I saw that in Qin Li's hand, after the emerald green was pushed away, it turned out to be a natural, human-shaped blood jade without any artificial carvings!

This kind of blood jade was once discovered in the world, and it was sold for a price of hundreds of billions!

Unexpectedly, they will meet again here!

Everyone in the venue was dumbfounded!

What is turning the tide?

This is turning the tide!

No matter how tall the three of you are, this piece of blood jade, which took thousands of years to form naturally, easily overwhelms the audience!

Ling Zhenyu came to sneer and stiffened his face, and the faces of Qian Jinshan and other jewelry store owners turned gloomy!

The woman from Fengji Jewelry Co., Ltd. looked at Qin Li like a monster at this moment. She is not a fool for such a rare thing in a thousand years. I believe that Qin Li is really just lucky!

This Qin Li has absolute strength here!

"Go, find someone to look up that young man's information, and send it to my office! We Fengji Jewelry Store must take down such a talent! I will go and get it myself!" The middle is full of firmness!

This kind of talent is even more valuable than a thousand-year-old blood jade!

When Qin Li took out this piece of blood jade, there was a burst of screams in the venue, and it slowly fell at this moment, followed by the voices of shouting prices overwhelming!

The three of them, Old Xu and even Tan Chenghui, were taken aback They really tasted what it is from heaven to hell, and from hell to heaven!

"Qin Li!" Tan Chenghui suddenly looked at Qin Li, and bowed fiercely towards Qin Li!

He had to apologize, because he didn't trust Qin Li before, because he favored his employees, and because Qin Li still wanted to help him despite all this!

For all, he must also bow and apologize!

"I'm sorry for you!" Tan Chenghui's eyes were full of tears, "I'm sorry!"

He shouted!

Qin Li shook his head helplessly in his heart, and helped Tan Chenghui up: "I didn't take it to heart."

As far as Tan Chenghui is concerned with him, in fact, to put it bluntly, it is his leverage point for cutting stones The purpose of his coming here is mainly to check whether there is aura of heaven and earth in other jade stones!

Now he has confirmed that there are every piece of these things!

Moreover, the richness is not small!

It seems that after returning, he can try to cultivate medicinal herbs, and then refine the elixir!

Hearing what Qin Li said, Tan Chenghui's face turned red. A young man has more stomach than him!

Really, lose this old face!

Tan Chenghui suddenly looked at Qin Li: "I, Tan Ji, will not take any money from the auction of this jade. It all belongs to you, Mr. Qin!"

This address suddenly became Mr. Qin, Qin Li was taken aback, nodded and said nothing Because of this situation, if it weren't for his blood jade, Tan Chenghui's losses would not be recouped every five or six years!

"Start the auction!" The host shouted, and the audience below immediately raised their signs!

Tan Zijin and Chu Qingyin were sitting in the corner, their fair faces flushed with excitement, when they saw that Tan Ji was almost finished, they wanted to scold Xu Zhi to death But Qin Li's efforts to turn the tide made Tan Zijin completely admire Qin Li!

"Hmph! I didn't expect this kid to be so powerful. I've decided. From today onwards, I won't hate him anymore! I didn't expect you, Qingyin, to be quite blessed. You've lived such a high-profile and happy life after being frustrated for a year. Life!"

"From today on, Qin Li will be different." Tan Zijin said, but did not see Chu Qingyin's flustered face different.. She is still an ordinary person, but from today on, Qin Li has been targeted by everyone in the jewelry industry and has become a hot figure, surpassing her by one step!

"One hundred and ninety million!"

"Three hundred million!"

"One billion!"

The price keeps getting higher and higher. The owner of Yuanfu Jewelry in Jiangshi, who was the first one just now, looked at this scene with a gloomy face, and suddenly turned his head: "Call Mr. He, tell him the current situation, and let him decide for himself."

Originally, the number one belonged to them, to their city of Jiangshi, but unexpectedly, it was robbed by a small city!

The people in the judge's seat were also in commotion at the moment, and many people in the guest seat were talking in low voices with ulterior motives "It's much higher than Yuanfu Jewelry. It's impossible not to declare the number one!"

"I can't help it. There's still sculpture anyway." In the judging panel, two men from the organizer of Jiang City talked to each other "Okay, I'll find someone to take a look at the carvings of this Tan Kee jewelry."

