"Who?" Tan Chenghui stood up and looked at Qin Li Qin Li frowned and looked over, it's late at night, who is looking for them?

"I'll go and open the door." Old Xu immediately stepped forward and opened the door Opening the door, two people in black suits came into view. The man glanced at Lao Xu, and then looked directly into the room: "Who is Tan Ji's boss?"

"I am." Tan Chenghui stepped forward immediately, "Excuse me?"

"We are the organizer. Mr. He asked us to inform that Tan Ji's competition tomorrow has been cancelled."

Tan Chenghui was taken aback, and the man directly handed Tan Chenghui a document: "After signing this document, your booth will be removed tomorrow, and your participation quota will also be erased."

"Why?" Tan Zijin rushed up suddenly, the eldest lady was so angry that she stretched out her hand to push the man The man frowned: "Miss, please respect yourself!"

"You, Tan Ji, still have no exhibits until now, and the display time is over. You have violated the rules and will be disqualified from the competition!"

"Fart!" Xu Zhi stepped forward and yelled, "I put it in, and I put it in at eight o'clock. It was one of you bastards who broke our forehead exhibit!"

Xu Zhi shouted like crazy, and opened the box to show the man!

"That's your reason, and it has nothing to do with our organizer." The man didn't even look at the fragments, with a confident expression on his face Tan Chenghui laughed angrily: "I'm not stupid. I, Tan Chenghui, have been in business for so many years, and I have encountered many intrigues. I'm not stupid at all!"

Yes, in this case, if it can't be seen that Tan Ji is deliberately targeting them, then they are out of their minds!

Old Xu also understood at this moment, his face was pale Never thought it would be this far!

"You bastards!" Tan Zijin yelled and cried, "What should I do, this is my dad who begged for a long time and sent a lot of gifts, because of this matter, I haven't slept for several nights, how many friends have I asked intercede."

"It was only at the end that we got this quota! Why did you target us, Tan Ji!" Tan Zijin squatted on the ground and cried loudly Chu Qingyin hurried over to comfort her, but she didn't know what to do?

She didn't understand these things, but seeing Tan Zijin and Tan Chenghui's appearance now, she was really sad Suddenly thought of something, Chu Qingyin looked at Qin Li: "Honey, do you have a solution?"

Qin Li was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Chu Qingyin to call his husband As far as I can remember, this is the first time anyone has shouted this sincerely, right?

Chu Qingyin's words immediately made everyone look at Qin Li The two men were a little impatient at the moment: "It's fine if you don't sign, but if there are no exhibits in the booth tomorrow, Tan Ji must pay the organizer 100 million yuan in liquidated damages!"

After the words fell, the two men turned and left "" Xu Zhi kicked over the stool with a gloomy face, "I didn't expect such a thing to happen. If I knew, I would squat on the display stand all night waiting for the dawn!"

"We must be watching too!" Zhao Lin and Wang Jie had never seen strong wind and waves, and their faces were full of tears at the moment Who would have expected such a thing to happen?

"Qin Li, do you have a solution?" Tan Zijin turned to look at Qin Li, "If you help my dad get through this difficult time, I, Tan Zijin, will only follow you from now on! If you let me go east, I will never go west!"

Qin Li smiled wryly. It was not easy to make this eldest lady bow her head, but it was enough to see how difficult this matter was!

"Mr. Qin, as long as you can do me a favor, I can give you all of Tan Ji!"

After Tan Chenghui finished speaking, he smiled wryly: "Sorry, I am too... I don't know what to do, and it's a little embarrassing for you."

Qin Li was helpless: "What can we do in this situation."

Hearing Qin Li's words, everyone was immediately disheartened, and Tan Zijin's eyes dimmed But Qin Li sighed: "Unless it is re-sculpted."

"I also thought about re-sculpting, but the time for this carving is too late..." Tan Chenghui said, frowning suddenly, no, he can think that the time is too late, Qin Li should not be ignorant Could it be?

