"I won't be coming back tonight." Qin Li turned around and walked out of Chu's house with his mobile phone in hand As soon as he went out, Chu Zitan and his friends walked towards the community When seeing Qin Li, Chu Zitan's friend paused: "Your brother-in-law."

Chu Zitan looked at Qin Li and cast a glance: "I see, let's go."

"Don't you want to say hello?" The friend was stunned, "Didn't he help us yesterday?"

"You also know that he is my brother-in-law. Isn't it right for my sister to ask him to help me? Otherwise, I would have to thank him three times and nine times?"

Chu Zitan rolled his eyes, glanced at Qin Li and walked directly to the gate of the Chu family Qin Li shook his head and left, he didn't pay attention to Chu Zitan's words, but directly stopped a taxi and drove towards the hospital He was planning to take a nap in the car, when Qin Li's phone rang suddenly, and it was Jiang Jun who called As soon as the connection was made, Jiang Jun's excited voice came from over there: "Brother Qin, guess what good things I brought you!"

Qin Li was stunned, it was almost night, why did Jiang Jun make such a sudden phone call?

Before Qin Li answered, Jiang Jun couldn't help but said, "Tan Ji's shop in Jiang City has been confirmed. In my spare time, I bought ten more shops for you to use as a Chinese medicine clinic. How about it?" , Surprised or not?"

Qin Li was completely stunned: "Really?"

"Of course it's true, we're all starting to decorate, and we'll be waiting for you to come to Jiangshi to hang out!"

"Thank you, Young Master Jiang!"

Qin Li really thanked Jiang Jun, this person is really good!

"Thank you, you cured my father and reminded us, do you know why my father chose to punish He Hongkang severely at that time?"

Qin Li was puzzled: "Why?"

Jiang Jun sneered in his voice: "That jade pillow was given by He Hongkang! I didn't expect that guy to be ambitious and planned to deal with it in secret, but he shouldn't have messed with you!"

"So, you are the great benefactor of my Jiang family, hehe. Speaking of this, when will you come to Jiang City? I will give you a big villa when the time comes!"

Qin Li smiled: "Now we are going to buy a villa."

"Oh? What villa? How about I send you?" Jiang Jun smiled "Tianhao Villa, I have already paid the deposit, so I won't let Young Master Jiang spend the money." Qin Li said, there was already a medical center in front of him "Tianhao? Coincidentally, that is the property of my Jiang family. In this way, I will tell the person in charge over there and ask him to receive you well. I will send you his phone number again. I am not here, so I must not let Jiang The people in the group have treated you badly!"

Qin Li didn't refuse, and Jiang Jun also hung up the phone when he got out of the car After saving the phone number sent by Jiang Jun, Qin Li looked up and saw Liang Qing waiting at the door of the medical hall Seeing Qin Li coming, Liang Qing stepped forward immediately. A cold and beautiful face was full of apology: "Sorry."

Qin Li waved his hand: "It's not your fault, no need to apologize."

"Let's go, get in the car." Without telling the driver to leave, Qin Li took Liang Qing into the car, "Go to Tianhao villa area."

The driver glanced at Qin Li, stepped on the accelerator, and drove away quickly Tianhao villa area is located in the center of Yangcheng, and the land is not cheap, about 101,000 square meters Because the price is too high, there has been a saying in Yangcheng Those who can afford the Tianhao Villa are either really rich, or they are taken care of!

When the two arrived at the place, a girl who looked no more than eighteen or nineteen years old walked over as soon as they entered the door "Do you two want to see the house?"

Girls are very polite But Liang Qing shook her head: "It's not her."

The girl's eyes immediately dimmed. She was here for an internship and had just become a full-time employee. Normally, people who come here would not look for her Because those seniors would pull away the rich guests early Although these two people seem to be dressed in ordinary clothes, they must also be rich, right?

The girl thought and smiled: "What's your name? I can help you find the customer service you are looking for."

"My surname is Liang, and I'm looking for a customer service named Yang Min." Liang Qing said, "A woman, about thirty or forty years old."

The girl nodded immediately: "You wait here a moment, I'll call her."

Then he turned and walked back Qin Li and Liang Qing found a rest seat, and just as they sat down, they vaguely heard angry shouts from behind "You're sick. Didn't I tell you about the one surnamed Liang? The villa she visited was fixed by Young Master Chen!"

