After saying that, Jiang Chuxue didn't even look at Yang Min's despairing eyes, turned and left the hall The first time I met Qin Li, I originally wanted to have a relationship with this man, so I just gave him a villa to make friends Unexpectedly, such a thing happened!

Jiang Chuxue is a concubine of the Jiang family branch, she is not taken seriously, it was Jiang Jun who gave her the opportunity to be the boss here And Qin Li is Jiang Jun's friend, and even she, Jiang Chuxue, should treat him respectfully Besides, if she has a good relationship with Qin Li, she doesn't have to worry about whether Jiang Jun will change at any time But today, such an important occasion was ruined by Yang Min!

After much deliberation, Jiang Chuxue decided to tell Qin Li the result of her handling just now, maybe it could win back some favors Qin Li had just arrived at the medical clinic, and it was already completely dark After not eating for a day, Qin Li ordered a takeaway, then closed the door and turned on the heater "It's warmer for you to sleep in the lobby today, I'll sleep in the back." Qin Li said to Liang Qing Liang Qing nodded. Regarding Qin Li's request, she never asked why, never questioned, let alone meddling indiscriminately After a while, the takeaway came, and the two had a big meal. As soon as Qin Li went back to sleep, he saw a message from Jiang Chuxue "Mr. Qin, I've dealt with Yang Min. I'm very sorry about today's matter. I don't know if Mr. Qin has time. Let's have a cup of tea together tomorrow. I want to apologize to you." '

Qin Li didn't expect Jiang Chuxue to care so much, let alone deal with Yang Min in order to appease him However, Qin Li didn't like Yang Min very much. When Yang Min said that Liang Qing was the mistress today, he already had the intention to kill Maybe when he came back today, he would think of asking someone to trouble Yang Min, but he just couldn't kill people Jiang Chuxue is hotter than him Qin Li thought for a while and replied: There should be time tomorrow afternoon Tomorrow is Monday, and there won't be many patients in the afternoon, so it's no problem to close the door by then Jiang Chuxue quickly replied to the message, saying that she would come to pick up Qin Li in person tomorrow Nothing to say all night Early the next morning, Qin Li got up to wash up, thinking that he should go back to live in Chu's house today. Anyway, Chu Qingyin is his wife, so he can't be so exhausted every day, it's not good for both of them No matter what, Chu Qingyin was already showing affection to him now, but she was rather arrogant, and it was impossible for her to act like a baby if she wanted to ask her to beg for mercy Thinking of this, Qin Li shook his head, which man doesn't want to have a soft and cute girl by his side?

But Qin Li also understood that his temperament was really not suitable for any kind of girl who likes to act like a baby Chu Qingyin is just right, she doesn't cling to others, she doesn't lose her temper, and she doesn't look for trouble "Boss, something happened outside."

Just thinking about it, Liang Qing suddenly came over and pointed to the door: "I was about to open the door just now, and through the crack of the door, I saw seven or eight women standing outside with pustules all over their faces, holding the medicine bag leading to Qiankuntang in their hands. , yelling and cursing there."

Qin Li frowned: "Go and have a look."

Fake medicine?

Qin Li's first reaction was that whoever had the fake medicine was in a bag from Qiankun Hall But when he walked to the door, he was stunned after hearing what a few women said "This ointment is secretly sold by Qiankuntang to the majority of female friends. It is very expensive, three or four thousand a bottle! I finally asked someone to buy it. I said it would whiten the skin, but it ended up like this!"

"No, I also used this ointment!"

"We must ask Qiankun Hall to give us an explanation today!"

"We must lose money!"


Secretly marketed to women at large?

Qin Li was stunned. He didn't sell any ointment, and he didn't sell the ointment he made to anyone except Liu Wan who took it away Even if there are problems with the ones that Liu Wan took away, it has been almost half a year, and the problems should have come a long time ago!

Qin Li frowned, where did the ointment come from?

There was a lot of noise outside, and many shoppers were attracted. The Qiankun Hall hadn't opened yet, and the three floors inside and three floors outside were already besieged Qin Li knew that if he didn't deal with it, the police might be called in and the matter would become more serious Immediately, he immediately opened the door!

In an instant, everyone looked over!

"The Qiankun Hall is open! Sisters, ask for an explanation for us!"

"Are you the boss of Qiankuntang? We bought your medicine and now you have pimples on your face. We want to compensate you!"

"Yes, or I will sue you to court!"

Qin Li watched them yelling, and waited for a long time for them to get tired of yelling, before he said, "I didn't sell any ointment, you must have been cheated."

"Liar, you dare not admit it, the name of Qiankun Hall is printed on it!"