Tan Chenghui looked at Qin Li instantly, in disbelief: "What do you mean? Do you have someone who knows how to carve, who can carve quickly?"

Qin Li was speechless: "I don't know that kind of person."

Tan Chenghui frowned and smiled bitterly: "Since that's the case, then there is no sculpture..."

"I mean, I'm here to carve." As soon as Qin Li finished speaking, Tan Chenghui was still smiling wryly The next moment he suddenly realized, and Tan Zijin and the others instantly looked at Qin Li "Can you carve?"

Chu Qingyin was also stunned, when will Qin Li carve?

Qin Li nodded: "I know a little bit. Now I'm going to the stone gambling venue. Some of their merchants didn't finish walking, so I just choose a good quality jade from it, and then carve it now."

Tan Chenghui and the others were stunned, feeling a chill hitting their heads Who the hell is this Qin Li? Damn it!

How can everything!

They all cheered up at the moment, and helped Qin Li cut stones, cut a series of stones, and even went out to buy carving tools in the end One night, no one slept!

When the sky was bright, everyone looked up and saw that Qin Li had packed things into boxes When they saw the green engraving in the box, they were all stunned "This... you carved this in one night?" Tan Chenghui couldn't believe it Chu Qingyin's eyes were full of doubts, this kind of craftsmanship is impossible for a rookie to do!

Qin Li closed the lid: "Success or failure depends on the last match of the day."

Qin Li handed the box to Xu Zhi: "This time, if it breaks again, there's nothing I can do."

Xu Zhi took it over, his hands were shaking, and he said in a crying voice, "Don't worry, Mr. Qin, I will definitely keep an eye on it, and anyone who dares to touch it will be strangled to death!"

This guy was also scared Qin Li smiled, and was relieved to see Xu Zhi deliver the things. He was too tired after a busy night The final evaluation is at night, and now it is just an audience vote, which has no effect "Mr. Qin, rest, let's go." Tan Chenghui led Tan Zijin and others out, not daring to disturb Qin Li This change of attitude made Qin Li helplessly smile, and fell asleep directly on the sofa Judge him in the afternoon before going out At this moment, the entire venue was already packed with people The two men in suits from the organizer are also there, and they have truthfully reported what happened yesterday "Mr. He, what about Tan Ji?"

At the back door of the exhibition hall, the owner of Jiangshi Yuanfu Jewelry stood beside He Hongkang rubbing his hands He Hongkang took out a Zhonghua, and the owner of Yuanfu Jewelry quickly ordered it "Don't worry, I have sent people to destroy their exhibits. There are many people who want to punish them. Besides you, people from the Ling family also greeted me."

"The champion this time must belong to Jiang City." He Hongkang sneered, "A small city like shit wants to stand on the top of Jiang City and play wild, and I don't want to see who is in charge this time."

The owner of Yuanfu Jewelry immediately smiled: "Thank you, Mr. He, thank you, Mr. He!"

"Don't say anything about it, go."

"Hey, good."

As soon as the two separated, He Hongkang walked towards the exhibition hall, glanced disdainfully at Tan Ji's glass cabinet out of the corner of his eye, the sneer at the corner of his mouth had not yet risen, and suddenly froze on his face!

Snapped The cigarettes in his hand fell to the ground, and he stared at the glass cabinet in disbelief!

"Come on!" He yelled, and the staff came over immediately "What is Mr. He's order?"

"Then what happened to Tan Ji's glass cabinet?" He Hongkang grabbed the visitor by the collar, pointed at the glass cabinet and yelled "Mr. He, the person from Tan Ji put it in, and that person is still standing beside him." The staff turned pale with fright When He Hongkang heard this, he left the man and walked towards the distance And at this moment, he discovered that the number of votes on the exhibits in Tan Ji's glass cabinet was actually the highest in the audience!

What exactly is going on!

He was obviously broken by someone, could this be their preparation?


Yesterday he asked someone to inquire, and there was no second engraving at all!