"I leave everything to you."

"We can't let other cities take the first place in Jiang City."

"rest assured."

No third person heard the conversation between the two, and the auction price was finalized at this moment!

Two billion RMB!

Nearly 20 times more than Yuanfu Jewelry!

This blood jade was finally obtained by a rich man in Jiang City. If this kind of thing is resold and put up for auction in a large auction house, it can be auctioned for at least 100 billion!

This kind of rare jade is a priceless treasure for many collectors!

If you get 2 billion here, the rich man has actually made a profit!

The money reached Tan Ji's account immediately, and Tan Chenghui didn't stop, and directly transferred it to Qin Li!

"The stone betting champion, yes, Yangcheng Tanji Jewelry! The transaction price is two billion!"

The host announced loudly and continued: "Tomorrow morning, the final jewelry carving competition will be held!"

Qin Li and the others had already stepped down, so he didn't have to worry about the carving. When Tan Chenghui came, he said they were ready "Old Xu, you go and get the sculptures. They will be placed on the display stand tonight, and the audience will start voting tomorrow morning." Tan Chenghui said Old Xu didn't say anything more this time. He knew that he had angered Tan Chenghui about the stone betting matter, and it was good that Tan Chenghui didn't scold him so far If he troubled Qin Li again now, Tan Chenghui would have fired him without Qin Li!

He dismissed it, but before he knew Qin Li's true strength!

"Qin Li." Chu Qingyin and Tan Zijin walked over, admiring and disbelieving Qin Li Qin Li responded with a smile, and the corners of his eyes suddenly turned to Ling Zhenyu's staring eyes not far away Qin Li paused, looked back without any fear, with a confident smile hanging from the corner of his mouth Just like Ling Zhenyu looked at him today, he also told Ling Zhenyu with his eyes: If you have any moves, keep coming!

Ling Zhenyu's eyes were gloomy for a moment, and he suddenly pointed at Qin Li, then stroked his neck, then turned and left Qin Li's eyes flickered, why? Are you going to kill him with a hard one?


Then come on, just like what he said to Ling Zhenyu before, he will tell Ling Zhenyu, who are the two of them, standing at the top of power!

Who the hell should be a man with his head shrunk!

After a stone betting contest ended vigorously, everyone was talking about it, and couldn't help but eat and still discuss it Especially the appearance of the last blood jade Come to a competition, and seeing this kind of thing is worth dying for!

That night, the exhibition hall opened. After Lao Xu and the others put the things in it, they left directly. They didn't see anyone go in and open the glass cabinet after they left After dinner, Qin Li received a call from Jiang Jun, inviting him to have a drink together In the same small tea house, Jiang Jun and Jiang Limin were already there "You are a blockbuster today." Seeing Qin Li's figure, Jiang Jun immediately went up to meet him, with a bit of respect on his face Qin Li raised his eyebrows, he didn't understand, so he listened to Jiang Limin's words: "Little brother, you told me to throw away the things, and I destroyed them when I went back. After the destruction, my body almost recovered within a day."

"I can feel that, in a maximum of two days, I will return to my previous health. I'm just curious, how do you see it?"

As Jiang Limin said, he pointed to a chair and asked Qin Li to sit down Sitting next to Qin Li, Jiang Jun couldn't help admiring: "No one in the whole Jiang City could tell. At that time, my father fainted and I was sent to a big hospital. use!"

"Good guy, you can see it at a glance!"

Qin Li smiled: "There is a specialization in surgery. It just so happens that I have seen such cases in Yangcheng before."

Jiang Jun couldn't help being interested: "May I ask, this kind of situation is actually not a medical skill?"

Qin Li smiled: "Master Jiang is very discerning."

"Assholes know the details, our Jiang family also likes to engage in jade work, and we understand this kind of thing. To put it bluntly, it is superstitious, but in fact it is really a bit of metaphysics."

"To be honest, I'm very obsessed with this, can you teach me? I'll give you tuition!"

Jiang Jun's attitude made Qin Li dumbfounded When meeting him for the first time, he thought that Jiang Jun was an unrestrained, especially iron-blooded man, but now he looked no different from some ordinary rich second generation Maybe it's just more noble in status "I asked you to come today. In addition to thanking you, I also want to ask you to do something for me." Jiang Limin said suddenly, took out a bank card from his pocket and put it on the table in front of Qin Li "There are one billion in this card, of which 200 million is the treatment fee. For the rest, I want you to help me find another blood jade. The 800 million is your start-up capital."