"But... Sister Yang, that guest has already arrived, and besides, hasn't she already paid the deposit?"

"Then tell her I'm not here, let her wait! Is Young Master Chen comparable to someone like her? She still wants to rob the house with Young Master Chen. Seeing how she looks like a coquettish fox, she looks like she is being adopted." Little San."

"This kind of mistress has no status, do you understand? This house won't be given to her. If she refuses to leave, her deposit will be refunded. Anyway, I won't accept this kind of person!"

The woman's voice stopped here, and Qin Li turned his head to see the girl who was calling for someone coming with an apologetic expression: "Sorry, Yang Min is not here."

Qin Li smiled: "I heard her talking just now, why, could it be that she flew away?"

The girl's face turned red instantly: "I'm sorry."

Qin Li had no intention of embarrassing the girl, so he immediately stood up and walked towards the back "Guest, what are you doing?" The girl was anxious, "The back is the staff rest area."

How could Qin Li's speed be caught by a girl? He moved a little, then walked to the back, and saw a woman with heavy makeup sitting on a stool, eating melon seeds and looking at her mobile phone "Yang Min." Qin Li said The woman raised her head reflexively: "Why?"

After confirming that it was this person, Qin Li took a step forward, his eyes turned cold: "The house I paid for as a deposit was refunded by you."

Yang Min was stunned for a moment, and realized instantly: "Yes, I returned it to Young Master Chen, so you can choose again."

"Why should I choose the house I booked? Why, Tianhao's house is not for customers to choose, but for the waiter to decide?" Qin Li said in a cold tone Yang Min frowned: "Isn't it just to give you a house back? You must be sick. There are many houses here. Which one do you choose? Who is Young Master Chen, can you compare him?"

Looking at Qin Li's youth, and thinking about Liang Qing she met today, she decided that Qin Li was Liang Qing's little boy He's seen this kind of situation a lot, and a woman who is taken care of by an old man has another little face Therefore, she is not afraid of Qin Li at all, even in her opinion, Qin Li is just that kind of dirty RMB boy, a dirty thing, what right does he have to talk to her!

Yang Min snorted coldly, stood up and put the phone in his pocket and walked out, his tone was full of gunpowder: "This house belongs to Young Master Chen now, so what does it have to do with me? You can't grab him, don't blame me!"

Yang Min pointed outside: "Young Master Chen just went to look at the house and will be back soon. If you want a house, please tell Young Master Chen!"

Yang Min's tone was full of contempt and disdain As soon as she finished speaking, a man came to the door, about twenty-seven or eighty-eight, with an average appearance Qin Li laughed back angrily: "You returned my house to someone else and shifted the responsibility to another owner! Is this the attitude of your Tianhao waiter?"

Not wanting to get entangled with this woman, Qin Li frowned: "Let your boss come out, I'll talk to him!"

Yang Min froze for a moment, and said incredulously: "Brother, don't be funny, who are you? Are you daydreaming, seeing our boss? Do you know who our boss is!"

"What's the mess?" The person who came came over with a frown, "Have you printed out the house contract?"

Yang Min turned her head, only to realize that it was Chen You and his girlfriend who just came in In an instant, she smiled continuously: "Young Master Chen! Have you finished reading? I will print the contract for you now."

Yang Min said, looked at Qin Li, and sneered: "Did you see, this is Young Master Chen! If you want to rob the house with Young Master Chen, you really don't even look at yourself!"

Chen You snorted: "What? This is the person who paid the deposit before?"

He sneered: "Now you want to go back? Don't think about it brother, my woman is in love with this set, you can just pick something else, the deposit will be refunded, and nothing will be lost, right. You messed with me, it's uncomfortable It's you."

He said, looking at Qin Li: "Do you understand?"

Qin Li slowly turned his head to face Chen You: "I don't understand."

His words were blunt and his face was cold Yang Min's face changed drastically when he heard these words, and he thought to himself, this man!

But the next moment she was stunned what did she see

Chen You, who was so coquettish just now, actually lost his legs when he saw Qin Li's face clearly!


The moment he saw Qin Li clearly, Chen You wanted to die, and immediately knelt down on the ground: "Qin, Brother Qin! Why are you?"

However, Qin Li sneered and said, "She said Young Master Chen, I thought who it was. It turned out to be you. After the Feng Group was destroyed, your Chen family dominated, and you are really powerful."

