Extraordinary – Ordinary – Soap!

Celestino, driven by anxiety

"Lucia, isn't it too late?

The first person to cut the fire was the Virgin. That's what I was feeling, and I was in the middle of a roundabout to see if I should pick her up in her time that slightly exceeded the amount of time we needed.

"I'll take a look"

If I didn't step in between my eyes, I would be fine, and I lifted my hips. What was causing some disturbance in the chest was probably the effect of what I saw earlier.

─ ─ I can't match her. I have the right person for that.

The words His Majesty uttered against me wishing to marry Lucia, though withdrawn at the end, were still a stir for anxiety.

When I first heard that, yeah, I figured it was also because I was worried that she would be chosen as her counterpart to His Royal Highness the King by being festived with the Virgin. If the Virgin, who has been declared to return to the original world, and Lucia, the Virgin of this world, were likely to decide Lucia as the Crown Princess.

You were originally thinking about using the Virgin as a diplomatic card. There was no way that the former civilian knighthood would have allowed Lucia's husband, the Virgin, to take his seat, but when he persisted in hoping as a reward for this journey, he was spared.

I came back after my worship time... I don't know, something caught me.

"I'm going too!

"No, the Virgin is here"

The Virgin shook her head at me trying to keep pushing her. She didn't even care if her tied hair broke. My face, whose colour is white from the beginning, is no longer nearly pale.

"No! I'm scared. Earlier, I only got some subtle answers, and I was scared that I was planning something."


"Maria, what did your father tell you?

"I have heard the hope of that, to fulfill the hope of that. At first, I thought you were going to make it happen. But when I even remembered that laugh, maybe he said it in a different way. If Lucia returns early, I think it's just a mistake, but I'm afraid it's too late."

His Highness stuffs the Virgin with an anxious look on her face. Her Royal Highness held her shoulder, and the Virgin repeated what Her Majesty had given her, but when I heard the word that she was planning, I felt like I had been punched in the chest by something I might not be able to handle.

Different meaning. Yes, I might have misunderstood something.

Earlier, His Majesty gave up making Lucia the Crown Princess and thought that she had allowed me to marry her, but what if she hadn't?

Externally, the Virgin is considered to be Maria Nishime. Suddenly it is impossible, both temporally and emotionally, to report Lucia as the Virgin and to remain at Princess Wang.

Yes - that's impossible.

─ ─ I can't match her. I have the right person for that.

To His Majesty's words, which resurrected in my ear, I looked up to be played.

"Excuse me, Your Highness. Captain. I'll be there in a minute!

At that time, I thought that I would not match Lucia, the Virgin, as a knight.

But what if it means that Lucia can't match me?

Maybe I think too much. But I couldn't possibly be relieved without seeing her face right now.

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