"That's why you dare to do it but not admit it!"

The seven women yelled together like shrews and pointed at Qin Li with their hips akimbo The people around couldn't bear to see it at the moment, and they whispered one by one, why is there something wrong with the medicine in this Qiankun Hall, isn't it true?

After that, don't grab medicine here!

People who were supposed to come to see a doctor were also blocked at this moment But now this situation can't be explained at all. If it's not his, how to prove it?

Because he has indeed done it, someone may have researched the prescription to trick him "Hmph, I already knew it wasn't a good thing. Those who see a doctor can come here to see it."

At this moment, there was a sudden cold snort from Tang's TCM side, and Tang Bohuai's apprentice, who had confronted Qin Li before, shouted and started to recruit patients Everyone had seen Tang Bohuai, but had no impression of this young man, so they walked over immediately It doesn't matter where you see a doctor, as long as you see a doctor, it's fine But the appearance of this scene made Qin Li who had no clue suddenly realize that it was so!


Suddenly, a woman who was close to Qin Li dropped the bottle in her hand on the ground: "My surname is Qin, if you don't pay the money, we will call the police!"

"Call directly!"

"Just call the police!"

If you say call the police, call the police. In the blink of an eye, Qin Li heard sirens outside Here is trouble, prone to accidents, so the street is the police station This way is convenient for the woman who came looking for work today!

"Mr. Police Officer, this is the person who cheated us by selling fake medicines, and still didn't pay us any money!"

The police came with a group of people and immediately surrounded Qin Li "Admit him!" The leading police officer said suddenly Qin Li's eyes froze: "I'm not sure what I did, why did you get admitted to me?"

"Hmph, so many people say you did it, so you did it!" The police officer snorted coldly!

"Get me in!"

"Who dares!" Qin Li yelled, "If you dare to take a step closer, don't blame me for attacking the police!"

"Let's take a look at one of you, I can make you live in prison for the rest of your life!"

The police officer yelled, "Take it away!"

Qin Li narrowed his eyes and was about to make a move when a person squeezed in from outside the crowd "Mr. Qin, this is?" The person who came was actually Liu Wan who hadn't seen him for a long time She came to Qin Li today because she wanted to take away some ointment. The ointment she used before was really effective, and there was no wrinkle on her face now Seeing Liu Wan, Qin Li was taken aback: "Sister Liu?"

"I came to you to get the ointment." Liu Wan stepped forward, "Why are they all the police?"

"Since you asked, I just wanted to talk to you." Qin Li frowned, "Have you ever sold the ointment I gave you to other people?"

Liu Wan shook her head: "No."

"These people claimed that I sold them the medicine, so they had allergies on their faces, and they asked me to compensate. But since I gave it to you, I haven't sold it to anyone. Now I can be sure that someone is planting it."

When Qin Li's words came out, Liu Wan was instantly furious "This Yangcheng, in broad daylight, there is such a thing happening? Frame a doctor and ask for compensation, how is this different from robbery!"

"Is this the same reason the police came to arrest you?"

Qin Li nodded "Madam, please excuse me. This matter has nothing to do with you. The person in front of you is a liar. We will arrest him!" The police officer took a step forward Obviously he didn't know who Liu Wan was Liu Wan smiled: "Have you filed a case? Arrest him! I can prove that he never sold ointment!"

She said, looking into the crowd: "You must have a conscience to be a human being. You know whether this doctor Qin sold it to you. You know what you are doing, and the sky is watching!"

The women outside suddenly laughed "Who are you? What the hell are you doing? It's not asking you for money!"

"It's not your face that's rotten!"

"That's right, get out, what the hell!"

Liu Wan didn't expect these people to have such an attitude. She looked gloomy at the moment, and now she can see that these women must be nurses!

"You don't know exactly what's going on. Once this matter is found out, all of you who are here today will be unable to eat! None of you can escape the court summons!" Liu Wan, who studies law, spoke immediately scare these people Women are timid, and they immediately become terrified when they hear this No way?

Ling Zhenyu told them that they are consumers, and even if it is found out, they are not guilty!

When the police officer saw what Liu Wan said, the group of people panicked, and immediately became impatient What Ling Zhenyu explained, there must be no mistakes!

Immediately, he stepped forward and planned to pass Qin Li in the exam himself!

Qin Li shuddered, turned around immediately, and kicked out!


"Assaulting the police, assaulting the police!" The police officer suddenly shouted!

A person beside him stepped forward and pulled out a pistol, "Bang!"

A shot in the sky was deafening, and the next moment, the pistol landed firmly on Qin Li's temple!

"The gangster committed a murder, now is a special situation, apply for direct shooting!"

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