Extraordinary – Ordinary – Soap!

Lucia, I'm scared of my first party.

As the hall approaches, the music that can be played becomes louder. Is the music I have never heard a song by the Kingdom of Dal Kant? It's not like any festival I've ever attended. What should I do, I'm getting so nervous!

"Lucia, are you nervous?

Mr Ceres whispers next door. Nervous? Of course I am! The place is a hall, the party has been so remote in my life, it's another country, the dresses I wear for the first time are different on my own, and I can't help but be nervous!

"Lucia has a cute smile, so Nico would be fine if she was laughing. If you're in trouble, you can laugh and meet him and withdraw saying you don't feel great if you have to. Your Highness and the captain will do the difficult political rush, so I hope you're thinking about having a good meal."

"Mm, I can't …………"

Is Mr Ceres used to this kind of place? You look spared, unlike me. The team clothes for the ceremony are cool, and they are the difference between me and the cloud mud with a strong sense of being worn in my clothes!

"There's meat, too."

To me, solidified by bees, Mr. Ceres has poked his weakness along with a naughty inclusive laugh. Meat! Fascinating words, but how do you know I like meat......

"Is that it? Didn't you like Lucia?

"I like it...... but. But why?

"Because my smile was cute when I was eating meat dishes during my journey. You must like it ~"

Mr. Ceres, it's remarkable! It's amazing!

When I was impressed with Mr. Ceres' insight, I was lightly clapped on my head so as not to break my tied hair. This is a common practice from Mr. Gaius, but when Mr. Ceres tells me... you're thrilled!

"Have you relieved the tension a little?

"Just a little..."

The tension has eased a little, but on the other hand, I'm thrilled!

"Just a little bit, good luck. Unlike Your Highness and the Virgin, we don't have to be around that long."

"Do the Marias have to be around all the time?

"You're the guest of honor. We're not going to be held in captivity because we're stalkers."

So I was pressed into my heartbeat, and I finally took a look at the hall. Right, Maria's working on it. I'll do my best!

The moment we entered the hall, the gaze throughout the hall gathered upon us. Me... or Mr. Ceres, right? And then a "who is this guy" gaze is thrown at me. That's right!

I greet King Dal Kant as he escorts me to Mr. Ceres. I said hello before this and I thought... but I guess that's different. Nevertheless, when King Dal Kant was nodded to our greeting by Eagle Deep, the place of greeting was over.

"Good luck."

"Mr. Ceres is tired, too. I'm nervous ~"

As I was relieved by the relief escaped from the heavy pressure, I found Maria surrounded by men dressed in luxurious costumes. I just thought I'd be with His Highness... and I looked around and His Highness would be dancing with Princess Bernardina about in the hall.

"Maria, you're not with Her Highness, are you?"

The circle of men surrounding Mr. Maria was too thick to even speak to me, and I will continue to speak with Mr. Ceres.

"Her Royal Highness escorted the Virgin, but she can't not dance with the host. If the Virgin hadn't been here, those two would have been engaged, even more so."

When I heard that, I felt that the relationship between His Highness and Maria and Princess Bernardina was so subtle. In Your Highness's position, you don't seem to be able to choose who to marry just because you like them. Was it a shame that Maria was a Virgin in that sense?

"Captain Clementi of the Knights of the Kingdom of Banfield, right?"

A man spoke from behind as he pinched meat with Mr. Ceres as he asked for an opportunity to speak with Maria, receiving occasional greetings from Dal Kant's noblemen. Turning to his voice, several young men are looking at him wearing matching blue coats with embroidery.

"We are the Kingsguard knights of Dal Kant. I've heard rumors about" The Hero of Dragon Killer ”. Can I talk to you for a minute if you don't mind......?

Mr. Ceres' reputation even sounds like the Kingdom of Dal Kant, doesn't it? When I was impressed, Mr. Ceres glanced at me like I was in a bit of trouble.

"Sorry, now……………"

"Mr. Ceres, if you don't mind, I think Mr. Gaius and Erik are here, so I'm going over there. Please take your time."

The knights of Dal Kant smiled all the time when they turned their attention to the fact that the knights might want to talk to each other. I want to talk to a hero. I know exactly what you mean! You don't know when you'll see me next if you miss this opportunity!


"It's okay, take your time!

Waving gently to deceive the worried Mr. Ceres, I proceeded to Mr. Gaius, who had a glimpse of the waves.

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