is an unknowable place, even if it is Buddha Cliff, it cannot be reached Fortunately, Chu Qingyin is the will of Xianlian, born with a coordinate, so she can accurately find her hometown in the boundless emptiness "Husband, quickly resonate with Foya, let's leave together!"


Qin Li sat down on Buddha Cliff I wanted to enter meditation and suddenly realize the Dharma It's a pity that I can't calm down and can't calm down His mind was full of the tragic situation of the Buddha Emperor in Lingshan "Why!"

I can't help but sigh Qin Li opened his eyes Found in another area Looking around, there is a sea of ​​light all around The feet are not sea water, but an ocean of knowledge intertwined with countless Buddha patterns and Sanskrit characters Every wave is a supernatural power, every wave is a skill, if there is a tsunami, it is the ultimate method of Buddhism The waves are beating, and the sound of water cannot be heard, only the Sanskrit sounds are crisp and sweet, explaining the mysteries of Buddhism, the understanding of heaven and earth, and the comprehension of scriptures.. "A Sea of ​​Buddha!"

Qin Li was in the sea, almost sinking Fortunately, the light of wisdom bloomed in the back of his head, endless, turning into a big ship "Wisdom is a boat, ride the ocean of knowledge!" Qin Li smiled, the world in Foya is interesting ahead!

above the sea Many islands stand An island is a great inheritance Covered by mist, it is mysterious and can only be glimpsed with great wisdom "Go and have a look!" Qin Li drove the boat of wisdom, tearing through the fog of the unknown, passing by many islands without stopping The way forward Eventually overtake all the islands?

"Is this the end point, shouldn't it be?"

Qin Lizheng was puzzled boom!

There was a cracking sound There is a battle ahead The two Buddhas fought, and their power was soaring The laws collide, the avenue resonates, and the ancient Buddha's voice bursts out "Dare to ask about your background?" Qin Li asked politely with surprise on his eyes "I am the Buddha!" ​​The Buddha is majestic and majestic, as dazzling as the sun, blooming billions of wisdom Buddha lights, interweaving infinite magic, and turning them into six-character mantras "I am Zen!" Zen is naturally peaceful, as gentle as a bright moon, bursting out with infinite compassion and Buddha light, turning into thousands of visions, reflecting the joy of all beings Qin Lihui's eyes were like torches, and he could tell at a glance that Buddha is "Six-Character Mantra" and Zen is "Great Zen Purdue Technique": "I don't know why the two are fighting?"

Buddha said: "The idea is different!"

Zen said: "It's just that you come to judge the truth!"

Buddha said: "We are arguing, how to reach the other side!"

Zen said: "With a compassionate heart, we should save all living beings, gather the power of the supreme vow, and turn it into a golden boat to save the world and reach the other shore."

The Buddha said: "Nonsense, you should use great courage, great perseverance, and great cultivation to gather immeasurable wisdom and reach the other shore!"

The two argued and fought against each other Qin Li asked back:

"Have you succeeded?"

Buddha and Zen were taken aback for a moment, then fell silent for a moment None of their creators reached the realm of the other shore in the end Qin Li smiled and said: "I think you are all wrong, you are all too narrow, compassion and wisdom are compatible, and you have a better chance to reach the other shore."

The Buddha smiled: "Young man, you have a big appetite!"

Zen also laughed: "There is no thought that can be compatible with compassion and wisdom."

"I just asked the two seniors, I have the ideal of Datong, am I qualified to carry the two great sects!" Qin Li showed his majesty It is a beautiful world, and it is also the other shore in the hearts of all living beings "What!" Both Buddha and Zen were horrified .. at this time On the cliff of Buddha Billions of Buddha lights burst forth There is both the wind of compassion and the light of wisdom The two forces intertwined, shaking Xiaobian, and Foya was also trembling endlessly "How is it possible?" The old monk was shocked, he understood what this vision represented: "Unbelievable existence!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Qin Li slowly opened his eyes His gaze was deeper and more mysterious It can even penetrate the small other shore and see the outside world The western sky is dark, the Buddhist world has fallen, and the Buddha Emperor of Lingshan is dying "Very good!"

Chu Qingyin was very happy:

"Honey, let's return to Xianlian."

Qin Li was indifferent, his fairy eyes reflected the tragedy of the Buddhist world "I can see that countless creatures were buried in the black snow. Although they were frozen, they did not die. If the sun rises, they will be saved!"


Shi Wuming was startled The Emperor of Heaven was enraged and shouted angrily:

"Qin Li, do you want to die again!"

Chu Qingyin remembered twenty-eight years ago, tears welled up in her eyes:

"Are you going to sacrifice yourself again and turn into Xiyang, are you willing to make us sad again and again in order to save all living beings?"

The Emperor of Heaven furiously said: "Can you still be naive? It is not worth it to commit suicide repeatedly for the sake of this group of weaklings. Look at the world of Qianyuan, even if you have Xiyang, it is still a lump of mud, and you don't know what you saved. "

"To tell you the truth, the bronze plague has spread to dozens of big worlds, and soon all the worlds will sink. Are you going to commit suicide eight hundred times, turn into eight hundred suns, and save the stupid beings in eight hundred worlds?"

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