Chen You, the son of the CEO of the largest pharmaceutical company in Yangcheng After the collapse of the Feng family, the Chen family pharmaceutical industry is the only one in Yangcheng!

He remembered seeing Chen Youlai at Fang Mao's house back then. At that time, Chen You's father gave Fang Mao a gift for cover Chen You's face was pale and he kept trembling, he wouldn't be like this if anyone else came, but it was Qin Li who came here!

Who is Qin Li, Fang Mao's friend!

The savior of Fang Mao's family!

What the hell, the Chen family is now relying on Fang Mao to live, and he actually offended Qin Li, whom Fang Mao cared about the most!

Yang Min panicked at this moment, she looked at Qin Li in disbelief, this person was actually called brother by Chen Shao?

Kneeling down?

So everything she thought was wrong?

This Qin Li is actually a big shot?

She actually treated her as a RMB boy who was adopted?

Yang Min's face was pale. Seeing Young Master Chen's humiliation at this moment, a cold air hit his heart "Brother Qin, I didn't know it was you, otherwise I wouldn't dare to rob your house even if I was killed!"

"Then what, it happens that the owner's name hasn't been written yet, so I will give this house to you as if I, Chen You, have given it to you!"

Chen You's face turned red, and he looked at Yang Min suddenly: "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you go through the formalities for Brother Qin!"

In the past, everything in Feng's family went bankrupt because Feng's provoked Qin Li. He didn't want the Chen family to become like that!

Qin Li's eyes were cold from the beginning to the end: "I want the house, and I'll pretend it didn't happen."

Chen You immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Qin Li would not accept it, and that would be troublesome "I, I'll handle it for you now." Yang Min hurried forward, "I'm sorry sir, I just felt that I didn't mean to offend you, but I'm straight-tempered, your lord has a lot..."

"No need." Qin Li didn't even look at Yang Min, and waved at the intern girl, "Handle this business for me."

The girl froze Yang Min was also stunned!

This villa is worth 250 million yuan!

They get a lot of money at 1% commission!

"You, are you serious?" The girl froze for a moment, then jumped up excitedly Qin Li nodded: "It's getting late, please hurry up."

The girl nodded immediately, excitedly went to go through the formalities for Qin Li Yang Min was stunned, just about to explain something, when she turned her head and saw Qin Li's cold gaze, she shivered suddenly She knew that Qin Li was going to deal with her now!

But the next moment, Yang Min puffed out his chest. Their Tianhao's boss is from the provincial capital, no matter how powerful Qin Li is, there is nothing he can do about her!

This Qin Li is not her boss, it is impossible to dismiss him!

She didn't break the law, and it's even more impossible to catch her!

Thinking of this, Yang Min smiled, turned around and was about to leave, she was in no pain anyway, this Qin Li was full of anger!

But at this moment, a woman came in from the door. This woman was wearing V-neck casual clothes The white flowers on the chest are eye-catching, and there is a hint of charm in his face, which is so beautiful that it makes people suffocate Born with charm, full of femininity!

She came in and immediately set her sights on Qin Li "Mr. Qin?"

Qin Li was stunned Hearing this voice, Yang Min and the others immediately looked over When seeing the person coming, Yang Min's complexion changed instantly, with a smile on his face, his chest raised up, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes!

Chen You's eyes froze for a moment: "Boss Jiang? Hello, hello, I've heard you famous for a long time!"

The person who came was Jiang Chuxue, the person in charge of Yangcheng Tianhao Villa Area Jiang Chuxue smiled and said, "Hello." But her gaze never gave Chen a half-point, and she kept looking at Qin Li "Mr. Qin, I'm Jiang Chuxue, I've kept you waiting for a long time." She said, she stretched out her jaded hand towards Qin Li, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Qin Li looked him up and down before he remembered: "Are you from Jiang Jun?"

"It's Young Master Jiang's person. You are Young Master Jiang's friend, so I will be your subordinate from now on." Jiang Chuxue said with a smile Hearing these words, Chen You was stunned for a moment, and a sense of astonishment rose in his heart, and he was extremely grateful at the moment!

Damn, isn't this Qin Li so awesome that he even knows or is he friends with that young master from the provincial capital?

All the bosses in Tianhao Villa District claim to be Qin Li's subordinates?

