Extraordinary – Ordinary – Soap!

Lucia, meet the king again

Then we turned to each other in turn. If Mr. Gaius returns, it's my turn at last. Never in my life did I expect a prayer to come true to Your Majesty! I'm nervous, but I'm not as confused as I was when I first started because of the second time, or how much I grew after my journey again.

When I meet everyone who drops me off, I am taken by the caller and rushed to see.


Reaching between the glances, I found myself in front of the heavy doors that I had seen again. I'm Lieutenant Astorga. The sharp eye of Ice Blue is as I remember it, but I also feel that things are kind of strange.

"I'm out of time"

"……… Ah."

"What's wrong with you?


Lieutenant Astruga gives me a slight glimpse of his neck.

"…… Miss Lucia."


"Just so you know who you are"


"……… Let's go, Your Majesty is waiting for you"

Throwing harsh words, he shook his head loosely and Deputy Astorga opened the door. What do you mean to know as much as you are?? I guess I shouldn't have worn this outfit!?

"Lucia Arca, come to you"

When I stepped in confused, there were no more people between my eyes than when I went in before. Only His Majesty, me and Deputy Commander Astorga. Is it even paying people? With the words of Vice Commander Astorga, I moved forward to His Majesty, feeling somewhat unflinching.

"Ask that. Are you saying you lost your ability?"

When I got to you, Your Majesty gave me your word. You can answer this directly... right? That's why I don't know Lieutenant Astorga. I have been told to know myself, but it would be more rude not to answer His Majesty's question...... right?

So I concluded to myself, and I opened my mouth with courage.

"Yes, it is, Your Majesty. I don't have that power anymore."


"Erik...... I have measured Erik many times, but he says I have no more magic left. They said it disappeared with the purification of the Tenjing tree."

"…… well."

When I was clear of the heavy sire's voice, I was asked not to think.

"Is it true that you want to marry a dragon killer hero?"

Stuck in a response for a moment. “Know who you are." Was that what you said earlier?

But there was no word in me to deny. I want to live the rest of my life with Mr. Ceres. Mr. Ceres and I want to be a family. That was an indelible wish, no matter what anyone might say.

"Yes. True."

The silence returned to me with a deep deep sigh, nodding. If you are opposed, the air that you feel on your skin flows. Not only Deputy Commander Astorga, but His Majesty also seemed to think he knew nothing about me.

"Don't you hear me when I say no?"

After a period of silence, His Majesty was asked in a dry voice. Once again, when poked with words, the words stab you in the chest. But you can't flinch. If you want a future with Mr. Ceres, I don't think I should run away.

"That (...) doesn't match that. A hero's spouse has to be quite something. I asked him to look into it, but there are no other wizards in his blood. Eduardo's report also suggests that his abilities are special and one-off. Originally, it is difficult to have magic. You can't let them marry you and forgive someone who's unlikely to be born capable."

"My apologies, Your Grace. But I really need your pardon."

"Let's do as much money as we want. Can't you just give up?

"Money is…… not needed. There's only one thing I want."

Every word of Your Majesty will stab you in the chest. Why, why are they so opposed? Indeed, I am a civilian, and Mr. Ceres is captain of the Knights. I can't help but say that I don't match it in my capacity, but I still don't think it's enough for His Majesty to reject me.

Can't you just go on a journey according to His Majesty's orders and acknowledge at all that you served your purpose as you ordered? Identity, something you can't get over? Though a knight, even Mr. Ceres is a former civilian. Can't even someone like that?

"Please. I don't want anything else. Please forgive me."

I think it's also possible to naturalize on your own initiative if you think about it. If I could run into the temple and get a marriage deed issued, I would be transformed from “Lucia Arca” to “Lucia Clementi”.

However, in Mr. Ceres's profession, I thought it was not a good idea to monster the king's inquiry, but I even bowed my head and was in the mood. Please, Your Majesty. Please, admit it.........!

"Shouldn't you be going home with a bounty"

"My deepest apologies"

"Right. ─ ─ That's how hard it looks to be ready."

As I gave up, His Majesty dropped one sigh.

I was relieved, but it was a mistake.

"Florida, get a black carriage."



"Your Majesty!?"

When I accidentally looked up, your skinny, fading sire popped into my eyes. His Majesty, who has deposited his whole body on a luxurious throne as exhausted, utters horrible things with a flat voice without emotion.

"That didn't accept the rest of my life. There's nothing I can do for you without power. Power is everything in this world. The rest need only the powerful. What do you got? Nothing will happen. Such a man cannot be left beside Edoardo. The reign of the hero king (Eduardo) only requires something capable. I thought I could keep it alive if it wasn't here, but it was too stubborn, so let me rule it out."

Blood drew all at once on a development I had no idea. What do you mean?!?

Not mindful of me eating bubbles, His Majesty gave a cruel order.

"Lucia Arca, you will die."

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