Extraordinary – Ordinary – Soap!

Lucia, make plans for the future

I asked him to look for it while you were all seeing His Majesty, but he still said he didn't see any clothes the right size for me. The clothes of the royal palace samurai also need to be measured, especially the only ones that are communicating with the ones that have no measurements are the ones that work below. Then when I offered to ask you to do me a favor in this attached uniform, His Highness bowed his head saying that he was really sorry. No, you don't have to apologize.

"Hey, what happens to the upcoming schedule? Why don't we just get back to the academy right away?

Waiting for the order, Erik asked His Highness about the future. Everyone, with the exception of Mr. Lennart, who is currently on the lookout, will turn seriously to His Highness, as the future schedule was of concern to you all.

"They say the triumph party's in a week."

"Wait a minute. What happens to Lucia's clothes!? You can do it in a week!?"

"Let your royal palace tailor make it piercing. Maria's is already ready, and the rest is sized and fine-tuned."

"I'm fine because I got a lot made. Diverting it to Lucia... can you, ru?"

Maria, who tried to recruit His Highness, compared herself to me by raising her tail like she was in trouble. In a dress made of Maria's finesse, no matter how tight it is, my waist will never come in, never. I can say this with confidence. I can't do it from the skeleton.

"That was tailored to suit the Virgin, and I think Mr. Lucia should tailor it to suit Mr. Lucia. Lucia, do you have a color or design of your choice? I arranged a tailor for the Royal Palace earlier, so after seeing His Majesty, you can pack up the story of measurements and design."

"Fernando is right. Oh, let's finally make the bridesmaid costume too. I mean, Celestino, you haven't given Lucia a proper bracelet yet?

His Royal Highness pounded his hand on the words of the captain, saying that he had come up with something good.

"No, no! There is no annihilation! Oh no, bridesmaid clothes......!

"Why not? Because of this, you can make it."

"Yeah, what's the problem?

To me waving my head, Maria and Her Highness looked strange at the same time. It's breathtaking, both of you......

"I'm not leaving until after Lucia's wedding, am I? Come on, just make a wedding dress! Extraordinarily cute one!

"Um, Maria?

"You can make it as Maria says. I have the money. [M] Think of it as a wedding celebration."

"Excuse me, Your Highness. I'll do the bridesmaid costume…………………………."

"Celestino should just concentrate on his bracelet. Have fun with me too."

"Your Highness, the truth is leaking."

"Captain Dono is a total king prince Dono okan! Yo, tough guy!

"I think bears just need to struggle harder"

His Royal Highness hits Maria in momentum, and the leader of the regiment holds his head against his troubled Highness, and Erik turns to Gaius, who sends the next round to such a commander.

I was delighted to see the fun of those who would never have seen it. Making line draws with mediocrity becomes ridiculous. It is so believable that we are the same people, companions of the journey. For example, even if I said a little bit about Wagamama, these people would laugh and accept it. It was really a happy thing to be able to have so many believable opponents at your mercy.

At the end of this journey I lost my ability to Shiloh and “Chavon”. But there are some things left behind. In the future, I have the feeling that even if my previous routine returns and I can hardly see him anymore, I will remain in this hands properly.

I saw my fellow laughing joyfully, but I was biting off my happiness.


"Yes, what is it?

"When we're done, let's go to the city and see the bracelet. Like I said before, I don't know when I'll get free time next, and I'd like to look down today if I can."

As I was happily immersed in seeing you all, Mr. Ceres said that with a serious face. Has His Highness affected you?

"If you took a woman to town, you'd make a fuss."

"That's true. The captain doesn't know too much about himself!

"Then you can call a mechanic. Fernando"

"I understand."

You all slammed into our mouths as we started talking about our plans for the future. Yeah, Mr. Gaius is right, it would be a fuss if Mr. Ceres and I took him away......

I rubbed it somewhat, but we decided to accept His Highness's offer, and we decided to do a lot of things while Mr. Ceres was free.

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