"Florid, take him. I'll handle it."

"As you wish."

"Wait! Please, wait!

To a development that I had not imagined at all, I did not care if it was in front of you.

Why? What's going on? Why? Why not?

Lieutenant Astorga will not wait for you to run over your head with those words. Grasping my arm unconstitutionally, I try to walk out of a door different from the one that came in to pull me back.

"Your Majesty, what am I doing! Are you saying that losing power is a sin!

No matter how much you inquired, His Majesty no longer even sent a gaze at what he regarded as the total absence of me.

"Let go! Somebody! Help!!"

Resist with madness to death, but Vice Commander Astorga's power is strong and he can't shake it off or make his legs stop.

Screaming from the depths of my body didn't get that voice anywhere. Not the luxuriously maintained corridor I had just passed, but the narrow corridor of stubbornly cold stone, neither carpeted nor polished marble, and yet I cried out in the hope of reaching someone.

"Help! Mr. Ceres!"

But my voice did not reach anywhere.

As they pulled down the long corridor, this again had stone staircases, with small doors leading out ahead. It was made of stone, unlike the first door that came in. It moved with every ominous sound.

When the stone door opened, the depressed trees jumped into my eyes. There is a single road between those trees that are within the royal palace but not maintained, and there is a single carriage placed there. The black vehicle is made of wood and I can see a wagon outside the door...... no matter what, it is a carriage that carries the sinner.

Deputy Commander Astorga silently pushed me into his seat, wearing the black hooded cape that was on his seat from his head.

"Wait, where are you taking me with this!? Please, stop!

The desperate plea was murmured, and the door was ruthlessly tightened, and the sound of a clatter sounded.

It was dark in the carriage. There are no large windows like the one we used with the carriage during the journey, and with the light entering through the thin gaps that are also hesitant to call them windows, the interior is not well seen. That gap was also blocked by glass, and I didn't think it would reach outside no matter how much I raised my voice.

I wonder why this happened.

Gatan! and in the carriage that made a loud noise and moved out, I was twilight alone.

Did I do something wrong?

Being powerless is something you shouldn't do so much?

Am I not to be powerless among the extraordinary?

Identity is that important?

Are you saying that I can be thrown out of use even though I'm the same person?

I don't know.

'Cause you guys told me you were one of them.

Maria told me she was my best friend.

Your Highness has recognized me.

The captain and Mr. Lennart, Mr. Gaius and Erik said thank you very much.

Mr. Ceres chose me for nothing else.

Why is that?

How far did it go? When the sense of time was gone, the carriage accidentally stopped.

"……… get off."

And I cursorily lifted up my face, which lay low in an emotionless voice. The face of Vice Commander Astorga, who is opening the door, cannot be seen hidden in the hood.

From the sky that spreads behind it, I have learned that this is the dawn. I'm kind of afraid of the indescribable color of the sky just before the sun rises, maybe because I feel myself about what's about to happen.

When I raised my face but couldn't move, I was drawn to power. I hit my legs and arms hard when I came down to fall to the ground, but I don't feel any pain.

The lukewarm wind at the end of the Fruit Moon (Fructidor) has passed between me and the Deputy Commander. The wind tempers the Vice Commander's cohesive cloak and grabs the hood.

The eyes that appeared from under the hood were faintly shaken.

"No more, can't you?

The voice that slipped off her lips was badly blurred. I'm thirsty, and I get out of place emotions.

"It's a royal fate. The Astruga family receives any order given by the king. Even if it's the end of the benefactor."

Unlike my eyes, to a straight voice that never swayed, I realized that this was the final place. A long sword is pulled out of my sheath before my eyes, which enter the ground without strength.

As I followed with my eyes the blade that was quietly swung up, I blurred my thoughts into the sky beyond it. From violet blue to light purple, the blue that weaves the Zhu but peeks snugly from between were my favorite colors. I'm sure it'll clear up a lot today. The laundry should also be dry with tease.

─ ─ God, this world is so beautiful, why is it so pathetic?

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