And Yang Min was already dumbfounded, her heart was beating wildly, just now she was confident that Qin Li couldn't move her, at this moment she panicked instantly!

It's over!

"President Jiang, you're being polite." Qin Li shook hands with Jiang Chuxue, "My things have been processed, but I just have a suggestion for President Jiang."

"Tell me." When Jiang Chuxue heard Qin Li say that the process was over, Jiang Chuxue's heart skipped a beat. She had already put down the things in her hands and rushed over, but she was a little far away and just in time for the traffic jam I didn't expect to make a mistake!

Moreover, looking at the atmosphere in the hall at the moment, she also obviously felt that something was wrong Before Qin Li could say anything, she had already decided that no matter what she was dissatisfied with as a friend of Young Master Jiang, she would definitely give Qin Li the best result immediately!

"The service quality of your Tianhao villa needs to be improved. Not only did you say that my sister is a mistress who was taken care of, but you also maliciously sold the villa I had already booked to Young Master Chen, until I, Qin Li, came to ask why, and even treated me with a high toe. Angry."

"To be honest, this kind of customer service does not meet the identity of Tianhao Villa District, and it is estimated that it will lose a lot of customers."

As soon as Qin Li's words came out of her mouth, Yang Min closed her eyes instantly. She was filled with remorse, but at the moment she was helpless But when Jiang Chuxue heard Qin Li's words, her face turned cold and her heart sank heavily Something went wrong!

"Mr. Qin's education is, I don't know who just took charge of you?"

When Jiang Chuxue asked, Yang Min immediately began to tremble She knew that she was doomed, if she didn't defend herself now, she might not be able to stay in Yangcheng any longer!

"Old, boss, I didn't do it on purpose, I really don't know Mr. Qin is..."


A loud applause made the entire hall silent Qin Li raised his eyebrows, Liang Qing who was watching from the side was also stunned, and Chen You was also stunned No one expected that Jiang Chuxue would actually slap Yang Min in the face!

But this slap relieves Qi!

Especially Liang Qing, who was watching from the sidelines, she wanted to go up and slap Yang Min to death, but she knew that Qin Li liked to make big things into small things, so she didn't want to make trouble Otherwise, I wouldn't choose to look at the villa again tomorrow Even when Qin Li heard Yang Min's swear words at the beginning, he suppressed his anger and didn't attack, just to give Yang Min a chance to apologize!

But I didn't expect that Yang Min didn't bow his head until the end!

At this moment Qin Li saw the slap, he didn't feel distressed, but felt that the slap was deserved!

"Boss..." Yang Min was stupefied, covering his face and daring not to speak She has seen a lot of rich people's lives here, and killing a person is as easy as crushing an ant She was afraid now. She thought that Qin Li had nothing to do with her. In fact, she forgot that Qin Li could find someone to kill her. It's just that Qin Li has a kind heart and is not far from being vicious to others!

But Qin Li didn't make a move, but Jiang Chuxue was willing to make a move!


Yang Min, who was completely terrified, immediately knelt down in front of Jiang Chuxue: "Boss, I made a mistake, boss. I will never dare to do it again. If you relieve your anger, you can hit me! It's okay to fire me, and you can save my life!"

Jiang Chuxue's complexion did not change, but looked at Qin Li with a smile: "What do you think, Mr. Qin?"

Qin Li's eyes turned cold: "Your staff, you can deal with it as you like. I still have something to do. It's getting late, so I'll leave first."

When Jiang Chuxue heard this, she felt a little anxious: "Go slowly, I will definitely pay a visit some other day! I made you suffer today!"

Qin Li led Liang Qing to leave with the documents, and Chen You also walked out the door When Jiang Chuxue saw Qin Li's back disappear, she looked at Yang Min, her eyes flashed fiercely, and she kicked out suddenly!

He actually kicked Yang Min out!

If Qin Li was here, he would be astonished that this woman is also a Lianjiazi!

"It's not good to provoke anyone. You provoke Mr. Qin, you know who he is!" Jiang Chuxue was furious "Boss, I was really wrong!" Yang Min didn't dare to cry out from the pain of being kicked, but kept apologizing Jiang Chuxue didn't even look at Yang Min, picked up her cell phone and made a call: "Come to Tianhao Villa Area Service Center, and get rid of someone for me. From today onwards, I don't want to see her alive!"

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