Extraordinary – Ordinary – Soap!

Lucia, I can be abducted.

"Excuse me, just let me through"

As I proceeded to sew between the beautifully decorated people to get to Mr. Gaius, I was blocked in sight by a samurai with a basin with lots of drinks on it. If you look at it, she's one of the samurai who's taken care of me and Maria the last few days.

"…… be careful."

"Ah, Yes...... Sorry"

Remembering her earlier interactions with Analita, she threw words of reprimand at me in a small voice, whether she could hear me or not, and the samurai went without telling her anything more. Apparently, you happen to have me on the conductor to get in the way.


When the samurai with the basin went, she was blind to Gaius and Erik, who should have seen her. I seem to have lost sight of it in an instant.

Still, if you move in that direction, you'll be able to rendezvous, and you step ahead, there's just a sweeping window leading to the terrace, and there's no sign of Mr. Gaius.

"Where have you been...... outside?

The season was coming to an end with the harvest month (Mesuidor), and the heat month (Termidor) was about halfway there. It's been over three months since you started your journey in Flower Moon (Floreal). It's summery and it's a little sweaty indoors. The ice demon stones are evenly placed on the walls, but the halls hissed in large crowds of people are hot and seem cooler outside in the night breeze.

I went out to the terrace looking for the two of us. As expected, the night breeze feels good. If you look around just for a moment, there are people over there looking for cool.

"Has he gone over to your garden?

I tried to move on to the garden where I could stand the scent of roses, but I don't see Mr. Gaius. Maybe this wasn't your garden. Think so. Turn around. When I did the right, I almost ran into the other customers who were coming from behind me.


It was me trying to pull my body so I wouldn't bump into it, but she grabbed me by the wrist softly and couldn't back down any further.

"? Um?


It was a young man in a broken courtesy who held me back. Are you drunk? When a stranger grabbed me and I was in trouble, the man who grabbed my hand laughed with his mouth raised all the time. Is it because your eyes don't look like you're laughing even though you're smiling?

"Oh, were you there?

"Oh. Ma'am, can you hang out for a minute?

Three new men come from behind that person with a scary smile. Stay with me... I don't want to! I don't want to follow strangers, especially those who are kind of scared!

"For I am searching for men. Bye!"

"Well, well! We'll look for you together."

"That's right. You should have manpower."

"Come on, let's go!

"I won't go!

I waved away and tried to walk away from the spot, but there was too much difference in force to make that happen. I will be surrounded by four men, and I will be taken further and further.

What am I going to do, there's an alarm going on in my head so much. I'm scared, these people. It doesn't feel like you can follow me!

"Please let me go! Trouble!"

"Yeah, you're in trouble"

When I raised my voice and revealed my anger, the first man who was about to bump into me nodded.

"You're in trouble, when you can get away with it. Because that's what I'm asking."

…… What do you mean? "

It was with men laughing with their eyes lowered that they were not laughing, and with their mouths and bodies restrained.

"Sorry ~. Let's just do this."

Is this guy with the eye scare a leader? Looks like the last three guys are moving on this guy's orders. I try to twist myself even though I can scream if I'm at least free to speak, but there's no sign of it coming off at all. It hurts to be overpowered instead of coming off.

Hey, where are you taking me! That's how I wanted to scream. My line won't be passed on by a man's stiff palm. Scary! Wait, I'm really scared!

I was more and more taken to the back of the garden, wrapped in a different fear than when I confronted the demons.

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