Extraordinary – Ordinary – Soap!

Lucia, I'm gonna use the chavons on the men.

I observed four men as I suppressed my impatience. Three people who seem to follow that person to a leader in a sloppy courtesy. Was it as good as Mr. Lennart when he was a year old? Are all four of them raw Dal Kant people, their skin is light black and their hair is dark.

If you “chavon” them, would you be as quiet as a demon? I would like to run away if I had to, but I can't talk about the current situation where my mouth is being pressed.

Still, they said, "It's a request to take me out," right? Does this mean that the harassment and roots of the samurai are the same?

I let my thoughts wander that far and panicked. The roots are the same, because they were requested...... the client may not be a good person to pursue if they are bad. And then... Is that, like, pretty much in danger of life? Me.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Connected to an unpopular depths, I was finally allowed to stop there. But my wrist is still restrained, and my mouth is being held down. I wish this mouth was even free......!

"Hey, you ready?

"Saverio, why don't you just fuck him and then kill him?

When Mr. Leader gave the other three instructions, one of them, an impressive man with curly hair, mentioned the noise. Seeing how I look in an instant and lose my complexion, Mr. Leader lightly beats Mr. Curly Hair as he laughs with his nose.

"You idiot, what do you do with your hands to make it look like it's the demon? And don't inadvertently call me names. Hey, I bet the guy with the example brought it!?"

"Yeah, right here."

It was like a big fang and hooves that dried out on the caracalla that a man with a slender physique took out.

"Buffalo (Aerey) hooves, they were expensive. Fang is a big pig guy, though. You will be sacrificed to Aerey here."

Next to the leader with his fangs in his hand, Mr. Tsuguri, with his hooves in his hand, will put a mark on the ground with his pet. If you look closely, those fangs are wet in brand new blood. Whose the hell...

You must have felt my anxious gaze. Mr. Leader told me whose blood belonged when he protruded to show off the tip of his bloody fangs.

"This is your blood, poor gatekeeper. I'm going to be overwritten with your blood. [M] It's okay, 'cause we're used to it. Tonight's not the first time I've used these fangs."

"Yes, I'll kill you gently."

"Shut up, big voice"

When I hit Mr. Curly Hair again with a humble laugh, Mr. Leader stepped closer to me.

Voices, as long as you speak! I don't know how effective “Chavon” is, but I'm sure it will be better than it is now!

I resisted in madness to death. The hand of the man with the eye who was pressing his mouth loosens slightly to me when he burst out of nowhere.


"" Chavon: ……! "

And I chewed his hand as much as I could, and made a gap, and I chanted desperately. I don't know how it works for malicious people. Maria said her frustration has healed, but they're not upset and doing this, so I really don't know what will happen. But you can't be killed. So I just have to bet on Chavon (this)......!


On a large chabot ball that suddenly appeared, the four seemed flinched.


It was at the same time that the four wrapped chavon balls cracked and they weakened. I tried to escape because my restraining hand was loose, but the next moment I was pulled back with a strong arm.

"What is it? What is it now!

It was Mr. Leader who grabbed my arm and yelled at me. Ugh, it's not working at all! I was awkward at the shape that seemed so quiet that I couldn't see it. Duh, what do we do!

"Is that your magic?"

Until earlier, I was calling you or something, and now I'm calling you. Oh, does it feel rather worse?

Stuck by Mr. Leader, I was struck by a sense of despair. That's right, it was originally too showy magic. There couldn't have been more convenient things happening...!

"Call me again!

"……… Yes?

"What is it, what is it now!

"Do it again to me, too!

I can see the curly hairs also bothering behind the forceful (right) leader with a serious look again. Uh... and what's going on here?

"Shh," Chavon: … "

Stuffed by four men, I shout terribly. On the chavon balls that reappeared, the leaders wore a tranced look. This is scary! I'm scared in a different way than I was earlier!

"Shit, this sucks"

"Oh no!

I have no idea what sucks, but they were groaning as they groaned. Shit... Isn't this situation that I'm in worse??

But I'm pretty sure the cutting air just disappeared. Will it help? Even though it's because the air has changed, you can't even tell that if you're still surrounded by four people.


With that in mind, Mr. Leader turned to me. Your eyes also look a little bloody running. Once Mr. Leader let go of the arm he was grasping, he wrapped my hands in both hands.

"I guarantee my life! I swear I won't raise my hand against you, so come with us!

"Ya, no............!

"I can't kill you! I've never lived before and felt so full. I can't lose you!

─ ─ What if they like it and take me?

The words of Mr. Gaius come to my ears, said when my drunken brother tangled me in the city of Amaris. What is the situation now when both hands are grabbed and pleaded... exactly that, is it?

Wait, what the hell is going on with this magic ~!

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