At this moment, the boss of Yuanfu Jewelry also watched this scene blindly. Didn't Mr. He just say that there is no engraving of Tan Ji?

What is this?

He was about to turn around to ask Mr. He, but when he looked up, he saw He Hongkang's eyes were red, and he was staring at him!

The boss was taken aback for a moment, feeling bad, it seems that He Hongkang didn't know about it either!

He Hongkang's face was gloomy, he lifted his foot and walked up, reaching out to open the glass cabinet When Lao Xu saw it, he immediately stepped forward to block it: "Sir, you can see it, but you can't touch it, otherwise it will be very troublesome for us if it breaks."

Hearing the words here, many viewers looked at He Hongkang with disdain "Is this person sick? Don't you know that ornamental objects are not allowed to be touched?"

"I guess this person thought he was going to the supermarket and wanted to grab everything."

"Oh, it's really funny. But this exhibit of Tan Ji is really exquisitely carved, more delicate than others."

"Yes, I want to buy it, but unfortunately I don't have the money."

"It's an eye addiction, but it's a pity that I can't take pictures."

The number of votes was getting higher and higher, He Hongkang turned and left angrily, with murderous intent on his face!

But the exhibition has already started now, and there are still people looking at the Tan Ji glass cabinet, so he can't even get people to do it!


Who did Tan Ji find to carve this kind of thing in one night!

He Hongkang was so angry that he had no place to vent his anger. He stared at this scene, suddenly a daze flashed across his face, and then he laughed out loud!

He is stupid, how about more votes from the audience?

If the judges don't give you points, you're still zero!

Thinking of this, He Hongkang was no longer angry, and made a phone call: "Tan Ji's carvings today, no one should give a score. If anyone gives it, it will be against me, He Hongkang!"

"You know, behind me, He Hongkang, is the Jiang family!"

After the judges received the call, their faces changed several times, and finally they had to give in "Tan Ji is really doomed this time, and he even provoked Mr. He!"

"It seems that this time the champion belongs to Jiang City again. There is no way, who let Jiang City rely on the Jiang family at his back."

Time passed, and it was time for the judges to take their seats. Qin Li also woke up from his dream, stretched his waist and walked out of the room refreshed The sky had already dimmed, and the entire manor was lit up, as if it were daytime Five minutes from the manor to the venue, Qin Li walked directly towards the participating teams When Tan Chenghui and the others saw Qin Li, they immediately stood up and waved to Qin Li At this moment, the entire venue is overcrowded and there are no empty seats The ten exhibition cabinets are all on the high platform, and the number of votes on it can be seen at a glance "Our number of votes is now the highest!" Tan Zijin exclaimed softly, "Qin Li, you are too good!"

"That's right, Mr. Qin, if I knew your sculptures are so good, I wouldn't have gone to any old sculptors in the first place." Tan Chenghui smiled wryly. Compared with Qin Li's sculptures, his ones couldn't stand on the table at all "It's just a little knowledge." Qin Li stared at the glass cabinet, but his heart was a little uncertain Will the organizer really let their first move?

This vote only accounted for 30% of the final score. If you want to be the first, you must also approve it from the judges!

But at this moment, the host said: "Now, the judges are asked to give a score to all the exhibits!"

Immediately, the names of ten cities were all displayed on a large screen above the entire high platform!

100 points out of 100!

From the first one, there are 50, 80, 90, and even 20 points!

Tan Chenghui stared closely at the counter of Tan Ji Jewelry, and after thirty seconds passed, his brows were wrinkled!

At this moment, the counting of all other cities has stopped, and Jiang City is far ahead with a score of 99 points!

Even Fung Kee Jewelry has a score of 80!

Even Lingyu jewelry has fifty points!


Tan Kee Jewelry turned out to be capitalized zero eggs!

At this moment, there was an uproar in the entire field!

Seeing this scene, He Hongkang immediately sneered and said, "Fight with me? It's like an egg hitting a rock!"

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