"You can buy a piece of blood jade for 200,000 yuan, 800,000,000 yuan, it should be more than enough, right?"

Qin Li was stunned for a moment, then squinted his eyes, this old man is not small Although the Jiang family is not short of money, but with 800 million to let him find a piece of blood jade.. "Don't worry, the 800 million is all yours. Even if you bought the blood jade for only 100,000, I won't take any of the rest."

"Of course I can see that you are not a greedy person. You can make a condition. This money is just my investment in this blood jade. You should know that even if this money is given to the most powerful stone gambling team in China, they You may not be able to find the blood jade either."

Qin Li smiled: "Mr. Jiang, are you afraid that I won't find it?"

"No, I believe you have this ability." Jiang Limin pointed to his eyes, "My vision is never wrong."

A person who can pick blood jade from the stones in the regional and provincial competitions, he can't believe that 800 million yuan can't pick one in the whole country "I have a request." Qin Li smiled, "I want the Jiang family to help me find two people."

"Oh?" Unexpectedly, Qin Li would make such a request, Jiang Limin asked interestedly, "Who?"

"My parents." Qin Li turned on his phone and handed Jiang Limin a photo of his parents. "They disappeared ten years ago, and there is still no news of them."

Jiang Limin was stunned for a moment, and looked at Jiang Jun Jiang Jun took the photo and looked at Qin Li: "The Jiang family will definitely try their best to find it for you."

Looking for a person who has been missing for ten years in the vast sea of ​​people is not like finding a needle in a haystack, and the manpower required cannot be underestimated This is also the reason why Qin Li didn't ask Liu Zheng to help. There are too few contacts and the distance is too far No matter what the secretary of a small city is, he can't compare to the richest family in the provincial capital!

"Then, Mr. Qin took this blood jade?"

Qin Li nodded: "Mr. Jiang, don't worry, I will definitely send it to you within a week, but... the source of the rough stone?"

"Don't worry, every time the source of goods comes in, I will pick the best ones and send them to Yangcheng!"

Qin Li nodded immediately when he heard the words: "Then thank you, Young Master Jiang, it's a lot more convenient."

Leaving his address to Jiang Jun, Qin Li left the teahouse "Do you think this kid can really find the blood jade?" Jiang Jun looked at Qin Li's back and asked "Now we can only pin our hopes on him. His birthday ceremony is coming soon. If we can find the blood jade, then the Jiang family may be able to restore its former glory!"

Jiang Limin closed his eyes: "I'm old, if I can't take the Jiang family back before I die, the Jiang family may never have a bright future."

Jiang Jun's face darkened in an instant: "If it weren't for that year..."

"Okay, I'm tired." Jiang Limin waved his hand, "Tomorrow is the final match, so watch carefully, don't let the organizers mess around and ruin the Jiang family's face."

"I know father."

Qin Li left the teahouse and walked towards the manor. As soon as he arrived at Tan Ji's living hall, he saw Tan Chenghui, Lao Xu, and even Tan Zijin sitting in the hall with pale faces What's going on here?

Didn't you win the Stone Betting Championship? No celebration banquet, just sitting here with a worried face?

"What's wrong?" Qin Li asked as he entered the door Hearing Qin Li's voice, everyone immediately raised their heads. Qin Li let out a groan, and suddenly noticed that Tan Chenghui was staring at him with red eyes, and there were tears on Tan Zijin's face!

What the hell is going on here?

"It's over, Tan's memorization is over." Tan Chenghui suddenly slammed his fist on the table Qin Li was stunned: "Mr. Tan, what happened?"

At this moment, Lao Xu stood up slowly, and handed Qin Li a box with a trembling voice: "We just put the sculptures in the exhibition glass case, and when we were about to go out, we passed by and saw the sculptures in the glass case...it broke! "

Qin Li was taken aback, the sculpture is rotten?

He opened the box, and when he saw a pile of emerald green pieces in the box, his heart skipped a beat He looked at Tan Chenghui impressively: "So...tomorrow's last match, you can't participate?"

Just as Tan Chenghui was about to speak, there was a sudden knock on the door, and the bang bang bang made everyone turn their heads to look over!

"People from Tan Ji, open the door!"

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